arka kalpana

By: Dr. Amit Bhatt Research Scholar Deptt. Of Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana Rajiv Gandhi Govt. P.G. Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Distt.- Kangra, H.P. Email ID: [email protected] ARKA KALPANA

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Page 1: Arka  Kalpana

By:Dr. Amit BhattResearch Scholar

Deptt . Of Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya KalpanaRaj iv Gandhi Govt. P.G. Ayurvedic Col lege,

Paprola, Distt . - Kangra, H.P.Email ID: dr.amit98390@gmail .com


Page 2: Arka  Kalpana


Bhaishajya Kalpana is the branch of Ayurveda, which primarily deals with the different kinds of dosage forms and their therapeutic utility.

Among the large number of formulations specified by Acharyas, the panchavidha kashaya kalpanas have great importance as they form the primary or basic dosage form.

From the panchavidha kashaya kalpanas, other secondary dosage forms are prepared.

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The five basic kalpanas comprise of Swarasa, Kalka, Shrita, Sheeta and Phanta.

But some Acharyas have varying opinions in the respective formulations.

According to Ravana’s Arka Prakasha, the panchavidha kashaya kalpanas include Kalka, Choorna, Rasa, Taila and Arka.

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The method by which the volatile oil and active principles of the drug are collected is called as Arka Kalpana and the compound prepared through this procedure is called as Arka.

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Arka kalpana is the basic formulation of UNANI system of medicine.

There is no reference of Arka kalpana in Brihattrayi.

It is first mentioned in Gad Nigraha by Acharya Shodhal in 12th Century.

It is widely described by Ravana in his book Arka Prakasha.

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In Arka Prakasha, different ratios for distilling, reference for 196 single drugs and 192 aushada yogas for preparation of Arka with their indication is described with details about Varuni Yantra for preparation of Arka.

In Ayurved Sar Sangrah, there are 25 Arkas explained with their ingedients, method of preparation, indication and dose.

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Examples of 21 Arkas with the method of preparation, anupana, aushada sevana kala and bheshaja marga of each Arka are mentioned in the first volume of Rasatantra Sara and Siddha Prayoga Sangraha.

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Ayurveda : ArkaUnani : ArkquitesSiddha : TeenirHomeopathy : TinctureAllopathy : Distillate

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Arka is a liquid preparation obtained by distillation of certain drugs soaked in water using the Arka Yantra or any convenient modern distillation apparatus.


Arka is a distilled essences in a medium of water, which contain the volatile constituents of the drugs used in its preparation.

Arka is equivalent to the ‘aquae’ or 'waters' of the Western Pharmacopoeia.

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In modern pharmaceutics, Arka kalpana can be compared to distillation.

Distillation is the process of separating the constituents of a liquid by vapourising the liquid and passing the vapours through a cold surface and thereby converting the vapours again into liquid.

There are different types of distillation which include Simple distillation, Fractional distillation, Steam distillation, Vacuum distillation and Destructive distillation etc.

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SIMPLE DISTILLATIONIn simple distillation, the vapor is immediately

channeled into a condenser. Consequently, the distillate is not pure but rather its composition is identical to the composition of the vapors at the given temperature and pressure.

As a result, simple distillation is effective only when the liquid boiling points differ greatly or when separating liquids from non-volatile solids or oils.

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FRACTIONAL DISTILLATIONIf the boiling points of the components in the

mixture is close, then fractional distillation is used to separate them by repeated vaporization-condensation cycles within a packed fractionating column.

As the solution to be purified is heated, its vapors rise to the fractionating column. As it rises, it cools, condensing on the condenser walls and the surfaces of the packing material.

Here, the condensate continues to be heated by the rising hot vapors; it vaporizes once more.

Each vaporization-condensation cycle will yield a purer solution of the more volatile component.

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STEAM DISTILLATIONSteam distillation is a method for distilling

compounds which are heat-sensitive.The temperature of the steam is easier to control

than the surface of a heating element, and allows a high rate of heat transfer without heating at a very high temperature.

This process involves bubbling steam through a heated mixture of the raw material.

Some of the target compound will vaporize. Then vapor mixture is cooled and condensed, usually yielding a layer of oil and a layer of water.

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Steam distillation of various aromatic herbs and flowers can result in two products; an essential oil as well as a watery herbal distillate.

The essential oils are often used in perfumery and aromatherapy while the watery distillates have many applications in aromatherapy, food processing and skin care.

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VACCUM DISTILLATIONSome compounds have very high boiling points. To

boil them, it is better to lower the pressure at which they boil instead of increasing the temperature. Once the pressure is lowered, boiling and the rest of the distillation process can commence. This technique is vacuum distillation.

It is commonly found in the laboratory in the form of the rotary evaporator.

This technique is also very useful for compounds which boil beyond their decomposition temperature at atmospheric pressure and which would therefore be decomposed by any attempt to boil them under atmospheric pressure.

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Destructive distillation or Dry distillation , despite the name, is not truly distillation, but rather a chemical reaction known as pyrolysis in which solid substances are heated in an inert or reducing atmosphere and any volatile fractions, containing high-boiling liquids and products of pyrolysis, are collected.

The destructive distillation of wood to give methanol is the root of its common name – wood alcohol.

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Some of the drugs contain active principles in the form of volatile oil. Hence by using these drugs, if kwatha is prepared; then while doing preparation, active ingredients may get vaporized itself. So, these drugs are used as Arka kalpana.

Arka kalpana can be prepared with such drugs e.g. Gulab pushpa, Kevada pushpa, Vedamuska, Saunf, Chandana, Yavani, Khas, Anant mool, Pudina etc.


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Arka can be prepared by single drug or compound form of drugs.

Generally, ratio of drug and water is taken as-

*Ayurved Sar Sangrah, **Siddhi Nandan Mishra


Drugs from which Arka is to be obtained

: 1 part

Water : 8 parts* or 10 parts**

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In Arka Prakasha, the herbal raw materials used for preparation of Arka are basically classified into five groups.

The classification is done on the basis of nature of drug namely Atyanta Kathina, Kathina, Ardra, Pallava and Drava.

The ratio of drug and water varies according to different groups.


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Atyanta kathina

1 : 3 Chandana

Kathina 1 : 2 Ajamoda


Sarasa 1 : 1/20


Nirasa Vata

Pallava 1 : 1/100 Vasa

Drava 1 : 0 Gomutra

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Arka is prepared by the process of distillation of water soaked raw drugs with help of Distillation apparatus (Arka Yantra).

The volatile constituents which are evolved, admixture with water vapor. Then, they are condensed and collected.


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Distillation apparatus consists of three parts: 1. Still 2. Condenser 3. Receiver


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The still consists of a basal receptacle to contain the drugs, and a cover with an exhaust tube which is conveniently bent to drain the distillate into the bottle.

A copular reservoir is provided at the region where the exhaust leaves the lid portion.

The receptacle of the retort may be an earthen pot or preferably a metallic one. When made of metals like brass or copper, the interior should be tin coated.


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Iron should not be used because it gets rusted and corroded in a short period.

Stainless steel stills are excellent for this purpose.

It is advisable to provide a perforated false bottom in the receptacle to keep the drug intended for extraction and to avoid charring.


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The copular reservoir over the lid is filled with cold water during distillation and it serve as a sort of crude type of condenser.

This crude device could be replaced by a good condenser in the form of a water jacket around the exhaust tube, or even a spiral type of condenser could be provided.


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If wet and freshly collected drugs are used for Arka kalpana, then they have to be made into small pieces.

If dry drugs are used, then they have to be made into coarse powder form and soaked in water and mixed well with hands.

The contents are kept for about 24 hours in a S.S. Container and then the contents should be transferred with water into the still for distillation which softens the drugs and releases the volatile principles during distillation.


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In Arka Prakasha,

Ravan has described

in details about quantity of water to be added

and time for soaking

for each category of drug separately.


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ATYANTA KATHINA DRAVYAS For preparing Arka of these, the dry drugs are

coarsely powdered, soaked in twice quantity of water and kept in shade till the water dries and drug turns soft.

Then water is added equal to the quantity of the drug and kept in sunlight and moon light for 8 praharas (24 hrs).

Further it is transferred to Arka yantra to extract Arka.


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For preparing Arka, the dry drug is coarsely powdered and twice the quantity of water is added to it.

It is then kept in moon light for 8 praharas (24 hours).

Later it is transferred to Arka yantra to extract Arka.


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The term Ardra means wet. It is of two types:

1. Sarasa: Sarasa means with juice. For preparation of Arka from Sarasa drugs, the churna is prepared from naala (stem) of these drugs and 1/20th part of water is added and heated for 1 muhurtha (48 min).

2. Nirasa: Nirasa means drugs devoid of juice. For preparation of Arka from these drugs, 1/20th part of water is added and soaked for 1 prahara.


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Pallava means leaves.

For preparation of Arka from leaves - 1/100th part of water is added and kept for 24 minutes for soaking.

Then, it is transferred to Arka yantra.


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For Arka preparation from liquid drugs, no water is added to it.

Drugs are filled in Arka yantra and Arka is prepared.


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The end of the process of Arka preparation is marked by the escape of dark fumes from the exhaust. Further attempts to heat and collect the remnants of condensate should not be made once this phenomenon is noticed.

Usually the volume of the distillate is 3/4th of the total volume of the drug and water mixture taken for distillation.


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Thus produced Arka is a suspension of the distillate in water having slight turbidity.

Depending upon the nature of the crude drugs under going for the distillation, the Arka will have characteristic colour and odour.


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While doing Arka preparation, distillation apparatus should be exposed with Mandagni, because boiling of the drugs with excessive heat will lead to water getting vaporized early. There by spoiled kwatha like preparation will be produced.

Because of more heat, very soon the water content will get vaporized and there is a chance of burning and spoilage of arka dravya, then little bit arka is produced which contains improper taste, smell and which will not be up to mark.


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The lid should be tightly placed and sealed around to prevent vapors from escaping.

Heat is applied to the drug mixture and the distillate is collected in large bottles and mixed well to ensure uniform concentration of the medicine because the first distillate is much concentrated compared to that collected at the end of the process when the drugs are depleted of the medicinal principles.


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Continuous water current should be maintained in the condenser.

When a copular type of condenser is used, water is replaced by cool water when it becomes warmed up.

The vessel or bottle in which the distillate is collected is placed in a container containing cold water.


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If Arka is having bad smell,

then it has to be fumigated with dhuma

produced from the powder of

Hingu, Methika and Rajika mixed in Ghrita

and kept in new pot..

*Arka Prakasha


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Arka should have more fragrance than its constituent dravyas taken alone.

On keeping in jeernasthi mrittika patra, the colour of the drug must appear same.

The Arka must resemble Shankha, Kunda, Indu on keeping in other vessels.

The taste of the Arka while keeping on tongue should be that of the constituent drug itself.

*Arka Prakasha


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Arka should be stored in tightly stoppered glass bottles.

Any arka if kept open and exposed to air will loose its volatile medicinal principles.

Arka are mixed with equal quantity of water before use.


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Shelf life / Expiry date:1 year from the date of manufacturing

(Rule 161-B of D&C Act)

Dose:API: 10 to 20 ml per day in divided doses. AFI: 12 to 24 ml per day in divided doses.

Anupana:Equal amount of water


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In Arka Prakasha, Arka Kalpana has been given specific importance and said to be best in panchvidha kashaya kalpana.

It opines that it has more potency in comparison to the other kalpanas.

It is the most potent due to dosharahithatva and its specific gunas. It is having increased potency, reduced dose, more shelf life and also easy absorption, fast action and better patient compliance.


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The yield during kashaya preparation is only 1/4th of the water taken. But in arka, it is about 3/4th of initial water.

Arka is a product of simple distillation. So, no need of using preservatives like in the case of kashaya.


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In the present era, very less people prefer kashayas because of its palatability. Arka is nothing but the lost part of kashaya. So, it can be used at the place of kashayas with better patient compliance.

In the economic view point, Arka can be prepared much cheaper than that of a kashaya.


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1. DescriptionColourOdour

2. pH3. Volatile matter4. Specific gravity at 200C (generally 0.991-

1.0)5. Clarity test6. Identifications, TLC/HPTLC/GLC7. Assay for essential oil

*PLIM, Ghaziabad


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8. Test for heavy metals- Pb, Cd, Hg, As9. Microbial contamination-

• Total bacterial count• Total fungal count

10. Test for specific Pathogen-E. coli, Salmonella spp., S. aureus,

Pseudomonas aeruginosa.11. Pesticide residue-

• Organochlorine pesticides• Organophosphorus pesticides • Pyrethroids


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1. Ajamoda Arka2. Brahmi Arka3. Gulaba Arka4. Jatamansi Arka5. Kakamachi Arka6. Munditika Arka


7. Nilodupuspa Arka8. Parpata Arka9. Pudina Arka10. Punarnava Arka11. Satahva Arka12. Yavani Arka

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PART - 11. Ajamoda Arka2. Karpuradya Arka3. Jatamansi Arka4. Misreya Arka


PART - 21. Pudina Arka2. Yavani Arka

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Ajmoda Arka:Agnimandya, Ajeerna, Bastiroga, Vatakapharoga.

Brahmi Arka:Buddhi mandata, Smriti bhrama.

Jatamansi Arka:Agnimandya, Arocaka, Mukha daurgandhya,

Unmada, Apasmara.


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Gulaba Arka:Daha, Trishna, Hrillasa, Netraroga.

Kakmachi Arka:Hrid roga, Yakridroga, Sotha.

Munditika Arka:Pleeha roga, Meha, Vataroga, Tvakroga, Arunsika.

Nilodupuspa Arka:Kapharoga, Kasa, Svasa, Kantharoga.


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Parpata Arka:Jvara (fever), Trishna, Atisara, Daha.

Pudina Arka:Chardi, Ajeerna, Udara shula, Agnimandya.

Punarnava Arka:Jalodara, Sotha, Netraroga.

Yavani Arka:Trika shula, Agnimandya.


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Satahva Arka:Jvara, Vata Kaphaja roga, Vrana shula, Netraroga,

Agnimandya, Atisara.

Mishreya Arka:Mandagni, Adhmana, Shula, Krimi, Yoni shula


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Reference: Arka PrakashaIngredients: 50Karpura Mriganabhi Kasturi latika Sveta chandana Peet chandana Gandhamarjara virya Kaliyaka Rakta chandana Patanga Agaru Krisna agaru Devadaru Sarala Tagara Padmaka Guggulu Rala Kunduru Silajatu Turuska Lavanga Jatipatra Jatiphala Sthulaila Sukshmaila Tvak Tvakpatra Nagakesara Hrivera Usira


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Jatamamsi Kumkuma Gorochana Vyaghranakha Kusa Kaasa Darbha Kattrina Bhutrina Sveta durva Nila durva Gandha durva Sugandha Bala Jatamansi Murva Musta

Shati Karcura Ekangi * 1 part each

Water for soaking - 100 times of each drug

Water for preparation of Arka - 50 times of each drug


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Dose-6 to 12 ml


Arochaka, Agnimandya, Hridroga, Mukha Daurgandhya, Medoroga.


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