analytics: latest developments & guidance

@timlb What’s New in GA (and what matters to you…)

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Post on 25-Jan-2015




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What’s New in GA(and what matters to you…)

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Started working on web sites in 1993

Specialise in optimising ecommerce web sites

Using any methods that get results

(Not just GA!)


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70+ new launches in 2013

But what matters to YOU...

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It’s gone grey

Power features still there:

Custom reports



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Theme: it’s the Products

A take-away trinket:Product Reporting

Do Now

Start thinking about

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It’s all about Products

Custom reports:

Not latest feature

Still best

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What sold each of those products?

Drill down:








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Custom reports: get building

Only include

“need to know”

Import to GA:

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Moving on the new stuff

Traffic sources



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@timlbDo now

Key New Concept

BehaviourAcquisition Conversion

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@timlbDo now

Real life?

BehaviourAcquisition Conversion

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Example of new reports

BehaviourAcquisition Conversion

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Familiar reports also get new focus

BehaviourAcquisition Conversion

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@timlbDo now

New: Channel Grouping

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Customise Channel GroupingKey point:New GA configured via admin = Less custom code on site

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@timlbDo now

Customise Channel GroupingTip:Drill down into (other) on report to spot what to customise


Fix in-house email medium(or mistakes)

Special group for internal referrals

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@timlbIgnore for now!?!

Be aware of Social Reports

Beware ‘dark social’

Just because nobodyclicks through fromFacebook doesn’t meanthey don’t notice

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Demographics (needs code change)

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Demographics (needs code change)

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@timlbTry now but fiddly

Content Grouping

Group pages in ways which make sense to youReport on combined numbers for the groupGet a much easier understanding of navigationUse in Custom Reports!!!!

Super blog post on using groups:

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@timlbTry now but fiddly

Set up Content Grouping

Three methods:

• Use URI pattern matching

• Use rules

• Add tracking code

Tip: Time to Start Thinking About:

Product Views

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@timlbDo now

Visitor-based segments

Loads of built-in configurations

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@timlbDo now

Which channels bring high-value

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@timlbDo now

Cohort segments

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@timlbDo now

Not quite RFM (but getting there)

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@timlbDo now

Dedicated e-commerce segments

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@timlbDo now

Sequence segments

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@timlbStart thinking about

Universal Analytics

Multiple devices

Store custom data

Send data from other systems

Upload extra data

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@timlbStart thinking about

Universal Analytics Planning


Time to think about Categories

Extra product data

Extra customer data

and if you are changing:


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@timlbStart thinking about

Tag Management

GTM Google Tag Manager:

Not just for GA

Use for other tracking code

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Ask me about...

Custom reports

Custom dashboards


Channel Grouping

Content Grouping

Automatic data exports

[email protected]

Links from this presentation:

(All lowercase and one word:

screen pages clients timlb )

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Recipe for success

Think about a task which you do every day or week

Then ask the key question

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Recipe for success

“If I knew ___________,then I would _______________.”