another world (1) the author ilze

ANOTHER WORLD Are we the only ones?

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Are we the only ones?

Many people belive that there are similar creatures, who also are called

‘’people’’.Through the centuries scientists and enthusiasts are looking for evidences to confirm or deny their assumptions.

Civilization have no idea where the world come from and how does the

human arise.Scientists often approve Theory of

cosmic orgin which includes The Great Explosinon when tiny cosmic particles

confronted in space.

Depenting on Cosmic Theory there might be another planetary

system(like Solar System) which also revolves around large star. Probobly

there is suitable conditions for a living. This leads to the suspicion of the aliens



 National Aeronautics and Space Administration which makes cosmical researches also is interested in mythic

apparitions happened in space.There is introduced special profession that

investigates sound signals from other planets hoping to recive message from aliens. NASA has sent satellite which provides records with

human voice. Unfortunately there is no answer for more than 20 years.

Human Settlement on Mars

Project ‘’Mars One’’ will establish a permanent human settlement on Mars.

Crews of four will depart every two years, starting in 2024.First unmanned mission will be launched in 2018. They

want to be first organization that organise firts human landing on Mars. Mars One is going to land group of 4

humans on Mars in 2024. They should become the first inhabitants of Mars.

The main aim of this project is making new civiliaztion on another planet, discover useful matirials, create

Erath’s colony on Mars to escape the overpopulation.

While we are searching for water and other signs of live outside the Earth, we still have planty of unanswered



A legendary Island in Atlantic ocean firstly were mentioned in 360 year bc by famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato.

Atlantis disappeared from the face of the Earth after a series of earthquakes, destroyed culture of ancient civilization

At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean with the help of Google tool was found an object that could be a city network

of streets of lost Atlantis believe experts.


Archaeologists believe it was built from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. It is a large monument of megalithic stones.

Engineers are trying to establish that building Stounhenge required a great

deal of paranormal force. Humans without any tehnical aids can not build

such monument thousends years before. Scientists belive in cosmic

power that create complicated building.

Strange signals

Some years ago world was shocked- aliens imprint evidences about their


Two impostors from UK had climed that they are making pictograms all around the world

during the night time to shocked society and indicate that strangers-aliens exists.

During the investigation both were asked to make fixed ornament on the field, but they

can not do it in allowed time. Others thinks that strange drawings on

fields of crops are evidences that we are not the only ones.

I hope that we can solve problems to develop society, increase level of

education, health care and environmental protection before

citizens of Earth will move to other planets, hoping to esacape problems,

that degradehuman.First of all we should improve

ourselves, still remebering to make a touch with unknown.

Thank you for your attention