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Post on 01-Oct-2015




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  • Apocalypto

  • Executive SummaryMy mission is to will provide a friendly, comfortable atmosphere where the customers can receive quality food, drinks, and service at a reasonable price. My caf will offer a variety of choices to the customers. Cappuccinos, lattes, espressos, smoothies, regular coffee, soft drinks, and tea of all sorts will be available. The caf will also serve deli-style breakfast sandwiches with the freshest ingredients, muffins, croissants, cinnamon rolls, coffee cake, and other tasty treats.Coffee Spot Caf will be open from 6:00 A.M. to 4 P.M. Sunday-Saturday.

  • Goals and StrategiesShort-term goal: Use the quality of our service and advertising to soon become well-known throughout Mayapur.Long-term goal: Expand the business to other locations of West Bengal.Strategy: Work hard to have the best-tasting coffee and best service.

  • SWOT AnalysisStrengths: Reasonable prices, wide variety of coffee and drinks, a lot of home-made treatsWeaknesses: Turn down in the economy, start-up costs, new business, no reputationOpportunities: Job opportunities for the many unemployed in Connersville, cateringThreats: local restaurants

  • Intellectual Property

  • LocationThe location of my business will be just in front of ISKON temple, Mayapur, Nadia. (Mayapuris located on the banks of the Ganges river, at the point of its confluence with the Jalangi, near Navadvip, West Bengal, India, 130 km north of Kolkata)I will have to pay 20 laks for buying a Shop.

  • Legal StructureMy business will be run as a sole proprietorship. All debts and liabilities of this business will be my responsibility. I will pay personal income taxes on the profits made. This will make accounting much simpler. With having a sole proprietorship, I can also deduct my business losses to the extent of my total income that I may have from all sources.

  • Accounting and LegalFor daily accounting, the system I will use will be QuickBooks Pro.

  • Market AnalysisTarget Market: My target market will be to anyone who enjoys coffee, but I will mainly target people age 18 and older, both male and female, and who are of the working class. A lots of Foreigners there at Mayapur. Competition: My major competitors would be ISKONs restaurant which is located on ISKON temple area. Home Delivery Restaurants are also there. Market Trends: Coffee is the drink of choice for many people across the world. Every morning millions of people rely on their morning fix to get going for the day. India is now holding 6th position in coffee production

  • Marketing StrategyOffer Wi-fi to the customerTalk to people on Twitter (and Facebook)Mobile apps (Apocalypto)Website ( channel advertisement.Well designed atmosphere
