arthur united methodist church …. 13: milton hershey’s birthday sept. 16: mayflower day sept....

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. -Micah 6:8 ONGOING Sunday 4pm: Small Groups 5:30pm: Prayer Monday: 6:30 pm : Scouts Tuesday 1 pm: Project Linus 7pm: Crafty Crafters Wednesday 12 pm Ponder w/ the Pastor 2:30 pm God s Closet 4:30 pm Community Meals 8 pm: Praise Band Saturday: 7am Music lessons w/ Chris K Halford Luccock was a great preacher of the last century. In one of his books he tells this story: A few years ago a little ship put out from a port on the Gulf of Mexico, headed for a port on the northeastern coast of the United States. The ship was not only small and much the worse for wear; it looked like something left over from Admiral Farraguts attack on New Orleans in the Civil War. Quite a crowd of friends of the skipper, and a chorus who came to jeer, gathered for the embarkation. They had a lot of sport. You wont get anywhere in that tub,was the cheering send-off. Oh, yes, I will,confidently replied the skipper. What makes you think so?he was asked by many bystanders. Ive got a date,he replied. Ive got a date with the Gulf Stream.And he had! The skipper was a mariner, first class. He knew his winds and water. He had a definite date with a power greater than himself or his little craft. When we come to this time of year, when things are gearing up for our fall ministries, Church Conference looms before us, and the lazy days of summer begin to fade into the sometimes frenzy of activities, this is what I think of. Sometimes the course before us seems daunting, and the tasks overwhelming, but we have a date with a power greater than ourselves! Last month we talked about the will of God, and how God s intentional will can be thwarted, intercepted, and even compromised by our own failure, sinfulness, or inability. But his ultimate will is unstoppable. That power we set course to meet is the power of Gods will. Weve got a date! In all our ministries (and there are many!) we have a date. Not a starting date or an ending date, but a date with a power greater than ourselves; the power of Gods will. Everything we do, every service we participate in, every act of kindness and mercy we partake in, we are reflecting Gods will, mercy and grace. Weve got a date, with something greater than ourselves. Pastor Bruce Weiman Sat Sept. 2Mon, Sept. 4 Arthur Cheese Festival Sat. Sept. 2 11 am: AUMC Ham &Bean Lunch Sun Sept. 3 10 am Worship at the Gazebo Mon, Sept. 4: Labor Day/office closed. Last day of Cheese Festival Sun, Sept. 10 6 pm Women s Bible Study 7:30 pm Mike Grayson Tuesday, Sept. 12 7:00pm UTH meeting at La Cascada ARTHUR UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SEPTEMBER 2017

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He has shown you, O mortal, what

is good. And what does

the Lord require of you? To act

justly and to love mercy and to walk

humbly with your God.

-Micah 6:8



4pm: Small Groups

5:30pm: Prayer


6:30 pm : Scouts


1 pm: Project Linus

7pm: Crafty Crafter s


12 pm Ponder w/ the Pastor

2:30 pm God’s Closet

4:30 pm Community Meals

8 pm: Praise Band


7am Music lessons w/ Chr is K

Halford Luccock was a great preacher of the last century. In one of his books he tells this story:

A few years ago a little ship put out from a port on the Gulf of Mexico, headed for a port on the northeastern coast of the United States. The ship was not only small and much the worse for wear; it looked like something left over from Admiral Farragut’s attack on New Orleans in the Civil War. Quite a crowd of friends of the skipper, and a chorus who came to jeer, gathered for the embarkation. They

had a lot of sport.

“You won’t get anywhere in that tub,” was the cheering send-off.

“Oh, yes, I will,” confidently replied the skipper.

“What makes you think so?” he was asked by many bystanders.

“I’ve got a date,” he replied. “I’ve got a date with the Gulf Stream.” And he had!

The skipper was a mariner, first class. He knew his winds and water. He had a definite date with a power greater than himself or his little craft.

When we come to this time of year, when things are gearing up for our fall ministries, Church Conference looms before us, and the lazy days of summer begin to fade into the sometimes frenzy of activities, this is what I think of. Sometimes the course before us seems daunting, and the tasks overwhelming, but we have a date with a power greater than ourselves!

Last month we talked about the will of God, and how God’s intentional will can be thwarted, intercepted, and even compromised by our own failure, sinfulness, or inability. But his ultimate will is unstoppable. That power we set course to meet is the power of God’s will.

We’ve got a date! In all our ministries (and there are many!) we have a date. Not a starting date or an ending date, but a date with a power greater than ourselves; the power of God’s will. Everything we do, every service we participate in, every act of kindness and mercy we partake in, we are reflecting God’s will, mercy and grace.

We’ve got a date, with something greater than ourselves.

Pastor Bruce Weiman

Sat Sept. 2– Mon, Sept. 4

Arthur Cheese Festival

Sat. Sept. 2

11 am: AUMC Ham &Bean Lunch

Sun Sept. 3

10 am Worship at the Gazebo

Mon, Sept. 4:

Labor Day/office closed.

Last day of Cheese Festival

Sun, Sept. 10

6 pm Women’s Bible Study

7:30 pm Mike Grayson

Tuesday, Sept. 12

7:00pm UTH meeting at La Cascada


This month the food pantry has continued to

be busy. Even though I haven't heard from some of my regulars we have had requests from 6 new families. One day Pastor Bruce came to the pantry after one of my appointments. He commented on how low the pantry was and suggested I put out a plea for needed items. I followed his advice and the next day there was a huge donation at my door of items I had requested. How blessed we are to have such a loving, generous and caring church family! I could still use canned peas, macaroni & cheese, canned fruit, jelly, toilet tissue and Kleenex. As always, thanks for supporting our project.

In His Service,

Jill Strawn


God’s Closet is looking

more organized each

week. After Labor Day, the Oye family

will be putting up shelving on the wall

for folded children’s clothing, which

will be a big blessing!

The school supplies went fast and we

had more than ever. We received many


We have received several donations for

people in need of household items. We

also had a request for maternity


Thank you for the baby bed mattress

that was donated. It left the next day!

Thanks to all of those who have helped

in any way! May God bless everyone

for your help & prayers!

In His Service,

Iris Ramsey


Look for the Arthur United Methodist Church on Facebook

Our page is Arthur United Methodist Church.


Need to contact Bruce? Call his cell at 217-649-2678

or email him: [email protected]



Sept. 3 & 10: John & Jill Strawn and

Howard & Iris Ramsey

Sept. 17 & 24: Delano & Marty

Yeakel and Mike & Cheryl Hilgenberg

Counting Team this Month

Toby Wiley &

J.D. Kuhns

The first weekend in

September is Labor

Day weekend & the

annual Arthur

Cheese Festival.

The AUMC women

will be having their

annual ham & bean

lunch on Sept. 2 @

11:00 am, the 10 am worship will be at the

Gazebo on Sunday, Sept. 3 and on Monday,

Sept. 4, the office will be closed for Labor Day.

There will be a UTH Leader meeting on Tuesday,

Sept. 12 @ 7:00 pm at La Cascada for anyone who is

interested in helping out with UTH this year.

Women’s Fall Bible

Study begins Sept. 10

and ends Oct. 22. The

study will be in the

lounge on Sunday

evenings at 6:00 pm.

Kara Kuhns & Charity Oye

will be starting a Small

Group, "Break Through-

Unleashing God's

Powers into Impossi-

ble Situations,” on Sunday, Sept 10 at 4pm.

If interested, you are welcome to attend!

A full time Sunday School teacher is

needed-full time preferably, but

part time can be worked around. If

you would like to teach Sunday

School, please contact Charity Oye:


Beth Bartholomew called the church and left a

message. She wanted to thank everybody for

the cards and letters. Beth is not sure when

she is returning home, but she said it has been

great to hear from people.




2 - Ron Jurgens 19 - Mike Hilgenberg

Dylan Price 20 - Jerelyn Green

3 - Aaron Seegmiller 21 - Bill Dillon

Ashley Seegmiller

4 - Mark Edmundson 22 - Aaron Clark

Patti Grant 24 - DeAnne Daily Dicke

Julie Paddock Jean Kistler

5 - Addison Yeakel Gaye Powell

7 - Tanner Brewer 25 - Jamie Lynn Gerichs Williams

8 - Roger Gerichs Charles Steck

Derrick Herschberger 26 - Jared Grant

9 - Isabel Chady Gary Krummel

13 - Riley Jo Cochran Debbie Weiman

Kim Jurgens Miles

14 - Judy Beachy 27 - Noel Dicks

Mose Mast 28 - Dee Honn

15 - Charity Dixon Doug Kitchen

18 - Marcus Vanausdoll 30 - John Daily

Ashley Snoddy


22 - Noel & Iris Dicks 29 - Ervin & Beverly Crist

24 - Wally & Jean Kistler



Monday: Sept. 4: Labor Day. Office Closed

Sunday, Sept. 10 @ 4:00 pm: New Small Group:

"Break Through- Unleashing God's Powers into

Impossible Situations.”

@6:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study

@7:30 pm: Mike Rayson

Tuesday, Sept. 12 @ 7:00 pm: UTH m eeting at

La Cascada


Sept. 3: Uncle Sam ’s Birthday (image first used)

Sept. 6: Read a Book Day

Sept. 10: National Grandparent ’s Day

Sept. 13: Milton Hershey’s Birthday

Sept. 16: Mayflow er Day

Sept. 22: First Day of Autumn

Sept. 30: Safety pin w as invented


God’s Closet has been busy moving all of their items from upstairs to their new home downstairs in

the basement. Both Iris and Howard have been quite busy transporting items and setting everything

back up. With the help of Ed Miller, they also will be having some extra shelving built and Mike

Hilgenberg also donated some shelving as well. Everything is starting to come together and Iris has

been quite happy with her much needed additional space for God’s Closet. She will also be able to

store small household/kitchen items in the kitchen cabinets downstairs as well.


We had “Blessing of the Backpacks” on Sunday, August 13. Several of our students,

staff and teachers joined in for the event. The students also laid their hands upon the

teachers and staff to pray for them-which made it a special event.



On Sunday, August 6, we

had a combined worship

service and then

afterward a cookout/

potluck. There was plenty

of delicious side-dishes

and desserts to choose

from along with great-

tasting hamburgers and

hot dogs.

We also discussed and

celebrated our new

addition and everyone

enjoyed wonderful



Church Count Council: July 27, 2017 Present: Pastor Bruce, Tim Miller, chair; Mike Hilgenberg, Monica Green, Janice Likens, Charity Oye, Iris Ramsey, Jill Strawn, Toby Wiley, Marty Yeakel, stand in for Ariana and Delano. Absent: Bruce Oye, Steffanie Seegmiller Opening prayer - Tim Miller; Devotional - Pastor Bruce, Psalm 143 The minutes from the May 11 meeting were approved. Committee reports Trustees: Marty (standing in for Delano) shared a list of projects to be completed and proposed projects. Plans to redo nursery are proceeding. This was in the budget but has been paid for through a donation. Light bulbs are being replaced all over church with LEDs. Proposed projects: 1) AC units need to be replaced; 2) Open up wall between food pantry and choir room (see Jill's report for a change to this plan); 3) relocate food pantry and God's Closet to basement; (again, see Jill's report); 4) replace old ramp with concrete; 5) redoing 3rd floor hallway; replace tile with carpet; 6) fill in west side ramp and close off door to basement; 7) fixing steps at the west entrance; 8) need to decide what to do with stove and dishwasher in old kitchen. These and what is to be done with them is the responsibility of the trustees. 9) curb out front needs to be fixed badly. source of possible injuries. Toby had a talk with Rod Randall but nothing re-solved as of yet. Possibility of just getting concrete contractor here when he is doing another pour in town? 10) The biggest thing that has to be done and soon is replacing the flat roof. This has been the cause of leaks in the kin-dergarten Sunday School room and the office as well as in the organ room. Stephen Helmuth has been given the go ahead on this. It is a big cost but if not done will cost us more in the long run. For example, the repairs needed in class-room and office. (and organ). Pastor Bruce has placed a bucket in a spot in the organ room that seems to be catching leaks and preventing further damage. Organ work is on hold until roof is fixed. Building: Bruce was absent but Pastor Bruce shared some things. 1).Stephen Helmuth is going to come back and try to buff windows that were scratched. May replace if he can't fix them. 2) There is a section of flooring by the double doors that is not quite level. Off about an 1/8 of an inch. 3) Dishwasher in new kitchen works. 4) Bathrooms are finished with lights and stalls in place. a few finishing touches need to be done. 5) Pastor Bruce was able to acquire a grant for $22,000 for the walk-in cooler from Fellheimer Trust of Wesley United Methodist Church. There is another grant applied for; decision on that will be made in August. Outreach: Jill and Iris 1 Iris has some concerns about shelving in the new space in the basement. Mike Hilgenberg has some shelves he thinks will work. Crafty Crafters will be using her old space on 3rd floor and will need the shelving that is there. Iris plans to begin moving the Closet this week with the help of her daughter. 2) Something needs to be done with the chairs and racks still in the corner. 3)Talk of possibility of placing a washer and dryer in this space. 4) Will start collecting back to school supplies soon. 1) Jill would like to keep the food pantry on the second floor. The shelving there works well for her needs and security is better; having things in cabinets would make it much more difficult for clients to access and choose food. She will be glad to have and use at least one of the refrigerators still in the basement; 2) Marketing class at the high school did a study of the food pantry and made a donation to both our church and Southern Baptist. 3) MCC Thrift Shop is a great resource to help families setting up households who have very little.


CHURCH COUNCIL CONT’ Community meals: Pastor Bruce reported that at the first community meal in the new fellowship hall that 344 meals were served with 100 people eating in the room. Also, our church will be serving a free meal at the Our Town Arthur event on Friday. Nurture: Monica reported that Vacation Bible School was a big success. A check for $4000 was sent to St. Jude's. Money came from kids, the community and family who attended the program on Friday at Bible School. We are very fortunate to have so many adults who are willing to help and the cooperation among churches. Sunday School classes are combining for the summer; kids church will resume after school starts. The Scout program is on a better path. There were four Scouts at National Jamboree this week. Youth: Charity reported that senior high youth are at Baby Fold. Youth kickoff will be toward the end of September. More help is needed with youth, particularly the junior high. There is a possibility of having the junior high meet on Sunday evenings. Tim suggested that we ask other churches to help the program grow by both encouraging their youth and adults to join and help with the effort. Pastor-Parish: Janice reported that they will be meeting within the next month or so. The report for conference will be due in October, which is also Pastor Appreciation Month. Building dedication will be Sunday, November 19. The bishop will be here and we will have a meal after church. Treasurer/Finance - Mike and Toby 1) giving is down slightly 2) grant previously mentioned from Fellheimer Trust has been received 3) Total building expenses are $1,267,000. 4) Tim will talk to Scott Seegmiller about a possible grant from the Timm Trust. 5) Annual check from the Eberhardt Foundation in the amount of $13,393.50 has been received. Mike made a motion to put this into the general building account (not construction account). Iris seconded and the motion passed. 6) Mike and Toby noted that this has been a real learning process - funding, paying bills, etc.- for the new building. Pastor's report - Bruce Weiman 1) Bruce felt his slow-down summer plans went well but now he is gearing up for fall and a busier time. 2) Planning a fall and advent study. Details to come. 3) Will be gone two Sundays in September. 4) Aug. 13 will be Blessing of the Backpacks. 5) Need to set a policy on building use and rates; possibly just suggest donations? This will be a church council decision. 6) Need to talk with custodians about increased duties with more space to cover. Possible pay raise? Old Business Organ repair - nothing to be done as noted until roof is fixed. So far, Pastor Bruce's temporary fix is working. Maybe insurance policy needs to be looked at to see how much more it would cost to cover a situation like this since the insurance company has denied our claim - twice. Possibly use memorial money for organ repair? New Business 1) Celebration Sunday is scheduled for Aug. 6 with one service at 10 a.m. There will be a cookout with hamburgers and hot dogs. We also will have a potluck and ask everyone to bring a side dish or dessert. 2) A meeting is to be held soon between all involved parties (youth leaders, choir director, Iris, Jill, Delano, Steffanie, Pastor Bruce and others) to discuss the needs and how to best take care of how space will be used in both the old and new areas of the church. Communication is key. 3) Advised council to give some thought to a pictorial directory. Been several years since the last one. (2012). Will take a vote at next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Next meeting is October 5.

The United Methodist MEMO

The United Methodist Church

128 East Illinois St.

Arthur, IL 61911