ap digital portfolio: teacher user guide for ap with we ... · 111 ~collegeboard ap" my...

.dV p,eoaa6ano:J O I Em January 2020 AP Digital Portfolio: Teacher User Guide for AP with WE Service Welcome ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Digital Portfolio Access and Classroom Setup ............................................................................................ 1 Initial Login for AP with WE Service Teachers ..................................................................................................1 Step 1: Set up your AP with WE Service class in My AP ...................................................................................1 Step 2: Access the AP Digital Portfolio .............................................................................................................2 Navigate Between Multiple Classes .................................................................................................................2 Navigate Through the AP Digital Portfolio........................................................................................................3 Navigate Through the AP Digital Portfolio – AP Seminar, AP Research and AP CSP ........................................3 Student Enrollment .................................................................................................................................. 4 Instruct Students to Enroll in Your Classes .......................................................................................................4 Course Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Upload Supporting Materials ...........................................................................................................................5 Download and View Student Work ..................................................................................................................5 Completing the Recognition Rubric........................................................................................................... 7

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Post on 18-Aug-2020




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.dV p,eoaa6ano:J O I Em

January 2020

AP Digital Portfolio: Teacher User Guide for AP with WE Service

Welcome .................................................................................................................................................1

Digital Portfolio Access and Classroom Setup............................................................................................1

Initial Login for AP with WE Service Teachers ..................................................................................................1

Step 1: Set up your AP with WE Service class in My AP ...................................................................................1

Step 2: Access the AP Digital Portfolio .............................................................................................................2

Navigate Between Multiple Classes .................................................................................................................2

Navigate Through the AP Digital Portfolio........................................................................................................3

Navigate Through the AP Digital Portfolio – AP Seminar, AP Research and AP CSP ........................................3

Student Enrollment..................................................................................................................................4

Instruct Students to Enroll in Your Classes .......................................................................................................4

Course Activities ......................................................................................................................................5

Upload Supporting Materials ...........................................................................................................................5

Download and View Student Work ..................................................................................................................5

Completing the Recognition Rubric...........................................................................................................7

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My Classes

< Back to AP Classroo m Abraham Lincoln High Schooll v

Set up your class sections so students can sign in, enroll onl ine, and make their exam decisions . If you don't see one of you r courses, please see AP Course Audit.

Exam Decision Deadline

El September 7, 2018

To avoid potential late fees, your students must enroll online and confirm they are tak ing exams before the decis ion deadline . Your AP Coordinator has requested

that you also review the list of confirmed students before th is deadline.

AP Computer Science A

+ Add Section

AP Computer Science Principles + Add Section

----2nd Block WVXP4Y ~ 40 0 No

January 2020


We’re excited to have you participate in AP with WE Service! Immersing students in their coursework through service learning provides a unique opportunity to strengthen college readiness while assessing and addressing real-life social issues.

The guide below will walk you through how to set up your AP with WE Service class, access the AP Digital Portfolio, and score your students using the recognition rubric. All students must be scored in the digital portfolio by June 30 in order to receive the AP with WE Service recognition on the score reports.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]


The AP with WE Service Team


Initial Login for AP with WE Service Teachers

Step 1: Set Up Your AP with WE Service Class in My AP

• To designate your class section as an AP with WE Service course, click the Edit Section icon.


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1ml \'} CollegeBoard AP

Edit Section X

AP Compute r Science Principles

Section Name *

2nd Block

Course Schedule•

Standard Full Year

~ AP with We Service

Maximum number of students •


Co-teachers + Add Co-Teacher

Cancel Save

Angelina : Search

AP Computer Science Principles AP Sem inar

1st Period

tf'stl 23 - abe

AP Resea rch

2nd Per iod

View your archived c lasse s

3rd Period

AP wi1h WE Service

AP Environmen t al Scien« - 3rd Pe<iod

Environment a l Sc ience - 5th Per iod


? Help

January 2020

• Then click the AP with WE Service checkbox.

• Note: only schools that have completed and submitted an AP with WE Service authorization form will see the AP with WE Service checkbox. If you do not see this functionality, email [email protected] to confirm that we have received the required school authorization.

• Once your class is set up as an AP with WE Service class section in My AP, you will gain access to the AP Digital Portfolio.

Step 2: Access the AP Digital Portfolio

• Go to https://digitalportfolio.collegeboard.org/ and log in using your College Board Professional Account username and password.

Navigate Between Multiple Classes

• If you teach multiple digital portfolio classes you can quickly navigate between them using the My Classes link in the top menu.

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Computer Science A with WE Service 5th Period

Class Summary

I Stude nt Submissions

o Overview

o Studen t Workt>ook

Service Portfolio Click the Upload New button to submit your AP with WE Service student Service portfolio . Your service portfolio should

tell the story of your local and global actions . from the beginning to the end. and the story should present itself with

important artifacts . including . but not limited to. photos. interviews, maps , reflections , screenshots , drawings , and thank

you notes.

• Serv ice Portfolio ◄-<~-----• 'Olli; Resources from Your Teacher

Assessmen t

I Class Summary

• Overview

o Progress

o AP with WE Service Progress



I AP with WE Service

o Overview

o Student Workbook

o Service Portfolio

o Recognition

Click the 'Add' button to upload additional resources .

Rice, Tyler

Richards , Kara


Student Submissions 1□"' 413012011 ••• 1

View Details

View Details


Welcome to AP® Computer Science Principles! In th is AP cou rse, your students will complete two through-course

performance tasks and an end-of-course written exam.

The AP Computer Science Principles course is designed to be equivalent to a first- semester introductory college

- f 9911[£9 IP Jbif course, students will develop computationa l thinking skills vital for success across all

disciplines , such as using computat ional tools to analyze and study data and working with large data sets to analyze,

visual ize, and draw conclusions from trends . The course engages students in t he creat ive aspects of the fie ld by

allowing them to develop comp utatio nal artifacts based on their interests. Students will also develop effective

commun ication and collaboration skills by working individually and co llaboratively to solve problems, and will discuss

and wr ite about the impacts these solutions could have on their community , society , and the world .

Managing AP Comput er Sc ience Princ ipl es in the Digital Portfo li o

• Instruct students to visit dig italportfo lio.co llegeboard .org, log in with their College Board account , and request

enrollment in your Computer Science Princip les class section .

• Check your Class Roster early and often to confirm student enrollment requests

• Visit the 'Progress' view in the Digital Portfol io to view student progress and review submitted work .

• Make sure all students have inidicated whether they are taking the AP end-of-course exam and entered their AP

numbers into the Digital Portfolio (Apr il).

• Reference the Teacher User Guide for detai led instructions on how to use the AP Digital Portfolio system .

AP Computer Scienc e Prin ciple s Policy on Plag iar is m A student who fails to acknow ledge (i.e., through citation, through attribu t ion, by reference, and/ or th rough

acknowledgment in a bibliographic entry) the source or author of any and all information or evidence taken from the

wo rk of someone else will receive a score of O on that perfo rmance task .

A computational artifact without acknowledgement of the media used in the creation of the computational artifact. and

January 2020

Navigate Through the AP Digital Portfolio AP Seminar, AP Research, and AP CSP have additional instructions below

• You can navigate through each class by using the left navigation bar. Click on Class Summary, Student Submissions or Assessment to expand the submenus. Click on the submenu items to go to that page.

Navigate Through the AP Digital Portfolio–AP Seminar, AP Research, and AP CSP

• You can navigate to the AP with WE Service module in each class by using the left navigation bar. Click on AP with WE Service to expand the submenu. Click on the submenu items to go to that page.

• Note: you must score your AP with WE Service students separately from your standard digital portfolio scoring.

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Sign In



O Remember me Sign in

Fo rgot UH r nam t ? Forgot Password?

Self-service features if a student has forgotte n

usemame or password

Don 1t Have An Account? Sign-Up.

Create your account today, and get started wtth the follo.ving

• Register for t he SAT

• Get AP sco res

Ma,age your college list online

• Register for t he CLEP exams

• Complete CSS/Fina nc ial Aid PROF ILE

• Use the Net Price Ca lcu lator

• Get emai l reminders

tf a st udent has ar exist ing accou nt

He lp

Other Too ls :~ Welcome to the College Board

Visit our Student infor mat ion page to get more informat ion about our tes t s find colleges learn about financ ial aid and get applicat ion help

If a student does not have an

ex ist ing acco unt

January 2020


Instruct Students to Enroll in Your Classes

• Students need to enroll in your class section(s) through My AP (myap.collegeboard.org). If your class section is marked as AP with WE Service, then they will be automatically enrolled in AP with WE Service. They will not have to enroll separately in a WE Service class section.

• Once students have enrolled in your class section(s) in My AP using the join code you or your school’s AP coordinator have provided, they will be able to access your class section(s) in the AP Digital Portfolio. See Helping Students Join Your AP Class Section (.pdf/705 KB) for step-by-step instructions.

• Direct students to digitalportfolio.collegeboard.org and have them log in using their College Board student account and password (the same log in information they used to access My AP).

Students need to use the same College Board account information when accessing both My AP and the AP Digital Portfolio.

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111 ~CollegeBoard AP"

Computer Science A with WE Service 5th Period

Class Summary

I student Submissions

a ove rview

o Student Workbook

Service Portfolio

Assessme nt

Service Portfolio Click the Up load New butto n to subm it your AP with WE Service student Serv ice portfolio. Your servrce portfol io sho uld

tell the story of you r local and globa l actio ns, from the beginn ing to the end, and the story shou ld present itself with

important artifacts , including , but not limited to photos, interviews, maps , reflect ions , screensho ts, drawings , and thank

you notes .

Resources from Your Teacher

Click the 'Add ' button to upload addit iona l resources.

Rice, Tyler

Richards , Kara

Student Submissions 1oue 413012011 EditJ

View Detalls

View Details


January 2020


Upload Supporting Materials

• Teachers can upload supporting materials, either web links or files, in the digital portfolio. (Note: you can add as many supporting materials as you would like.)

o The following file types can be uploaded as supporting materials: DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, MOV, WMV, MP4, AVI, and ZIP.

• Navigate to the assignment for which you would like to add supporting materials and click Add and follow the instructions. After uploading the materials, the supporting material will be visible to you and your students.

Download and View Student Work

• You have the option of having students upload their work for the student workbook and AP with WE Service portfolio.

o The file types accepted for student work are as follows:



Audio: MP3, M4A, WAV

Video: MP4, M4V, MOV, WMV, AVI, MPG o The file size for student work cannot exceed 30 MB.

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111 f>Collegello~rd AP .

A Home My Classes "' Class Setup

PP Computer Science A with WE Service 5th Period

Class Summary

I St ud e nt Submi ss ion s

o Overview

• Student Workbook

o Service Portfo liO


Student Workbook Click the Upload New button to submit you r AP with WE Service student workbook .

Resources from Your Teacher

Click the 'Add' button to upload additiona l resources.

Rice , Tyler

Richards , Kara

Student Submissions 10"' 4130/2011 ••• 1

View Details

View Details

• Home My C las;es ., Class Setup

/'P Computer Science A with WE Service 5th Period

Class summary

I stu dent Submission s

o overview

• Student Workbook

o Scrv iec r crtto lie


Student Workbook C IK:k LIie Upload New l.lultun Lu ::;ul.m1il you r A P wi ll1 W E Se,vice ~luiJe11l wu1kl.Juok.

Resources from Your Teacher

Cltek the 'Ad<J' t>utton to upfoad add1t1ona1 resources.

Rice, Tyler

Student Submissions 1ou, 413012011 ••• 1

Hide Details

I Dow nl oa d L:ate s t I ◄<~-----

Activ ity Feed

Tyler Rice I Mon August 22, 2016 at 1 :19PM

Uploaded a new versbn : StudentWorkbook.pdf ◄(~-------•

+ Add

+ Add

January 2020

• To review student work, navigate to Student Workbook or Service Portfolio and click on View Details next to any student.

• You can view a submission by clicking the Download Latest button or clicking on the file name in the Activity Feed.

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A Home My Classes ..., Class Setup

Computer Science A with WE Service 5th Period

Progress I Class Summary

o overv iew Use the table below to review any student materials submitted on the digital portfolio and to complete the Recognition Rubric for each student. All student scores must be submitted via the digital portfolio by June 30 2017.

o Class Roster

• Progress ◄(-------­Student Submissions


A Home My Classes ..., Class Setup


Rice , Ty ler

Richards , Karn

Computer Science A with WE Service 5th Period


□ No Oran





I::,. 0 ~ Draff in Rea dy To Confirmed



SE B.c:

□ 0

I::,. 0

I Class Summary

o overview Use the table below to review any student materials submitted on the digital portfolio and to complete the Recognition Rubric for each student . All student scores must be submitted via the dig ital portfolio by June 30 2017 .

o Class Roster LEGEND

• Progress □ I::,. 0 ~ No Oran Draff in Rea dy To co nfirmed

Confirm Student Submissions


Name f,',!f_ SE B.c:

Rice , Tyler □ □ +-

Richa rds, Kara A A 0

January 2020


• Regardless of whether or not you have your students upload work for the student workbook and student portfolio, you will need to complete the recognition rubric for each student.

• Important: You must complete the recognition rubric by June 30 in order for students to receive the AP with WE Service recognition on their score reports.

• The recognition rubric is accessed via the Progress page. On the Progress page, you are also able to view the status of student submissions for student workbook and student portfolio.

• Note: AP Seminar, AP Research, and AP CSP class sections will access the recognition rubric via the AP with WE Service Progress page. AP Art and Design, AP CSP, and AP Capstone students must still submit work for an AP Exam score. AP Art and Design students must submit aportfolio and AP CSP and AP Capstone students must submit their performance tasks.

• When you hover over the green circles in the RC column, it will change to Confirm. To complete the recognition rubric for a student, click on Confirm.

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X Recognition


Guid elin es and Sampl es


Use this rubric to assess individual student performance . While students work in a team as an essential

part of the AP with WE Service module, the recognition will be awarded based on individual performance .

The rubric should not be altered in any way . Record your students' scores in the adjacent column . Select

the appropriate score for each of the criteria. Please remember to save your score .

Scoring Notes:

• In order to earn the recognition, a student must earn a score or ·2· or higher on each and every


• For teacher convenience , a student may earn a score of "3", which may be used at the class or

school level to provide further acknowledgement of student performance.

• Students who earn a score of •o• or "1" for one or more criterion will NOT receive the recognition .

Description of Criteria:

In the rubric on the right, select the best score for the following criteria .

• Investigate and Learn: Undertakes a student-led investigation of a topic at local and global levels,

and evaluates existing programs that take action on the topic, making clear connections to the AP®

course topic.

• Action Plan: Develops an achie vable plan to carry out one global and one local action in the form

of direct service, indirect service or advocacy, which includes clear tasks , responsibilities, resources

needed , and timeline.

• Take Action: Partic ipates in a project that has local and global sign ificance, involving direct service,

indirect service , and/ or advocacy.

• Report and Celebrate : Creates a summary that showcases the service learning project and

explains the impact of the project and its significance . May participate in a celebration .

<Cl 2019 The College Board

Investigate and Le


Met Expectations

Receives Recogn iti on


Return File to Student View/Print SUbmission Print Rubric

Investigate and Learn

Action Plan

Take Action

Report and Celebrate

+ Add Genera l Notes (Opt ional)



• Investigates local and global aspects of a topic

• Analyzes problems and solut ions related to the topic

• Evaluates existing programs

• Identifies areas of unmet need (needs assessment)

• Lists sources and resources

• Summarizes and shares findings of investigation

• Explains connections between the topic and AP

course content (Refection)

• Records activities related to the project

+ Add Not es (Optional)◄<•----------•

January 2020

• You will be taken to the Recognition screen. Instructions are provided on the left side of the screen. The scoring rubric is displayed on the right side of the screen.

• Hover over a rubric point to see the full text of the rubric. To assign a rubric point for a particular content area, click on the rubric point.

o You have the option to input notes. These notes are optional and will not be reviewed by College Board.

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Report and Celebrate


Met Expectations

Receives Recogn it ion


- 3

• Provides a summary with evidence- based explanat ion

of the project and impact, and what has been learned

about thei r AP course

• Subm its evidence of :

• Product(s) of investigation

• Act ion plan

• Evidence of loca l and globa l act ion

• Reco rds activities related to the project

• Completes reflection for Report and Celebrate

+ Add Notes (Optional)

+ Add General Notes (Optional)


X Recogn1bon

FredDmf Return File to Student View/Print Submission Print Rubric

Guid elin es and Sampl es Investigate and Learn

Instruction s:

Use this rubric to assess individ ual student performance. While stude nts work in a team as an essent ial Action Plan

January 2020

• The Save button is activated once a rubric point has been entered for all content areas and you have responded to the prompt regarding the AP policy on plagiarism. Click on Save to save your work.

• You may exit the Recognition view at any time by clicking on the X at the top of the screen.

o Note: You cannot partially complete the rubric for a student. If you exit the Recognition view prior to completing the recognition rubric, your assessment will not be saved.

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