approches to discourage or prevent cheating

Slide 1 Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Page 1: Approches to discourage or prevent cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Approaches to

Discourage or



Page 2: Approches to discourage or prevent cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating


1. Test in a proctored environment

2. Require proctor login to authorize the test taker

3. Secure browser

4. Online monitoring

5. Security Statement

6. Rules & Regs.

7. Oral exams

8. Test center

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Test in a proctored environment

Some items should not be allowed—test makers should clearly state bring yourself and nothing else, no:



cell phones

water bottles or


Not a practical solution for many; however, if you are providing high-stakes testing it's really the best option.

And for the truly hard-core:

video monitoring

no group test breaks

widely spaced testing stations

multiple test proctors.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Require proctor login to authorize the

test taker

A proctor either registers the test taker and logs them in to a test, or the test taker selects the test, which then displays a proctor login.

The proctor completes the login allowing the test taker to take the test.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Secure browser

A test that can only be taken through a secure browser.

This means that:

the test is presented in a kiosk-like environment

the test taker can't use any keyboard shortcuts to open another window or open another application.

Copy-paste and print screen commands are disabled.

Read here for more on Secure Testing

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Online monitoring

You can monitor online a remote test event using an online conferencing service such as Webex or GoTo Meeting.

This approach is an option for organizations that:

are doing individual testing

where the test taker has a video camera and an audio connection.

The test taker shares their monitor and video feed with the test proctor.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Online monitoring

A different, but similar approach:

The test taker's computer is equipped with a camera and audio monitor (live mic).

This requires the testing organization to either provide, or require the test taker to purchase, the monitoring device.

Third-party security devices are available, google "remote proctor" or "secure testing".

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Security Statement

One of our security features enables test authors to present a security statement at the beginning of a test.

Statements could range from:

"By proceeding to take this test, I give my word that I will not cheat in any way, by any definition."

to something more explicit regarding the consequences of cheating:

dismissal, expulsion, firing or legal action.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Security Statement

The test taker is prevented from advancing to the test until they acknowledge (Accept) the statement.

If they do not wish to acknowledge that they have read and understand your security statement, they would not be able to take the test.

Those intent on cheating will simply accept the terms and assume that no one will really enforce the contract that the test taker has accepted. If you aren't prepared enforce the security statement I would suggest

that you not even bother introducing one.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Rules & Regs.

A clear and explicit list describing the "rules and regs" that govern your testing policies.

Whenever possible, make this information available to the test taker in advance of the testing session:

email notifications

post the information on your web site

have them read and sign at statement before taking your test.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Oral Exams

A time-intensive approach to high-stakes testing and virtually impossible for the test taker to cheat.

1. The examiner and the test taker sit across the table from each other.

2. The examiner reads the question and the test taker gives an oral response.

This approach can be used for "A/B" or split testing where the initial exam in given online and the follow-up exam is given orally.

This type of testing is designed to compare and contrast the online exam with the oral exam to make sure that the test taker's results are consistent.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating

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Approaches to Discourage or

Prevent Cheating

Testing center

Some organizations coordinate the creation and administration of tests through various agencies.

For example the GRE, MCAT, LSAT, and GMAT tests can be purchased through one of these testing agencies.

These are proctored, fee-based tests.

Most testing centers are found in larger metropolitan areas.

Providers include Kaplan, ETS/Prometrics, Pearson VUE to name a few.

Source: Test Generator – Approaches to Discourage or Prevent Cheating