analyzing tone %281%29

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  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29




  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29



    Students will be able to identify

    complimentary tones and tonal

    shifts in a variety of passages by

    highlighting and indicating in


    Handout: tone words

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    How is tone created?

    Diction and Syntax can both be used

    to create a tone.

    Figurative language (similes,

    metaphors, etc.)

    Detail, imagery & local color

    Rhetorical techniques These are all part of an authors


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    Intro to Tone

    When a prompt is asking about theauthors attitude, it is referring to tone.

    Tone is the attitude expressed by the

    author, speaker, or character toward thetopic at hand.

    In one piece, there may be a main tonewith supporting undertones. There may betwo or three complimentary tones. Theremay be shifts in tone. We must practiceidentifying all of these so that we can writeabout them.

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    Complimentary Tones

    Complimentary tones are similar,

    but not exactly the same.

    Complimentary tones are not


    Tone words may be various parts of

    speech, but should be consistent.

    For example, use two adjectives OR

    two nouns to indicate tone.

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    Instructions for Practice

    Read each passage and write down a

    list of words which seem important

    to you and also words which may

    suggest a deeper meaning. Then

    read back over the passage.

    Consider the words you chose and

    decide which two tones they maysuggest. These are the two

    complimentary tones of the passage.

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    Example 1

    There was a steaming mist in all the hollows,and it had roamed in its forlornness up the hill,like an evil spirit, seeking rest and finding none.A clammy and intensely cold mist, it made itsslow way through the air in ripples that visiblyfollowed and overspread one another, as thewaves of an unwholesome sea might do. It wasdense enough to shut out everything from thelight of the coachlamps but these its ownworkings, and a few yards of road; and the

    reek of the labouring horses steamed into it, asif they had made it all. -A Tale of Two Cities

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    Words that Create Tone

    There was a steaming mist in all the hollows,and it had roamed in its forlornnessup the hill,like an evil spirit, seeking rest and finding none.A clammyand intensely cold mist, it made itsslowway through the air in ripplesthat visiblyfollowed and overspread one another, as thewaves of an unwholesome sea might do. It wasdense enough to shut out everything from thelight of the coachlamps but these its ownworkings, and a few yards of road; and the

    reek of the labouring horses steamedinto it, asif they had made it all. -A Tale of Two Cities

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    Complimentary Tones

    The words steaming mist, hollows,

    clammy, and dense create a sense

    of mystery and secrecy.

    The words forlornness, evil,

    intensely cold, unwholesome sea,

    and reek of labouring horses are

    hints of evil, ominous strangeness.

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    A. TONES: mysterious, ominous

    B. The mysterious new girl in schoolhas made the other students curious

    because she wont say where shecame from, and wont talk about herfamily or past.

    C. The warning sign on the fence wasominous, so, fearing for our safety,we decided not to go further.

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    For each example:

    1. Write the words which seem

    important/ tone words/ connotative.

    2. Identify the two complimentary


    3. Write two sentences, using the

    tone words, that clearly reveal the

    tones meaning.

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    Passage 1

    Oh! No mortal could support the

    horror of that countenance. A mummyagain endued with animation could not

    be so hideous as that wretch. I hadgazed on him while unfinished; he wasugly then; but when those muscles and

    joints were rendered capable of

    motion, it became a thing such as evenDante could not have conceived. -Frankenstein

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    Possible Complimentary Tones

    Frightening, repulsive

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    Passage 2

    It was a mighty nice family, and a mightynice house, too. I hadnt seen no house outin the country before that was so nice andhad so much style. It didnt have an iron

    latch on the front door, nor a wooden onewith a buckskin string, but a brass knob toturn, the same as houses in a town. Therewarntno bed in the parlor, not a sign of abed; but heaps of parlors in town had beds

    in them. There was a big fireplace that wasbricked on the bottom, and the bricks waskept clean and red by pouring water onthem- Huckleberry Finn

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    Possible Complimentary Tones

    Impressionable, admiring

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    Passage 3

    He clasps the crag with crooked hands;

    Close to the sun in lonely lands,

    Ringed with the azure world, he stands.

    The wrinkled sea behind him crawls;

    He watches from his mountain walls,

    And like a thunderbolt he falls.

    -The Eagle by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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    Possible Complimentary Tones

    Awe, respect

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    Tonal Shifts

    Good authors rarely use one tone

    Speakers complex attitudes

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    Look for:

    Key words (e.g. but, yet,

    nevertheless, however, although)

    Punctuation (dashes, semicolons,


    Stanza & paragraph divisions

    Changes in line & stanza or sentence


    Sharp contrasts in diction

  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29


    The Man He Killed

    Read the poem, The Man He Killed.

    Note how the speaker puzzles about

    the irony of killing men in war who

    might have been neighbors or friends.

    However, the speaker grows more

    uncertain of his attitude.

    Repetition & punctuation guide thereader to the speakers shifting tone.

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    Diction the connotation/word


    Images vivid appeals through the


    Details facts included/omitted

    Language overall use/ level


  • 8/13/2019 Analyzing Tone %281%29
