ankylosing spondylitis

Anesthesia and Ankylosing Spondylitis Mark Wagner CRNA, M.S.

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Post on 03-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Ankylosing spondylitis

Anesthesia and Ankylosing Spondylitis

Mark Wagner CRNA, M.S.

Page 2: Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosis - Stiffening or fixation of a joint as a result of a disease process, with fibrous or bony union across the joint; fusion.

Spondylitis - Inflammation of one or more of the vertebrae.

Spondylosis - Ankylosis of the vertebrae.

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Overview: Rheumatic, autoimmune

Inflammation of spine/Sacroiliac joints/Pelvis

Strong genetic predisposition

- Autosomal dominant; HLA B27 genotype.

Males > Females (3:1)

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Diagnosis of AS

Schober test

Gaenslen test

Neuro evaluation

Radiographic evidence

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AS Pathophysiology

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“Bamboo Spine”

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Ankylosing Spondylitis

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Sacroiliac Involvement

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Iritis or Anterior Uveitis

Inflammation of the eye

Signs and symtoms:

-Redness, pain, sensitivity to light and skewed vision.

Treatment:- Cortcosteroid eyedrops

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AS Treatment

NSAIDS (Indomethacin)


Exercise/Physical therapy


- Hip/shoulder arthroplasty, osteotomy, decompression and fusion.

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Term used to describe

the presence of a “defect”

or stress fracture in the

posterior arch of the

vertebrae.  It occurs at the

lumbo-sacral junction

(L5/S1) in about 85% of


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Respiratory Abnormalities

Restrictive disease


vital capacity

Upper lobe fibrosis

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Cricoarytenoid Arthritis

Cricoarytenoid joints

Abduct and adduct

vocal cords


RD and stridor

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TMJ Ankylosis

Limited movement in 10% of pts.

In advanced disease, 30-40% affected

May progress to complete ankylosis and inability to open mouth

Awake fiber-optic nasal intubation should be considered

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Cardiovascular Abnormalities

Aortic insufficiency/Aortitis



Conduction abnormalities

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Neurological Abnormalities

Spinal stenosis

Radicular pain/Paresthesias

Cauda equina syndrome

Vertebral fractures

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Pre-Operative Evaluation


- Activity tolerance

AIRWAY!- Cervical ROM, MO

ability to lie flat

Chest/spine films

- Severity/location

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Pre-Operative Evaluation

Pulmonary function- PFT’s, ABG, breath sounds

Cardiovascular- Cardiac anomalies, 2-D ECHO,

stress test, cath results

Labs- CBC, Chem 7, Coags, T+C

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AS and Anesthesia

Awake fiber-optic intubation

Trach under L.A.

Regional anesthesia-Spinal, Epidural, Caudal


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