application of standards for teachers of literacy communication in ll sector in wales

New professional standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector in Wales Application of the professional standards for teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy/communication (English and/or Welsh) in the lifelong learning sector in Wales

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Application of the professional standards for teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy/communication (English and/or Welsh) in the lifelong learning sector in Wales


New professional standards for teachers, tutorsand trainers in the lifelong learning sector in WalesApplication of the professional standards for teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication (English and/or Welsh) in the lifelong learning sector in Wales

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Introduction 3

Section 1:Elements 7

Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent 14


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Lifelong Learning UK

The “New overarching professional standards for teachers,tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector in Wales”1

describes consistent performance for all teachers, interms of knowledge, understanding and professionalpractice. This document applies those generic standardsand describes consistent performance of teachers whodevelop learners’ skills in literacy/communication (Englishand/or Welsh) in particular, in terms of knowledge,understanding and professional practice. In addition tothis application document, LLUK has produced otherapplication documents for:

• teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages(ESOL)

• teachers of Welsh for Adults

• teachers who develop skills in numeracy/number

• teachers who teach bilingually or through the mediumof Welsh.

The development of new professional standards forteachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learningsector in Wales

In March 2007, the Welsh Assembly Government taskedLifelong Learning UK (LLUK) to review the Standards forTeaching and Supporting Learning for Wales and England2.Whilst mindful of the need for cross bordertransferability, the review for Wales has presented theopportunity to develop standards for teachers to reflectthe uniqueness of the context in Wales. The standardsreflect the distinct needs of the sector in Wales andsupport the vision of “The Learning Country”3. Thestandards include ones relating specifically to bilingualism,cultural diversity and sustainable development and globalcitizenship. This enables the standards to meet the needsof Wales but also allows for articulation with theprofessional standards for teachers in England.

The definitive professional standards for teachers, tutorsand trainers in the lifelong learning sector in Walesdescribe, in generic terms, the values, knowledge,understanding and professional practice required of thosewho perform the wide variety of teaching and trainingroles undertaken within the sector with learners andemployers. The standards:

• are context free and level free, in order to representall areas of work4 and new teachers, experiencedteachers and teacher educators

• represent the teaching and learning cycle, with whichall teachers engage: initial assessment, planning andpreparation, teaching, assessment, evaluation andquality improvement through responding to evaluation.

The development of application of the professionalstandards for teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication (English and/or Welsh) in thelifelong learning sector in Wales

In February 2008, the Welsh Assembly Governmenttasked Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) to develop anapplication of the professional standards for teachers whodevelop learners’ skills in literacy/communication (Englishand/or Welsh) in Wales. This application document hasbeen developed to describe the consistent performanceof these teachers, in terms of knowledge, understandingand professional practice.

As with the generic standards for teachers, thisapplication of the standards for teachers who developlearners’ skills in literacy/communication (English and/orWelsh) is context free and level free. It is for use in allareas of work and for new teachers, experiencedteachers and teacher educators. It can be used for thewhole range of purposes that standards are used for,including recruitment and selection, self assessment, andof course, all types of professional development.

The document will be of value to teachers and managers,including those with responsibility for staff developmentand human resources. It will be of particular value forteacher educators in underpinning professionaldevelopment opportunities. The knowledge, understandingand professional practice detailed in this document caninform the development of a wide range of accredited andunaccredited programmes for teachers of ESOL.


1Lifelong Learning UK 20082Further Education National Training Organisation 19993The Learning Country: Vision into Action (2001) Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)4Including community learning and development, further education, higher education, libraries, archives and information services, and work based learning across the UK

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Personal skills in English and/or Welsh The application of the professional standards for teacherswho develop learners’ skills in literacy/communication(English and/or Welsh) details the knowledge,understanding and professional practice of theseteachers. It does not detail required personal skills inEnglish and/or Welsh. Teachers who develop learners’skills in literacy/communication (English and/or Welsh)should have the appropriate level of personal skills inEnglish and/or Welsh to teach effectively.

Use of terminology – literacy/communicationThis document details the knowledge, understanding and professional practice of all teachers who developlearners’ skills in literacy/communication. This documentis of particular value to teachers of Literacy (Basic Skills)and Communication (Key Skills). The standards for BasicSkills and Key Skills are to be converged but the term todescribe the converged standards is undecided at thetime of writing (April 2008). In recognition of theimportant audience of this document, teachers of Basicand Key Skills, the term ‘literacy/communication’ hasbeen used throughout the document. It is intended thatwhen converged standards are named the title of thisdocument will be reviewed.

Developing learners’ bilingual skillsThe application guide is written with the needs of thebilingual (Welsh/English) teaching context firmly in mind.The guide supports the aim of developing learners withbalanced bilingual skills.

This consideration underpins every element, so thatrather than an either/or choice between Welsh orEnglish, the phrase “and/or” is used consistently.

Organisation of the documentThe new overarching professional standards for teachers,tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector in Walesdetail the values, knowledge, understanding andprofessional practice expected of all teachers in thelifelong learning sector in Wales. This information isdetailed in domains. The domains reflect the functions of the role. There are six domains:

Domain A: Professional values and practice

Domain B: Learning and teaching

Domain C: Specialist learning and teaching

Domain D: Planning for learning

Domain E: Assessment for learning

Domain F: Access and progression

The application of the standards

This document details the knowledge, understanding andprofessional practice required of teachers who developlearners’ skills in literacy/communication (English and/orWelsh) against the domains of the professional standards.

An approach for developing the content of domains B and C had to be considered. In the generic standards,Domain B details teaching and learning in relation to allteachers. Domain C is concerned with a teacher’s area of specialism, whatever that may be. Developing anapplication of the professional standards for particularspecialist teaching and learning, in this instance teacherswho develop learners’ skills in literacy/communication(English and/or Welsh), questioned the content of thetwo domains and how it would differ. After looking at thedetail of the standards in domains B and C, the followingapproach was adopted:

• professional practice, learning and teaching of teacherswho develop learners’ skills in literacy/communication(English and/or Welsh) to be detailed in Domain B

• theory and knowledge related to developing learners’skills in literacy/communication (English and/or Welsh)to be detailed in Domain C.


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These two domains should not be seen as sequential.Indeed, appropriate professional developmentprogrammes for teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy/communication (English and/or Welsh)would be expected to deal with these aspects ofknowledge, understanding and professional practice in a holistic fashion.

Within the domains, specific statements relating toknowledge or practice for teachers who developlearners’ skills in literacy/communication (English and/orWelsh) have been detailed against the value andcommitment statements (what teachers value and whatthey are committed to). It was considered unnecessaryand unhelpful to try to detail the application of everyvalue and commitment statement for teachers whodevelop learners’ skills in literacy/communication (Englishand/or Welsh). Some value and commitment statementsare generic in every sense and little could usefully beadded to make them subject specific. The commitmentstatements are coded by the letter of the domain and Sfor scope, for example, FS 2. All the value andcommitment statements from the standards are includedin this document. Where it was considered there wasnothing specialist to add, this is made clear with thestatement ‘Informed by professional standards only.’

Statements relating to knowledge or practice are detailedthroughout this document as elements. A comprehensivelist of these can be found in section one of this document.They are coded with the domain letter and then innumber sequence.

A suffix, Lit, denotes an element in the applicationdocument.

Elements have been written as areas of knowledge andpractice for teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication (English and/or Welsh). Theydetail the specific application for any value andcommitment statement. The majority of commitmentstatements have one associated element, a few have asignificant number of elements and some have none.

Extent is provided as guidance on the associated contentof each element. This extent is detailed in section two.The use of the terms element and extent has beensupported through consultation. Those developing anddelivering teacher education programmes will find ituseful to consider this extent guidance when making anydecision to include more or less than that detailed for anyparticular cohort of trainee teachers.

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Here is an example from Domain D

Element D1.1 LitApply knowledge of literacy and communication curriculum developmentto the planning process

(This is an element –this relates to knowledge or practice)

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• theories and models of literacy/communication curriculumdevelopment and how to apply them

• how to analyse the literacy/communication elements of a range of education programmes

• how to plan, alone, or with colleagues, programmes which embedliteracy/communication

• how to plan effective programmes which incorporate opportunities to learn, practise, develop and accredit a range of appropriatetransferable skills.

(This is guidance on extent)

Standard DS1 Planning to promote equality, support diversity andto meet the aims and learning needs of learners

(This is a commitment statement from the professional standards)


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Lifelong Learning UK

Section 1:Elements

Element A1.1 LitTake account of the backgrounds, experience, goals and aspirations of learners of literacy/communication

Element A2.1 LitMake links between literacy and language development and other areas of development

Element A3.1 LitAddress particular issues in relation to diversity, inclusion and learners ofliteracy/communication

Element A4.1 LitEngage in professional development relating to international, national and local research into literacy/communication

Element A5.1 LitCollaborate with others to develop learners’ literacy/communication in a range of contexts

Informed by professional standards only

Element A7.1 LitUse approaches which develop the quality of literacy/communication learningand teaching across an organisation

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales value:

Standard AS1Learners, their progress and development, theirlearning goals and aspirations and the experiencethey bring to their learning

Standard AS2Learning, its potential to benefit peopleemotionally, intellectually, socially andeconomically, and its contribution to sustainabledevelopment in a community and global context

Standard AS3Equality, diversity, inclusion and bilingualism in relation to learners, the workforce, and the community

Standard AS4Reflection and evaluation of their own practice and their continuing professional development as teachers

Standard AS5Collaboration with other individuals, groups and/ororganisations with a legitimate interest in theprogress and development of learners

Teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication (English and/or Welsh) in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard AS6The application of the agreed codes of practiceand the maintenance of a safe environment

Standard AS7Improving the quality of their practice

Domain A:Professional values and practice

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Element B1.1 LitMaintain a learning environment where learners’ first/other languages arevalued and the Welsh-English context is acknowledged

Element B2.1 LitUse learning activities and resources which relate to learners’ life goals, their uses of literacy and language and equip learners to use their literacy and language skills to effect desired change

Element B2.2 LitUse approaches to teaching literacy/communication which take into accountthe range of learner backgrounds, histories, learning goals and preferencesand cognitive styles

Element B2.3 LitApply appropriate approaches to working with learners who have dyslexiaand other cognitive, physical or sensory abilities or disabilities

Element B2.4 LitUse knowledge of language systems to develop learners’ awareness of howlanguage works

Element B2.5 LitUse knowledge of language systems to work systematically and holisticallywith learners in developing their use of language

Element B2.6 LitEnable learners to develop critical listening skills within authenticcommunicative situations in English and/or Welsh

Element B2.7 LitEnable learners to develop critical reading skills within authenticcommunicative situations in English and/or Welsh

Element B2.8 LitEnable learners to develop spoken English and/or Welsh within authenticcommunicative situations

Section 1:Elements

Lifelong Learning UK

Teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication in the lifelong learningsector in Wales are committed to:

Standard BS1Maintaining an inclusive, equitable, motivating and,where appropriate, bilingual learning environment

Standard BS2Applying and developing own professional skills to enable learners to achieve their goals

Domain B:Learning and teaching

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Lifelong Learning UK

Element B2.9 LitEnable learners to develop written English and/or Welsh within authenticcommunicative situations

Element B3.1 LitUnderstand English and/or Welsh as both a learning goal and a medium of learning

Element B3.2 LitFacilitate learner-teacher and learner-learner interaction to supportliteracy/communication and language learning

Element B4.1 LitProvide literacy/communication and language support for individuals andgroups in the context of other learning

Element B5.1 LitUse specialist knowledge and awareness of learner needs and goals to select,develop and use appropriate resources for literacy/communication learning,including new and emerging technologies where appropriate

Standard BS3Communicating effectively and appropriately with learners to enhance learning

Standard BS4Collaborating with colleagues to support the needs of learners

Standard BS5Using a range of learning resources to support learners

Domain C: Specialist learning and teaching

Element C1.1 LitAnalyse learners’ uses of literacy and language

Element C1.2 LitUnderstand the relationship between language and social, cultural, politicaland religious identity

Element C1.3 LitUnderstand the role language plays in the formation, maintenance andtransformation of power relations

Element C1.4 LitUnderstand how language varies and changes and how this influences literacyand language use

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard CS1Own specialist area including current development

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Element C1.5 LitUnderstand the social, cognitive and affective factors which may influenceliteracy/communication and language development

Element C1.6 LitUnderstand the different ways in which language can be described and analysed

Element C1.7 LitAnalyse communication at discourse/text level

Element C1.8 LitAnalyse communication at sentence and phrase level

Element C1.9 LitAnalyse communication at word level

Element C1.10 LitAnalyse the phonological features of language

Element C1.11 LitKnow current theories and principles of literacy/communication and languagelearning and development

Element C1.12 LitKnow a range of teaching and learning approaches associated with theories andprinciples of literacy/communication and language learning and development

Element C1.13 LitKnow current theories and principles relating to language acquisition andbilingualism

Element C1.14 LitKnow a range of teaching and learning approaches associated with theoriesand principles of language acquisition and bilingualism

Element C1.15 LitUnderstand the interdependence of the four skills of listening, reading,speaking and writing


Section 1:Elements

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Lifelong Learning UK

Element C1.16 LitUnderstand the implications of the interdependence of the four skills forplanning, teaching and assessment

Element C1.17 LitAnalyse the processes involved in listening

Element C1.18 LitAnalyse the processes involved in reading

Element C1.19 LitAnalyse the processes involved in speaking

Element C1.20 LitAnalyse the processes involved in writing

Element C1.21 LitKnow a range of learning and teaching approaches associated with listening,reading, speaking and writing processes

Element C2.1 LitUnderstand perceptions of literacy/communication and consider their impacton learner motivation

Element C2.2 LitDemonstrate specialist knowledge of strategies that engage and enthuselearners of literacy/communication.

Informed by professional standards only.

Element C4.1 LitDevelop and maintain best practice in working with learners ofliteracy/communication in a range of contexts and environments

Standard CS2Enthusing and motivating learners in own specialist area

Standard CS3Fulfilling the statutory responsibilities associatedwith own specialist area of teaching

Standard CS4Developing good practice in teaching ownspecialist area

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Lifelong Learning UK

Element D1.1 LitApply knowledge of literacy/communication curriculum development to the planning process

Element D1.2 LitApply theoretical and practical knowledge of literacy/communication to the planning of learning and teaching

Element D2.1 LitApply knowledge of the learners to the planning process

Element D3.1 LitEmploy strategies to evaluate literacy/communication learning and teaching

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacyin the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard DS1 Planning to promote equality, support diversity andto meet the aims and learning needs of learners

Standard DS2Learner participation in the planning of learning

Standard DS3Evaluation of own effectiveness in planning learning

Domain D: Planning for learning

Element E1.1 LitApply specialist principles and approaches to assessment forliteracy/communication and language learning

Element E2.1 LitAssess the work of learners of literacy/communication in an equitable and inclusive manner

Element E3.1 LitFacilitate learner involvement and shared responsibility in theliteracy/communication assessment process

Element E4.1 LitApply specialist knowledge in dialogue with learners as part of assessment

Element E5.1 LitRecord relevant information about the literacy/communication or languageskills, knowledge and understanding of learners

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard ES1Designing and using assessment as a tool forlearning and progression

Standard ES2Assessing the work of learners in a fair andequitable manner

Standard ES3Learner involvement and shared responsibility in the assessment process

Standard ES4Using feedback as a tool for learning and progression

Standard ES5Working with the systems and qualityrequirements of the organisation in relation toassessment and monitoring of learner progress

Domain E: Assessment for learning

Section 1:Elements

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Lifelong Learning UK

Element F1.1 LitSignpost learners of literacy/communication to subject specialist supportservices, learning and progression opportunities

Element F2.1 LitIdentify the boundaries between their own specialist areas and those of other specialists

Element F3.1 LitMaintain professional knowledge in relation to progression opportunities for learners of literacy/communication

Element F4.1 LitDevelop relationships with a range of specialist services, agencies andprofessionals for learners of literacy/communication

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard FS1Encouraging learners to seek initial and furtherlearning opportunities and to use services withinthe organisation

Standard FS2Providing support for learners within theboundaries of the teacher role

Standard FS3Maintaining own professional knowledge in orderto provide information on opportunities forprogression in own specialist area

Standard FS4 A multi-agency approach to supportingdevelopment and progression opportunities for learners

Domain F: Access and progression

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Element A1.1 LitTake account of the backgrounds, experience, goals and aspirations oflearners of literacy/communication

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the nature of adult literacy/communication learning and the need tosupport learners’ own ability to work independently

• how to identify the range of skills, experiences, expertise, goals and othersubject areas which interest and motivate learners.

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• apply their understanding of the backgrounds, experiences, achievements,goals and aspirations of learners of literacy/communication to supporttheir development and progression.

Element A2.1.LitMake links between literacy and language development and other areas of development

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand :

• how to support learners of literacy/communication in making linksbetween the development of their literacy and language skills and otherareas of importance to them

• how to encourage learners to reflect on ways literacy and communicationdevelopment can empower them as individuals and enable them toimprove personal attainment, influence community activities, advance inthe workplace and, where appropriate, communicate in a bilingual society.

Element A3.1.LitAddress particular issues in relation to diversity, inclusion and learners ofliteracy/communication

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the range and diversity of learners’ literacy and language practices inEnglish and/or Welsh and how to help learners develop these

• how to address the personal, social, economic, religious, cultural andpolitical factors which may affect the learning, development andprogression of learners

• the potential impact and implications of physical disabilities, sensoryimpairment and mental health issues for learners

• current definitions of dyslexia, dyscalculia and related conditions, andstrategies for supporting learners with these conditions inliteracy/communication settings.

Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

Lifelong Learning UK

Teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication in the lifelong learningsector in Wales value:

Standard AS1Learners, their progress and development, theirlearning goals and aspirations and the experiencethey bring to their learning

Standard AS2Learning, its potential to benefit people emotionally,intellectually, socially and economically, and itscontribution to sustainable development in acommunity and global context

Standard AS3Equality, diversity, inclusion and bilingualism in relation to learners, the workforce, and the community

Domain A:Professional values and practice

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Lifelong Learning UK

Element A4.1 LitEngage in professional development relating to international, national and localresearch into literacy /communication

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how research into literacy/communication and language, together withteachers’ and learners’ own insights, can inform learning and teaching andtheir own practice

• the relationships between literacy/communication and language policiesand initiatives, learning and teaching, and their own practice.

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• reflect on research and literacy/communication and language theories andhow they relate to teaching and the dissemination of good practice.

Element A5.1 LitCollaborate with others to develop learners’ literacy /communication andlanguage in a range of contexts

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how organisational policies can support and influenceliteracy/communication and language practices

• how to evaluate their own contribution to the development of theorganisation’s policies and practices relating to literacy/communicationand language.

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• collaborate with colleagues and/or others to support cross-disciplinaryapproaches to literacy/communication and language development

• apply their literacy/communication and language specialist knowledge tocollaboration with colleagues and other professionals within or outsidethe organisation.

Informed by professional standards only.

Element A7.1 LitUse approaches which develop the quality of literacy/ communication learningand teaching across an organisation

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how literacy practices are situated within organisational policy, planningand implementation processes and practice.

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• evaluate their own contribution to the development of the organisation’spolicies and processes relating to literacy practices

• maintain and develop their own personal literacy skills to meetprofessional standards.

Standard AS4Reflection and evaluation of their own practice and their continuing professional development as teachers

Standard AS5Collaboration with other individuals, groups and/ororganisations with a legitimate interest in theprogress and development of learners

Teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication (English and/or Welsh) in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard AS6The application of the agreed codes of practiceand the maintenance of a safe environment

Standard AS7Improving the quality of their practice

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Element B1.1 LitMaintain a learning environment where learners’ first/other languages arevalued and the Welsh-English context is acknowledged

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• value learners use of language, both as a tool for learning, and as animportant part of learner identity

• support the development and understanding of the place of spoken andwritten English and/or Welsh in authentic and relevant contexts

• use approaches which help learners to participate in Welsh-Englishbilingual environments.

Element B2.1 LitUse learning activities and resources which relate to learners’ life goals,their uses of literacy and language and equip learners to use their literacyand language skills to effect desired change

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• support the development of spoken and written language in authentic andrelevant contexts

• use approaches which validate and make use of learners’ existing uses oflanguage(s) and literacy

• use approaches which promote autonomy and collaboration in language learning

• make curriculum and methodology explicit and negotiable

• help learners to use their developing knowledge of literacy and languageto effect desired change, gain access to powerful literacies andprestigious forms, develop critical awareness and make informed choices.

Element B2.2 LitUse approaches to teaching literacy/communication which take into accountthe range of learner backgrounds, histories, learning goals and preferencesand cognitive styles

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• use a range of strategies that support differentiated learning and teaching,taking into account the range of learner linguistic backgrounds

• use a range of classroom management approaches and techniques thatfoster innovative and collaborative literacy/communication teaching andlearning

• use a range of teaching styles that take account of different learning stylesto enhance the literacy and language skills of learners

• use approaches which encourage bilingual learners to develop literacy andlanguage skills in English and/or Welsh according to their needs.

Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

Lifelong Learning UK

Teachers who develop learners’ skills inliteracy/communication in the lifelong learningsector in Wales are committed to:

Standard BS1Maintaining an inclusive, equitable, motivating and,where appropriate, bilingual learning environment

Standard BS2Applying and developing own professional skills to enable learners to achieve their goals

Domain B:Learning and teaching

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Element B2.3 LitApply appropriate approaches to working with learners who have dyslexiaand other cognitive, physical or sensory abilities or disabilities

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• take account of the impact of different cognitive, physical and sensoryabilities and disabilities on literacy and communication learning

• use multi-sensory activities and resources that build on learners’ strengths

• enable learners to use specialist assistive technology for literacy andcommunication learning.

Element B2.4 LitUse knowledge of language systems to develop learners’ awareness of howlanguage works

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• use a variety of appropriate techniques and terminology to help learnersdevelop their understanding of how oral and written language works

• use approaches which help learners recognise the diverse and changingnature of literacy and language e.g. Standard English and/or Welsh andvarieties of those languages

• use approaches which enable learners to recognise language varieties in different contexts.

Element B2.5 LitUse knowledge of language systems to work systematically and holisticallywith learners in developing their use of language

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• analyse language for learning and teaching purposes.

• use appropriate terminology relating to discourse, grammar, lexis and phonology

• integrate the development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skillsat text, sentence and word level

• use approaches which enable learners to understand the importance ofpurpose, audience and social context

• use approaches which foster creativity and self-expression and enablelearners to use language in relevant contexts

• use approaches which enable learners to make informed choices abouttheir own literacy and language use

• use approaches which enable learners to understand how literacy andlanguage use relates to social structures, power and identity.

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Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

Element B2.6 LitUse knowledge of the interdependence of the four skills for planning,teaching and assessment

ESOL teachers:

• apply their understanding of the interdependence of the four skills toplanning, teaching, and assessment

• apply their understanding of the interdependence of the four skills in accessing multimodal media successfully to planning, teaching andassessment.

Element B2.7 LitEnable learners to develop spoken English and/or Welsh within authenticcommunicative situations

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• use approaches, texts and materials to help learners develop their abilityto communicate effectively with a range of audiences for differentpurposes at text (discourse), sentence and word level appropriate totheir interests, contexts and goals

• enable learners to develop strategies which build on their existingknowledge and skills in English and/or Welsh and, where appropriate,other languages

• use approaches which enable learners to deal with linguistic, cultural andother challenges to expressing themselves orally

• use a range of approaches to develop spoken English and/or Welsh basedon research and theory.

Element B2.8 LitEnable learners to develop critical listening skills within authenticcommunicative situations in English and/or Welsh

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• use a range of authentic resources and approaches based on research tohelp learners develop critical listening skills appropriate to their interestsand goals

• enable learners to improve their ability to understand, interpret andrespond to spoken texts

• support learners to develop listening strategies which build on theirexisting skills in English and/or Welsh

• enable learners to deal with potential linguistic, cultural and otherchallenges to understanding and interpreting spoken texts.

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Lifelong Learning UK

Element B2.9 LitEnable learners to develop critical reading skills within authenticcommunicative situations in English and/or Welsh

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• use a range of authentic resources and approaches based on research tohelp learners develop critical reading skills

• use a range of texts and approaches to develop learners’ reading skills fordifferent purposes

• enable learners to improve their ability to understand, interpret andrespond to written texts

• enable learners to develop reading strategies which build on their existingknowledge and skills in English and /or Welsh

• use approaches which enable learners to deal with potential linguistic,cultural and other challenges to understanding and interpreting written texts.

Element B2.10 LitEnable learners to develop written English and/or Welsh within authenticcommunicative situations

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• use approaches, texts and materials to help learners develop their abilityto communicate effectively in writing for a range of audiences fordifferent purposes at text (discourse), sentence and word (lexis) levelappropriate to their interests, contexts and goals

• enable learners to develop strategies which build on their existingknowledge and skills in English and/or Welsh and, where appropriate,other languages

• use approaches which enable learners to deal with linguistic, cultural andother challenges to writing in a variety of contexts

• use a range of approaches to writing development based on research and theory.

Element B3.1 LitUnderstand English and/or Welsh as both a learning goal and a medium of learning

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• analyse the English and/or Welsh language(s) as a medium of learning anda learning goal

• give learners the opportunity to use and critically review the use oflanguage in English and/or Welsh

• provide learners with the opportunity and vocabulary (meta-language) todiscuss the mechanics of language use in English and/or Welsh.

Standard BS3Communicating effectively and appropriately with learners to enhance learning

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Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

Lifelong Learning UK

Element B3.2 LitFacilitate learner-teacher and learner-learner interaction to supportliteracy/communication and language learning.

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• demonstrate awareness of the variety of opportunities for interaction in literacy/communication and language development

• ensure that the spoken and written language they use is accessible to learners and appropriate for the purpose and audience.

Element B4.1 LitProvide literacy/communication and language support for individuals andgroups in the context of other learning.

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• develop and support learners’ literacy/communication and language skillsin the context of other curriculum areas

• work with learning support practitioners, interpreters, volunteers andothers to support literacy/communication and language learning in a rangeof contexts and curriculum areas

• analyse the literacy/communication and language content of othercurriculum areas to support planning of learning and teaching

• communicate effectively with relevant staff in other curriculum areasusing appropriate lay or specialist language

• participate in mentoring or coaching arrangements to support embeddedlearning and teaching as appropriate.

Element B5.1 LitUse specialist knowledge and awareness of learner needs and goals to select,develop and use appropriate resources for literacy/communication learning,including new and emerging technologies where appropriate

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• design, adapt or select resources from an appropriate range that developconceptual understanding and enable practice of English and/or Welshliteracy/communication skills

• use new and emerging technologies to create resources forliteracy/communication, recognising the issues related to communicatingabout language through these technologies

• select and use appropriate specialist equipment and realia forliteracy/communication learning and teaching

• adapt the linguistic content of teaching and learning resources asappropriate for particular groups or individuals, for example, bysimplification, extension or re-organisation

• use new and emerging technologies and interactive e-learning resourcesthat link appropriately to literacy/communication and language learningoutcomes and promote learner engagement with tasks and activities.

Standard BS4Collaborating with colleagues to support the needs of learners

Standard BS5Using a range of learning resources to support learners

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Lifelong Learning UK

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard CS1Own specialist area including current development

Element C1.1 LitAnalyse learners’ uses of literacy and language

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand that:

• the way each person uses spoken and written language is determined by their social, cultural and linguistic background

• the use of English in Wales incorporates syntactical and semantic formsthat derive from the Welsh language

• the use of the Welsh language can be influenced by English syntax and vocabulary

• the context in which language is used affects the choices made by the speaker/writer and the expectations of the listener/reader

• learners aspire to use a range of appropriate literacy and languagepractices to achieve their goals.

Element C1.2 LitUnderstand the relationship between language and social, cultural, politicaland religious identity

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand that:

• each person has their own form of language that reflects their personalidentity (an idiolect)

• in speaking and writing, individuals choose varieties of language, registersand styles according to a range of cultural and social factors

• the confidence of Welsh speakers to use the language is influenced bycontact with other Welsh speakers

• the importance of using language in ways that are socially inclusive.

Element C1.3 LitUnderstand the role language plays in the formation, maintenance andtransformation of power relations

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• that there is a relationship between literacy and language use and power

• that language can be used to maintain existing social relations

• that language can be used to change social relations

• the importance and standard of Welsh/English bilingual skills needed in certainsettings and specialist areas within the community and the workplace.

Domain C: Specialist learning and teaching

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Element C1.4 LitUnderstand how language varies and changes and how this influences literacyand language use

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand that:

• languages, including English and Welsh, are dynamic and constantly evolving

• there are many varieties and dialects of English, both international andintra-national, each with its own spoken and, often, written form

• there are several varieties of Welsh, both regional and in terms of register

• there are particular pressures on Welsh language speakers because of theubiquitous nature of the English language

• the Welsh language has had a significant impact on the way English isspoken in many areas of Wales and vice versa

• English in its many forms is a global language, widely used in technology,commerce and other fields

• the nature of literacy is changing in many ways, including the move frompage to screen and the development of multimedia texts.

Element C1.5 LitUnderstand the social, cognitive and affective factors which may influenceliteracy/communication and language learning

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how social, cultural, economic, linguistic and personal factors influenceliteracy and language learning

• that cognitive and affective factors also have an impact on literacy andlanguage development.

Element C1.6 LitUnderstand the different ways in which language can be described and analysed

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how language can be described in a range of ways including, semantic,morphological, grammatical, written or spoken features.

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Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

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Element C1.7 LitAnalyse communication at discourse/text level

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how genre, register and style are related to purpose, audience, contextand the mode of discourse – written or spoken

• the features that make a text coherent and cohesive

• key aspects of pragmatics (the study of intended and inferred meaning in context)

• the main differences between spoken and written discourse

• how to enable learners of literacy/communication to use language, formatand conventions appropriate to genre and context

• how to enable learners to recognise and use the organisational,grammatical, lexical, phonological and punctuation features which makediscourse effective

• how to enable learners to use interpersonal and non-linguistic features in spoken discourse.

Element C1.8 LitAnalyse communication at sentence and phrase level

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand

• the rules and conventions relating to the syntax of English and/or Welsh

• different ways of describing grammar, for example, prescriptive or descriptive grammar

• the grammatical features of spoken language

• the grammatical features of written language, including sentence types,clause and phrase types, tenses, punctuation and others

• the relationship between syntax and semantics at sentence and phrase level

• how to compare written and spoken forms.

Element C1.9 LitAnalyse communication at word level

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• what is meant by lexis and its relationship to vocabulary

• how to use lexis with an understanding of the constraints of register,collocation, purpose and context

• semantic relationships in communication

• the significance of chunks and lexical phrases in the acquisition and storageof language, especially spoken language

• the morphology of the English and/or Welsh languages

• the main features of the English and/or Welsh spelling systems.

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Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

Lifelong Learning UK

Element C1.10 LitAnalyse the phonological features of language

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the role of stress, rhythm and intonation in conveying meaning in Englishand/or Welsh

• the phonology of English and/or Welsh

• the influence of the learners’ other language(s) and dialect(s) on theirpronunciation of English and/or Welsh

• the importance of phonics in the teaching of reading and spelling.

Element C1.11 LitKnow current theories and principles of literacy learning and development

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• theories and principles of literacy/communication learning and development.

Element C1.12 LitKnow a range of teaching and learning approaches associated with theoriesand principles of literacy development

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how to draw on theories and principles of literacy/communication learning and development for teaching and assessment of learners of literacy/communication

• there are different theoretical models of reading, writing, speaking andlistening which underpin different teaching and learning approaches.

Element C1.13 LitKnow current theories and principles relating to language acquisition and bilingualism

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the main theories of language acquisition

• the main theories of bilingualism and multilingualism

• the main theories of bilingual teaching methodologies

• the main theories and principles of child language acquisition anddevelopment, including visual-spatial languages (sign languages), andhow these must be adjusted for use with adults.

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Element C1.14 LitKnow a range of teaching and learning approaches associated with theoriesand principles of language acquisition and bilingualism

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how to draw on theories of language acquisition and bilingualism inteaching and assessment of language learners.

Element C1.15 LitUnderstand the interdependence of the four skills of listening, reading,speaking and writing

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• that speaking and listening, reading and writing are all closely inter-relatedand can take a range of forms depending on medium, purpose and context

• the relevance of the concept of genre to spoken and written language.

Element C1.16 LitUnderstand the implications of the interdependence of the four skills forplanning, teaching and assessment

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand

• how to apply their understanding of the interdependence of the four skillsto planning, teaching and assessment

• how to assist learners to gain confidence in using new media forcommunication and to acquire transferable competencies in using them inEnglish and/or Welsh and/or bilingual settings according to learners’ needs.

Element C1.17 LitAnalyse the processes involved in listening

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the key cognitive and socio-cultural factors that apply in understandingspoken discourse

• how approaches to listening vary according to context and purpose

• the skills required for effective listening.

Element C1.18 LitAnalyse the processes involved in reading

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the key cognitive and socio-cultural factors that apply in understandingwritten text

• how approaches to reading vary according to context and purpose

• the sub-skills of reading

• the factors that enhance or inhibit effective reading and understanding.

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Element C1.19 LitAnalyse the processes involved in speaking

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the key cognitive and socio-cultural factors that apply in spokencommunication

• how approaches to speaking vary according to context and purpose

• the skills required for effective oral communication

• the factors that enhance or inhibit effective speaking.

Element C1.20 LitAnalyse the processes involved in writing

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the key cognitive and socio-cultural factors that apply in the planning andproduction of written texts

• how approaches to writing vary according to context and purpose

• the sub-skills of writing

• the factors that enhance or inhibit effective writing.

Element C1.21 LitKnow a range of learning and teaching approaches associated with listening,reading, speaking and writing processes

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how to apply their awareness of the processes involved in reading,writing, speaking and listening to their planning, teaching and assessmentof learners

• how to use their knowledge of the processes involved in speaking andwriting to support learners and to develop their fluency and accuracy

• how to plan programmes and sessions which take account of process as well as product

• how to support the development of beginner readers and writers

• how to bring to the classroom a range of written and spoken discourseswhich reflect diversity of purpose, audience, form and function.

Element C2.1 LitUnderstand perceptions of literacy/communication and consider their impacton learner motivation

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• that learners may have different motivations for improving their literacy

• that these motivations need to be seen in the broader framework ofpopular, national and international views of literacy and language.

Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

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Standard CS2Enthusing and motivating learners in own specialist area

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Element C2.2 LitDemonstrate specialist knowledge of strategies that engage and enthuselearners of literacy/communication

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the importance of treating all learners with respect, valuing the priorlearning and experience that each one brings to the classroom

• how to encourage learners to use the Welsh language as appropriate

• how to develop learner enthusiasm for the use of bilingual skills

• how to break tasks down into appropriate steps to enable learners to make progress and succeed

• how to demonstrate a range of strategies for overcoming a lack ofconfidence on the part of the learner

• how to instil confidence in their learners through their own confidence,enthusiasm and specialist knowledge

Informed by professional standards only

Element C.4.1 LitDevelop and maintain best practice in working with learners ofliteracy/communication in a range of contexts and environments

Teachers of literacy/communication know how to:

• plan literacy/communication sessions with clearly identified objectiveswhich relate to both group and individual needs

• write Individual Learning Plans that are appropriate to the needs of thelearners of literacy/communication

• use literacy resources in English and/or Welsh which take account of the needs of the learners as appropriate

• develop appropriate English and/or Welsh literacy/communicationresources themselves

• use clear and straightforward language that their learners can understand

• encourage learners to produce their own texts

• use a range of teaching and learning techniques specific toliteracy/communication such as discussion, paired and small group work, games and kinaesthetic activities

• use a range of literacy/communication teaching and learning techniquessuch as language experience, DARTs and modelled or group reading

• give learners of literacy/communication supportive and constructivefeedback on their work

• encourage learner autonomy in the context of literacy/communicationlearning.

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Standard CS3Fulfilling the statutory responsibilities associatedwith own specialist area of teaching

Standard CS4Developing good practice in teaching ownspecialist area

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Element D1.1 LitApply knowledge of literacy/communication curriculum development to the planning process

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• theories and models of literacy/communication curriculum developmentand how to apply them

• how to analyse the literacy/communication elements of a range ofeducation programmes

• how to plan, individually, or with colleagues, programmes which embedliteracy/communication

• how to plan effective programmes which incorporate opportunities to learn, practise, develop and accredit a range of appropriate transferable skills.

Element D1.2 LitApply theoretical and practical knowledge of literacy/communication to the planning of learning and teaching

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the importance of having an overview of a range of relevant factors (for example, age and experience of the learners, disabilities, specificlearning needs, prior achievements, literacy or language needs) whenplanning a programme of learning

• how to plan coherent programmes of learning which incorporate and balance a range of elements, including: development ofliteracy/communication, study and other transferable skills; relevantcurricula and standards, awards and assessment requirements

• how to use learner interests, appropriate language preferences, contextsand experiences and other programmes of learning, to inform theplanning of literacy/communication learning and teaching.

Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

Lifelong Learning UK

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard DS1 Planning to promote equality, support diversity andto meet the aims and learning needs of learners

Domain D: Planning for learning

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Element D2.1 LitApply knowledge of the learners to the planning process.

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the importance of dialogue with learners during the planning of learningand teaching, which involves:

– Using accessible language to discuss and negotiate learning programmes

– Understanding that previous educational experiences might affectlearners’ expectations of how much input and control they can havein a learning programme

– Agreeing relevant learning goals with learners based on personal aims,assessment results and curriculum requirements

– Taking account of the learners’ use of Welsh and English as appropriate

• how to develop participatory and inclusive approaches to learning andselect appropriate strategies for supporting a range of needs within a group.

Element D3.1 LitEmploy strategies to evaluate literacy/communication learning and teaching

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how to evaluate and analyse literacy/communication activities fromtheoretical and practical perspectives, using a range of methods, in termsof what was learned, using the outcomes of assessment, using learnerfeedback, using feedback from colleagues

• how to evaluate and analyse literacy/communication activities withreference to appropriate general and literacy-related learning theories

• use the evaluation and analysis of literacy/communication activities toinform the planning of further teaching, learning and assessment activities.

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Standard DS2Learner participation in the planning of learning

Standard DS3Evaluation of own effectiveness in planning learning

Element E1.1 LitApply specialist principles and approaches to assessment forliteracy/communication and language learning

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• that assessment tools and procedures need to reflect learners’ real lifeliteracy and language use

• different types of literacy/communication assessment and terminology

• how to select different forms of literacy/communication assessment (initial,diagnostic, formative, summative) appropriate to context and purpose

• that initial and, where appropriate, diagnostic assessments in Englishand/or Welsh are needed at the beginning of programmes to profilelearners’ literacy and language needs.

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard ES1Designing and using assessment as a tool forlearning and progression

Domain E: Assessment for learning

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Element E2.1 LitAssess the work of learners of literacy/communication in an equitable andinclusive manner

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• demonstrate awareness of learners’ differing linguistic and cultural backgroundsand the implications of these for equitable and inclusive assessment

• demonstrate awareness of other factors affecting learners who aredyslexic or have other learning difficulties or disabilities and theimplications of these for equitable and inclusive assessment

• demonstrate awareness that literacy assessment results may not revealunderlying challenges faced by learners with learning difficulties or disabilities

• conduct assessment at every level in a fair and inclusive manner within thecontext of ensuring that their assessment practices are valid and reliable.

Element E3.1 LitFacilitate learner involvement and shared responsibility in the literacy andlanguage assessment process

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• demonstrate awareness that learners’ previous experiences of assessment(both negative and positive) may affect their current attitudes to it

• encourage learners to participate in assessing their needs and progress

• develop tools to enable learners to assess their own needs and progress.

Element E4.1 LitApply specialist knowledge in dialogue with learners as part of assessment

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the importance of giving clear and constructive written and spokenfeedback to learners of literacy/communication.

Element E5.1 LitRecord relevant information about the literacy or language skills, knowledgeand understanding of learners

Teachers of literacy/communication:

• demonstrate awareness of the importance of recording appropriatelyboth the outcomes of initial and diagnostic assessment and learners’progress in literacy/communication in Welsh and/or English

• develop, as necessary, systems for recording learner progress in literacy/communication in order to inform the learner, the teacher and the institution

• keep detailed records of learner progress as required.

Section 2: Elements and guidance on extent

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Standard ES2Assessing the work of learners in a fair andequitable manner

Standard ES3Learner involvement and shared responsibility in the assessment process

Standard ES4Using feedback as a tool for learning andprogression

Standard ES5Working with the systems and qualityrequirements of the organisation in relation toassessment and monitoring of learner progress

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Element F1.1 LitSignpost learners of literacy/communication to subject specialist supportservices, learning and progression opportunities

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how to identify, use and refer learners to sources of specialist information,support, advice and guidance relating to literacy/communication

• how to help learners develop the literacy/communication and languageskills needed to research and use the organisation’s services, and alsothose outside the organisation

• how to identify statutory entitlements to learning and personal supportfor learners along with the procedures in place to access them

• how to act appropriately as advocates for learners of literacy/communication.

Element F2.1 LitIdentify the boundaries between their own specialist areas and those of other specialists

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• the boundaries between their own specialist area and those of otherspecialists (e.g. specialists in learning disabilities, Welsh for Adults, ESOL,numeracy, educational psychologists or other specialists)

• developments within the literacy teaching profession, and related fields.

Element F3.1 LitMaintain professional knowledge in relation to progression opportunities for learners of literacy/communication

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how to provide accurate and current information to learners on the place ofliteracy in potential progression routes for education, training and/or career.

Element F4.1 LitDevelop relationships with a range of specialist services, agencies andprofessionals for learners of literacy/communication

Teachers of literacy/communication know and understand:

• how to access the wide range of national, regional and local supportservices available to learners of literacy/communication to supportdevelopment and progression

• how to access support from other specialists for their learners

• how to work collaboratively with specialists from other areas, both within and outside the organisation, to support their learners.

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Domain F: Access and progression

Teachers who develop learners’ skills in literacy in the lifelong learning sector in Wales arecommitted to:

Standard FS1Encouraging learners to seek initial and furtherlearning opportunities and to use services withinthe organisation

Standard FS2Providing support for learners within theboundaries of the teacher role

Standard FS3Maintaining own professional knowledge in orderto provide information on opportunities forprogression in own specialist area

Standard FS4 A multi-agency approach to supporting developmentand progression opportunities for learners

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2781A glossary of terms used within this document and other Wales publicationscan be found on the LLUK website at

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