analysis of front covers

Analysis of front covers

Upload: kateconstable

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of front covers

Analysis of front covers

Page 2: Analysis of front covers

MastheadThe masthead of Q magazine is quite simple as it is just one letter therefore it doesn’t cover too much space, it is just placed in the corner.

Colour schemeThe colours of this Q magazine

are quite simple but not too boring, the colours are constant

throughout the cover: Yellows, Red, Gold, black and then the background it just a pale blue.

Main imageThe main image of Jake bugg has been placed at a unique angle and the way he has been photographed is like he is playing the guitar, it gives of the music vibe that the magazine is aiming for. The clothes he is wearing look appropriate to the theme. There is a shadow behind him which makes it weird to look at. This image also slightly covers the mast head but you can still see what it says.

Cover linesThe cover lines are all written in

capitals letters which make them stand out, also the fonts are quite bold and easy to read. The colours

that have been sued are simple colours that fit with the rest of

the colour scheme. They are positioned around the main

image but not covering it. The main article is placed on top of

the main image as it is about him.

FontsThere are a range of fonts used on the front cover, the font used for the title

‘Jake Bugg’ is different to the cover lines. It is quite quirky and doesn’t look like it should work on this cover but it


This cover has a barcode, issue date, price and the website that

the magazine is from.

This cover has a puff in gold which includes a snippet of information about what to find inside the magazine. It stands out to make people want to read on.

The advertisement about Bob Dylan sort of fits into the page but

the bright yellow doesn’t really match the colour scheme. It still

stands out though.

Q magazine

Page 3: Analysis of front covers

MastheadThis masthead is quite simple because there isn’t much to write for the title. It is in a bold font, in capital letters so its quite big. It still catches my eye even though it is in the corner.

Colour schemeThe colour scheme is quite retro

colours making it almost look like a dance magazine. The colours

remind me of the rainbow. I think these colours are used for this

specific cover because of the band arcade fire. In a small quote they say ‘We’re a weird band in a

mainstream context’ so these colours reflect that.

Main imageThis main image is very simple as it is just a picture of one guys head, but the interesting part about it is the colouring and effects that have been placed on to the picture. I would of been a very boring picture if there were not any effect on it.

Cover linesThere are no cover lines on this front cover except for the main article line and the words ‘Look into our eyes’. Most magazines

have cover lines on the front cover but this one quite different. Next to the masthead it mentions some of the content that's in the magazine so these could almost

be classified as cover lines.

FontsThe fonts used are all the same throughout the front cover. Even though they are the same, they still stand out because most of the text on the front cover is quite big. This cover has a barcode, issue

date, price and the website that the magazine is from.

NME magazine

Page 4: Analysis of front covers

MastheadThe masthead on Kerrang magazines are all the same , they are big and bold in capital letters and placed across the whole page

Colour schemeThe colours scheme of this issue are

mainly Halloween colours which links with the issue theme. Kerrang’s

title is usually red and they incorporate a lot of red in their

magazines. I like how where the cover lines are there is just a block of orange and all the other colours

stand out against it, so they are still easy to read.

Main imageThe main image of Oli Sykes is a medium close up shot and he is looking directly into the camera

which makes it look like he is looking at the reader. This main image is

large and it covers most of the masthead but as it is a very popular magazine most people will already

know what it says. Oli Sykes has the rock look and is part of a huge rock

band so its a very popular main image. It also relates to the main article as he is part of that band

Bring Me The Horizon.

Cover linesThe cover lines are all written in capitals letters which make them stand out, also the fonts are quite bold and easy to read. The colours that have been sued are simple colours that fit with the rest of the colour scheme. They are positioned around the main image but not covering it. All of the cover lines except for the main article title and quotes are placed at the right side, on top of the block of orange colour. The are quite close together and it shows there is quite a lot of content. There are one or two smaller images next to the cover lines.

This cover has a barcode, issue date, price and the website that the

magazine is from.

The skylines are quite bold, mentioning things to find inside the magazine, including pictures. The

number 6 is a drop cap and stand so you actually know how many


Kerrang! magazine

FontsThe fonts used are all the same throughout the front cover. Even though they are the same, they still stand out because most of the text on the front cover is quite big. The only text that is different is the masthead as that is in like a spooky font as its the Halloween issue.