
This is an unedited audio sequence which has combined many different sounds to create a story. Some of the audio has been over-lapsed to add ambiance to the sequence, this audio track is designed to make the listener image there is a party occurring when all of a sudden a bomb explodes and we are just left with the sound of rain and fire burning.

Upload: christopher-lucas

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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This is an unedited audio sequence which has combined many different sounds to create a story. Some of the audio has been over-lapsed to add ambiance to the sequence, this audio track is designed to make the listener image there is a party occurring when all of a sudden a bomb explodes and we are just left with the sound of rain and fire burning.

The audio clips in this audio sequence look very different but in reality they are the same audio clip,

which has been edited by changing the pitch and playback allowing all the clips to sound very different from the original

In this audio clip I have edited two things first the volume to make certain parts louder or quieter and secondly I’ve edited the pan so it will change from the left to right ear and play in both etc. The audio clip is made to make the listener hear an atomic bomb go off from one ear and as it gets closer it goes into both ears.

In this audio clip I have edited it with the Dub Glitch VST Plugin to make the audio more glitch and all over the place.