anti smoking advertising campaign

Anti-smoking advertising campaigns targeting youth: case studies from USA and Canada Cornelia Pechmann, Ellen Thomas Reibling Abstract Objective  T o assist in pl anni ng anti - smoking adve rtising that target s yout h. Usi ng ve US sta te campai gns, one US research study, and a Canadian initiative as exempl ars, an a tt empt is made to expl ai n wh y certain adverti si ng cam- paigns have been more cost eV ective than others in terms of reducing ado lesc ent smoking prevale nce. Several fac tors which prior researc h and theory suggest may be important to cost e V ectiveness are examined. Specically, thr ee variab les pertaining to the adve rti si ng message (conte nt, consis tency , and clarity) and two variables related to the advertising execu- tion or st yl e (age of spokesperson and depi ction of smoking behavi our) are studied. Design  —A case study approach has been combined with supplemental data collec- tio n and ana lys is. T o ass ess campai gn eV ects, publ ished articles and survey s of ado les cent smo king prevalenc e in cam- paign versus control (no n-c ampaign) locat ions were utilised. Adolescent sub- jects provided suppl ementa l data on the adv ertising messag e varia bles . Traine d adults content analys ed each adv ertise- ment to assess the executional variables. Subjects  —A total of 1128 seventh grad e (age 12–13 years) and 10t h gra de (age 15–16 years) students participa ted in the supplemental data collection eV ort.  Results  —An ant i-s mok ing adv erti sing campaign initiated by Vermont research- ers was found to be the most cost e V ective in that it signicantly reduced adolescent smo king pre valence at a low per capita cost . Next in order of cost eV ectiveness were Cali forni a, Massa chusetts, and Florida becaus e behavioural out comes were inconsistent across ti me and/ or grades. California was ranked higher than the other two because it spent less per capi ta. Mi nne so ta and Canada we re ineV ective at reducing adolescent smoking prev alence, and no comparison outcome data were available for Arizona. Four fac- tors were found to be associ at ed wi th increased cost eV ectiveness: (1) a greater use of message content that prior research suggests is eYcacious wit h youth; (2) a more co nc e ntrated use of a single eYcaci ous mes sage; (3) an avoidance of unclear mes sages; and (4) an incr eas ed us e of yout hf ul sp ok es pe op le that adolescents could more readil y identi fy wi th. No indic ati on was fo und that depic tions of smoki ng undermined cam- paign eV ect iveness by inadverte ntly implying that smoking was prevalent. Conclusions  The hi ghly c os t e V ective Vermont campaign can be used as a model for future eV orts. It is estimated that 79% of the V ermont adve rtiseme nts conv eyed eYcaci ous mes sages, 58% concentrated on a single eYcacious mes sage, 70% showed yout hful spokes peopl e, and only 4% contai ned uncle ar messages . The res ult s suggest that , in the less eV ective campaigns, as few as 25% of the adv ertise- ments contai ned messages that prior resear ch indica tes should be eYcacious with youth, as few as 10% of the adv ertise- ments focused on one eYcacious message, and up to 32% of the adve rtis e me nt s lacked clearcut messages. (T obacco Control 2000;9(Suppl II):ii18–ii31) Keywords: anti-smoking advertising campaigns; youth targeted advertising; cost eV ectiveness Legi sla tor s and pub lic hea lth oYcia ls in the USA are currently debating the expenditure of mi ll ions of doll ars owi ng into thei r state coV ers from the national tobacco settlement. In these debates, it should be recognised that anti-s mokin g adverti sing has the potential to be a viable and cost eV ective deterrent to youth smoking. Whe n the Fai rnes s Doc trine was applie d to tobac co relat ed broad cast speec h from 1967 to 1970, broadcasters were re quired to donate an estimated $298 million per year (in 1996 dollars ) in free air t ime f or anti-s mokin g adverti sing messag es. Resear ch indic ates that per capita cigar ette consump- tion, and both adult and adolescent smoking prevalences, fel l signi cant ly durin g this period. 1–5 More recently, controlled experiments com- pari ng “te st” (interv ent ion ) and “contr ol” (non- interv entio n) commu nitie s found that anti-s mok ing advertising can signicantly reduce youth smoking prevalence, particularly when combined wit h synergi sti c sch ool and commun ity bas ed acti viti es. 6–8 Additional sup port ive eviden ce comes from con trolled labor atory experiments in which adolescent s have been exposed either to anti- smokin g or control (smoki ng unrelated ) adverti semen ts, and then asked to complete surve ys that assessed their smoking related knowledge, per- ceptions, and behavi oural inten tions . Middle school students who viewed anti-smoking (ver- sus control) advertising reported signicantly le ss fav ourable perc eptions of smokers . 9 Tobacco Control 2000;9(Suppl II):ii18–ii31 ii18 Graduate School of Management, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, California, USA C Pechmann Health Education Center, Universit y of California-Irvine E T Reibling Correspondence to: Cornelia Pechmann PhD, Associate Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Management, University of California–Irvine, Irvine, California 92697, USA; [email protected]

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Likewise, showing an anti-smoking advertise-ment before a feature film significantly dilutedthe impact of the film’s pro-smoking imageryon high school students.10

These prior studies indicate that anti-smoking advertising can work well under fairlycontrolled circumstances. However, like otheradvertising, it carries no guarantees. Indeed,several tobacco use prevention mediacampaigns have been documented failures

because of inadequate length, funding or otherfactors.11–14 OYcials planning anti-smokingadvertising are faced with an array of challeng-ing planning and implementation tasks. Thegoal of this study is to provide guidance inplanning eV ective anti-smoking advertisingcampaigns targeting youth, based on an analy-sis of past campaigns initiated by five US states(Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts,and Minnesota), a diV erent country (Canada),and researchers from the University of Vermont who initiated a multicommunity trial.

Overview of studyThe current study is an oV shoot of work that

we conducted in 1997-98 on adolescents’impressions of anti-smoking advertisements.15

At that time, we obtained copies of all Englishlanguage television advertisements that hadbeen used in major Nor th Amer icananti-smoking campaigns from 1985 to 1997.All campaigns had identified adolescents aseither a primary or sole target audience. Intotal, we obtained 167 advertisements from sixof the campaigns listed above. The Florida ini-tiative had not yet started. We arranged foreach adver tisement to be viewed byapproximately 50 adolescents, half seventhgraders (age 12–13 years), half 10th graders(age 15–16 years). The adolescents then com-pleted surveys that were designed to assess

each advertisement’s message content, thelevel of agreement (clarity) or disagreement(confusion) over the message content, and theconsistency of messages within a campaign(that is, the proportions of advertisements con-taining the same message). In addition, adultscontent analysed each advertisement todetermine whether the spokesperson appearedto be youthful (under 25 years old) andwhether smoking behaviour was depicted.Prior research had indicated that thesevariables might potentially influence the eV ec-tiveness of anti-smoking advertisements target-ing youths.16–18

We found that the campaigns diV ered rather

substantially on the advertising messagevariables (content, clarity, and consistency)and on the executional variables (youthfulspokespeople and depictions of smoking). Webelieved that, based on published reports ordata, we could determine which campaignshad been relatively more eV ective than othersat reducing adolescent smoking prevalence.Campaign costs could also be assessed. Hence,we decided to embark on a study to examinewhether higher rankings on any of the advertis-ing variables seemed to be associated withgreater cost eV ectiveness. We were able toidentify several factors that appeared to

improve campaign cost eV ectiveness asmeasured by significant reductions inadolescent smoking prevalence. We present ourstudy below, beginning with an explanation of the advertising variables and tentative researchhypotheses, followed by our method andfindings, and ending with a discussion of limi-tations and implications.

Advertising variables studied becausepossible associations with costeV ectiveness


In our initial 1997-98 study,15 we reviewed theanti-smoking advertisements that had beenprovided by campaign sponsors and developeda checklist of messages used. As our adolescentsubjects viewed each advertisement, theyplaced a checkmark next to each message theyfelt it contained. If 80% or more of the adoles-cents agreed that an advertisement contained amessage, it was put into that message category.Categories with 12 or more advertisementswere formally labelled. We identified seven

such mutually exclusive categories. Thesecategories are listed below.+ Long term eV ects—advertisements that dis-

cuss the long term health eV ects of smoking,such as cancer and lung disease.

+ Short term eV ects—advertisements thathighlight the short term cosmetic eV ects of smoking, such as smelly breath, and relatedoutcomes such as romantic rejection.

+ Marketing practices—advertisements thatdescribe relatively innocuous tobaccomarketing practices, such as the use of glamorous models and the distribution of free promotional items.

+ Deceptive portrayal of lethal product— advertisements that highlight the deceptive

tactics used to sell what is essentially a lethaland addictive product, such as illegallytargeting minors and falsely claiming thatcigarettes are nonaddictive.

+ Second hand smoke—advertisements thatstress the negative impact of second handsmoke on family members and other people,particularly infants and children.

+ Smoker as negative role model—  advertisements that depict smokers aspeople who have unwisely chosen a lifestylethat is both unappealing and unhealthy.

+ Refusal skills—advertisements that featureattractive, personable individuals and showthese individuals refusing to smoke.

We relied on prior research to assess thepotential eYcacy of each message in terms of dissuading adolescents from smoking.15 In ourown research, hundreds of adolescents wererandomly assigned to view advertisements of aparticular type and the eV ects of this exposure(versus exposure to unrelated-to-smoking orcontrol messages) on intentions to smoke werestatistically assessed.15 Another study exam-ined the transcripts of innumerable focusgroups that were convened to evaluateanti-smoking advertisements and looked forconsensus as to which advertisements seemedto be the most convincing.19

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message seems to be that, by smoking, they willbecome like the attractive young people in theadvertisements.36 Experts have opined that theMarlboro Man appeals to youth, despite hisage, by symbolising autonomy and freedomfrom authority, two dominant developmentalgoals for adolescents.35

The general rule of thumb is that, when tar-geting adolescents, spokespeople should bejust slightly older than the target group and

hence aspirational.38 Models can sometimes betoo young, because teens are looking forimages of “independence, adventure seeking,social approval, and sophistication.”35 Sincethe advertising campaigns that we analysedtargeted a diverse group of youths fromroughly 9–19 years old, we could not addressthe issue of whether some of the spokespeoplemight have been too young for some audiences.Instead, we tentatively predicted thatcampaigns that made greater use of youthfulspokespeople would be more eV ective at lower-ing adolescent smoking prevalence, holdingother factors constant.41

DEPICTIONS OF SMOKING BEHAVIOUR We also felt that it was important to considerthe use of advertisements that depicted peoplesmoking cigarettes. We were concerned that if acampaign depicted smoking too frequently, itmight inadvertently imply that the behaviour isprevalent, normal, and accepted and thus con-vey a contradictory message.41 42 Adolescentsalready overestimate smoking rates amongboth peers and adults, and the more extremethe overestimate the higher the risk of smokinginitiation.43 It may sometimes be appropriate todepict smokers to illustrate the negative aspectsof tobacco use, model refusal skills, portraytobacco executives or the like. However, manyexperts feel that depictions of smoking in anti-

smoking advertisements should be minimisedbecause of the potential for unintendedadverse eV ects.18


Turning to our research method, we firstranked each focal campaign on eachadvertising variable that we speculated mightbe related to cost eV ectiveness. Next, weobtained data on campaign costs and eV ectsand developed cost eV ectiveness rankings.Then, we tested our tentative predictionsregarding the relation between each advertisingvariable and cost eV ectiveness by comparing

how the campaigns ranked on each dimension.For instance, we compared how the campaignsranked in terms of message content versus costeV ectiveness. If the rankings seemed to beassociated and in the expected direction (forexample, positively), we concluded that therewas some support for our predictions.


To rank the campaigns on each advertisingvariable, we relied on the materials submittedby campaign oYcials. OYcials assured us thatthey provided a complete or virtually completeset of advertisements from 1985 to 1997.

Florida advertisements were not includedbecause we completed this phase of the work in1998 and their campaign started later. Adoles-cents provided the data used for ranking eachcampaign on the message variables: content,clarity, and consistency. We felt thatadolescents would be the best judges— particularly regarding message clarity—of whether the messages would be comprehendedby other youths. We believed that the

executional variables (use of youthfulspokespeople and depictions of smoking)could be readily assessed by adults trained incontent analysis so we used that approach.

Data were collected from adolescents as fol-lows. We recruited 1128 seventh and 10thgraders in California from middle class, ethni-cally diverse school districts.15 The advertise-ments from the various sponsors wererandomly divided into small pods of 8–9. Eachadolescent was randomly assigned to evaluateone pod of advertisements. Immediately afterviewing each advertisement twice, subjectsanswered a series of closed ended questionsabout the advertisement.

We used the data from adolescents in severalways. To assess the extent to which a campaignemployed messages that research suggests maybe especially eYcacious for youth, we did thefollowing. If at least 80% of subjects agreedthat an advertisement contained a certain mes-sage, it was classified into that category (seeearlier discussion). Then, for each campaign,we calculated the total percentage of advertise-ments that fell into the eYcacious categories(deceptive portrayal of lethal product, secondhand smoke, smoker as negative role model,and refusal skills). Vermont’s score oneYcacious message content, for instance, was79% because 58% of its advertisements wereclassified as refusal skills, 13% as deceptive

portrayal of lethal product, and 8% as smokeras negative role model.

To assess message consistency, we relied onthe percentage of advertisements that fell intothe most commonly used eYcacious category.In the case of Vermont, since the mostcommonly used eYcacious message wasrefusal skills and 58% of the advertisementsused it, the consistency rating was 58%. Tojudge message clarity, we relied on the percent-age of advertisements rated unclassifiable,meaning that fewer than 80% of theadolescents could agree on the messageconveyed.

Additionally, three trained adults content

analysed each advertisement to assess if thespokesperson (main character) appeared to beunder 25 years of age and if any person wasshown to be smoking cigarettes.36 44 Inter-raterreliability was 81%. Researchers considerreliabilities over 80% to be acceptable.45 Foreach campaign, we then computed thepercentages of advertisements that containedyouthful spokespeople and depicted smokingbehaviour.


Information on anti-smoking advertisingexpenditures was obtained from oYcials in

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each US state (Arizona, California, Florida,

Massachusetts, Minnesota), Canada (HealthCanada), and Vermont. We also consultedpublished sources and the internet. For eachcampaign, an average expenditure across allavailable years was computed and thenconverted to per capita amounts by dividing bythe 1996 USA census population estimate forthe relevant geographic area. The per capitaamount provides a control for diV erences inpopulation sizes. For instance, since Californiais a more populated state, it needs a largeradvertising budget to reach everyone who is tobe targeted.

For California46 47 (telephone conversationwith Curt Fallor, California Tobacco Control

Section, December 1999), Massachusetts47 48

(email correspondence with Mark LaPlante,Massachusetts Department of Health Services,February 2000), Florida,47 49 Canada,50 andArizona (telephone conversation with RobertSuiter, Arizona Tobacco Education andPrevention, February 2000)47 51 the per capitafigure reflects the average annual budget fromcampaign inception to 1999. The per capitacost for Minnesota reflects the average annualbudget for the complete campaign thatoccurred from 1986 to 1990. This figure wasthen adjusted to 1996 dollars using theconsumer price index.47 52–54 The Vermontcampaign was conducted in communities

across several states in the USA between 1985and 1989. The researchers estimated that itwould cost $84.5 million, in 1996 dollars, toreplicate nationally. We divided this amount bythe 1996 USA population to obtain a percapita estimate.47 55

Figure 1 shows, for each campaign, the esti-mated per capita cost for all anti-smokingadvertising, across all audiences. Informationabout the money spent strictly on youth wasgenerally not available and thus not reported.We do not report how campaign expenditureschanged over the years, because of incompletedata, but this issue is discussed in relevant

places in the text. Figure 1 further illustratesthe minimum and optimal per capita fundinglevels recommended by the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC) (in1999 dollars),56 and the estimated value of theanti-smoking advertisements run during theFairness Doctrine Era ($1.12 in 1996dollars).1 4 5 As a basis for comparison, tobaccofirms currently spend over $7 per capita peryear in the USA on advertising, promotional

items, and sponsorships.53


Reports on the Minnesota and Vermontcampaigns have appeared in academicjournals, so we relied on those publications toassess the eV ects.7 8 5 2 Both campaigns wereevaluated by tracking weekly smokingprevalences over time in intervention and con-trol communities using school based surveys.In Canada, current (last 30 day) adolescentsmoking prevalences have been tracked since1970 using personal and confidential homesurveys. The data, and trends over time, havebeen reported in an academic article so we

relied on that article.


To evaluate the remaining campaigns, weused data from the sponsoring state and anappropriate comparison area (see below) toprovide a baseline or control group.57 Sincemultiple data sources were available, we usedthe following selection criteria to minimisepotential bias. First, we relied on academicjournals or oYcial government or universityreports. Second, we used sources with two ormore years of data so that we could assesschanges in smoking prevalence. Third, theintervention and control (baseline) datapertained to youth in the same grade in school,collected in the same year, using the samemeasure: 30 day prevalence or current smoking

(that is, any smoking within the past 30 days).Finally, we used surveys completed by randompools of subjects from randomly selectedschools. We relied on school based surveysbecause, in phone surveys, youth generallyreport substantially less smoking behaviour.58

It seems that youths are hesitant to respondhonestly about illicit tobacco use over thephone because they fear being overheard byfamily members.58 59

Following these criteria, in virtually all cases,we relied on data collected by the states incooperation with the CDC and its Youth RiskBehavior Survey (YRBS). The single exceptionwas California where state specific data from

Monitoring the Future were available andwhere the state’s own surveys were phonebased. Monitoring the Future also providedregional comparison data for Massachusettsand Florida, and US comparison data for Cali-fornia. California uses national (versusregional) data as its benchmark since the staterepresents roughly 69% of the western region,according to the US census.47 For Arizona,there was only one state specific data pointavailable, stemming from a phone survey con-ducted more than two years after the campaignhad commenced.51 Hence, we do not report onthe eV ects of Arizona’s campaign.

 Figure 1 Comparison of adjusted per capita anti-smoking advertising expenses, 1985 to present. For California, Massachusetts, Florida,Canada, per capita expenditures werecalculated from average annual budget allocated from campaign inception to 1999 and 1996 population estimates.46–51 Per capita cost for Minnesota reflects the average annual budget from the entire campaign (1986 to 1990) and 1996 population estimates, adjusted to 1996 dollars.47 52 53 Costs for Vermont were calculated from published estimates for replicating the campaign at national level (in 1996 dollars) and 1996 national populationestimate.47 54   Funding level during Fairness Doctrine was calculated from estimated expenditures of $298 million (in 1996 dollars) divided by 1996 US populationestimates.41 47 54


















Ideal per capita advertising expense recommended by CDC56


Minimum per capita advertising expense

recommended by CDC56

Per capita funding level during

Fairness Doctrine Period1,41

ii22 Pechmann,Reibling 

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The campaign that was undertaken byVermont researchers sought to stress the posi-tive consequences of non-smoking, modelrefusal skills, convey the immediate social andphysical problems associated with smoking,and teach adolescents about cigarettemarketing.7 61 It ranks as the most cost eV ectivebecause it achieved significant reductions insmoking prevalence with a low per capita

budget.61 The campaign ran from 1985 to 1989as a part of a multi-community experimentaltrial.55

The two intervention communities receivedmass media advertisements and a schoolprogram; the two control communitiesreceived only the school program. At the onset,the students were in grades 6 and their weeklysmoking prevalence was less than 2%. By thetime they had reached grade 8, the intervention

group was smoking significantly less than thecontrol group (intervention 5.0%, control9.3%; p < 0.05). Two years later, smokingprevalence in the intervention group remainedsignificantly lower (intervention 12.8%,control 19.8%; p < 0.05).8 61 The eV ects weresustained for at least two years after thecampaign ceased (intervention 16%, control24%; p < 0.05).8


It appears that the success of the Vermontcampaign can be attributed to a variety of fac-tors. Based on our results, 79% of theadvertisements communicated message con-

tent that prior research found to be eY

caciouswith youth. Advertisements with the refusalskills theme comprised 58% of the campaignwhich indicates a very high degree of consistency over time. Two other eYcaciousthemes were used: deceptive portrayal of lethalproduct (13%) and smoker as negative rolemodel (8%). Only 4% of Vermont’s messageswere deemed unclassifiable (meaning lowagreement on message).

Executional factors may have also contrib-uted to Vermont’s success. In particular, 70%

Table 4 Trends in youth smoking prevalence: Florida campaign 1998 to present 


Reported 30 daysmoking prevalence

Change in smoking prevalence1998-1999

1998 1999Changein %


95% CI for relative risk

Florida 8th 25.0 19.5 −5.5* 0.78* 0.72 to 0.85South region† 8th 21.1 18.7 −2.4 0.87 0.77 to 1.02

Florida 10th 25.5 24.4 −1.1 0.96 0.86 to 1.07South region 10th 29.8 26.3 −3.5* 0.88* 0.78 to 0.99

Florida 12th 29.8 27.8 −2.0 0.93 0.85 to 1.03South region 12th 34.3 36.2 +1.9 1.06 0.95 to 1.17

Source: Florida Youth Tobacco Survey (FYTS), a school based survey developed in conjunctionwith CDC.Monitoring the Future data are provided for regional comparison.65,75

*p < 0.05†Census data indicates that Florida represents roughly 16% of the south region population.

Table 5 Trends in youth smoking prevalence: Minnesota campaign 1986 to 1990 

Grades 1986 1990  Change in % from 1986-1990 

Intervention (Minnesota) 9th 12.6 10.3 −2.3Control (Wisconsin) 9th 15.8 15.9 +0.1Intervention versus control 9th −3.2 −5.6 −2.4

Source: Murray et al .52

Table 6 Trends in youth smoking prevalence: Canada 1985 to present 

Reported 30 day smoking prevalenceTrend and change in

trend 1970-19951970 1974 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1986 1989 1990 1991 1994 1995

Males 15–19 years 39.0 38.0 35.0 32.0 31.0 27.0 25.0 27.0 23.5 21.6 21.5 19.7 27.0 24.6 Trend: 0.8*Change in trend: NS

Females 15– 19 year s 29.0 33.0 33. 0 32.0 31.0 28.0 24.0 28.5 27. 0 23.5 21.4 25.6 29.5 25.2 Tr end: −0.1*Change in trend: NS

Source: Pechmann and Dixon.50

*Significance p < 0.05.NS, not significant.

Table 7 Approximate sample sizes for youth smoking prevalence results

Location Data source Grade 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1995 1997 1998 1999

Vermont Flynn et al 7 8 6–12 5458 5458 5458 5458 5458 4670California Monitoring the Future66 8 600 636 708

Monitoring the Future66 10 490 581 508Massachusetts MYRBS72 10 or 12 830 1040 996 1104Northeast region Monitoring the Future65 10 763 868 868 789

Monitoring the Future65 12 711 737 868 658Florida FYTS75 8 3836 3634

FYTS75 10 or 12 2029 1828South region Monitoring the Future65 8 1737 1605

Monitoring the Future65 10 1368 1237Monitoring the Future65 12 1500 1289

Minnesota Murray et al 52 9 3580 3926Wisconsin Murray et al 52 9 3576 3190Canada Health Canada, in

Pechmann et al 50

15–19 yearolds

3038 3038 3038 3038 3038 3038

USA Monitoring the Future65 8 4816 4605 4895Monitoring the Future65 10 4026 4474 4079

Monitoring the Future sample sizes reflect the reported weighted n’s divided by a 3.8 design eV ect. We did this to align our analyses with standard Monitoring theFuture analyses (telephone conversation with Tim Perry, Monitoring the Future, February 2000).The sample sizes associated with the California specific Monitoring the Future results were not available and so we estimated them. Specifically, we calculated thesample size for each grade as 69% of the reported western region sample.The MYRBS and FYTS grade specific sample sizes were not available and so we estimated them. Specifically, we calculated them as percentages of the reportedmiddle and high school samples as follows: grade 8 = 33% of middle school sample, grade 10 = 25% of high school sample, grade 12 = 25% of high school sample.

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of Vermont’s advertisements featured youthfulspokespeople which may have enhanced thecampaign’s relevance to its target audience.While 46% of the advertisements depictedsmoking, apparently the depictions wereunflattering and reinforced the anti-smokingmessages. Overall, the Vermont researchersmounted a homogeneous and eV ectivecampaign that can serve as a model for statesconsidering anti-smoking advertising.


California chose to emphasise the healtheV ects of second hand smoke and to attack thetobacco industry for selling a lethal and addic-tive product and targeting kids.62 63 Thecampaign, started in 1990 after votersapproved a tobacco excise tax hike, has hadmoderate success.19 64 Since the campaign wasrelatively inexpensive, it ranks second in termsof cost eV ectiveness.

Our findings indicate that from 1993 to1995 the California campaign realised somepositive results. Although smoking prevalences

among California eighth and 10th gradersremained flat during this time, nationally therewere significant increases in smokingprevalences in both grades (for eighth graders:California relative risk 1.00, 95% CI 0.74 to1.35; US relative risk 1.14, 95% CI 1.05 to1.25; for 10th graders: California relative risk1.00, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.29; US relative risk1.13, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.21). From 1995 to1997, there is little indication that California’scampaign was impacting youth. For grades 8and 10, while smoking prevalences continued

to be flat in California, nationally theprevalences were flat as well.65 66 One reasonmay be that the California advertising budgetwas cut; it has also been speculated that theCalifornia advertisements became less hardhitting.46 67


There are several reasons why California seemsto have had some success. First, 58% of itsadvertisements used message themes that priorresearch identified as being eYcacious withadolescents. One such theme—deceptive

 Figure 2 Messages used in advertisements as identified by middle school and high school students (within campaign comparisons).Solid black and whitebars within each figure di  V er significantly (p < 0.05). Grey bars do not di  V er significantly from each other or from black and white bars.

Long term effects

Short term effects

Marketing practices

*Deceptive portrayal of lethal product

*Second hand smoke

*Smoker as negative role model

*Refusal skills

Unclassifiable within coding scheme 4%




























*Estimated percentage of ads using most efficacious message content = 79%

0% 60%50%40%30%20%10%

Long term effects

Short term effects

Marketing practices

*Deceptive portrayal of lethal product

*Second hand smoke

*Smoker as negative role model

*Refusal skills

Unclassifiable within coding scheme

*Estimated percentage of ads using most efficacious message content = 58%

0% 60%50%40%30%20%10%

Long term effects

Short term effects

Marketing practices

*Deceptive portrayal of lethal product

*Second hand smoke

*Smoker as negative role model

*Refusal skills

Unclassifiable within coding scheme

*Estimated percentage of ads using most efficacious message content = 53%

0% 60%50%40%30%20%10%

Long term effects



Short term effects

Marketing practices

*Deceptive portrayal of lethal product

*Second hand smoke

*Smoker as negative role model

*Refusal skills

Unclassifiable within coding scheme

*Estimated percentage of ads using most efficacious message content = 30%

0% 60%50%40%30%20%10%








32% 25%

Long term effects

Short term effects

Marketing practices

*Deceptive portrayal of lethal product

*Second hand smoke

*Smoker as negative role model

*Refusal skills

Unclassifiable within coding scheme

*Estimated percentage of ads using most efficacious message content = 51%

0% 60%50%40%30%20%10%

Long term effects


Short term effects

Marketing practices

*Deceptive portrayal of lethal product

*Second hand smoke

*Smoker as negative role model

*Refusal skills

Unclassifiable within coding scheme

*Estimated percentage of ads using most efficacious message content = 25%

0% 60%50%40%30%20%10%

ii26 Pechmann,Reibling 

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portrayal of lethal product—was used in 32%of the advertisements. This indicates arelatively high degree of consistency over time.California used additional eYcacious themes:second hand smoke (14%), smoker as negativerole model (7%), and refusal skills (5%). Only17% of California’s advertisements were ratedas unclassifiable, meaning that the majoritywere readily comprehended. Executionally,50% of the California advertisements featuredyouthful spokespeople which was aboutaverage across the sponsors. Smoking

behaviour was modelled in 42% of the Califor-nia advertisements which was also about aver-age.



Convincing 9 to 17 year olds not to smoke isone of three major objectives of the Massachu-setts campaign.68 A primary message is to com-

municate the “harsh medical realities of theeV ects of smoking”.62 69 Additional messagesinclude second hand smoke, cosmetic eV ects,and testimonials from ex-employees andformer supporters of the tobacco industry.62 70

The surtax funded campaign started in 1993and has had modest success.71 Similar to Cali-fornia, there is evidence that adolescent smok-ing prevalence decreased in some instances,but the per capita spending to achieve thisresult was higher. As such, we rank Massachu-setts third (tied with Florida) on cost eV ective-ness.

From 1993 to 1995, there is little indicationthat the Massachusetts campaign dissuaded

many high school students from smoking. Infact, smoking prevalence among Massachu-setts 10th graders increased significantly whilerates in the northeast region remained flat(Massachusetts relative risk 1.38, 95% CI 1.20to 1.60; northeast relative risk 1.03, 95% CI0.88 to 1.20).65 72 For 12th graders, thesmoking prevalence in both Massachusetts andthe region remained flat.65 72

Since 1995, the Massachusetts campaignyielded mixed results. From 1995 to 1997,smoking prevalence among Massachusetts12th graders was stable while prevalenceincreased regionally (Massachusetts relativerisk 1.03, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.14; northeast rela-

tive risk 1.18, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.34).65 72

From1997 to 1999, smoking prevalence amongMassachusetts 10th graders decreased signifi-cantly while the regional prevalence remainedflat (Massachusetts relative risk 0.82, 95% CI0.72 to 0.92; northeast relative risk 0.96, 95%CI 0.82 to 1.11). On the other hand, from1995 to 1997, prevalence for 10th graders inboth Massachusetts and the region remainedflat. From 1997 to 1999, the Massachusetts12th grade prevalence remained flat while theregion experienced a significant decrease(Massachusetts relative risk 0.92, 95% CI 0.82to 1.02; northeast relative risk 0.84, 95% CI0.74 to 0.96).65 72

 Figure 3 Use of youthful spokespeople and depiction of people smoking (across campaigncomparisons). Solid black and white bars within each figure di  V er significantly (p < 0.05).

Grey bars do not di  V er significantly from each other or from black and white bars.














All ads

from six












B People shown smoking cigarettes

       P     e     r     c     e     n      t     a     g     e










A Main character appears to be under 25 years old

       P     e     r     c     e     n      t     a     g     e














All ads

from six



Table 8 Summary of case study findings: advertising cost e V ectiveness and possible predictors

Cost e V ectiveness Possible predictors of cost e V ectiveness

  Advertising sponsor Ranking* 

% ads with e Ycaciousmessages: total across all messages

% ads with e Ycaciousmessage: highest incidencemessage

% unclassifiable ads(< 80% agreement onmessage)

% ads using youthful spokespeople (< 25 years old)

% ads depicting smoking behaviour 

Vermont 1 79 58 4 70 46California 2 58 32 17 50 42Massachusetts 3 53 17 19 44 21Florida 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AMinnesota 4 30 10 20 42 58Canada 5 51 22 32 68 21Arizona Unknown 25 25 25 50 67

*Ranking: 1 = most cost eV ective, 5 = least cost eV ective.N/A/, not applicable.

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The moderate success experienced inMassachusetts may be owed to the fact that53% of the advertisements appeared to containeYcacious content for youth, including: decep-tive portrayal of lethal product (17%), smokeras negative role model (17%), second handsmoke (11%), and refusal skills (8%). Just 19%of the Massachusetts advertisements werefound to be unclassifiable; the majority

contained clearcut messages. However, thecampaign distributed advertisements acrossseveral themes instead of concentrating on afew themes with a consistency rating of only17%. While youths were prominently featuredin 44% of the Massachusetts advertisements,other sponsors utilised youths more. Finally,the Massachusetts advertisements were signifi-cantly less likely to depict people smoking thansome of the other sponsors.


Florida seeks to incite youths to activismagainst the tobacco industry to punish it for

deception and immorality. The campaigntagline is “Their brand is lies. Our brand istruth”.73 Florida youth are involved incampaign planning and are encouraged toform SWAT (Students Working AgainstTobacco) clubs to support its goals.74 Thehighly visible campaign commenced in 1998. Ithas had modest success in its first year, in thatthere is evidence that smoking prevalencedecreased in one grade level. Hence, we rankFlorida as tied with Massachusetts in terms of cost eV ectiveness.

Specifically, Florida’s campaign has hadsome apparent success with eighth graders.Between 1998 and 1999, smoking prevalence

among Florida eighth graders dropped signifi-cantly while regional rates remained flat(Florida relative risk 0.78, 95% CI 0.72 to0.85; south relative risk 0.87, 95% CI 0.77 to1.02).65 75 However, prevalence among Florida10th graders remained flat in comparison to asignificant regional decline (Florida relativerisk 0.96, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.07; south regionrelative risk 0.88, 95% CI 0.78 to 0.99).65 75

The trend for Florida 12th graders mirroredthe flat regional trend.


Our analysis of the Florida campaign is limitedbecause we lack quantitative data on the adver-

tising messages and executions. It appears,however, that Florida may be employing anovel theme that focuses on youth activism.Additional research should be conducted onthis theme and its eV ectiveness with bothyounger and older youth audiences. TheFlorida campaign is consistently referred to inthe popular press by its “Truth” tagline,49 62

which seems to indicate that a consistent mes-sage is being conveyed. Also according toreports, Florida uses many youthful spokes-people in its advertisements.49 62 The Floridacampaign is only one year old and moreresearch is needed to quantify Florida’s use of 

these strategies and to assess campaigneYcacy.


Minnesota has the distinction of being the firstUS state to initiate an anti-smoking advertisingcampaign. The campaign started in 1986 but astate budget crisis reportedly led to its demisearound 1990.52 Minnesota chose to utilise the

short-term cosmetics eV ects theme. Specifi-cally, it decided to focus on the “unpleasantsocial and personal consequences such as badbreath [and] smelly clothes”. Minnesotafurther stated that it wanted to avoidanti-industry messages.76 The Minnesota cam-paign was reportedly unsuccessful in terms of significantly reducing adolescent smokingprevalence, so we rank it fourth on costeV ectiveness.

Minnesota’s outcomes were compared tomatched communities in Wisconsin where theanti-smoking advertising was not broadcast.52

The weekly smoking prevalence amongMinnesota ninth graders declined during the

campaign (−2.3%).


In the neighbouring stateof Wisconsin, where no advertisements wererunning, the weekly smoking prevalenceamong ninth graders remained essentially con-stant (+0.1%). Unfortunately, the 2.4% netdecline in Minnesota (versus Wisconsin) wasnot significant (p > 0.30).52


There are some apparent factors that may havecontributed to Minnesota’s lack of success.The theme that was used most often, shortterm cosmetics eV ects (30%), now does notappear to be particularly eYcacious amongyouth. While 30% of the advertisementsapparently contained more eYcacious mes-

sages, the campaign’s consistency score wasjust 10% (deceptive portrayal of lethal product10%, smoker as negative role model 10%,refusal skills 10%). Forty two per cent of theMinnesota advertisements utilised youthfulspokespeople, which was slightly lower thansome of the other campaigns. Minnesota alsoportrayed people smoking in 58% of its adver-tisements which was significantly higher thansome of the other sponsors.



Canada’s advertising campaign is designed topromote “the benefits of being smoke free to

young Canadians between 11–17”.


It alsoseeks to highlight the negative long term healtheV ects of smoking and the dangers of secondhand smoke.77 We rank Canada last on costeV ectiveness because there is no evidence thatthe campaign has succeeded in reducingadolescent smoking prevalence.

The Canada data indicate that, from 1970 to1991, smoking prevalence among adolescentmales declined steadily by nearly one fullpercentage point per year.50 There is noevidence that the advertising campaign thatbegan in 1985 succeeded in accentuating thisnegative trend. Indeed, in 1992, the trend

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reversed itself and smoking prevalence amongadolescent males began increasing by nearlyone percentage point a year.50 Smoking amongadolescent females has fluctuated slightly butsporadically (following a “random walk”), withlittle net change since 1970.50


It is not entirely clear why Canada’s campaignhas not been more successful with adolescents.

We estimate that 51% of the Canadianadvertisements communicated eYcaciousmessages for this group including: second handsmoke (22%), refusal skills (17%), deceptiveportrayal of lethal product (6%), and smokeras negative role model (6%). Sixty eight percent of the Canadian advertisements featuredyouthful spokespeople and only 21% showedpeople smoking, which was significantly lessthan some of the other sponsors. However, wedetect two possible shortcomings with thecampaign. First, Canada used several,disparate messages which it could probably illaV ord to do because its per capita expenditureswere low. The most commonly used eYcaciousmessage (second hand smoke) appeared in just22% of the advertisements. Second, the largestmessage type by a significant margin wasunclassifiable (32%), suggesting that nearlyone third of the Canadian advertisements werepoorly comprehended.


We discuss the Arizona campaign last becauseits cost eV ectiveness cannot be ascertained.49

According to press releases, the Arizonacampaign seeks to make smoking lookunattractive and disgusting with the tagline“tumor causing, teeth staining, smelly, pukinghabit”.62 78 The advertisements commenced in

late 1995 and primarily target adolescents.


It is unclear whether Arizona’s campaign willsucceed in reducing adolescent smoking preva-lence. Based on our findings, just 25% of theadvertisements used messages that researchershave identified as especially eYcacious foryouth. Half of the advertisements strictlydiscussed short term cosmetic eV ects. Another25% of the advertisements were deemedunclassifiable, indicating disagreement or con-fusion as to the messages conveyed. Execution-ally, 50% of the advertisements used youthfulspokespeople which is about average across thesponsors. Arizona showed people smoking in67% of the advertisements, significantly morethan some of the other sponsors.

Research limitationsA limitation of the study we have presented isthat it does not address the impact of anti-smoking advertisement campaigns onadult smoking prevalence or societal attitudestoward smoking. Our data primarily pertain toadolescents’ views of anti-smoking advertising,and the eV ects of the advertisements onadolescents. This is not to say, however, thatanti-smoking advertisements should strictly

target adolescents. In fact, advertising can playan important role in encouraging adults to benon-smoking role models and to fight forsmoke free policies, restricted tobacco access,and similar initiatives.79 80

Limiting anti-smoking advertising to youthmay imply that while smoking is not acceptablefor kids, it is acceptable for adults, makingsmoking even more appealing to kids who wantto emulate adult behaviour.81 An industry mar-

keting document advises: “To reach youngsmokers, present the cigarette as one of the ini-tiations into adult life . . . the basic symbols of growing up.”81 The tobacco industry has, infact, lobbied for limiting anti-smokingadvertising to children, presumably in order tomaintain adult market share.19

Another weakness of our research is that wecould not assess the independent contributionof each measured advertising factor tocampaign eV ectiveness. One reason is that thecampaigns’ ratings on the advertising variableswere highly correlated. In particular,Vermont’s campaign was strong on severaldimensions. Also, we were precluded from

running statistical tests linking our advertisingvariables to specific behavioural outcomesbecause, with the exception of Vermont, prom-ising outcomes were attained inconsistently.For instance, Massachusetts was successful(versus the region) with 12th graders duringthe period from 1995 to 1997, but could notreplicate this eV ect during 1997 to 1999. Cali-fornia’s results were promising from 1993 to1995, but not from 1995 to 1997. It is possiblethat California’s impact on adolescents wasundermined in the mid 1990s by budget cuts,46

but we were unable to determine specific infor-mation about how the adolescent (versusadult) budget was aV ected by those cuts.Unfortunately, sponsors generally do not

report specific budget allocations for youthversus adults. Such information would be veryhelpful to future researchers.

An additional limitation of our study is thatwe could not look at early versus latercampaign eV ects because our data were toosparse. Furthermore, in California our analysisstarts a few years after campaign inceptionowing to a lack of suitable comparison data. InArizona we could not analyse cost eV ectivenessbecause only one state specific data point wasavailable. Additionally, we estimated the surveysample sizes in Massachusetts and Floridasince grade specific sample sizes were notreported (see table 7 notes). While our results

mirror theirs in terms of significant eV 

ects, ourconfidence interval estimates may be slightlydiV erent. Finally, several factors that couldpossibly have impacted campaign eV ects werenot measured. For example, we did not exam-ine print or outdoor advertising, school orcommunity based educational initiatives,tobacco accessibility or prices.21 82

General recommendationsWhen developing anti-smoking advertisementsthat are intended to lower adolescent smokingprevalence, messages and executions should begeared to adolescents. Experts repeatedly warn

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that advertising that works with adultsgenerally will not work with teens.39 Youthadvertising is more eV ective when “thissubculture is addressed in a language it under-stands and appreciates.”38 In advertising, a“one size fits all” approach is widely recognisedas unsuitable.16 21 83 Specifically, when targetingadolescents, oYcials should consider usingspokespeople who are just slightly older thanthe intended audience. In addition, the follow-

ing message themes should be examinedseriously, since they seem to have the greatestpotential for dissuading youths from smoking:second-hand smoke, smoker as negative rolemodel, refusal skills, and deceptive portrayal of a lethal product.

It also seems important to mount a relativelyhomogeneous or focused campaign.83 While itmight appear that larger budgets aV ord theopportunity for many message themes, a laser(focused) versus shotgun (heterogeneous)approach is more consistent with recommen-dations from advertising experts.21 We also rec-ommend that advertisements be tested forcomprehension and persuasion before their

use. Pretesting advertisements with the targetaudience should minimise the likelihood of running spots that are poorly understood,viewed as irrelevant or lacking in credibility.Finally, we recommend that outcome studiesof advertising eV ects be conducted, using validcomparison groups and/or pre-post interven-tion measures.57 Outcome studies will makemajor contributions to our understanding of anti-smoking advertising eV ects, help oYcialsto be accountable for the money spent,improve campaign cost eV ectiveness, andultimately increase the likelihood that fundingwill be sustained until the problem of adolescent smoking is significantly alleviated.

Funding from the California Tobacco-Related DiseaseResearch Program is gratefully acknowledged. We also thankCharles LaFlamme,Raana Jarrahian,and Maria E Reneteria fortheir contributions to this project, and Stanton Glantz and theanonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions.

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