august 2012 volume 4 issue 2 onam & krishna janmashtami

AUGUST 2012 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 Onam & Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations-9 th August, 2012 Independence Day Celebrations -15 th August, 2012 1 st Year B.Tech. Inauguration & Orientation Programme - 1 st August, 2012

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Page 1: AUGUST 2012 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 Onam & Krishna Janmashtami

A U G U S T 2 0 1 2 V O L U M E 4 I S S U E 2

O n a m & K r i s h n a J a n m a s h t a m i

C e l e b r a t i o n s - 9 t h A u g u s t , 2 0 1 2

I n d e p e n d e n c e D a y C e l e b r a t i o n s

- 1 5 t h A u g u s t , 2 0 1 2

1 s t Y e a r B . T e c h . I n a u g u r a t i o n

& O r i e n t a t i o n P r o g r a m m e

- 1 s t A u g u s t , 2 0 1 2

Page 2: AUGUST 2012 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 Onam & Krishna Janmashtami

Onam and

Sri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations

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School Highlights

‘Inauguration and Orientation Programme’ of the I Year B.Tech. Classes

The ‘Inauguration and Orientation

Programme’ of the I Year B.Tech. classes was

held on 1st August, 2012. Shri. V.V. Bhat,

Secretary to GOI, Member Finance - Atomic

Energy Commission, Space Commission and

Earth Commission graced the occasion as

Chief Guest. Poojya Swami Amritageetananda

Puri presided over the function and blessed

the gathering. Correspondent Br. Dhanraj

welcomed the gathering. The new entrants

were welcomed to the Amrita family in a

unique way by lighting a lamp before Goddess

Saraswathi. Dean-Academics Dr. Nagaraj B.N.

and Associate Dean Dr. Rakesh S.G. also spoke

on the occasion and welcomed all the new

entrants to Amrita family fold.

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In the afternoon session, an

orientation program was conducted. The

students and parents were apprised of the

academic system, rules and regulations of the

University, Library and Hostel facilities. They

were also taken through the co-curricular and

extra curricular activities in the School.

On 2nd August, 2012 Associate Dean,

Dr. Rakesh S.G. made an elaborate

presentation to the students covering the

academic system, grading procedures and

other rules & regulations prevalent in the


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School Highlights

‘Onam’ and ‘Krishna Janmashtami’ Celebrations @ASE Bengaluru

‘Onam’ and ‘Krishna Janmashtami’

were celebrated on the 9th of August, 2012.

Panchavadhyam, Pulikkali, Thiruvathirakkali,

Pookkalam, Tug-of-war, Pot breaking and

Raasaleela were the special events of the day.

Traditional Kerala delicacies were served for

lunch as part of the festivities. The

celebrations were covered by Amrita TV.

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School Highlights

Movie Club @ASE Bengaluru

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Independence Day Celebrations @ASE Bengaluru

Independence Day was celebrated

with great patriotic fervor on 15th August,

2012. The day began with flag hoisting by

Associate Dean Dr. Rakesh S.G. and was

attended by Dean-Academics Dr. Nagaraj

B.N., faculty and students. It was followed by

singing of the National Anthem. The students

put-together a cultural programme consisting

of music, dance, drama and speeches on the

occasion. Maardhani, the literary club

conducted a Quiz on the occasion of

Independence Day. Prakriti and Prerana club

volunteers initiated cleaning of the campus on

the same day.

The movie club was inaugurated on

the 13th of August, 2012 in the Krishna Hall. A

video on the history of film making was


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School Highlights

‘Inauguration and Orientation Programme’ of the I Year M.Tech. Classes

The ‘Inauguration and Orientation

programme’ of first year M.Tech. classes was

held on 16th August, 2012. Associate Dean

Dr. Rakesh S.G. and M.Tech. Academic

Coordinator Mr. Radhakrishnan G. graced the

occasion and gave an overview of the

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Inter Campus Swimming Competition

The women’s swimming team of

Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru were

declared runners-up in the Inter Campus

Swimming Competition held at Amrita School

of Engineering, Ettimadai on the 18th and 19th

August, 2012. Ms. Deboshree Bose of

Semester 5 - ECE bagged one gold, three silver

& one bronze medal.

In the men’s section, Mr. S. Upagna of

Semester 5 - EEE won two silver & three

bronze medals, Mr. H. Sridhar Singh of

Semester 5 - ECE won one silver & three

bronze medals and Mr. Prudhvi Raj of

Semester 5 - EIE and Mr. C.H. Sriram Charan,

of Semester 5 - CSE won one silver and one

bronze medal each.

academic & grading system and rules &

regulations of the University. Heads of

various departments were also present on the

occasion who gave an introduction about the

M.Tech. courses of their respective


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School Highlights

Workshop - ‘Be and Make’ by Prerana and Vedanta Clubs

The Prerana club and Vedanta club

initiated a workshop called ‘Be and Make’

which was conducted by the ‘Youth for Seva’

organization on 20th August, 2012. The motto

of the workshop was ‘Let’s stop mocking

India; Let’s start making India’. Two hundred

JULY 2012 PAGE 5

‘Amrita Jeevan’ by Vedanta Club

‘Amrita Jeevan’ an initiative of the

Vedanta Club, is a program which emphasizes

on holistic life style through ancient Indian

wisdom and is specially organized for the

faculty members of the School. Yoga Classes

are being conducted on all working days

between 3:30 PM & 4:00 PM. The club also

aims to begin Vedic chanting classes and

spoken Samskritam classes for the faculty


and fifty students participated in the

workshop comprising of some group

activities. Correspondent Br. Dhanraj

felicitated the volunteers of the organization

who conducted the workshop.

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School Highlights

‘M.A.D. Evening’ @ ASE Bengaluru

One the eve of Kalakriti, the college

teams displayed their talent to the juniors in a

‘Music, Acting and Drama Evening (M.A.D

Evening)’. The performance of the senior

students and the event was very well

JULY 2012 PAGE 6

‘Kalakriti 2012’ - Talent Hunt for Freshers

‘Kalakriti’, the talent hunt for the first

year students was conducted on 24th

August, 2012. The ceremony began with the

lighting of the lamp and an invocation. The

guests for the occassion were Correspondent

Br. Dhanraj, Dean-Academics Dr. Nagaraj B.N.

and Associate Dean Dr. Rakesh S.G.

Competitions and events like music,

dance, drama, quiz, block & tackle, treasure

hunt, word storm, crossword, short film

making, cooking without flame, green art,

gaming, photography, eco bag making etc.,

went on throughout the day. The food and

fun stalls were major crowd pullers.

appreciated and received enthusiastically by

both the students and the faculty, thereby

setting the stage for Kalakriti, the talent hunt

for freshers.

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School Highlights

‘A - VIEW Workshop’ @ ASE Bengaluru

‘A-VIEW’ is a Real-time Collaborative

Multimedia E-Learning Platform which allows

an instructor to teach live to a large number

of distant classrooms. Since 2004, Amrita

E-Learning Research Lab has been actively

engaged in developing the A-VIEW platform

JULY 2012 PAGE 7

Mime Team bagged the First Prize

The mime team of the School won

the first prize at the ‘Autumn Muse fest’

conducted by St. John’s Medical College on

the 25th August, 2012. Mr. Gowtham Nair

from Semester 5 - CSE won the prize for ‘best

actor’ and Mr. Muralikrishna U. from

Semester 5 - ME won the prize for ‘best


and delivering lectures. A-VIEW is a part of

the prestigious ‘Talk to a Teacher’ national

program led by IIT Bombay. On 25th August,

2012 a hands-on workshop was conducted in

the school under the aegis of A-VIEW .

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Department of CSE

Faculty Achievements / Participation / Recognition

Dr. Sudarshan T.S.B. has been invited to be a member of ‘Advisory Committee’ in International

Conference on ‘Recent trends in Communication Engineering and Network Technologies (CENT

2012)’ to be held in Chennai, India on 3rd and 4th December, 2012.

Dr. Sudarshan T.S.B. has been invited to be a member of the ‘Advisory Committee’ in Second

International Conference on ‘Computational Intelligence and Information Technology (CIIT 2012)’ to

be held in Chennai, India on 3rd and 4th December, 2012.

JULY 2012 PAGE 8

International Conference


Amudha J. Ravi Kiran Chadalawada V. Subashini Barath Kumar B. (B.Tech. students)

“Optimised Computational Visual Attention Model for Robotic Cognition”

4th - 5th August, 2012

International Symposium on ‘Intelligent Informatics’ conducted by RMK Engineering College, Chennai. The paper was published in the series of ‘Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (SPRINGER SERIES)’ indexed by SCOPUS, Springer link.

Papers Presented

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Department of ECE



Mr. Alok Kumar Jha Mr. Sagar B.

National A-View Training Programme

A-View Team, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri.

25th August, 2012

Amrita School

of Engineering,


Workshops / Seminars / Conferences Attended

Faculty Achievements / Participation / Recognition

Dr. Shikha Tripathi and Dr. N.S. Murty have been invited and have accepted to be the technical

review committee members for the International Conference on ‘Global Innovation in Technology

& Science (ICGITS 2013)’, to be conducted during 4th to 6th April, 2013. This conference is conducted

by SAINGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala.

Dr. N.S. Murty delivered an invited talk on ‘ARM Enabling Optimal Utilization of Solar Photovoltaic

Power’ at the ‘Workshop on ARM Architecture, Programming and Applications’ on 27th August,

2012 at NMIT, Yelahanka, Bengaluru.

Mr. T.K. Ramesh has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, titled ‘Efficient Distributed and

Centralized RWA Protocols for WDM Networks’ on 30th August, 2012. He worked under the

guidance of Dr. P.R. Vaya at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru.

JULY 2012 PAGE 9

Other News

Dr. Deepthi Chander joined as ‘Assistant Professor (SG)’ in the Department

of ECE on 21st August, 2012. She holds a doctorate degree (Communication

Systems) from IIT, Mumbai. She was working as ‘Visiting Scientist’ at C-DAC

Mumbai and has a research experience of nearly one and half years.

Ms. Anjali B.S. joined as ‘Assistant Professor’ on 6th August, 2012. She holds a

M.Tech. degree in ‘Power Electronics’ from Amrita School of Engineering,


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Department of ECE

Other News

Mr. Pranjal Kaustubh and Mr. Nishank Vaish students of Semester 7 presented a technical paper on

“Self Charging Electric Vehicles” in the International Conference on ‘Industrial and Commercial use

of Energy’ held at Cape Town, South Africa on 15th & 16th August, 2012. The conference was

organized by Cape Peninsula University of Technology, The South Association of Energy Service

Companies, The South African Institute Association for Energy Efficiency, Eskom Demand Side

Management, Black Energy Services Company, The Central Energy Fund, IEEE PES SA Chapter. The

paper was published in the proceedings of the conference with print ISBN 978-0-981311-8-5 and

will soon be published in IEEE Xplore.

ECI Forum conducted a Project Exhibition and Competition for students of the Department of ECE

on 24th August, 2012 in ECE Communication Lab at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru.

The Forum released its first newsletter of the current semester in the month of August, 2012.

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Department of EEE

International Journal


Sudha Yadav Pukhraj Vaya

“Lateral I - Mos (Impact Ionization) Transistor”

July - August, 2012

IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSRJECE) ISSN : 2278-2834 Vol 1, Issue 6 pp.: 46 - 48

Papers Published

International Conferance


Sreeja Kochuvila Shikha Tripathi Sudarshan T.S.B.

“Control of a Compass Gait Biped Robot Based on Partial Feedback Linearization”

August, 2012 13th Annual conference ‘Towards

Autonomous Robotics systems (TAROS)’

and 15th Annual FIRA Roboworld Congress,

Bristol, UK / Advances in Autonomous

Robotics, Lecture Notes in Computer

Science (LNCS),

Springer Link, Volume 7429/2012,

pp.:117 - 127

Papers Presented

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Dr. Rashmi M.R. HVDC Systems PES Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

6th - 7th August, 2012

PES Institute of



Workshops / Seminars / Conferences Attended

Faculty Achievements / Participation / Recognition

Dr. Rashmi M.R. was invited as a speaker for the one day workshop on ‘Soft Computing Techniques

for Electrical Applications’ on 25th August, 2012 conducted at Karpaga Vinayaga College of

Engineering & Technology, Kanchipuram, TamilNadu.

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Department of ME


Dr. Veeresh Kumar G.B. National A-VIEW Training Programme

25th August, 2012 ASE, Bengaluru

(in association with A-VIEW

Team, ASE-Amritapuri)

Workshops / Seminars / Conferences Organized

JULY 2012 PAGE 12

International Conferance


Shankara K. “Influence of Seeding on Aerobic Composting of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste”

1st August, 2012

3rd International Conference on ‘Solid

Waste Management (IconSWM 2012)’ at

Infosys Campus, HI Area, Mysore

Papers Presented



Mr. Shashi Kumar M.E. Mr. Pramod R.

National A-VIEW Training Programme

ASE, Bengaluru

(in association with

A-VIEW Team,

ASE - Amritapuri)

25th August, 2012

ASE, Bengaluru

Workshops / Seminars / Conferences Attended

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Department of ME

Other News

JULY 2012 PAGE 13

The following students of Semester 5, Mechanical Engineering attended a Software training

workshop conducted by M/S. DASSAULT SYSTEMS at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

on 6th & 7th August, 2012.

Paras R. Lokhande Harish P. Nadeem M.I. Jayanth P.V. Aditya Kumar

The ‘Virtual BAJA’ competition is an event where each team’s goal is to design and build a

prototype of a rugged single seat, off-road recreational four-wheel vehicle intended for sale to the

non-professional, weekend off-road enthusiast. The Virtual BAJA is the pre-qualifier to participate

in ‘SAE INDIA BAJA’ event. The following team of students accompanied by Mr. Vinod Kotebavi,

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechnical Engineering, participated in Virtual BAJA competition

at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru held on 25th August , 2012.

Arvind Suresh Shreyas Kamath Daniel Selvakumar Raja Avinash Kurup Likith S.J.

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Department of Mathematics

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International Journal


K.V. Nagaraja Sarada Jayan

“Generalized Gaussian Quadrature rules over regions with parabolic edges”

August, 2012 International Journal of ‘Computer

Mathematics (Taylor and Francis)’, Vol. 89,

No. 12, 1631-1640.

Impact Factor : 0.6

Indexed in scopus

Papers Published

International Conferance


V. Kesavulu Naidu K.V. Nagaraja P.G. Siddheshwar

“Finite element solution of a Forchheimer-Darcy-Brinkman equation for some flow channels using triangular elements”

16th-18th August, 2012

International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory’, at Christ University, Bengaluru

B. Sooryanarayana Geetha K.N. K.N. Meera

“2-metric dimension of Cartesian products in graphs”

16th-18th August, 2012

International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory’, at Christ University, Bengaluru

Papers Presented

Other News

Dr. Deepa Gupta was invited as a speaker at Jain University, Bengaluru. She delivered a talk on

‘Introduction to MATLAB’ on 9th August, 2012.

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Abstracts of International Journal Papers Published

Department of EEE

“Lateral I-MOS (Impact Ionization) Transistor” - Sudha Yadav and P.R. Vaya; IOSR

Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSRJECE), July - August,


One of the ‘fundamental’ problems in the continued scaling of MOSFETs is the 60

mV/decade room temperature limit in sub-threshold slope. Therefore initial studies on a

new kind of transistor, the I-MOS is done. The I - MOS uses modulation of the breakdown

voltage of a gated p - i - n structure in order to switch from the OFF to the ON state and

vice-versa. Since impact-ionization is an abrupt function of the electric field (or the carrier

energy), simulations show that the device has a sub-threshold slope much lower than the

above mentioned. This TCAD Sentaurus project simulates the electrical characteristics of

an n-channel impact ionization metal–oxide–semiconductor (n-IMOS) transistor. The Id–

Vg characteristics of a two dimensional (2D) n-IMOS structure are simulated. The Id–Vg

characteristics are simulated for drain biases of 0 V and 1.1 V. In addition, various

electrical parameters such as the breakdown voltage, the threshold voltage, the sub

threshold slope, and the on-current and off-current are extracted.

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Abstracts of International Journal Papers Published

Department of Mathematics

“Generalized Gaussian Quadrature rules over regions with parabolic edges” - K.V.

Nagaraja and Sarada Jayan; International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Taylor

and Francis), August 2012.

This paper presents a generalized Gaussian quadrature method for numerical

integration over regions with parabolic edges. Any region represented by

or ,

where f(x), g(x), f(y) and g(y) are quadratic functions, is a region bounded by two

parabolic arcs or a triangular or a rectangular region with two parabolic edges. Using

transformation of variables, a general formula for integration over the above mentioned

regions is provided. A numerical method is also illustrated to show how to apply this

formula for other regions with more number of linear and parabolic sides. The method

can be used to integrate a wide class of functions including smooth functions and

functions with end-point singularities, over any two-dimensional region, bounded by

linear and parabolic edges. Finally, the computational efficiency of the derived formulae is

demonstrated through several numerical examples.

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Independence Day and 1st Year B.Tech. & M.Tech. Inauguration

& Orientation Programme

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“Contentment and happiness depend solely

on the mind. Both heaven and hell

are created by the mind”

Amma’s teachings on Spiritual practices


Dr. Rakesh S.G. Associate Dean & Head


Ms. Meera K.N. Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics


Mr. Rajesh M. Assistant Professor

Department of CSE


Ms. Vasanthi ES to Associate Dean


Board Members

Ms. Paromita Ganguly (Department of English) Ms. Kirti S. Pande (Department of ECE) Ms. Meena Belwal (Department of CSE) Ms. Sreekala Manmadhan (Department of EEE) Mr. Shashi Kumar M.E. (Department of ME) Dr. Amrita Thakur (Department of Chemistry) Ms. Sarada Jayan (Department of Mathematics) Mr. Shankar Kumaran (Department of Cultural Education) Mr. Shiju Kumar (ICTS)

Amrita School of Engineering Kasavanahalli, Carmelaram Post, Off Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru - 560 035

Tel.: +91-80-25183700 Telefax: +91-80-28440092