· pdf file01/10/2011 · semut ant kesernutan to get pins and needles (literally...

Ke-an In grammatical terms, ke-an is called a circumfix; that is, a combination of .i prefix [ke-) and a suffix (-an) to form a woid. This cha~ter looks at the Garious uses of ke-an. Many ke-an verbs indicate that the subject experiences or suffers from something over which the subject has no control-similar to one of the meanings of ter- in Chapter 14. This meaning can be specified further, as follows. Suffer from climatic or bodily conditions banjir flood kebanjiran to De ca~ght in flood candu drugs kecanduan t o be addicted t o something dingin cold kedinginan to suffer from cold haus thirsty kehausan t o be thirsty, parched hujan ram kehujanan to be caught in the rain kering dry kekeringan to suffer from drought lapar hungry kelaparan to be starved panas hot kepanasan to suffer from heat semut ant kesernutan to get pins and needles (literally 'to be struck o r overcome by ants') $$& ~ATIHAN I A Complete each of the following sentences usinR one of the ke-an words from the above list. . k&rc,( 100 A Student's Guldc to lndonerlan Grammar berhasil pemilik tanpa

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Page 1: · PDF file01/10/2011 · semut ant kesernutan to get pins and needles (literally 'to be struck or overcome by ants') $$& ~ATIHAN I ... 4 Pembuka kaleng 5 Pemungut sampah

Ke-an In grammatical terms, ke-an is called a circumfix; that is, a combination of .i prefix [ke-) and a suffix (-an) to form a woid. This c h a ~ t e r looks at the Garious uses of ke-an.

Many ke-an verbs indicate that the subject experiences or suffers from something over which the subject has no control-similar to one of the meanings of ter- in Chapter 14. This meaning can be specified further, as follows.

Suffer from climatic or bodily conditions

banj i r flood kebanjiran to De ca~ght in flood

candu drugs kecanduan t o be addicted t o something

d ing in cold kedinginan t o suffer from cold

haus thirsty kehausan t o be thirsty, parched

hu jan ram kehujanan t o be caught in the rain

ke r i ng dry kekeringan to suffer from drought

lapar hungry kelaparan t o be starved

panas hot kepanasan to suffer from heat

semu t ant kesernutan to get pins and needles (literally 'to be struck o r overcome by ants')

$$& ~ A T I H A N I A Complete each of the following sentences usinR one of the ke-an words

from the above list.

. k&rc,(

100 A Student's Guldc to lndonerlan Grammar

berhasil pemil ik tanpa

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rom ' Ll1e ler,

rally 'to mu')

- words

n 3 Kasihan h i , dia menggigil ['shivering) k d i 7 ~ d ,

4 Ibu menghidupkan AC di ruang tamu karena meras

rhenti selama berhari-hari, rumah saya

- . -

' Lack of control over emotions

berhasil to succeed in pemilik owner tanpa without

senang glad kesenangan to be overcome by glee, overjoyed susah sad kesusahan to be overcome by hardship takut afraid ketakutan to be overcome by fear, scared

Lack of control over a situation or event

bagi - . to distribute kebagian to be given a share of something betul correct kebetulan by chance, it so happenr)&&uur,h$ copet pickpocket kecopetan to have one's pocket picked curi to steal kecurian to have something stolen habis finished kehabisan to run out of something I

hilang to disappear kehilangan to lose something I

jatuh fall kejatuhan to be hit by an obiect failing from I above

rnaling intruder kernalingan to have the house broken into tahu to know ketahuan to be caught red-handed tidur sleep ketiduran to fail asleep d-CNk1lY

Translate the following sentences into English. 1 Kebetulan saya berternu dengannya d i toko sepatu itu. 2 Kasihan Joni, rumahnya kemalingan tadi malarn. 3 Mereka berhasil membawa lari uang Rp5 juta tanpa ketahuan I

pemilik rumah. 4 Kami kehabisan betas, jadi malam ini harus berbelanja. 5 Pencuri itu lari ketakutan setelah melihat polisi datang.

In some cases, ke-an words simply indicate that something can be what the base word indicates.

lihat to see kelihatan visible

Ke-an 10 1

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In this case, the meaning of ke-an is similar to the abilitative meaning of the prefix ter- (see Chapter 14). Interestingly, kelihatan also extends to 'look, it seems, it looks like' when we add -nya at the end.

" ;&rcb9<b1< Kelihatannva dia saklt. - She looks sick I

wi)h Hari ini mendung.KeMatannva akan hujan. Today is cloudy It !p&&g it's going to rain.

Keli ta a ekonorni Indonesia akan membalk. T-Fls94r7 ii & z e Indonesian economy will improve.

K e a n words in this group generally indicate 'excessiveness' and translate into English as 'too + adjective' (for example, too small, too large). They also mean the same as 'terlalu (too) + adjective' in Indonesian (for example, terlalu kecil, terlalu besar). The difference between using ke-an and terlalu is that ke-an can sometimes sound more informal.

besar large kebesaran too large, too big capai tired kecapaian too tired, exhausted gernuk fat kegemukan too fat kecil small kekecilan too small kenyang full kekenyangan too full (overeating) kurus thin kekurusan too chin (of body) mahal murah panjang pendek rendah iebal tinggi tipls

expensive cheap long short low chick high thin

kemahalan too expensive kernurahan roo cheap kepanjangan too long kependekan too short kerendahan roo low ketebalan roo thick ketinggian too high ketipisan too thin (not for body)

When ke-an is applied to base words indicating a particular part of the day, such as morning, afternoon or night, it means 'something happens at an inappropriate time'. For example, coming home too late at night or ringing someone too early in the morning.

102 A ~tudeni's Guide to lndoner~an Grammar

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of the PPens light or

pagi morning kepagian too early (in the morning)

siang afternoon kesiangan too late (in the day), oversleep (get up too late)

sore evening . Icesorean . too late (in the afternoon)

Handy expression A useful word to h o w with the 'excessiveness' meaning is keterlaluan, which means 'too much, too far, (of behaviour]'. It comes from terlalu ('too').

Dia memang keterlaluan. Sudah berkali-kali diperingatkan jangan terlambat, tapi masih juga begitu. Helshe has indeed gone toofar. I've warned himlher repeatedly not to be late, but helshe still does it.

l A T l H A N 3 Match these sentences with the following pictures. 1 Rok itu kebesaran. 2 Rok itu kemahalan; uang saya tidak cukup 3 Anjing itu ketakutan. 4 Joni ketiduran di kelas.

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Ke-an also forms abstract nouns. By 'abstract' we mean things that we cannot touch, see or feel.

bahagia happy kebahagiaan happiness

bersih clean kebersihan cleanliness

cantik beautiful kecantikan beauty

cepat fast kecepatan speed, velocity

duduk to sit kedudukan position, rank

gernbira joyful kegernbiraan joyfulness, excitement

giat active keglatan activity

hidup live kehldupan life

kacau mixed up kekacauan havoc

kuat strong kekuatan strength, power

llsan oral kelisanan orality, oracy

maju to go forward kernajuan progress. advancement

rnati to die Iernatian death

PUS satisfied kepuasan satisfaction

satu one kesatuan unity

sehat healthy kesehatan health

We can also attach ke-an to words that already have a prefix, such as ber-. For example, the word berada [to be at a place) comes from the base word ada (there islare, exist)and the prefix ber-. When we add ke-an, we get keberadaan, which means 'existence'.

Below are more examples.

beraksara literate keberaksaraan literacy

berrarna toeether kebersarnaan toeetherness

Dld you knowt a We can also form longer ke-an abstract nouns by adding Me negative word tidak before the base word.

Tidak adil not fair ketidakadilan iniurtice

Tidak rnengerti not ~naersund ketidakrnengertian incornprenenslon Tidak pasti nor certain ketidakpastian uncerta:nry

Tidak tahu nor know ketidaktahuan ignorance

k n 105

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Some ke-an words have two meanings. Depending on how we use them, they may indicate one thing or the other.

kelaparan struck by hunger hunger

kepanjangan too long unabbreviated form (for example, of a name)

kependekan too short abbreviated form

kerendahan too low lowness ketinggian too high height

kebanyakan too much. too many most

l A T l H A N 4 Match each Indonesian sentence in the left column with its English equivalent in the right column.

1 Kasihan adikmu, dia kecapaian.

2 Kegembiraannya meluap-luap. 3 Jangan makan terlalu banyak.

nanti kamu kekenyangan. 4 Mobil itu melaju dengan

kecepatan 90 km per jam menuju Canberra.

5 Kedudukan ibu saya di perusahaan itu adalah sebagai direktur.

6 Kemarin saya kecopetan ketika di bis.

7 Wah, saya malu sekali tadi pagi di kelas karena saya ketiduran ketika guru saya berbicara.

8 Teman saya kelihatan sedih sekali hari ini.

9 Barang siapa ketahuan menyontek dalam ujian ini akan mendapat nol.

10 Maaf Bu, saya sedang kesulitan uang, jadi belum bisa membayar sewa rumah.

a Don't overeat, or you will be bloated.

b I feel sorry for your younger sibling: helshe is exhausted.

c My mother's Dosition in the company is director.

d Literally: His ig is overflowing. (He is over the moon )

e The car moves at a @ of 90 kilometres per hour in the direction of Canberra.

f My friend is lookine very sad today.

g I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm havine a financial hardship, so I haven't been able to pay my (house) - - . rent.

h Whoever is found cheating in this exam will get zero.

i I was so embarrassed this morning in class because I fell &while my teacher was talking.

j Yesterday I had my Docket gk.?& when I was on the bus.

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ill be

the bur ' I -

r the

4 of 90 :*! the %: -. . .;. $ .&

, <f< sad .,g+

,.:$<,: -a $: I haven't .;.'~ :... .ouse) '#


Uses of ke-an: ' Ke-an verbs: Generally indicating lack of control; for example, over climatic

or bodily condition, emotion or over an event or situation.When attached to base words indicating p a m of the day, ke-an indicates that something happens at an inappropriate time. Ke-an adjectives: generally indicating excessiveness (in English:'too ...') Ke-an abstract nouns

Some ke-an words have dual meanings.


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4 Words with the peN- prefix are usually either nouns or adjectives. 1 The capital letter N in peN- indicates the same sound changes that occur in meN-verbs. Indeed, many peN- words have corresponding meN- verbs.

The [N) is written in parentheses because in some cases there are no sound changes; for example, in words that may have corresponding ber- verbs.

PeN- nouns are derived from various base words that are either verbs, nouns or adjectives.

A person who does, or is associated with, what the base word indicates

baca t o read pembaca reader


be l i





c in ta

cur i

t o help

t o buy


t o lie

t o boas& brag

illegal drugs


to steal


pernbel i






pencur i

helper, sefvant


important government official

l ~a r


drug addicc

lover of something

thief datang t o come pendatang migrant

dengar to hear, listen pendengar listener

jaga to cake care penjaga careraker, keeper jahat evil, wicked penjahat criminal

jajah t o colonise .penjajah coloniser jual t o sell penjual seller

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mabuk drunk pemabuk drunkard, alcoholic

makan to eat pemakan eater

minum to drink peminum drinker (alcoholic)

. . muda young pemuda young man, youth

pungut to pick up, coiiect pemungut collector syair poem eenyair poet

tulis to write penuiis writer

Some words do not undergo sound changes. Often, these are words that have corresponding her- verbs.

dagang to trade pedagang trader gulat to wrestle pegulat wrestler

jalan to walk, --.. -w , . pejalan (kaki) pedestrian kerja to work pekerja worker

renang to swim perenang swimmer tenis to play tennis petenis tennis player tinju to box petinju boxer

In some cases, the meaning of the peN- word is a metaphorical one. For example, the word penduduk does not mean 'person who sits', but rather 'person who occupies'; that is, 'inhabitant'.

duduk to sit penduduk inhabitant, population '

L A T I H A N 1 Here are some pictures of people associated with certain activities or professions. Match each of the following peN- words with the corresponding picture. 1 Pelari 2 Pelukis 3 Pemain sepak bola 4 Pemancing ikan 5 Pendayung

PeN- 109

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1 10 A Student's Guide to Indonesian Grammar

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. e m f u n Although peN- and per- often mean 'the person who does something associated witb the base word', they cannot be applied to all cases. For instance, the Indonesian word for 'chef is tukang masak, not pemasak. The word tukang means 'person skilled in a certain area, or labourer'. Some other examples are:

sang becak rickshaw driver (not pebecak) tukang ledeng plumber [not peledeng) tukang listrik elechician [not pelistrik)

Here are some more words for which we can use tukang. Find out how to say them in Indonesian.

welder photographer carpenter magican hitman

Something having the function associated with the base word


dingin garis hapus ikat

panas potong pukul

to open

cold line

to erase to tie hot to cut to hit


pendingin penggarls penghapus penglkat pemanas pemotong iaemukul

opener (for example, can opener)

cooler ruler eraser, duster (for blackboards) Instrument for tying heater cutter instrument for hittine .

Some other similar words simply mean 'something associated with the base word'.

sakit sick penyaklt sickness, Illness sebab to cause penyebab cause

L A T I H A N 2 The following are noun phrases containing peN- words Find out what they mean in English. YOU may need to consult your dictionary for this exercise. 1 Hidangan pembuka 2 Pecandu musik techno

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3 Pemakan daging 4 Pembuka kaleng 5 Pemungut sampah 6 Pendatang baru 7 Pendingin ruangan 8 Pemotong rumput 9 Peniual rokok 10 peniaga toko 11 Pengikat ramhut 12 Pencinta binatang

Some peN- words we adjectives and they are derived from adjectival base words. The derived adjectives mean 'person having the characteristics described by the base word'.

diam quiet pendiam quiet person malas lazy pemalas I;uy person malu shy pemalu shy person marah angry pemarah person who is quick to anger riang cheerful periang cheerful person

L A T I H A H 3 Work in pairs, taking turns to interview each other in Indonesian about the characteristics oTfive people you know well. You must use the adjectives in the abova table in your description, preceded by the 'degree words' listed below. More than one adjective should be used for each description.

sedikit (a lirtle) . tidak begitu (nor so) sangat (very) paling (most)

Example: Ayah saya: sedikit pemalu dan sangat pendiam. My father: a l~ttie shy and very quiet.

1 12 A Student's Guide to lndoneilan Grammar

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L A T I H A N 4 Give the peN- form of the followinp bass words, then check the Endish

I meaning bf each peN- word by consulting your dictionary.

1 salur 2 bakar, 3 buru'

. . .. 4 didik

6 samar 7 culik 8 sarnun 9 selidik

10 teliti -

Summary PeN- words are mostly nouns, but some are adjectives. They often have either corresponding meN- or ber verbs. PeN- nouns mean either 'person' or 'thing' associated with the base word. PeN- adjectives describe the characteristics of a person.

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being to form a noun. Its other functions are to form adjectives and adverbs.

Nouns with -an can be derived from verbs or adjectives.








ma in





to help


to hang

to compose an essay

to complain, sigh

to know a person


'0 play to eat

to go in, enter

to drink

to park













help, assistance, aid






dirt, excrement

toy food



parking lot

Modifying another noun Words with the -an suffix can also be used in a noun phrase to modify another noun. '

beli to buy barang belian purchased goods

cur i ro steal barang curian stolen goods

pinjarn co borrow uang pinjaman borrowed money (debt)

sewa to rent. hire rumah sewaan rented house

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Reduplicated nouns

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TO INDICATE VARIETY

buah-buahan variety of fruit

bunga-bungaan variety of flowers

daun-daunan variety of leaves

obat-obatan medication (variety of medicine)

sayur-sayuran variety of vegetables

tumbuh-tumbuhan variety of plants,flora

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TO RESEMBLE WHAT IS INDICATED BY THE BASE WORL In this group are words that can be nouns or verbs. The nouns usuall: refer to toy things, while the verbs refer to playing or pretending to dl something.

kuda-kudaan rocking-horse

mobil-mobilan toy car

orang-orangan toy person (for example, scarecrow) rumah-rumahan toy house

(main) koboi-koboian to play cowboys

masak-masakan to pretend to cook

sembunyi-sembunyian to play hide-and-seek

F 4 Below are some base words and their meaning in English. Form a nom from each by adding the suffix -an. Guess the meaning in English of each -an noun, then check your dictionary to see if your guess is correl


1 pukul to hit ,_ , I , , . ,. , ''2 2 pakai to wed?,' .' . ' ' * - , 3 tu l is to write .'"; d .

4 baca to read 5 tonton to watch 6 jual to sell 9

8 tanam to plant, sow 9 cicil to pay in instalments 10 tabrak to collide

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L A T I H A N 2 Translate these noun phrase3 into English You may need to consult your dictionary for this exercise.

1 Barang dagangan 2 Uang cicilan 3 Uang simpanan 4 Anak jalanan 5 Mobil sewaan 6 Baju pinjaman 7 Jam tangan curian 8 Warna celupan 9 Manajer bohongan 10 Pekerjaan borongan

L A T I H A N 3 %8 Translate there noun phrases into Indonesian. 1 Toy fish 2 Toy train 3 Toy calculator 4 Toy telephone 5 Toy computer

Adjectives with the suffii -an are derived from either another adjective or a noun.

kampung village kampungan country bumpkin (negative mt connotation) N

m u r a h cheap murahan trashy, low quality

I When -an is attached t 6 some numbers, it means 'in the multiplication of. I

ra tus hundred ratusan hundreds of $ ' ,.

( I . . j r ibuan thousand ribuan thousands of

j u ta million jutaan millions of

m i l i a r billion mil iaran billions of

I I A r r....,--... r ....... I., ...... r ........

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When -an is attached to some fractional numbers, however, the meal is quite different.

~ n s u l t I : ; 1'1 I ' I

seperempat one-quarter perempatan intersection

sepertiga one-third pertigaan T-intersection

setengah half pertengahan middle

Adverbs with the suffix -an are usually reduplicated.

L A T I H A W 4 1 1 1 1

Complete each of the following sentences with a word from the box Each word may be used only once !!gy!F dirayakd celabratad

kecelakaan accideht pertengahan mat#-matian

memaki to swear kambungan . ke~ll-keqlan men$$li to bhy menang to wm perempatan untung-untungan

mak . broken besar-besaran habis-habisan uang kas cash terang-terangan murahan usaha business

besar large besar-besaran on a large scale

habis all gone habis-habisan exhaustively

kecil small kecil-kecilan on a small scale

rnati to die, dead mati-rnatlan with a lot of effort

terang clear terang-terangan openly. frankly

untung lucky untung-untungan wlth luck

1 Dia berusaha untuk menang. 2 Joni dengan mencuri uang kas di toko 3 Ulang tahun bapaknya yang ke-50 dirayakan

4 Dia memaki temannya kamarin. 5 Bu Yati membuka usaha di pasar. 6 Keluarga Burhan akan berlibur ke Adelaide pada

tahun. 7 Jangan membeli barang , nanti cepat ru 8 Kemarin terjadi kecelakaan di jalan it1 9 Membeli tattslotto itu : bisa menang, bi

tidak. l o Lina tidak suka kepada Toni, karena Toni

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Summary The majority o f words with the -an suffix are nouns. Words with the -an suffix can also be verbs, adjectives o r adverbs. Reduplicated -an words are either nouns o r adverbs.