ark putney academy · on...

Message From the Principal Dear Students Today is the end of another half term which has been very busy with the start of examinations for upper school students. During half term the academy is open for revision for various groups of students and the exam season continues when we return with the beginning of A2 final examinations. Please remember it is not too late to make a difference to your final exam result by working hard on revision and completing practice papers. When we return on the 2nd June, lower school will also be completing their final end of year examinations. On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare to move to the new timetable on June 9th. Remember that when this happens everyone will be moving up a year in the school and many of you will be starting new courses. This means that it is a fresh start for everyone so please take the opportunity to purchase new equipment and any uniform items that you require, so that you are ready to learn and be the very best you can possibly be! May Half Term Revision Sessions Half Term Revision Classes 9am - 12pm Year Group Tues 27th Weds 28th Thurs 29th Fri 30th 13 Maths Sta7s7cs Maths Core History Sociology L Brimacombe L Brimacombe L Jenkins L Jenkins Photography Photography Media M Tucker M Tucker F Harvey 12 Maths Sta7s7cs Chemistry Maths Mechanics L Brimacombe R Cornes K Emerton Photography Photography M Tucker M Tucker 11 Music Maths Product Design Further Maths F Marshall A Cahline L Lake C Rodriguez Business Studies Maths Maths E Fennell L Brimacombe C Rodriguez Reminders 6th June - School closure to all students. New Timetable begins 9th June Times of the day Tutor 8.30-8.50 1 8.50-9.30 2 9.30-10.10 3 10.10-10.50 Break 4 11.10-11.50 5 11.50-12.30 6 12.30-1.10 Lunch 7 1.50-2.30 8 2.30-3.10 Tutor 3.10-3.20 ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY NEWS Friday 23th May 2014 Edition No: 30

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Page 1: ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY · On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare

Message From the PrincipalDear Students

Today is the end of another half term which has been very busy with the start of examinations for upper school students. During half term the academy is open for revision for various groups of students and the exam season continues when we return with the beginning of A2 final examinations. Please remember it is not too late to make a difference to your final exam result by working hard on revision and completing practice papers. When we return on the 2nd June, lower school will also be completing their final end of year examinations. On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare to move to the new timetable on June 9th. Remember that when this happens everyone will be moving up a year in the school and many of you will be starting new courses. This means that it is a fresh start for everyone so please take the opportunity to purchase new equipment and any uniform items that you require, so that you are ready to learn and be the very best you can possibly be!

May Half Term Revision SessionsHalf Term Revision Classes 9am - 12pm

Year Group Tues  27th Weds  28th Thurs  29th Fri  30th


Maths  -­‐  Sta7s7cs Maths  -­‐  Core History Sociology

L Brimacombe L Brimacombe L Jenkins L  Jenkins

Photography Photography Media

M  Tucker M  Tucker F Harvey


Maths  -­‐  Sta7s7cs Chemistry Maths  -­‐  Mechanics

L Brimacombe R  Cornes K  Emerton

Photography PhotographyM  Tucker M  Tucker

11Music Maths Product  Design Further  Maths

F Marshall A Cahline L Lake C Rodriguez

Business  Studies Maths Maths

E Fennell L Brimacombe C Rodriguez

Reminders• 6th June - School closure to all students.

• New Timetable begins 9th June

Times of the day Tutor 8.30-8.50

1 8.50-9.302 9.30-10.103 10.10-10.50

Break4 11.10-11.505 11.50-12.306 12.30-1.10

Lunch7 1.50-2.308 2.30-3.10

Tutor 3.10-3.20


www.arkputneyacademy.orgEdition No: 30

Page 2: ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY · On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare

Congratulations to the following students for achieving 100% attendance so far this year:

Brandon Pope, Lenie Marie Loverez, Richa Jirel, Jewell Dje, and Shania Coyle.

Attendance, this week, sits at 94% with Mr Powell’s tutor group achieving 98%!!! Well done!! Remember the school’s target is 95% so we are almost there!! A reminder to those of you who have achieved 95% attendance or above, you will be taken to Nandos after half term to celebrate your great achievements!!

The theme of the week is ‘Wonder’, here are some famous quotes to, hopefully, inspire you:

Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.Ralph Waldo Emerson

Being yourself is one of the hardest things because it’s scary. You always wonder whether you’ll be

Message From the Heads of HouseLet me start by wishing everyone a good half-term, but not a well-deserved break, quite yet! Remember that there is that final push for the examinations and many revision and catch up classes will be taking place over half-term. We are almost there, so give it your best

shot for those remaining exams, it could make all the difference. I want to offer an apology to Abbie Furlong, she was fantastic in her play ‘Shakers’ last week and I forgot to add her name to the bulletin last week.

Our recent theme of the week was ‘Individuality’ and when I look around the school I am pleased to see so many ‘individuals’ and watch them learn, grow and develop into fine young adults. There is an enormous amount of talent in the school and many of the 6th form will be going onto great things, while Year 11 will provide a fantastic new 6th form to replace those who are leaving in Year 13. We all

have special talents and abilities that make us unique. It is important to have individuality because each person is set apart for a certain purpose and that is important to remember in life.

A number of girls in KS4 have asked if that they could run a dance club for the younger students and they suggested a Friday after school. Please let me know ASAP if anyone is interested, as it is a great idea that we may be able to organise.

Have an enjoyable week off, alongside the revision!

D. Glyn-Brunel

DICKENS: Ms Chaudhry accepted for who you really are. I decided to call my record ‘Inside Out’ because that’s my motto about life. I don’t think you ever succeed at trying to be anyone else but who you truly are.Emmy Rossum

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.Albert Einstein

Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain.John Locke

I hope you have a wonderful half term; enjoy, relax and get ready for the final half term!!

Drama newsIf you would like to be part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival then please audition, after half term, for a part in the production of Romeo and Juliet!! It was such a great event last year, when our students performed Macbeth, and I would like it to be even better this year!!


Page 3: ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY · On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare

Message From the Heads of HouseTURING: Ms Harvey

Dear Turing House,

Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised by staff as contributing to the school community this term.

Rowen, Elijah, Davi, Danny, Qasid, Izzy, Randell, Shakira, Hasti, TheoKeep your eyes peeled for Student of the week starting next half term!

For those of you who have had fantastic attendance, you will be rewarded next term- well done!

You have 7 weeks after the holiday before summer; let’s make it the best one and remember our Turing values: Skill- excelling in what you are great at.

Practice- developing the areas you need to improve. Community- working as team and encouraging each other. Finally, resilience- keep going!

Have a great holiday! Ms Harvey

TURNER: Mr Richards

Congratulations on 98% attendance this last week! An incredible effort considering how tired we all are. Well done to Mr Collins’ tutor group for getting 99%, which is amazing! I must say the usual well done to the students

with 100% attendance still: Dhruvi Patel, Pradeep Neupane, Lia Lothian, Bradley Bridger, and also, to those with 99% still: Alea Barham, Tylar-Morgan Rogers; and Omar Hassouna. Everyone in the house has done so well with attendance, so I hope you use the half-term wisely to help you keep it up!

When we return, you will have four days left on your current timetable before you switch to your new timetable, lessons and possibly teachers the following Monday. As many of you will be in bigger classrooms, you must ensure you follow the basics of following instructions, focus on the tasks set in lessons, and ensure everyone in the classroom can learn by behaving appropriately as well. It is important that you get to lessons quickly, especially when some are only now forty minutes long, so you can maximise the time you have in that lesson. Furthermore, a vital part of this is organisation: having all equipment with you and out when you

begin the lesson. It is difficult to make you realise it now, but it will catch up on you by the time assessments come, your GCSEs come, and whatever you may do after that – if you do not adhere to the above.

Many of you have been incredible throughout the year and should be proud of what you have achieved and continue to do so. Anyone who is struggling, please take a look at those who don’t and take note – I would hate for any of you to fall behind where you should be.

Have a lovely break at half-term.

Page 4: ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY · On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare

French Orchestra

5 people you’d love to have round for dinner:I) Joan Sims (One of the ‘Carry On’ team and had the best laugh ever)2) Boris Karloff (Played the ‘creature’ in the 1931 version of Frankenstein, brilliant performance)

3) Mr Spock of the USS Enterprise4) Julie Andrews5) Sammy Davis Jnr (He could entertain us after dinner)

4booksandfilmsyou’llneverforget:Films1) Random Harvest 1942 (Starring Ronald Colman and Greer Garson, I cry every time I see it)2) Alien 1979 (The first and the best of the Alien films AND she saved the cat)3) The Producers 1968 (Hilarious)4) The Bride of Frankenstein 1935 (Starring Boris Karloff, I cry every time I see it)

Books1) Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier2) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee3) The complete works of the Bronte Sisters in one volume.4) Jackie Won a Pony by Judith M Beresford.

3 foods you’d have for your last meal:1) Avocado with blackberry vinaigrette2) Pie and Mash.3) Banana Split with mint and pistachio ice cream, lemon sorbet, cream and maltesers.I’d probably feel really ill after all that, but if it’s my last meal it wouldn’t really matter.

2 places you’d love to visit:1) The Planet Vulcan, travel there as a guest on the USS Enterprise of course.2) Blackpool

1 day you’ll never forget:Going for a five hour ride in Western Australia and taking the horses for a swim in the river to cool off on the way home.

5,4,3,2,1: Ms Sparrowhawk

On Wednesday 14th May, the school choir went to see a French orchestra perform, at the Royal Festival Hall. I enjoyed it very much because I got to see them perform lots of different kinds of music,. In addititon, I found it interesting because I got to hear a variety of musical techniques used in their performance. by Izzy Barton Young

Tyler Morgan says:It was amazing! The the first half of the performance was slow and calm, while the second half was very loud and exciting! I was amazed at how everyone kept their timing and always were on beat. What they performed was not very easy.

Be aware of the uniform requirements expected of student in school on a daily basis:

• Blazers always required but jumpers not compulsory

• One pair of small studs - no diamantes • No colourful socks on show• Shoes that are acceptable in the work place (no

canvas shoes or trainers)• No hoodies• No nail polish• Ties done up

Uniform List

Leviathan ( li-VAHY-uh-thuhn) noun 1. anything of immense size and power, as a huge, oceangoing ship.2. Bible . a sea monster.3. any huge marine animal, as the whale. 4. a philosophical work (1651) by Thomas Hobbes dealing with the political organization of society.

Word of the Week

Page 5: ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY · On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare

The football World Cup begins on Thursday 12th June with Brazil V Croatia and to celebrate the start of the FIFA World Cup, we are holding a World Cup tutor competition. Each tutor group will have an opportunity to draw a country out of a hat from the list below. Whichever country gets drawn, that tutor group will follow/support that team throughout the World Cup. Each tutor group will need to decorate their tutor room to represent the country they are following e.g. Japan – you can decorate the tutor room in red and white, have Japanese phrases around the room, painting or get a Japanese flag, draw/print symbols or architecture that represents Japan. Research the history and culture of the country, etc. The best dressed tutor rooms will win a tutor prize. The draw will take place the week beginning 9th June. Tutor rooms must be decorated by 19th June. Viewing of classrooms will take place on Friday 20th June during morning registration.

World Cup Tutor Competition

Annual Ark Debating Championships

! Cameroon

! Côte d'Ivoire

! Ghana

! Belgium

! England

! France

! Germany

! Italy

! Netherlands

! Portugal

! Spain

! Argentina

! Brazil

! Colombia

! Uruguay

! Cameroon

! Côte d'Ivoire

! Ghana

! Belgium

! England

! France

! Germany

! Italy

! Netherlands

! Portugal

! Spain

! Argentina

! Brazil

! Colombia

! Uruguay

Many congratulations to the students who took part in the annual Ark Debating Championships at Issac Newton Academy on Wednesday. The students met some tough competition with some tough motions but shone throughout the day.The team of 6 rotated to allow every one to speak on the following motions:

(Proposition) This House would legalise performance enhancing drugs in Sport-Ian Castells, Tomas Edgley, Daniel Edgley(Opposition) This House would ban cosmetic surgery- Ian Castells, Suzannah Harris ,Daniel Edgley (Proposition) A company’s highest paid employee should earn no more than 10x their lowest paid employee - Lia Lothian, Ruheel Iqball, Ian Castells.

All students showed great enthusiasm and team work, supporting each other throughout the day and were true ambassadors for our school. A special mention must go to Lia and Ruheel in Year 7 who completed their first competitive speeches against Charter Academy. The accompanying teacher told me that he couldn’t believe that it was their first competition which reflects on the standard of their

performances. Thank you also to Tomas who saved the day when our SATNAV broke not once but twice. It was a very enjoyable day for all.

Countries available:

Children’s Book Week

Children’s Book Week 30th June – 4th July 2014




Children’s Book WeekJune - 4th July 2014


Page 6: ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY · On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare

Friday 4th July 2014

is Mufti Day! !

Celebrate the end of Children’s Book Week 2014 by

dressing up as a character from a children’s book.

The best entry will win a prize! !

Pay £1.00 to your tutor.

Page 7: ARK PUTNEY ACADEMY · On Friday 6th June the academy is closed for an inset day whilst teachers and staff prepare

This Week in History

21st May 1927

Aviator Charles Lindbergh, in the Spirit of St Louis, makes the first solo flight across the Atlantic.

19th May 1943

Churchill and Roosevelt agree 1 May 1944 as the final date for the D-Day landings (actually 6 June).

20th May 1873

Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patent first blue jeans with copper rivets

22nd May 1455

The Wars of the Roses begin with Richard of York’s victory at the Battle of St Albans.

23rd May 1701

The notorious pirate William Kidd is hanged in London (at the second attempt) for piracy and
