attract your ideal weight presentation

Attract Your Ideal Weight By Zaheen Nanji A behavior weight loss program

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Post on 12-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Attract your ideal weight presentation

Attract Your Ideal Weight

By Zaheen NanjiA behavior weight loss program

Page 2: Attract your ideal weight presentation

Its easier to change a behaviour. Its di�cult to change your identity.


DO YOU LABEL YOURSELF OFTEN?State 2 labels that you say often to yourself and now change those into an action/behaviour.



I tend to overeator

I tend to eat for rewards/comfort

Remove the LabelI’m Much More Than My Behavior

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Every Behavior Has A Positive Intention

Example of Secondary Gains:Helps me calm down after a long stressful day.

Want to escape life’s struggles.I deserve it (reward).

I don’t want to be left out.Think of one ‘food’ trigger.

Think of a recent time it occurred.

“What am I Gaining from that behaviour?”“How can I achieve this gain other than food?”




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Chunk It Down

Write Down Your Dream List for Attracting Your Ideal Weight.

Pick One From List. Jot Down 3 Steps You’ll Take.

Eat More Veggies

Replace Sugar With Stevia

Walk 3/week for 15 mins

Smart & Steady

is the way to go!REDUCEMEDS



Chunk It

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Two Kinds of Motivation: Pain & PleasureMotivation Factor

Pain PleasureMove towards

Start Exercising.

Go on a diet.

Clothes �t better.

Feel good.Motivation

Clothes/Belt don’t �t anymore.

Joint painHealth issues

How do I stop this cycle of moving away from pain?


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Start Changing Your Words!

What do you imagine when you say:

Remove the words


I don't want to be fat?

I want to be at my ideal weight!

Ask: What do I want?

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Your Why!How to Find Your WhyWhat is important about being

at my ideal weight?

Typical Answers:∙ Energy

∙ Feel good∙ Con�dence

∙ Reduce medications∙ Less joint pain∙ Better clothes

These are great answers but not


Answer has to have emotion and a positive outcome.

Ask: What would I be able to do if I _____________? example: had more energy

Now create a movie in your head of what it would be like

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Sit Down to Eat

Sit down to Eat Eating is a behaviour! If you stand and eat, you’ll tend to be restless or go do something else.

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Rate Your Hunger

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Zaheen’s Hunger Meter

1. Very Hungry (Fat Storage Mode)

2. Slightly hungry (thin people eat here)

3. Satisfied/full (Stop eating here)

4. Very Full

5. Bloated

Hunger Meter

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Eliminate Distractions

Eliminate DistractionsWhen your mind and body are connected in the act of eating, your body will derive pleasure from the eating experience.

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Focus on PleasureContinue doing something pleasurable and interesting after eating so that your mind is off of food.

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Notice your symptomsRemember how a certain meal or food makes you feel right after eating or two hours later. Keep track of any symptoms and start eliminating foods that don’t agree with your body.

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No Failure, Only Feedback

· What has worked in the past?

· What has not worked?

· What have I learned about myself or the process?

· How can I use this information to get back on track?

· What will be the evidence of my success?

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Having A Choice is Better Than Not Having A Choice!

Stop blamingStop Excuses

Stop playing victim

Decide & Know your body



Eat health vs. Junk

Be in Control of what you put in your mouth

You make your own decision, no one else does

Learn how to say NO

Change how you react to a situation

Feel your fear

Be realistic

Make it a lifestyle, not a diet


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Learn More

ZAHEEN NANJI’SAttract Your Ideal Weight


Attract Your Ideal Weight ShowYour Host: Zaheen Nanji

I created this show for people who are having the same struggles I had before I �gured out the real secrets to attracting your ideal weight. This is not your typical diet and exercise show. This show is about getting out of your own way, learning empowering behaviours, creating motivation, exploring new foods and incorporating new tips. We can help you succeed!

Airs every last Sunday of the month at 6 p.m. MST (8 p.m. EST)

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