ancient greece

Ancient Greece 1900 BCE – 133 BCE

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1900 BCE – 133 BCE

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Geography was important in the development of Greek civilization. Greece occupies a small area, has lots of mountains, and many small islands. Greece is about the same size as the state of Louisiana.

The mountains and sea were especially significant in the development of Greek culture. The mountains isolated the Greek towns and cities from each other, causing different communities to develop independently.

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Greece had numerous harbors that provided access to the sea. This, along with the islands surrounding the mainland, helped the Greeks to become seafarers and establish colonies throughout the Mediterranean.

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2700 BCE – 1450 BCE

The Minoans were a civilization that existed during the Bronze Age. They lived on the island of CRETE.

The Minoans left behind an enormous palace in Knossos. The palace remains reveal a rich culture and evidence of large-scale sea trade. The Minoans went to Egypt and other areas in the Mediterranean.

The Minoans suffered a cataclysmic collapse in around 1450 BCE. Some historians believe a tidal wave triggered by a volcanic eruption on Thera (another island) was responsible for their collapse.

Most historians agree that the Minoans collapsed because of an invasion by the Myceneans, who lived on the mainland of Greece.

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1600 BCE – 1100 BCE

Lions Gate Tombs

The Mycenaeans flourished in Greece from around 1600 BCE to 1100 BCE. They gained control of the Greek mainland and developed a civilization.

The Mycenaean civilization was made up of powerful monarchs. Each king lived in a fortified palace, built on hills and surrounded by giant stone walls. The palace complexes were also used as tombs (called tholos) for the royal families.

The Myceneans were warriors who took great pride in battle. The artwork they left behind often portrayed battles and hunting scenes.

There is vast evidence of trade throughoutthe Mediterranean world.

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Homer’s Iliad

The most famous military adventure of the Myceneans was the Trojan War.

Homer, a traveling poet, is credited with writing the Iliad, which is the story of the Trojan War led by Agamemnon, king of Mycenae. (Maybe you’ve seen the movie Troy –it’s the same story?)

Homer also told the story of the Odyssey, which tells the tale of Odyssey’s return home from the Trojan War, which took him years.

Both the Odyssey and the Iliad are epic poems – long poems that tell the story of a great hero or heroes.

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in a



1100 BCE – 750 BCE

From 1100 BCE to around 750 BCE, Greece experienced a “dark age,” called such because few records exist of this time period.

During the Dark Age, large numbers of Greeks left the mainland and sailed to the islands around Greece or to Ionia in Asia minor (modern day Turkey).

Two major groups of Greeks settled in already established areas – the Aeolian Greeks and the Dorian Greeks. Trade was revived and iron began to be used to make weapons and tools.

Sometime during the 8th century BCE, the Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet, giving themselves a new system of writing.

Homer’s works appeared at the end of the Dark Age, and taught the Greeks important values to their culture – courage, honor, and excellence (called arete).

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750 BCE – 500 BCE

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By 750 BCE the city-state, what Greeks called

the polis, became the

center of Greek life. Our

word politics is derived

from the polis. A polis was a town, city,

or village that served as

the center of the state

where people could meet

for political, social, or

religious activities.

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The main gathering place in any polis was usually the top of a hill. The Greeks would fortify (strengthen) the area – called an acropolis – so it could be defended if the polis came under attack.

Temples and other public buildings were often built in the acropolis.

Below the acropolis was the agora, an open area where people could assemble to hear polis leaders. When not meeting, the agora served as a marketplace, where people sold goods and food.

City-states were protected by the military. The military was based on hoplites, heavily-armed infantry who carried a round shield, short sword and a spear. Hoplites went into battle in a rectangular formation called the phalanx that could create a wall of shields to protect the soldiers.

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Around 730 BCE, Sparta began the conquest of Messenia, a neighboring city-state. Sparta needed more land for its citizens. Sparta conquered both Messenia and Laconia, and forced their citizens to become serfs (slave/servants) and work for the Spartans.In order to control their

conquered populations (called helots), Sparta became a military state.

The lives of Spartans was rigidly organized. Males spent their childhood learning military discipline. They enrolled in the army at age 20 and lived in the military barracks until they were 30. At 30, men could vote in the assembly, but they stayed in the army until they were 60.

King Leonidas

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Men were allowed to marry at

20, but they did not live with

their wives until they were 30.

They lived in the military

barracks, ate meals with the

army, and trained with their

fellow soldiers. Women lived at home and had

great freedom of movement

because their husbands lived

in the barracks. Spartan

women were expected to

remain fit and bear and raise

healthy children.

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The Spartan government was headed by two kings who led the army on their campaings.

A group of five men known as the ephors were elected each year and were responsible for the education of youth and the conduct of the citizens.

A council of elders, composed of the two kings and 28 citizens over the age of 60, decided on the issues that would be presented to the assembly. The assembly, made up of male citizens, did not debate, they only voted on the issues.

The Spartans were an isolated society; they discouraged foreigners from visiting and did not allow their citizens to travel (unless it was with the military). Spartan citizens did not study philosophy, literature or the arts. They studied the art of war and the military ideal.

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Athens was one of Ancient Greece’s largest city-states. In the fifth century BCE, Athens had a population of more than 300,000 people.

Early Athens was ruled by a king, but by the seventh century BCE, an oligarchy (rule by wealthy aristocrats).

The aristocrats owned the best land and controlled the politics of Athens. Serious economic problems brought about the end of the oligarchy. Farmers were sold into slavery to pay debts to the wealthy. People asked the government for relief, but got none. Athens was close to civil war.

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Beginning of Democracy

Fearing a civil war, the oligarchs gave full power to Solon, an aristocrat willing to enact some reforms. Solon cancelled all land debts and freed the farmers who had been sold into slavery for their debts. He refused to take land from the rich and give it to the poor, and Athens ended up being ruled by Pisistratus, an aristocrat who seized power in 560 BCE. Pisistratus took land from the wealth and gave it to the poor.

The tyranny ended when Pisistratus’ son lost power. Cleisthenes took over and created the foundations for a democracy.Cleisthenes created a council of five hundred that supervised foreign affairs, oversaw the treasury, and proposed laws that were voted on by the Athenian assembly.

The assembly, composed of free male citizens, had the final authority to pass laws after public debate. The assembly became the central authority for laws, makingthe assembly the foundations for AthenianDemocracy.

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Athens granted political

power to adult males.

Women, children, slaves, and

non-citizens had no political


Athenians believed in rights

coupled with responsibility.

Aristotle (more on him later)

taught that citizens should be

loyal to the state and exercise

their rights to vote.

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• democratic

• women not alone in public, stay home

• education

• well-rounded

• physical fitness

• boys only

• philosophy encouraged

• military

• women allowed more freedom

• education

• to be soldiers

• physical fitness

• girls, too

• new thoughts discouraged
