authoritarian regimes japan

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  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    Authoritarian Regimes

    Case Study: Fascist Japan

    Chapter 5

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    Chapter Objectives

    • The beginnings of Fascism and hoit became popu!ar

    • Factors contributing to the fai!ure ofthe democratic government in Japan

    • Reasons for the rise of Fascism inJapan

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    "ssentia!!y#The Chapter is about#



    Failure of the Democratic Go er!me!t

    •Wea"!e## of the Ja$a!e#e Parliame!t•Corru$t Politicia!#•Lac"e% Su$$ort of Wor"er# a!% Pea#a!t#

    Im$act of Eco!omic

    Pro&lem#•Pro&lem# at the e!% of

    Worl% War I•'()( Great De$re##io!

    Fear of Chi!e#e Natio!ali#m•A!ti*Ja$a!e#e Prote#t#

    +!ha$$i!e## ,ith Ja$a!e#eLea%er# ,ho ,a!te% Frie!%l-

    Tie# ,ith the former

    Allie% Po,er#

    +!ha$$i!e## ,ith Former Allie%Po,er#'('( .er#aille# Treat-'()'*)) Wa#hi!/to! Na al Co!fere!ceMi%*'()0# Immi/ratio! I##ue#

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    Chapter Assignment

    $ue in %ee& 'a( To hat e)tent did a ea& Japanese

    par!iament contribute to the fai!ure of the

    democratic government in Japan*")p!ain your ans er+ ,-.m(b( /0nhappiness ith the former A!!ied

    1o ers as the most important reasonthat !ed to the rise of fascism in Japan+23o far do you agree ith thisstatement* ")p!ain your ans er+ ,-4m(

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    Activity -

    • %hat is Fascism* • n groups of '6 come

    up ith a mind7mapon hat Fascism isabout

    • 8ou may use yourte)tboo& as a guide

    • 8ou have -9 minutes

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat is Fascism*

    C o m e # f r o m t h e I t a

    l i a ! , o r % 1 F

    a # c i o 2

    F o u ! % e % & -

    3 e ! i t o M u # # o l i ! i

    i ! ' ( ' (

    F a # c i # m & e l i

    e e % i ! 1 N a t

    i o ! F i r # t 2 a !

    % t h a t D e m o c r a c -

    , a # , e a "

    a # $ o , e r ,

    a # i ! t h e h a !

    % # o f t h e $ e o

    $ l e4

    F a # c i # m & e l i e e % i

    ! h a i ! / # t r

    o ! / l e a % e r # h

    i $ P o $ u l

    a r , i t h t h e $ e o $ l e

    a # t h e - & e l i e

    e % t h a t D e m

    o c r a c -

    , a # i ! e f f e c t i

    e a ! % i ! e f f i c i e

    ! t a ! % t h a t i t

    # l e a % e r # , e

    r e

    , e a "


    F o u ! % e % a t a

    t i m e , h e ! I t a

    l - , a # h a i ! / # o c i a l

    % i # o r % e r

    a ! % e c o

    ! o m i c $ r o & l

    e m #

    F a # c i # t # a l # o

    & e l i e e % t h a t t h

    e ! a t i o ! # h o u

    l % / r o ,

    # t r o ! / a ! % e

    5 $ a ! % h e ! c e

    t h e - , e r e $ o $ u l a r

    , i t h

    - o u ! / m e ! a

    ! % W W I e t e r

    a ! #

    Fa#ci#m al#o &rou/htA&out a #e!#e of &elo!/i!/

    Fa#ci#m ,a# #$rea%throu/hout the ,orl%a!% i! Ja$a!6 the i%ea

    ,a# #tro!/l-i!flue!ce% &- theMilitar-

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    • %hy did Fascism seem so attractive* • The Japanese democratic !eaders ere ea&6

    corrupt and inefficient • As a resu!t6 they ere unab!e to so!ve the

    economic prob!ems that p!agued the peop!e ofJapan

    • Since Fascism va!ued the nation and or&edto ards its progress through strong!eadership6 the idea appea!ed to manyJapanese

    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan*

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* • The Factors:-+ The ;imited 1o er of the $iet

    .+ The $amage of $emocracy

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* -+ The ;imited 1o er of the $iet • A!though there as a par!iament ,$iet(6

    po er remained ith the "mperor andthe enro ,retired statesmen ho servedthe "mperor(

    • >o po er to ma&e decisions or po!icies• Cou!d not contro! the ministers as they

    ere under the contro! of the "mperor

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* .+ The $amage of $emocracy

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* .+ The $amage of $emocracy

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* 4+ Fai!ure to So!ve "conomic


    • Farmers< "conomic 1rob!ems• ;ac& of !and hich !ed to a !ac& of profits

    as the p!ots ere too sma!! to gro morerice

    • ;and!ords rented !and at very high priceshich made !ife difficu!t for the farmers• Tenant unions used vio!ence and tenant7

    !and!ord vio!ence as very common

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* 4+ Fai!ure to So!ve "conomic 1rob!ems

    • %or&ers< "conomic 1rob!ems• 1oor !iving and or&ing conditions

    • Cro ded and unhygienic uarters• %or&ed !ong hours• ;oc&ed in or&ing compounds

    • Cou!d on!y !eave their or&ing compounds a fetimes each month

    • Fed up6 most or&ers joined Communist7 sponsored unions

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* 4+ Fai!ure to So!ve "conomic 1rob!ems

    • Trade mba!ance

    • $espite its interna! prob!ems6 Japan prospered from g!oba! trade

    • Japan e)ported si!& te)ti!es6 china ,p!ates6cups6 etc( and porce!ain

    • 3o ever6 there as a trade imba!ancebecause Japan had to import many ramateria!s and food from abroad to feed itsgro ing popu!ation

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* 4+ Fai!ure to So!ve "conomic 1rob!ems

    • The reat $epression of -=.=

    • ;ed to a decrease in Japan e)ports due to protectionism po!icies ,increase in ta)es onforeign goods to protect home7made

    products in difficu!t economic times(

    • Japan as bad!y affected because thedemand for Japanese si!& fe!! drastica!!y • This !ed to economic depression

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  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* Hi/h Ta5e# o! Ja$a!e#e Sil"

    Hi/h $rice# ofJa$a!e#e #il"

    Peo$le i! other cou!trie#coul% !ot affor% to &u-Ja$a!e#e #il"

    More $eo$le &ou/ht#il" or other t-$e ofcloth# $ro%uce% &-their homecou!trie# thu#

    re%uci!/ the%ema!% forJa$a!e#e #il"

    Effect ofProtectio!i#m


  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* 708Fall i!

    Sil" Price#

    Im$act of %ecrea#e i!

    #il" Price

    Businessmen who

    Owned silk factoriesWent bankrupt

    Lower prices led tofewer goods being


    Fewer workers wereneeded in factories and

    more Japanese became unemployed

    The Japanese hadless money to

    buy other goods

    Other businesseswere affected

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    "ffects of the reat $epressionon Japan

    ASH! Lo## of Pa$er Profit#

    Le## Mo!e- i! Circulatio!

    Le## Dema!%

    Le## Em$lo-me!t

    Le## Em$lo-me!tLo,er Price#

    Le## Pro%uctio!

    Le## 3a!" Cre%it

    Le## 3uil%i!/ of Factorie# a!% Home#Le## Dema!%


  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* 4+ Fai!ure to So!ve "conomic

    1rob!ems• The reat $epression of -=.=

    • The farmers ere very bad!y hit becausethey produced si!& to earn more income

    • %orse sti!!6 they ere hit by a drought in-=4. and made even !ess money

    • $esperate they even resorted to se!!ingtheir daughters to ma&e ends meet

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    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* 4+ Fai!ure to So!ve "conomic 1rob!ems

    • The reat $epression of -=.=

    • %hen the economy fai!ed to improve6 they joined the army or patriotic societies

    • The peasants fe!t that democracy asn

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Fai!ure of the

    $emocratic overnment in Japan* a( To hat e)tent did a ea& Japanese par!iament contribute to

    the fai!ure of the democratic government in Japan* ")p!ainyour ans er+ ,-.m(

    • Step -: ")p!ain ho the ea& Japanese par!iamentcontributed to the fai!ure of the democratic government inJapan ,Remember to " 1;A > 3O% T 3A11">"$ and >OT%3AT T S#(

    • Step .: ")p!ain . OT3"R FACTORS n this case6 $amage to$emocracy

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Rise of

    Fascism in Japan* ")terna! Reasons• American e)pansion in the

    Asia71acific regionthreatened Japanese p!ans

    to contro! the area• 1aris 1eace Conference-=-=

    • %ashington >ava!Conference -=.-7..

    • ;ondon $isarmament

    Conference -=49 • mmigration ;a s in the0SA in the mid -=49s

    • Resurgence of Chinese>ationa!ism

    nterna! Reasons• The Sho a Restoration• 1atriotic Societies• Bi!itary

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    %hat !ed to the Rise of

    Fascism in Japan* ")terna! Reasons• American e)pansion in the Asia71acific region

    threatened Japanese p!ans to contro! the area•

    Since the opening of trade ith Japan by the AmericanCommodore6 Batthe 1erry6 American businessmen ereinterested in doing business in the Asia71acific

    • The 0S too& contro! of many 1acific is!ands to obtain uano,bat shit(

    • Other is!ands ere used as bases for American tradingships

    • @y the -=49s6 more of the 1acific region came under American contro! inc!uding 3a aii and the 1hi!ippines

    • Japanese mi!itarists be!ieved that Japanese and Americaneconomic and mi!itary interests ou!d come into conf!ictover ho ou!d contro! the Asia71acific

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    %hat !ed to the Rise of

    Fascism in Japan* ")terna! Reasons• 1aris 1eace Conference -=-=

    • As Japan had fought ith the A!!ied1o ers in %% 6 they re uested that the;eague of >ations forma!!y recognisethat a!! races ere e ua!

    • As the ;eague of >ations refused6 theJapanese6 particu!ar!y the Japanese Army6 ere unhappy

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    %hat !ed to the Rise of

    Fascism in Japan* ")terna! Reasons• %ashington >ava! Conference -=.-7

    -=.. • The %>C aimed to reduce the nava!forces of the or!d

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    %hat !ed to the Rise of

    Fascism in Japan* ")terna! Reasons• ;ondon $isarmament Conference -=49

    • Bany Japanese ere unhappy hen 1B 3amaguchi

    Osachi anted to ensure further nava! arms reductionith @ritain and the 0SA here he agreed6 at the ;$C tofurther !imit Japan

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    %h ! d h Ri f

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    ")terna! Reasons• mmigration ;a s in the 0SA in the mid -=49s

    • n -=.'6 the 0SA restricted Asian immigrationas part of its iso!ationist and protectionist

    po!icies• A!! Asian immigration ,e)cept for Fi!ipinos( as

    banned • Asian immigrants cou!d not become 0S

    citiDens even if they had been !iving there for a!ong time

    • Asians cou!d not marry Caucasians and erenot a!!o ed to o n !and

    %h ! d h Ri f

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    ")terna! Reasons• mmigration ;a s in the 0SA in the mid -=49s

    • There as a!so Asian Segregation ,Ca!ifornia A!ien ;a -=4-(

    • These ne immigration !a s angered theJapanese ho sa these po!icies as a signthat the Americans thought the Japanese ereinferior

    • These !a s combined ith the effects of the

    reat $epression caused many Japanese toturn a ay from $emocracy and supportJapanese e)pansion overseas

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    %h ! d h Ri f

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    ")terna! Reasons• Resurgence of Chinese >ationa!ism• Since -E='6 Japan had ta&en advantage of


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    %h t ! d t th Ri f

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    ")terna! Reasons• Resurgence of Chinese >ationa!ism

    • %hen the BT succeeded in unitingChina6 the Chinese demanded an endto the specia! concessions to%esterners and Japanese in Chinaand Banchuria

    • Stri&es and boycotts hurt Japaneseeconomic interests in China andBanchuria

    %h t ! d t th Ri f

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    ")terna! Reasons• Resurgence of Chinese >ationa!ism• Japanese antung Army Officers in

    Banchuria rea!ised that a strong andunited China cou!d prevent furtherJapanese e)pansion in the country

    • They urged Japan to occupy Banchuriaand >orth China before anti7Japanesefee!ings became too strong

    • The Japanese mi!itary

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    %h t ! d t th Ri f

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    nterna! Reasons• The Sho a Restoration• From the -E=9s the Japanese education system

    emphasised:• >ationa!ism• ;oya!ty to the "mperor • Se!f7Sacrifice• Obedience

    • Japan

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    %hat !ed to the Rise of

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    nterna! Reasons• The Sho a Restoration

    • The s!ogan /Sonno Joi2 ,Restore the"mperor and ")pe! the @arbarianG(

    • The SR produced youths ho ereb!ind!y !oya! to the "mperor and thenation

    • These youths a!so be!ieved in mi!itarismand an aggressive mi!itary po!icy

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    %hat !ed to the Rise of

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    nterna! Reasons• 1atriotic Societies• Since the -=.9s6 many patriotic societies ith

    !in&s to the mi!itary ere set up in Japan ,@!ac&$ragon Society6 Cherry @!ossom Society(

    • They ere e)treme!y nationa!istic and be!ievedin Japan

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    %hat !ed to the Rise of

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    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    nterna! Reasons• Army and >avyavy had a great inf!uence over

    po!itica! decisions and acted independent!y fromthe government

    • They anted to copy the %est and ac uire moreco!onies in China and Banchuria

    • Bi!itary success made the Army and >avy popu!ar,e+g+ Russo7Japanese %ar( and he!ped them gaineven more inf!uence over the government+

    • ;eaders ho did not support the mi!itary

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    Japanese Bi!itary ains

    '(09 Treat- of Port#mouth• Gai!e% the ri/ht to &uil% arail,a- i! Ma!churia ,hich ,a#rich i! oil a!% coal• Too" o er Port Arthur6 theLiao%u!/ Pe!i!#ula a!% the

    #outher! Sa"hali! I#la!% fromRu##ia

    '7(:*'7(9 Si!o*Ja$a!e#e War

    • Ja$a! %efeate% Chi!a• It too" o er Tai,a! a!% %ema!%e% thatChi!a /i e u$ co!trol o er the Liao%u!/Pe!i!#ula i! Ma!churia•Thi# #tarte% the Ja$a!e#e $re#e!ce i!Ma!churia

    '(0:*'(09 Ru##o*Ja$a!e#e War

    • Ja$a! %efeate% Ru##ia• Fir#t A#ia! $o,er to %efeat a ma;orEuro$ea! $o,er • Si/!e% the Treat- of Port#mouth i!'(09

    '(09*'('0• Ja$a! Ja$a! I##ue# the )' Dema!%# toChi!a• Wea" Chi!e#e /o er!me!t i# force% toacce$t Ja$a!e#e a% i#or#

    • Ja$a! i# a&le to "ee$ Sha!tu!/

    %hat !ed to the Rise of

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Rise ofFascism in Japan*

    nterna! Reasons• Bi!itary Ta&e7over of Japan• n -=496 the mi!itary brought do n the 3amaguchi

    government by shooting the 1B • n Bay -=4.6 the ne 1B6 nu&ai6 as &i!!ed for

    criticising the actions of the Japanese Army inBanchuria• Succeeding 1Bs fe!t pressurised to support the

    antung Army in Banchuria or ere a!readystrong supporters of the mi!itary

    • After -=4.6 after the Banchurian ncident6 theJapanese government began to fo!!o the aims ofthe Army

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  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan


    %hat !ed to the Rise of

    Fascism in Japan* ")terna! Reasons• American e)pansion in the

    Asia71acific regionthreatened Japanese p!ansto contro! the area

    • 1aris 1eace Conference-=-=

    • %ashington >ava!Conference -=.-7..

    • ;ondon $isarmament

    Conference -=49 • mmigration ;a s in the0SA in the mid -=49s

    • Resurgence of Chinese>ationa!ism

    nterna! Reasons• The Sho a Restoration• 1atriotic Societies• Bi!itary

  • 8/16/2019 Authoritarian Regimes Japan
