annotation lesson plan

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Lesson plan on annotation


Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Topic: AnnotationGrade Level: 8

Length of class: 50 minutes

LEARNING GOAL/PURPOSE (What is the overall goal/purpose of this lesson)?

To help students understand and practice annotating.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES (What will students know or be expected to do in this lesson? Use verbs from Blooms Taxonomy):

Students will:1) Learn different styles of annotating.2) Choose which method works best for them and practice it.

STANDARDS (What national or state standards will you address?):

Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED (What materials and resources will I need in this lesson?):

an assortment of articles ranging from history to geography to science to economics.

PLAN for LEARNING (How will you organize student learning in this lesson?

LESSON SEQUENCE & PACING (How will I organize this lesson? How much time will each component of the lesson take?)

1. Start off with PowerPoint lecture on what annotation is. Why is it important?

2. Next, discuss different ways of annotating a text. Show them on the overhead. Underlining Asterisks, stars, etc. Highlighting 3. Lay out 4 different articles on a table. Have students pick which topic interests them the most and have them read it while annotating.

4. After students are done reading and annotating, have students pair up with others who chose the same article.

5. Have them show each other how they annotated and what they annotated.

6. Come back together as a whole class. Have them share whether or not they agreed on what to annotate.

7. Wrap up. Explain how annotating is an important skill for not only a historian, but a literate person.ACTIVATE/ENGAGE(How will I engage students in learning or prepare students to learn by activating/building up their prior knowledge?)

Ask a question, think-pair-share activity, Anticipatory set activity, checklists, quick write, cooperative learning activity, inquiry-based task, carousel activity, KWL, circle map, show a video clip, do a demonstration, tell a story, quiz, thumbs up, fist-to-five, etc.

ACQUIRE/EXPLORE/APPLY(How will I help students acquire and apply new knowledge and skills?)

Lecture, demonstration, guest speaker, inquiry-based activity, text analysis, discussion, debate, simulations, skits, project-based learning, jigsaw activity, cooperative learning activity, flexible grouping, learning center rotation, research activity, etc.

ASSESS/CLOSURE/BRIDGE(How will I assess my students understanding or provide closure in the lesson?)

Selected Response (Test, quiz, exit slip)Products from Performance assessment (Skit, role play, dramatization, debate, cooperative learning, project, student-inquiry)Written Communication (Short-answer, journal entry, bulleted response, essay, exit slip)Personal Communication (Questions, DiscussionInterview)