how to discourage from using drupal

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. How to discouragefromusing DrupalMicha Pkaa 7 May 2011Micha Pkaa
  2. 2. Agenda Hi Common misunderstandings What you get Why it is bad and how to improve it My questions ByeMicha Pkaa
  3. 3. Micha Pkaa Polish works in Austria in English :) www.drupal.plMicha Pkaa
  4. 4. What is usability Common sensePhoto by David Yim Pkaa
  5. 5. Quiz 1 Do you need the Blog module to run a blog?Micha Pkaa
  6. 6. Quiz 2 How to move a main menu?Micha Pkaa
  7. 7. Quiz 3 How to create a gallery? Including photo labels album categoriesMicha Pkaa
  8. 8. Explaintaxonomynode INPUT FORMATtheme registryMicha Pkaa
  9. 9. What you get...(almost) out of the boxMicha Pkaa
  10. 10. What drives people crazy Labels, labels, labels...Micha Pkaa
  11. 11. When people need... field labels Field content is unclear Several similar fieldsMicha Pkaa
  12. 12. What drives people crazy Metadata Author, creation dates, categories, Micha Pkaa
  13. 13. When people need... an author name Multiple-author websites Texts you wouldnt be ashamed ofMicha Pkaa
  14. 14. What drives people crazy When people need an article date When date makes a difference live updates (date format) quickly outdating information Full article, unless just a referenceMicha Pkaa
  15. 15. When people need... taxonomy categories Reasonably numerous articles Category contains > n articles Clear For browsing mutually exclusive sorted alphabetically For searching - fuzzy termsMicha Pkaa
  16. 16. What drives people crazy Widgets for everythingMicha Pkaa
  17. 17. What drives people crazy Unnecessary headings Menus BlocksMicha Pkaa
  18. 18. Simple ways to improve UX Leave only necessary data Deploy good features, not numerous Think like normal people, not geeks users/people, taxonomy/categories, nodes/? geeks tend to overrate metadata Think, dont make people think :)Micha Pkaa
  19. 19. What is usability Common sense SIMPLICITYPhoto by David Yim Pkaa
  20. 20. Q&A anyone? How do you help people understand Drupal? concepts tools What would You change in Drupal interface?Micha Pkaa
  21. 21. Thanks:-) Micha Pkaa [email protected] Pkaa