annual meeting february 5, 2012 meeting to follow … of... · toccata and fugue in f buxtehude ......

0 WELCOME VISITORS _____________________________________________________________ Printed information describing our church and ministries is available on the Welcome Table and in the brochure rack near the main doors. Standing nearby will be a church member who will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Child care for infants and toddlers is available in the upper level of the Church School wing dur- ing the worship service. For the convenience of parents with children who need to leave the Sanctuary and those who may find the seating more comfortable during worship, there is a Lounge just past the Sanctuary with a video screen that will allow you to view and hear the worship service. LISTEN ON THE RADIO Sunday Morning Worship is broadcast over radio stations WCHK 104.3 and 103.5 FM at 8:45 a.m. OFFERING ENVELOPES FOR THOSE WHO REQUESTED THEM ARE AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX. Please pick them up as you exit the Sanctuary. 2011 ANNUAL MEETING REPORTS are available in the Narthex after each worship service this morning. Help us save mailing costs by stopping by the table and picking up your family’s copy. And, with any luck your 2011 giving statements will also be available. Copies NOT picked up will be mailed out on Monday. Please take time to review the reports before the Annual Meeting which will be held on Sunday, February 5th. Your presence at this meeting is greatly appreciated. ANNUAL MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 2012 Worship at 8:45 a.m. with meeting to follow Small group gatherings after the meeting will be followed by lunch

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Printed information describing our church and ministries is available on the Welcome Table and

in the brochure rack near the main doors. Standing nearby will be a church member who will be

happy to answer any questions you may have.

Child care for infants and toddlers is available in the upper level of the Church School wing dur-

ing the worship service.

For the convenience of parents with children who need to leave the Sanctuary and those who

may find the seating more comfortable during worship, there is a Lounge just past the Sanctuary

with a video screen that will allow you to view and hear the worship service.


Sunday Morning Worship is broadcast over radio stations WCHK 104.3 and 103.5 FM at 8:45 a.m.


THE NARTHEX. Please pick them up as you exit the Sanctuary.

2011 ANNUAL MEETING REPORTS are available in the Narthex after each worship service

this morning. Help us save mailing costs by stopping by the table and picking up your family’s

copy. And, with any luck your 2011 giving statements will also be available. Copies NOT picked

up will be mailed out on Monday. Please take time to review the reports before the Annual

Meeting which will be held on Sunday, February 5th. Your presence at this meeting is greatly



FEBRUARY 5, 2012

Worship at 8:45 a.m. with

meeting to follow

Small group gatherings

after the meeting will be followed by lunch


THE ORDER OF WORSHIP January 22, 2012 8:45 and 10:30 a.m.

Welcome to our Home of Homes.

Our door is open to you at whatever point you are in your journey of faith.


Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound Wood


NEWS OF THE CHURCH COMMUNITY (8:42a.m. /10:27a.m.)

RITUAL OF FELLOWSHIP (Please sign the registration form on the end of the pew and pass it

down the row, and then return it, that all may know the names of those sharing in worship to-





Psalm 66 H. Schuetz


Leader: Arise, shine; for your light has come.

People: And the glory of our God has risen upon us.

Leader: God has pity on the weak and needy:

People: God redeems their life from oppression and violence.

Leader: Precious in God’s sight are the widows, widowers, and orphans of war;

People: Precious in God’s sight are the addicted and confused.

Leader: Precious in God’s sight are the abused and neglected;

People: Precious in God’s sight are the poor and desperate.

Leader: Precious in God’s sight are all who sit on the margins;

People: Precious in God’s sight are all who long for justice.

Leader: The glory of our God will rise upon them.

People: The glory of our God will rise upon us all.



Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound NEW BRITAIN


God of the privileged and the paupers, of the satisfied and the destitute, God of all those

needing and yearning to receive your grace, shine your light upon this place. Be present as we

worship and bring the gift of our praise, and go with us as we leave, so that you might may

shine in our hearts always, illuminating the way to your love. Amen.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


(After the children’s sermon, the children will follow their teachers

to the Pathways wing for Sunday School.)


O Sing Unto the Lord a New Song H. L. Hassler

Psalm 96:1-3


Leader: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Leader: Let us pray.



Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, for ever. Amen.


MOMENT FOR FAITH SHARING Leigh Grube and Mary Sullivan



O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright Karg-Elert


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Christ, all people here below;

Praise Holy Spirit evermore.

Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.

Text: ©1990 Neil Weatherhogg. All rights reserved. Used by permission.


UNISON GOSPEL READING........................................................................................... John 1: 29-36 (NT p. 112)

NEW TESTAMENT READING ............................................................................................ Acts 9:1-19 (NT p. 154)

MEDITATION .......................................................................................... Rev. Stephen Savides

“Baptized and Turned Around”


God, You Spin the Whirling Planets AUSTRIAN HYMN


BENEDICTION RESPONSE: (Congregation seated)

A Blessing M. Shaw

Go forth into the world in peace; be of good courage;

Hold fast that which is good; render to no one evil for evil;

Strengthen the faint-hearted; support the weak, help the afflicted; honor all men.

Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be upon you,

And remain with you forever. Amen.


Toccata and Fugue in F Buxtehude

*The Congregation Standing



8:45 - The Sanctuary Choir

10:30 - The First Congregational LU Music Scholars



Please pick up children from the following classrooms after worship today.

8:45 and 10:30 a.m. Rooms

Kindergarten Computer Lab

1st/2nd Scripture Tent

3rd/4th East Conference Room

5th/6th Art/Kitchen


8:45 A.M. 10:30 A.M.

GREETERS Tom and Jane Hempel Sylvia King

WELCOMERS Ed and Jean Coenraad Nancy Steinike

USHER TEAM CAPT: Dennis Korth, Team #1 Pat Nelson, Team #7

LAY READERS: Sue Detienne Mark Jenike

MULTI MEDIA-audio: Patrick Armstrong Mark Mauthe

MULTI MEDIA-video: Max Edwards Brian Jenike




JANUARY 29, 2012 – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Sermon .................................................................................................................. Pastor Jane Anderson

Music: 8:45 and 10:30 am ................................................................................................... Men’s Choir

FEBRUARY 5, 2012 – Annual Meeting Sunday; Communion

One service at 8:45 a.m

Sermon .................................................................................................................... Pastor Steve Savides

Music ........................................................... Sanctuary Choir, LU Music Scholars, Children’s Choir



Members of our church family benefit from our prayers, continuing support, and words of

encouragement as they celebrate special times or struggle with difficult times in their lives.

Please keep these people in your prayers. Greet them with a loving word when you see them.


Nancy Brown

John Davis

Carmen Elsner

Nancy Fyfe

Leigh Grube

Ann Guyon

Jean Harkins

Carol Huebner

Judy Kaddatz

Clyde Klemp

Erv Klesmit

Jody Kacer

Bonnie Mares

John Masaros

Sharrie Robinson

Van Smith’s co-worker, Cody

Judy Tonnell

The Toussaint family on the death of

John’s uncle, Bob Eppel

Sue Wisneski

Carol Yonan

Sally Yonan

Katie Behl

Myrtle Bellis

Judy Bowman

Beth Detienne’s friend’s father,

Dick DeVries’ son-in-law, Michael

Rachel Edwards

Norman & Judy Clay, parents of

Carolyn Frederick

Steve Furstenberg

Ken Geiger

Evelyn Gelbke

Leigh Grube’s father, Larry Konz

Rev. Kathryn Kuhn

Kimberly Krause, daughter-in-law of Tim/Sara Hoft

Bob Krupinski’s daughter-in-law, Lisa

Tom Loveall

Richard Miller’s son-in-law, Rick Kramer

Cheryl Nisler’s nephew, Shannon Kelman

Bill Platt’s aunt, Dorothy Emma

Heather Rowland

Mya Wardle, daughter of Brian & Lecia Wardle

Military stationed in Afghanistan

Those suffering with mental illness and the families

who support them


THE OPEN DOOR Issue 4 Volume 12

January 22, 2012


Pastor’s Message

This past weekend eight youth, two leaders,

and I went to Pilgrim Center for the annual

Wisconsin Conference UCC high school youth

retreat. Sixty-one people from all over the

state gathered for a weekend of worship, mu-

sic, relationship building, and intentional de-

votion. The theme was “Gathering Waters”; a

reminder of how our baptism unites and calls

us to be a community gathering in the name

of Christ. There were a lot of conversations,

some deep questions, and a major dose of fun.

This retreat got me to thinking about all the

retreat experiences that have helped solidify

my faith over the years. I have attended

enough lock-ins, weekend ski trips, mission

trips, fall and spring weekends to make a

pretty long list. Consequently, a lot of my

strongest memories of “church” were not ac-

tually at “church.” In fact my church memo-

ries include musty camp cabins, gymnasium

floors, distant hotels, sleeping under the stars,

strangers becoming friends, conversations in

the back of a fifteen-passenger car. While I

wasn’t at church, the Church was all around

me. The Church was growing without a


In my mind (especially working with youth)

the relational and spiritual growth that takes

place on a well-planned retreat is hard to

match. When we uproot ourselves and travel

together something happens that cannot be

measured. We journey to a new place, to in-

vite God into our lives in a new way, and

learn to see one another as new creations. This

immersion is often second to none as we jour-

ney along the road of faith. But traveling to-

gether requires true commitment. It means

not only clearing the blackberry schedule and

taking those first steps together; but it also

means journeying with an open heart. An

open heart experiences God in the different

faces, places, and new ways God meets us. An

open heart is non anxious, non judgmental,

and flexible. An open heart seeks to under-

stand and be receptive, not to be served and

chronically disappointed by unmet expecta-

tions. Yet sometimes we sign up for a retreat

(or church program) like we sign up for a new

service contract with our cable company.

With all the discriminating expectations of the

finest consumer (something we Americans

pride ourselves upon) the retreat experience is

understood as a product and thoroughly in-

spected for flaws. Relationships become objec-

tified, faith becomes a commodity, and we are

off to the next product to feed our appetites.

And our hearts become closed to the move-

ment of God in the Church without a build-

ing. I call this the “consumers heart.” I know

my consumers heart can get the best of me

during normal life, let alone a full immersion

experience where everything tends to be am-



When was the last time that you participated

in a retreat experience? When have you par-

ticipated in a mission trip? When have you

cleared the calendar for an immersion in

Christ? And if you have, did you have an

open heart or did your consumers heart get

the best of you? This summer from July 15-22

thirty six high school youth and adults will

travel to Marvell, Arkansas for a week of wor-

ship and service on our summer mission trip.

It promises to be a wonderful experience; one

of many that our church provides for all ages.

If you are in high school, or have a child in

high school, spaces are filling fast and I chal-

lenge you to take the first step and commit.

Commit with a willingness to serve and the

joy of an open heart, and expect to meet God

in a new way!

Give me a call if you have any questions.

Pastor Nick

Congregational Life

Monday Morning Prayer Moments in

the Chapel: (Beginning Feb. 6) A new opportunity will be available to First

Congo and any of its member friends to meet

for one hour from 10:15 am to 11:15 am Mon-

day mornings to lift up those listed in the bul-

letin/newsletter in extended moments of

prayer in the Chapel. We shall also include

any others of family and community that are

mentioned by those attending. After an open-

ing greeting and word, the leader will read

the name and there will be moments for each

to silently give their own prayers. When we

have prayed for everyone on the list, we shall

close the prayer moments with the Lord’s

Prayer. If there is time left in the hour, we

shall do a shared study of either the texts used

on the Sundays of worship or a particular Bib-

lical passage. There will be time for discus-

sion. We shall end with a benediction. Rev.

Harvey Kandler and Rev. Maynard Beemer

will lead these moments which are intended

to be available throughout the year. There

will be a sign-up in the back of church for

those interested. Anyone is welcome.

CHRYSALIS Join us for our next book discussion! The

Chrysalis group will be reading Bad Girls of

the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs. We meet the

first and third Tuesdays of each month from

5:30-6:45 p.m. Our newest book discussion

will begin Tuesday, February 7th . Call

Sheryl De Hart, 731-2620, or Trish Brehm, 739-

8522, for more information.

Mental Illness Support Group If you're looking for information and support

to cope with a relative's mental illness, First

Congregational and NAMI offer a monthly

family sharing group based on the NAMI

model and led by NAMI-trained facilitators

who are part of our congregation. Participants

need not attend First Congregational.

The purposes of the group are to:

Provide a safe place for sharing our expe-

riences and concerns with each other

Offer constructive suggestions for dealing

with day-to-day and long-term challenges

Be a source of spiritual nurture and hope

at a time when hope is hard to find.


Please note that this group is intended for

people currently in an active care-giving rela-

tionship with a loved one suffering from a

mental illness, not for those struggling with

mental illnesses themselves. New participants

are welcome at any session.

Music Ministry

John Albrecht, Director for Music Ministries

Come sing in the Men’s Choir on Sunday,

January 29th! All men are invited to join us

for the first 45 minutes of our 7:00 p.m. choir

rehearsal on Wednesday, January 25, and

then sing as a men’s choir in both services that

next Sunday. Please contact John Albrecht

(ext. 230) with questions and/or interest.

January is a good time to join the music min-

istry at First Congregational! Please see our

church web-site for information on our en-

sembles & workshop opportunities. Feel free

to contact me with questions at the church

phone (ext. 230) or by e-mail at

[email protected]. Our Sanc-

tuary Choir (open to adults, college & high

school students without audition), rehearses

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the choir room.

Children’s Choir (gr. 2-6) rehearses Wednes-

days at 4:30 p.m. in the choir room. Youth

Handbells (grades 7-12) rehearse Wednesdays

at 5:45 p.m. in the Amistad Room.

Intergenerational Musical

A Sky Filled With Stars

Is this your year to participate in our

Intergenerational Musical? Whether you sing,

dance, act, (or none of the above but want to

give it a try), you are welcome! Our show this

year is “Sky filled with Stars” a wild romp

through the galaxy with a young (and later,

older) Moses, Miriam and Aaron who

encounter the “wilderness” of space as they

seek to answer God’s calling. All ages are

welcome, grade 2 – senior citizens! Children

grades 2-6 are asked to attend Children’s

Choir in order to perform in the Children’s

songs, and if they wish to be in the entire

production see schedule below:

Read through and casting: sign up in narthex

to help us prepare! January 22nd at 11:30 –

1:00 (bring bag lunch!)

Rehearsals: beginning January 25

*Wednesdays 4:30 – 5:30 (children’s choir for

children grades 2 – 6) *Wednesdays between

5:30 and 6:30 (or 7:00) – all cast members who

are available; will adjust according to actors’

schedules. *Sundays 11:30 – 1:00: all cast

members *Dress rehearsal: Saturday March

24; 9-3. Performance date: Sunday, March 25.

Please sign up in the narthex to allow us to

plan for copying scripts!! For further infor-

mation contact Dee Savides; 809-3894.

Flute Concert The Fox Valley Flute Choir will present a con-

cert on Monday, February 6, at 7:30 pm in the

Sanctuary of First Congregational Church,

Appleton, WI. The hour-long concert is free

and open to the public. The choir will per-

form music by Telemann, Rossini, Zempleni,

Via and Rodgers/Hammerstein utilizing the

piccolo, C flute, alto flutes and bass flute. For

more information: [email protected]



Nick Hatch, Pastor for Youth & Spiritual Outreach

Kara Woodford, Director for Children’s Ministries

Parents Of 2012-2013 Confirmation

Class (this year’s 8th grade class) Please plan to attend a meeting being held

today from 11:30 to 1230 p.m. in the River

Room. We will discuss information pertinent

to next year’s Confirmation class.

Senior High Youth

Grades 9-12 are invited to attend a broomball

event being held at Jones Park next Sunday,

January 22nd, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Stu-

dents are asked to meet at the park.

The Youth Group Meetings on Sunday mornings for senior high

youth are planned by a coordinating team.

All senior high youth are urged to attend.

The meetings are held from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

in the Common Grounds. Meeting topics are

chosen by the youth.

Adult Volunteers Needed Help is needed in the Infant Nursery and

Toddler Room on the following dates:

Infant Nursery

February 12 – 10:30 a.m.

February 19 – 8:45 and 10:30 a.m.

February 26 – 8:45 and 10:30 a.m.

Toddler Room

February 12 – 10:30 a.m.

February 19 – 10:30 a.m.

February 26 – 8:45 a.m.

Please contact Michele in the C-Y-F office, or

by e-mail at [email protected].

Youth Mission Trip 2012 July 15-22, 2012—Marvell, Arkansas

Join Pastor Nick and fellow senior high youth

as they travel to Marvell, Arkansas this sum-

mer. Registration is limited to 30 students. A

$75.00 deposit, made payable to “First Con-

gregational UCC”, is needed to secure your

spot. There will be a mandatory meeting

held on Wednesday, February 1st, from 7:30

to 8:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall for those

students and their parents who are planning

to go on the mission trip. This meeting is also

open to anyone who would like more infor-

mation about the trip. If you have any ques-

tions, contact Michele in the C-Y-F office,

[email protected].

Mission and Service

Deb Burich, Director for Mission and Service

Membership Class

February 4, 2012 - 9:00 a.m. Membership exploration classes are designed

for people who are considering membership

with First Congregational UCC. This class,

lead by our staff, and accompanied by contri-

butions from the lay leadership of the church,

will explore the history and polity of the

UCC, the history, programs, faith and theolo-

gy of our church, discernment of spiritual

gifts for serving God, and the meaning of

church membership and opportunities to ser-

vice the church. Sign-up sheets are available

in the narthex.


Changing Lives:

10:00 – 10:20 in the chapel

Between services today, Mary Sullivan and

Leigh Grube will share how spending time

with the homeless has impacted their lives.

Attend this informal presentation and share

your own experiences as well!

Warming Shelter

Thank you to the 60+ members that have

volunteered this week at the warming shel-

ter! Special thanks to Leigh Grube & Mary

Sullivan for coordinating this week.

NOAHH (Neighbors Offering A

Helping Hand) Thank you to everyone that donated items

listed last week! After reading the article,

some people asked “What is NOAHH” and

“How do you get these families situations”?

Project NOAHH is a way that social workers

from Outagamie County Human Services can

meet unmet needs of their clients by connect-

ing those needs with members of churches

who neither have the items and no longer

need them, who offer to purchase new items

or who offer monetary donations for to be

used for the need. In a recent situation a

child needed the fees to participate in ‘brown-

ies’ – allowing her good socialization and

mentoring, in another situation a child has

benefited greatly by participating on a swim

team. Updates on needs will be shared as

we receive them. For anyone wishing to do-

nate funds to this mission ministry, please

indicate NOAHH in the memo area of your

check. Your donations and support have

made a difference for many children, parents

and families!

Church Women United The next meeting will be Friday, January 27,

2012, at First United Methodist Church, 325 E.

Frankliln St., Appleton.

11:30 am Registration, 12:15 pm Lunch

12:45 pm business meeting,

1:00 pm Special Speaker from Harbor House

For lunch reservations by January 22, please

call 733-0254 or 687-8801 or 788-5850 or e-mail

[email protected]. Items will be accept-

ed for Habor House: Personal care for adult

women and/or baby items (lotion, shampoo,

wipes, diaper rash cream, sippy cups, socks,

underwear any size, children’s Tylenol or Mo-

trin, Pedialyte, etc.

Feed My Starving Children

Several area churches will once again be

sponsoring a Feed My Starving Children Mo-

bile Pack, scheduled for July 16-18, 2012. Dur-

ing those three days, Meals are distributed to

70 countries through mission partners in or-

phanages, clinics relief centers and schools.

These meals are make a profound difference

for malnourished children.

The Mission & Service team is seeking people

who are interested in leaing/organizing’ this

project on behalf of First Congregational. We

are considering being a ‘Participating Con-

gregation’ and in order to do that need lead-

ership from our congregation to attend organ-

izational meetings, help determine the meal

count & financial goal, strategize and organ-

ize fund raising and promote the project

within our church.


If you are interested in a leadership role for

this life changing event, contact Deb Burich @


ESTHER CORE Team Presents…

Sunday, January 29, at 9:50 a.m. in the Chapel,

our church ESTHER CORE Team will present

the TIP “11x15” Campaign. The statewide

interfaith organization of WISDOM believes

that the prison population in the state can and

should be reduced by half – to 11,000 by the

end of 2015 throught alternative treatment.

We pay a huge human price for our overuse

of incarceration. Families and communities

have been destroyed. Costs have risen dra-

matically. The cost of Corrections in Wiscon-

sin has risen from under $200 million per year

in 1990 to more than $1.3 billion in 2011. This

cannot be sustained.

The vast majority of inmates in our prisons

have no history of violence. Many suffer from

mental illness and/or addictions. Most are

people of color, and an inordinate number

come from backgrounds of poverty.

The good news is that alternatives to incarcer-

ation that are being proven effective every

day in our state. Counties have extablished

numberous programs: drug treatment courts,

mental health courts, day report centers, uni-

versal screening, mental health courts, and

more. We are learning, decisively and over-

whelmingly, that alternatives to incarceration

are effective. They are effective by most any


Alternatives to incarceration nearly

all result in markedly lower recidi-

vism rates. That is, offernders in al-

ternative programs tend to be rehabil-

itated and not to re-offend, while in-

carcerated offenders are more likely

to commit another offense.

Alternatives to incarceration are more

likely to result in restoring the of-

fender to health, expecially those suf-

fering frm mental illness and/or ad-


Alternatives to incarceration save

taxpayers a great deal of money.

Most save at least $2 for every dollar


Please join us on the 29th and sign on to this



Addendum to the First Congregational U.C.C. Bulletin/Newsletter

January 22, 2012

Notice of a Call for Ratification of Prior Council Decision

On February 5, 2012, the congregation will be asked to vote on the following recommended revi-


At the March 2011 meeting, Church Council recommended that Article 10, Section 1 of the By-

laws be revised as follows, “The Annual Meeting of the church shall be held in January no

later than the second Sunday in February of each year, the exact date to be set by the Church


The purpose of changing the meeting date from January to February is to allow more time for the

preparation of year-end reports and the coming-year budget, with the expectation that both will

be available to members for review at least two weeks before the Annual Meeting date. This

change enables more thoughtful preparation of reports since the prior year church financial ac-

counts are not complete until mid-January. This year, the Annual Report was available to the

congregation on January 22, 2012.

Upon ratification of this revision, the By-Laws will be amended accordingly.

Susan Toussaint




Sunday, January 22 8:45 & 10:30am Worship & Church School Sanctuary, Pathways

9:45 am Changing Lives Chapel

10:30 am Senior High Youth Group Common Grounds

11:30 am Eighth grader family meeting River Room

11:30 am Intergenerational Musical Fellowship Hall

1:00 pm Senior High Broomball Jones Park

5:00pm LU Music Scholars Choir Room

Monday, January 23 Fox Valley Warming Shelter Off Site

9:00 am Strong Bones South Fellowship Hall

4:00 pm Appleton Boychoir rehearsal Chapel, Choir Room, North Fellowship Hall

7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 8 Fellowship Hall,

Tuesday, January 24 Fox Valley Warming Shelter Off Site

6:30 pm Cub Pack 3018 Leaders River Room

7:30 pm AA Common Grounds

Wednesday, January 25 Fox Valley Warming Shelter Off Site

9:00 am Strong Bones South Fellowship Hall

4:30 pm Children's Choir rehearsal Choir Room

5:45 pm Youth Handbells Amistad Room

6:30 pm Middle School Class Pathways

6:30 pm Spiritual Yoga class Pathways

6:45pm Writer’s Group West Conference Room

7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir rehearsal and Men’s Choir Choir Room, Sanctuary

7:30 pm Senior High CAFÉ Common Grounds

Thursday, January 26 Fox Valley Warming Shelter Off Site

6:30 pm YARC South Fellowship Hall

7:00 pm ANMAA Common Grounds

7:00 pm Family & Friends Mental Illness Support Group Lounge

Friday, January 27 Fox Valley Warming Shelter Off Site

7:00 pm Alanon Lounge

7:00 pm N.A. Common Grounds

Saturday, January 28 Fox Valley Warming Shelter Off Site

8:00 am Confirmation retreat to Chicago Off Site

8:00 pm ANMAA Common Grounds

Sunday, January 29 8:45 & 10:30 am Worship Service & Church School Sanctuary Pathways

10:30 am Senior High Youth Group Common Grounds

5:00pm LU Music Scholars Choir Room