autodesk university wrapup

© 2008 Autodesk Autodesk University 2009 Wrap Up Report December 2009

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Autodesk University Wrapup; some key figures


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© 2008 Autodesk

Autodesk University 2009Wrap Up ReportDecember 2009

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© 2008 Autodesk

Success by the Numbers

� 9 Press Releases with more than 7600 online views of the releases

� 10 media-specific events� 61 media from 13 countries,

50% of whom attended AU 2008 as well

� 45+ 1:1 media briefings� 191 news articles and blog

posts� 10,000+ Tweets and ever

growing� 5,800 event attendees� 19,000+ virtual attendees

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© 2008 Autodesk

Special FeaturesMedia Reception� 130 media, customers, partners and Autodesk


“Into Tomorrow with Dave Graveline”� 20 interviews, 3 hour show dedicated to Autodesk� 3 million listeners

Media Tours and Events� 10 media- specific events to ensure media receive in-

depth information on industry, products and key initiatives

B-Roll Footage� Captured raw footage of AU, customers, products, and

speakers that can be used by the global PR team at any time

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Increased Social Media Activity

Collaboration between the PR and AU Event teams to drive buzz through social media outlets resulted in record results:

•14,400+ Twitter posts

• 3700+ Facebook fans for AU page

• 25,400+ views of videos on AU YouTube channel

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© 2008 Autodesk

Media Survey Results

Note: 42% of media responded to the survey

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Media Survey Analysis

� Overall media were very happy with the event in terms of content, news and organization with an average satisfaction rating of 86.87% for all media-specific events

� We have an opportunity to improve upon the format of some of the events (such as 1:1 interviews), but the content in these interviews and special events such as the Labs overview, the MFG tour and AEC breakfast was very well received

� We also have an opportunity to create more structured interactions for media with key customers, especially for media from different countries

� Media had strong feelings about the content of the industry keynotes, indicating that the Manufacturing keynote was the best in terms of content and execution

� Lots of positive comments about the PR team, both internal and agency

Note: Full data from the media survey can be found on the PR team SharePoint team site

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Media Coverage Results

� 203 articles and blog posts as of 12/18/09

� Expecting at least a dozen more articles into the Spring

� 173 articles (including blogs) from AU China

� Multiple mentions of AU Virtual and the free pass offer

� Manufacturing keynote was a media favorite

� Inventor Fusion and Avatar were the two highlights for most media and bloggers

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Positive Experience for Media

� “Absolutely brilliant. Obviously the hotel was amazing, but that aside, the organisation of the event was excellent, with staff available to answer any questions we had (and I had a lot!). The structure was great, with the Keynotes spaced evenly across the days; each class I attended was informative and very well presented.”

� “My personal highlight, above all else, was the Manufacturing Keynote. Both 'Buzz' Kross and Peter Diamandis were truly inspirational, the latter especially so. I am in the process of securing an interview with him, and as part of our coverage would like to run a lead interview in the mag with Mr Kross.”

� “A highlight for me was the screening of 20 minutes of Avatar! But in terms of Autodesk stuff, I suppose the technology talk by Brian Matthews, which was very interesting and thought provoking. I also enjoyed the session on using Mudbox and Maya by Marcel de Jong.”

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Press Release and Media Alerts

December 11, 2009 Autodesk University 2009 Reaches More Than 25,000 Customers Worldwide

December 04, 2009 Design Showmanship Wows the Crowd at Cut&Paste Design Slam at Autodesk University 2009

December 03, 2009 SHP Leading Design Earns Autodesk BIM Experience Award

December 03, 2009 Autodesk Tools Help Destroy the Universe in Roland Emmerich’s Movie “2012”

December 02, 2009 Manufacturers Mingle with BattleBots, First 3D-Printed Jet Engine and Commercial Spaceflight Pioneer at Autodesk University 2009

December 02, 2009 Autodesk Launches Expanded Marketing Channel for Building Product Manufacturers

December 02, 2009 Manufacturers Mingle with BattleBots, First 3D-Printed Jet Engine and Commercial Spaceflight Pioneer at Autodesk University 2009

December 01, 2009 Inventor Publisher Technology Preview Debuts on Autodesk Labs

December 01, 2009 Autodesk Education Community Hits Major Milestone With One Million Members

December 01, 2009 el dorado inc. Uses Autodesk Software To Design Sustainable Kansas City

Police Facilities

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© 2008 Autodesk

Feedback and Recommendations for 2010

Feedback Solution

PR staffing was adequate increase “centralized” roles (press room, Graveline staffing, media check-in, etc.)

Communication with media and scheduling 1:1 briefings created a lot of churn

Centralized process for reaching out to media, creating media schedules and scheduling 1:1 briefings

Good information in the PR updates, but it was a LOT of info and difficult to find specific info

Better utilize SharePoint for updates and team communication

Bloggers are increasingly important, and made up a bulk of the media coverage

Include bloggers in media events

Schedule was very tight overall Expand Press Room and 1:1 briefing room availability to Monday and Thursday

A few media were MIA or “lost” Require media to check in at the Press Room

Other Suggestions

Hold media reception at the beginning of the week

Include other CXO staff in the Q&A session

Communicate overall event schedule with media ahead of time

Food in press room at all times

Make radio show video available in other parts of the venue throughout the week

Look into doing our own radio show and not have Graveline

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The following slides provide complete data from the media survey

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Please rate your satisfaction with the following events:

Answer OptionsExtremely Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

IndifferentSomewhat Dissatisfied

Extremely Dissatisfied

Did not attend

Rating Average

Response Count

Q&A with Carl Bass 19 6 0 0 0 1 1.24 26

Mainstage 14 9 2 1 0 0 1.62 26

1:1 Interviews 14 4 1 1 0 5 1.45 25

Media Reception 14 3 1 1 2 5 1.76 26

MFG Keynote 10 3 1 0 0 11 1.36 25

General Design & M&E Keynote 9 4 0 1 0 10 1.50 24

AEC Breakfast 9 3 1 1 0 11 1.57 25

Sustainability Tour 8 1 2 0 0 12 1.45 23

Design Gallery Tour 7 5 1 0 0 12 1.54 25

Blogger Social 7 4 2 0 0 13 1.62 26

Labs Overview Session 7 4 0 0 0 13 1.36 24

Classes or Labs 7 3 0 1 0 13 1.55 24

Design Computation Symposium 7 1 1 0 0 16 1.33 25

Virtual Cinema and Architecture Session

7 0 3 1 0 12 1.82 23

Manufacturing Lounge Tour 5 6 1 0 0 11 1.67 23

Content Network Lunch 5 4 2 0 0 14 1.73 25

AEC Keynote 4 6 1 4 1 10 2.50 26

Education Keynote 3 1 3 0 0 17 2.00 24

Utility Symposium 2 1 0 0 0 22 1.33 25

BattleBots Screening 1 2 1 1 0 19 2.40 24

Government Keynote 1 2 1 0 0 20 2.00 24

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© 2008 Autodesk

Please rate your satisfaction with the following amenities and accommodations:

Answer OptionsExtremely Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

IndifferentSomewhat Dissatisfied

Extremely Dissatisfied

Rating Average

Response Count

Hotel Rooms 24 2 0 0 0 1.08 26

Meals 16 8 1 1 0 1.50 26

Press Room 15 3 4 3 1 1.92 26

Other (please specify) 4

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© 2008 Autodesk

What were you hoping to see/hear at Autodesk University? [select all that apply]

Answer OptionsResponse Percent

Response Count

Updates on products and product demonstrations 84.6% 22

Autodesk’s perspective on design and vertical industry trends 84.6% 22

Insight on product development and design 76.9% 20

Customer examples and presentations 46.2% 12

Insight/perspectives from Autodesk executives regarding general industry/tech trends – not product specific

76.9% 20

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Please rate your experience with Autodesk customers:

Answer OptionsStrongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

IndifferentSomewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Rating Average

Response Count

I had sufficient access to Autodesk customers 11 8 2 3 0 1.88 24

There was enough variety of customers spanning different industries

15 6 2 1 0 1.54 24

Customer presentations in keynote sessions gave me a true end-user perspective

8 9 5 2 1 2.16 25

I would like more structured interactions with customers (roundtables, 1:1 interviews, etc.)

9 9 5 0 1 1.96 24

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Additional Comments from Survey

� Perfect event from my perspective. Well organised both in advance and at the event. Couldn't have been happier.

� It was nice to have the agenda. Would have been nice to see different options laid out for sessions, keynotes, etc. - pretty much did that myself though. Thanks for a great experience. Looking forward to more.

� Keynotes need to have more depth and substance, and build up on what was presented in previous years.

� I do think that Au-09 was a great experience for Autodesk products users

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