analyzing art “a painting [work of art] ought to change as you look at it, and as you think, talk,...

Download Analyzing Art “A painting [work of art] ought to change as you look at it, and as you think, talk, and write about it.” --Harry Berger Jr

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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  • Analyzing Art A painting [work of art] ought to change as you look at it, and as you think, talk, and write about it. --Harry Berger Jr.
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  • Hieronymus Bosch Ship of Fools 1475-1480 What are your initial reactionswrite for 2-3 minutes. Listing is fine. Dont worry about analysis yet; catalogue whats here.
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  • WU: Quote Response The world wants to be deceived. -Sebastian Brant What does this mean to you? What is Brants take on mankind? Do you agree?
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  • We wander in more dout than mortall man can thynke. And oft by our foly and wylfull neglygence Our shyp is in great peryll for to synke. So sore ar we overcharged with offence We see the daunger before our owne presence Of straytis, rockis, and bankis of sonde full hye, Yet we procede to wylfull jeopardye. We dyvers Monsters within the se beholde Redy to abuse or to devour mankynde, As Dolphyns, whallys, and wonders many folde, And oft the Marmaydes songe dullyth our mynde That to all goodnes we ar made dull and blynde; The wolves of these oft do us moche care, Yet we of them can never well beware.... About we wander in tempest and Tourment; What place is sure, where Foles may remayne And fyx theyr dwellynge sure and parmanent? None certainly: The cause thereof is playne. We wander in the se for pleasour, bydynge payne, And though the haven of helth be in our syght Alas we fle from it with all our myght. Sebastian Brant
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  • Common Symbols in Boschs work: The owl=heresy, evil Fruit=sex, licentiousness The cat=cruelty, the devil Stringed instruments=love The horse=unbridled rage, lust The crescent=paganism, heresy (opposing religious ideals) The jug=gluttony The egg=life, the source of life The goat=prurience, lust
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  • Thesis Creation: IDENTIFY: Whats there? Author/artist devices or techniques Patterns in the text INTERPRET: What does it mean? How do you know what you know? Themes created by techniques Evidence that supports conclusions ANALYZE/UNPACK : Why is this interpretation important? So what? How/why the authors choices affect the reader Impact of interpretation Complications that arise because of the interpretation Thesis equation: Technique/device + Idea it creates within the text (theme) + Effect on the reader outside of the text (So what?) = THESIS
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  • Works to Choose From: 1) Pieter Brueghel Gula 2) Hieronymus Bosch Death and the Miser 3) Edgar Degas The Belleni Family 4) Johannes Vermeer Woman Holding a Balance
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  • Allegory of Gluttony and Lust
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  • Tribute Money Masaccio
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