analysis of survey results 2


Upload: alex-wenman

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Analysis of survey results 2




Page 2: Analysis of survey results 2


The results of this question are hugely helpful as it gives us a clear idea of the audience that surrounds the rock genre. From the pie chart shown we can see that there is a slight majority of males in our audience at 55%, whereas our female result comes in at 45%. This majority is so miniscule that we do not feel the video can be purely male-focused, and will strive to fulfil the needs of both genders with our promotional package.

Using this data we will ensure we allow our music video to be suitable for both genders, considering attitudes to representation of males and females.

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We asked our survey participants to state which of the given age ranges they fitted into. As you can clearly see from the image to the right there is a huge majority of 17-21 year olds in our audience at 71.67% . There is a small amount of 30+ respondents but it’s clear who is dominating age range for the genre.

Now that we have evidence of there being a predominantly youthful audience, we can target our promotional package towards their age range, taking into account current trends amongst their age range to ensure that it is as successful as possible. We will also ensure we make the video

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The question posed to survey participants asked which of 4 given styles of music video they preferred. It’s clear from our results that the audience of our survey greatly prefer ‘a blend of both narrative and live performance’, with over 50% of answers being this.

Using the results we’ve gained from this question we can stylise our music video to include both a narrative segment alongside some live performance footage, and we can see this fitting well with our choice of song.

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“FAVOURITE ROCK BAND / GROUP?”As a way of understanding our audience’s musical preferences in the rock genre, we asked them to tell us their favourite rock bands. We gave 6 popular artists as examples but also allowed our participants to tell us their answer if one of our provided ones was not their favourite. This allowed us to have a look at influences and preferences the audience may have about other current bands and their videos.

From our results it is clear that ‘Foo Fighters’ were the favourable choice, with our chosen artist ‘Royal Blood’ coming just below. In the ‘other’ category we were given a wide range of answers of bands in the genre, which will be useful in looking for inspiration for our video, alongside looking at current and past promotional packages by ‘Foo Fighters’.

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After asking our participants what they would associate with the rock genre we received a clear agreement of the inclusion of guitars, with brands such as Gibson and Fender. Marshall amplifiers were also highly chosen, which shows that there is some awareness of brands in the genre. We will aim to include at least 2 of these brands in our video to help fit conventions.

Denim Jackets also gained the same results as Guitar Amplifiers, so we will also include band members wearing these. Overall we hope that the inclusion of the most popular choices will allow our video to fit genre conventions.

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“WHAT WOULD YOU EXPECT TO SEE IN A ROCK VIDEO?”According to our audience, Live performance is what they would most expect to see in a rock music video, whilst the usage of a narrative came 2nd in the results. This reiterates the result from our 3rd question (“What would you rather see?”) , showing that our audience’s preferences are also what they would expect to see (Genre Conventions). This gives us a solid reasoning to continue with our plans to create a music video structured by both Narrative and live footage.

As it was also highly chosen, we will aim to stylise the video with dark colour schemes and our Narrative will have ‘dark’ themes within it. We will still edit our video quite thoroughly in post to ensure it fits our theme, but will try to not over edit as it seems this was not preferable to our audience and will act similarly with the use of product placement.

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We asked our audience to tell us their favourite music video and we received a huge set of varied results, some of which we wouldn’t have expected to see. The majority of responses were from the rock and indie genres, with Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foals, Muse, Queens Of The Stone Age and The Libertines being popular answers. It was interesting to see a variety of artists outside of the rock and indie genres chosen, including Kanye West, Blur, Everything Everything and even Robbie Williams chosen.

This clearly shows that even for fans of the rock and indie genres, other videos from different artists can be appealing, and in the end we feel that it’s clearly down o personal choice.

For the benefit of our video, we will take into account the relevant videos from our chosen genre for inspiration.

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Its clear that the fast cutting & editing style is the most favourable amongst our survey participants from it’s huge 52% result. We feel that this style comfortably fits both our genre and our choice of song as it will allow us to match the rhythm of the song in many places of our video. We may experiment with other styles in the post production stage but aim to stick with this faster cutting style.

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“WHAT LOCATIONS WOULD YOU SEE IN ROCK VIDEOS?”The majority of our participants chose city and urban areas as the location they would most associate with rock music videos (70% of responses included this). Recording studios also were heavily chosen, which is no surprise as genre conventions include rock music using real instruments, and recording spaces would be needed for bands.

These results were as we expected and this will allow us to continue with our planned music video idea, whilst still considering the inclusion of both Urban areas and Recording studios.

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EVALUATION OF RESULTSOverall our results have proved to be helpful and prove that

our choice of questions was effective to learn more about our audience. Without creating our survey, we would not have evidence of what our audience actually prefer, so it has been hugely important to change our assumptions into facts.