ap united states history unit 2 a new nation america after the revolution nationalism growth of...

AP United States History AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation Unit 2 A New Nation

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Page 1: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

AP United States HistoryAP United States HistoryUnit 2 A New NationUnit 2 A New Nation

Page 2: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

America after America after the Revolutionthe RevolutionAmerica after America after the Revolutionthe Revolution

Growth of NationalismNationalism. Defined.

Pride in or devotion to Pride in or devotion to one’s countryone’s country.

Unlike other revolutions, nationalism develops during the conflict with Britain, but not before it.

Common sacrifices, Common sacrifices, experiences, and battlesexperiences, and battles help to solidify America. The Spirit of ‘76


Page 3: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

America after America after the Revolutionthe RevolutionAmerica after America after the Revolutionthe Revolution

Colonists think of themselves as a separate society. Distinct from Europe

based on society, economics, and attitudes.

No landed nobilitylanded nobility, no kings, and a belief in the equality of man.

More educated and educated and liberalliberal.

Many come from the middle-classmiddle-class.

Benjamin Franklinhttp://www.synthstuff.com/mt/archives/ben_franklin.jpg

Page 4: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

America after America after the Revolutionthe RevolutionAmerica after America after the Revolutionthe Revolution

Local ties remain Local ties remain predominantpredominant. Most Americans still

consider themselves as citizens of their states, not as Americans.

Belief that the sovereignty of the state was more important than that of the power of the central government.

Would prove to be a problem later. Map of the 13 Colonies


Page 5: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

America after America after the Revolutionthe RevolutionAmerica after America after the Revolutionthe Revolution

United in name only. Issues included:

Western land claimsWestern land claims. SlaverySlavery. Issues with foreign foreign

nations and Indiansnations and Indians. Prewar and postwar

debts of individual states. Merchants and producers

vs. agriculture. Interstate tradeInterstate trade.

Second Continental Congresshttp://www.loc.gov/exhibits/declara/images/committ.jpg

Page 6: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationOriginsOrigins

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationOriginsOrigins

First incarnation of our national government.

Articles of Confederationhttp://www.constitutioncenter.org/timeline/flash/assets/


Page 7: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationOriginsOrigins

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationOriginsOrigins

Drawn up by John DickinsonJohn Dickinson of Pennsylvania. Originally made the federal government

strong, provided a bill of rights, and created a system of taxation.

Most Americans were still advocates for the statestate being stronger than the central central governmentgovernment.

Delegates to the Convention chop it up, making the Articles weaker.

Page 8: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationOriginsOrigins

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationOriginsOrigins

Ratification required by all thirteen statesall thirteen states, would not be finalized until 1781.

John Dickinsonhttp://www.billofrightsinstitute.org/Instructional/Resources/


Page 9: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationWestern Land ClaimsWestern Land Claims

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationWestern Land ClaimsWestern Land Claims

The “landed” states had overlapping claims, causing tension. The “landless” states did

not want to be left out. Believed that the

monopolizationmonopolization of Western lands would create dissent and imbalanceimbalance in the Union.

Landed states agree, but declare that all land all land claims are voidclaims are void.

Jefferson’s Conception of the NW Territorieshttp://www.jlindquist.com/OM2images/jefferson.gif

Page 10: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationKey Rights in the ArticlesKey Rights in the Articles

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationKey Rights in the ArticlesKey Rights in the Articles

Each state receives one voteone vote regardless of size. Limits to national powernational power are contained in Article 2.

“Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every Power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”

No right to tax individuals or statestax individuals or states. Relied on the states for yearly contributionsRelied on the states for yearly contributions. Major weakness of the United States under the

Articles of Confederation.

Page 11: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationPowers of CongressPowers of Congress

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationPowers of CongressPowers of Congress

Declare warDeclare war.

Make treaties.

Establish a postal system.

Coin and borrow money.

Regulate Indian affairsIndian affairs.

Unicameral Unicameral legislaturelegislature. Articles of Confederation


Page 12: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationProcess for Enacting LawsProcess for Enacting Laws

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationProcess for Enacting LawsProcess for Enacting Laws

One state, one voteOne state, one vote. 9 of 139 of 13 needed to approve laws. No process for amendmentNo process for amendment.









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Page 13: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationExecutive PowersExecutive Powers

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationExecutive PowersExecutive Powers

NoNo separate executive branch.

President appointed by CongressCongress.

Has no true power.

Samuel Huntington,First President of the Confederation


Page 14: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationJudicial PowersJudicial Powers

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationJudicial PowersJudicial Powers

None provided for a national government.

Only state courtsstate courts have judicial power. Creates chaos.

Lady Justicehttp://www.co.yuma.az.us/LD/graphics/ladyjustice260_570-2.gif

Page 15: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState PowersState Powers

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState PowersState Powers

States retain all States retain all powers not powers not specifically granted specifically granted to Congress in the to Congress in the ArticlesArticles.

Patrick Henryhttp://etc.usf.edu/clipart/0/25/henry_1_lg.gif

Page 16: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState ConstitutionsState Constitutions

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState ConstitutionsState Constitutions

Republican based. Did not drastically alter from colonial

laws, with the exception of no outside controls. Three branches.

Executive, judicial, legislativeExecutive, judicial, legislative. Power concentrated in the legislaturelegislature.

Can declare war, conduct foreign relations, and control courts.

Only tax-paying landholderstax-paying landholders could vote.

Page 17: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState ConstitutionsState Constitutions

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState ConstitutionsState Constitutions

People are citizenscitizens, not subjectssubjects.

A majority of the state constitutions contain a bill bill of rightsof rights, enumerating the rights guaranteed all citizens under law.

Liberty Bell with First Flaghttp://images.jupiterimages.com/common/detail/06/15/23431506.jpg

Page 18: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState ConstitutionsState Constitutions

The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of ConfederationState ConstitutionsState Constitutions

Drafted written constitutionswritten constitutions. Based on colonial experience, the colonial experience, the

British system, the Enlightenment, and British system, the Enlightenment, and Greco-Roman traditionsGreco-Roman traditions.

Social contractsSocial contracts spelling out the powers and duties of the government.

Wanted them to be written. Believed that unwritten constitutions, such as

the British one, caused too much controversy and led to the RevolutionRevolution.

Page 19: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Triumph of the ArticlesTriumph of the ArticlesLand Ordinance of 1785Land Ordinance of 1785

Triumph of the ArticlesTriumph of the ArticlesLand Ordinance of 1785Land Ordinance of 1785

Divided up and provided the Western lands for sale by the federal government.

Ensured orderly development of the West.

Provided a simplified plan for dealing with frontier defensefrontier defense.

Set aside land in each new township for the building of schoolsschools.

Draft of the Land Ordinancehttp://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/images/767.jpg

Page 20: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Triumph of the ArticlesTriumph of the ArticlesNorthwest OrdinanceNorthwest Ordinance

Triumph of the ArticlesTriumph of the ArticlesNorthwest OrdinanceNorthwest Ordinance

Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, set down into law how new states would be admitted into the Union.

Northwest Territoryhttp://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/9/9e/Northwest-territory-usa-1787.png

Page 21: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Triumph of the ArticlesTriumph of the ArticlesNorthwest OrdinanceNorthwest Ordinance

Triumph of the ArticlesTriumph of the ArticlesNorthwest OrdinanceNorthwest Ordinance

The Northwest Territory could be carved into no less than no less than three and no more than five three and no more than five statesstates. When 60,00060,000 people settled into

one of the political subdivisions, the territory could petition CongressCongress to become a state.

Slavery is prohibitedSlavery is prohibited. People living in the territories are

to be considered citizenscitizens of the United States and not treated as second-class citizens. Northwest Ordinance


Page 22: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesBorder Problems with Border Problems with Britain & SpainBritain & SpainProblems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the Articles

Border Problems with Border Problems with Britain & SpainBritain & Spain

Britain refuses to evacuate Western posts, as per the Treaty of ParisTreaty of Paris. Causes many problems with

Britain and disrupts tradetrade. Britain felt that the American

government was not upholding the clause about supporting British debt debt collectorscollectors.

Treatment of a British Loyalist


Page 23: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesBorder Problems with Britain & SpainBorder Problems with Britain & SpainProblems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the Articles

Border Problems with Britain & SpainBorder Problems with Britain & Spain

Spain and Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. Spain captures

American territory (the city of Natchez).

Closes the Mississippi RiverMississippi River to American commerce, hurting Western farmers. Spanish Louisiana Regiment


Page 24: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesForeign TradeForeign Trade

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesForeign TradeForeign Trade

Was excluded from the British imperial trade union. Policy of mercantilismmercantilism still

exists, Britain shifts its focus on its other colonies.

Merchants in New EnglandNew England suffer because they cannot participate in trade.

British merchants flood American markets with cheap goodscheap goods. Creates a depression in

America as many domestic industries fold.

Seal of the British East India Company


Page 25: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesEconomic ProblemsEconomic Problems

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesEconomic ProblemsEconomic Problems

Congress and debt. Could not pay off debts. National depression National depression

caused by lack of caused by lack of trade, cheap foreign trade, cheap foreign goods, and stingy goods, and stingy statesstates.

War veteransWar veterans were not provided for.

Inflation. Robert MorrisFinancier of the Revolution


Page 26: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesShays’ RebellionShays’ Rebellion

Problems Under the ArticlesProblems Under the ArticlesShays’ RebellionShays’ Rebellion

Massachusetts legislature is determined to pay its debt by collecting back taxes, seizing the land of debtors, and sending people to prison.

Poor western farmers organize under war veteran Daniel Shays and forcibly forcibly prevent courts from prevent courts from holding sessionsholding sessions.

Impact: Many Americans Many Americans feel that the nation is on feel that the nation is on the brink of collapsethe brink of collapse. Shays’ Rebellion


Page 27: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Merit Point Question #1Merit Point Question #1

The measure passed by the Confederation The measure passed by the Confederation Congress prohibiting slavery in the Congress prohibiting slavery in the Western territories above the Ohio River Western territories above the Ohio River was thewas the A. Northwest Ordinance.B. Treaty of Paris of 1783.C. Articles of Confederation.D. Homestead Act.E. Proclamation of 1763.

Page 28: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Merit Point Question #2Merit Point Question #2 The group most likely to approve of the The group most likely to approve of the

Articles of Confederation would beArticles of Confederation would beA. former officers in the Continental army.B. those who feared strong central

government.C. those who held U. S. government

securities.D. bankers, merchants, and financiers.E. those who feared the dangers of

unrestrained democracy.

Page 29: AP United States History Unit 2 A New Nation America after the Revolution Nationalism Growth of Nationalism. Defined. Pride in or devotion to one’s country

Merit Point Question #3Merit Point Question #3 One of the chief reasons for the failure of the One of the chief reasons for the failure of the

Articles of Confederation wasArticles of Confederation wasA. their lack of an adequate mechanism forCongress to force states to comply with its decisions.B. their focus on the separation of powers within the federal branch of government.C. their failure to adequately curb the powers of theexecutive branch of government.D. their failure to provide women and free blacks with the right to vote.E. their strict tax collections provisions.