applied research seminar fall 2011

Applied Research Seminar Fall 2011 Conflict & development track Gilles Carbonnier (TA: Sergio Bianchi) Human and social development track Christophe Gironde (TA: Carmel Bouclaous) Sustainable development track Pascal van Griethuysen (TA: Geremia Cometti) IHEID, Thursday 22 nd September 2011

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Applied Research Seminar Fall 2011. Conflict & development track Gilles Carbonnier (TA: Sergio Bianchi) Human and social development track Christophe Gironde (TA: Carmel Bouclaous) Sustainable development track Pascal van Griethuysen (TA: Geremia Cometti). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Applied Research Seminar Fall 2011

Applied Research Seminar Fall 2011

Conflict & development track Gilles Carbonnier (TA: Sergio Bianchi)

Human and social development trackChristophe Gironde (TA: Carmel Bouclaous)

Sustainable development track

Pascal van Griethuysen (TA: Geremia Cometti)

IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011

Page 2: Applied Research Seminar Fall 2011

Seminar’s objectives

• Gain experience in conducting research for an operational organizations

• Strengthen your ability for effective teamwork

• Strengthen your applied research skills (incl. project management, oral and written delivery skills, adjusting framework with partners)

IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011

Page 3: Applied Research Seminar Fall 2011

Overview: partners and projectsConflict & development

Thomson Reuters The Arab Spring Social Revolution and its impact on the Thomson Reuters

UNHCR The Cost and Impact of Hosting Refugees

World Vision International The Representation of Disaster-Affected People in Relief Provision: Effectiveness and Sustainability of Community-Based Interface Mechanisms

Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response

The Role of International Humanitarian Action in Local Capacity Building: a State Perspective

ICRC Mainstreaming Principles of Humanitarian action (PoHA) and review of current practice: a preliminary study

Médecins Sans Frontières Formal Systems of Constant Dialogue with Host Societies in Humanitarian Projects

Geneva Centre for Security Policies

Filling the Legal and Normative Gap for Environmental Migrants

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Human & social developmentInternational Labour Organization

Microfinance for decent work (MF4DW) action research

International Baby Food Action Network-Geneva Infant Feeding Association

The impact of IBFAN’s advocacy on the recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC Committee).

Fonds International de Garantie Garanties bancaires, institutions de microfinance et cooperatives de producteurs en Afrique de l’Ouest

Terre des Hommes Foundation Implementation of the right to water and sanitation in Tdh country intervention and creating a training manual on the right to water and sanitation (internal)

International Trade Center Key Trade Challenges Facing Egypt in the backdrop of the ‘Arab Spring’ and Possible Approaches to Address these Challenges

United Nations Development Programme

Mainstreaming trade in Senegal: a background paper (intermediate knowledge of French required)

Food First Information and Action Network

Right to Food/ Food Sovereignty/ Rural Vulnerability in Geneva (intermediate knowledge of French required)

PanEco Foundation Matheson Ltd (Jardines) involvement in the Oil palm sector: social and political implications

Laboratoires Citoyennetes Burkina Faso

Conflicts on land (topic to be confirmed)

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Sustainable development

ICCA Consortium Bio-cultural-diversity conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities: the roles, benefits and perils of customary and formal institutions.

IUCN Assessing trade-offs and complementarities in the range of proposed approaches for implementing REDD+.

IUCN The place and role of social inequities in Agenda 21 (provisional title).

Kuoni Promoting climate change adaptation in the tourism industry: Analysis of project feasibility and typology.

UNDP/UNEP - PEDRR The economic valuation of ecosystem services for disaster risk reduction: Potential and limitations.

Ville de Genève La démarche participative, un élément-clé du développement durable ?

WWF Beyond the Bucks: measuring impact, demonstrating leverage.

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Calendar of activities & deadlines

• Between 23/09 and 05/10: Individual group meetings & meet with external partners

• 06/10: Submission of Draft Research Plan (1-2 pages)

• Between 7/10 and 26/10: carry out research, meet with advisers and informants

• 27/10: Submission of final research plan and references (4-5 pages) + task assignments within groups

• Between 28/10 and 31/11: feedback form academic advisers and external partners

• 01/12: Submission of research report. Faculty members’ feedback (within a week)

• 08/12: Delivery of group poster for display

• 22/12 : Submission of final research reports to partners

IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011

Page 7: Applied Research Seminar Fall 2011

Plenary sessions

• 22/09: Introduction to the seminar (GC)

• 29/09: Research Methodology (PvG)

• 06/10: How (not) to write a report & advice on applied research (GC)

• 10/11: Career Service: “How to find your dream job in development.” (Carine Leu and Dorina Dervishi)

• 24/11: Preparing the poster sessions: how to present & discuss + generate interest (CB, GeC, SB)

IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011

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1. Research report (60%)

• Content: methodological approach, theoretical and analytical framework, literature review, strength and relevance of the analysis, conclusion and recommendations

• Form: text structure, clarity and fluidity, graphical support and illustrations, summary, bibliography, wording, etc.

2. Group poster presentation (15%)

3. Teamwork and project management (25%)

IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011IHEID, Thursday 22nd September 2011