textual analysis - front covers

Textual Analysis Front covers

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Post on 12-Dec-2014




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Textual Analysis

Front covers

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Colour schemeIt`s used very natural colours like white and a dark blue as well as a bright and demanding red. There is very little variety in the colours as the person`s skin is very pale and gives a refection to the white headline and the white subtitles. Her makeup is simple and natural making the image very pure. The image is very appealing to the audience, because of the purity and the demanding eye-catching red colour framing the persons face as well as framing the image and the cover.

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PhotographyThe photograph is taken in a studio with a simple facial pose from Florence (the person on the front cover).The camera shot is a close up of her head, bringing us closer to the person. The camera is also slightly tipped from a high angle, making us look slightly down at her while she is looking up at us. Her eyes are looking straight at the camera, with an intense look, attraction readers to the magazine by making us feel like she is seeing and lookingdirectly at us. Her facial expression is strict but also very pure, there is no signs of any mood. The close up shot gives focus to her face, as well as the red hair to the pale skin creates a frame around her face. The picture is very bright and outstanding with the two contrary colours placed beside each other, the red hair to her pale skin. All in all photograph contains of 3 colour that repeats though the cover, the white text to her pale skin and her white sweatshirt, the blue repeating though the blue text and her blue eyes and at last the single dominating red hair colour. The magazine is trying to sell it self though the photograph, this is seen though the minimalistic use of colours and them all referring back to the photograph, as well as there is minimal use of text, where the text is also referring back to the photograph. Her whole appearance with the red hair, the simple facial expression, the pale skin and the minimalistic makeup is reflecting to her as outstanding artist. Florence is wearing a gold heart necklace, the heart symbolise spiritual, emotional and moral values and the gold is said to increase personal power, courage, confidence and willpower. Wearing gold around you neck also is a to preserve health.

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Writing styleThey are using quotes to build your interest and make you want to read more of the article in the magazine. The magazine is also using names of famous artist to attract readers, in addition to using catching words and sentences as 2 of 10 special edition covers and the new NME.

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Text/picture ratio & FontsThe front cover photograph is covering the whole page with a close up of Florence’s face and hair. There is not a lot of text, mostly names of artist and few sentence placed around the border of the magazine. The name of the masthead (i.e. the magazine’s brand – its identity) is written with an Arial Black font, which is big bold letters making it easy to see which magazine this is. Moreover the magazine is using simple bold fonts in different size to attract the audience to read - fans of Florence would definitely want to pick up the magazine and read more of the article when they she her name in big capital letters on the front cover.

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PublisherWith information gathered from NME’s media pack we learn that they are the longest published and most respected music weekly in the world. They reach millions of music fans every week. Their average age market is 25 yrs, 73% of their readers are male and there target market is male 17-30.The publisher of NME is Tracy Cheesman. She is currently also publishing uncut magazine, it is a movie and music magazine with modern indie, rock, classic indie and Americana. Uncut is like NME’s cooler, older brother. There average readers age is 37 and 86% of their readers are male.

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Colour schemeThe colours that is used on the text is very dim, they are using a weak peach colour on the brand name as well as on subtexts on the bottom on the page. Moreover they are using an aquamarine colour on the subheadings and the subtexts. The use of the natural colours gives a feeling of warmth and down to earth look to the magazine. The different colour use make the headlines, tiles and text stand out against the white background. Furthermore the girl in the picture is dresses in an all black outfit, where the black is dominating the picture and making a focus to the girl in addition to writing her name in white letters with a black coloured square around it. Therefore we will understand that she is the main attraction to this issue of the magazine.

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PhotographyThe photograph is simple but also very cool, Lykke Li’s position is casual with her hands on her hips as well as powerful with her chin held high. The photograph is taken from Lykke Li’s left and with the camera tipped a little bit from a low angel which shows us even better the powerful position she has in the photograph, the chin held high, no sign of any facial expression. Her position in addition to the text is telling us there is many sides of Lykke Li in the magazine, giving us idea that from the powerful picture there might be a serious story as well about Lykke.You can see the photograph is taken in a studio because of the plain white background and Lykke Li’s posture as well as the lighting is edited to more faded colour and it is also used a hint of antique. Giving again a warmth to the picture as I have mentioned before.

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Writing styleThe subtitles are brief telling us what the magazine contains of. They are also using names of famous artist to attract readers besides having names of upcoming girl artist. What is more, are they having beach guide to attract the female readers in addition to writing “girls who rock”.

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Overall lookThe magazine front cover will all in all attract to most female readers with the light colours, the subhead lines and the powerful position of the female in the picture.

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Text/picture ratio & FontsThe magazine cover is basically covered all over with text or the picture, but at the same time they have made a good balance and haven’t tried to push to much into the page. The photograph also blends in with the text as Lykke Li’s hat is covering some of the brand name whereas another part of the text is going on top of her hat. The text is framing Lykke Li and her figure, making it look like the text is “pushing” her backwards but with her posture and the attitude inher facial expression she is holding her stand as wellas the hat it trying to “break free” but is hold in is place by the text covering the back top of it. The use of fonts goes back to what I have said about the magazine being targeting female. The font is simple but also very delicate cursive fancy writing. The front used is very similar to the French script MT front. Furthermore as written in the beginning they have written her name in white letters with a black coloured square around it, which is dominating the picture and making a focus that exact writing in addition to the female dressed in black.

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PublisherFoam is a magazine who covers progressive individuals and scenes including sport, music, art and fashion. They highlight the new waves of the culture's influence around the mainstream of the different genres.They target young influential women, their median age is 21.5 in addition to 33% present of their readers being under 21. Overall 99% of there reads are female.The publisher of foam is Monica Campana, who has good experience from earlier work for TrasnWorld Media (1996-2005) which is a multiple action sports platform targeting mostly male skateboarders, snowboarders and surfers, in the 21-36 age range.

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Colour schemeThe colours that are used are very strong and bright. There are all in all four colours repeating themselves though the front cover, black, white, red and yellow. The black goes though the background of the head photograph and many of the photographs as well as through to the black Kerrang writing. The whiterepeating in the background of the masthead and the cover line also in an under cover line, background of some of the photographs. Creating a dynamic atmosphere around the text and the photographs.The main cover line is in red and is situated in the middle of the photograph and is standing out big and bright, attracting readers to notice it and draw interest to reading the article further. Moreover drawing a line between the main cover line, which is an artist name, and drawing it to the other artist in the magazine by having the same colour in the background of other artists in the magazine. In addition, using the red to attract attention to special essential to the magazine, like FREE, exclusive, PLUS and a big round circle around the yellow word WIN which is made with an outstanding colour drawing attention to it as well. The yellow repeating mostly in the left of the magazine drawing attention to the photographs down the left side with the yellow writing on it, making it easy for the reader to locate if there “favourite” artist is there.

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PhotographyThe cover has a lot of photographs on it. There is variation between the images, they are either a definition of a black or a white colour, and artists are both posing and acting natural. Due to this variation, we understand that there will also be a variation of the articles that magazine will contain of. The black and white photographs usually gives connotations to rock genre, since the pictures aren’t focused on the glamour or special celebrity settings but rather their music and emotions to making their music. Generally the images on this cover is taken from a mid shot angle or close ups, which makes the reader feel closer to the artist and get a view of them up close.

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Writing styleThere is very little text about what’s inside the magazine, but drawing the attention to the reader through names of famous artists, thing you can win or you get for free with it. The only text other names are 2 lines summing up an article referring to the main cover line. Also using the magic word, “exclusive” to attract readers to want to know what this magazine is writing about that is so exclusive. That the front page has a minimalistic amount of text and instead many photographs shows that they want to focus more on another side of stardom instead of fame, glamour and rumours and more towards their music and the ones dedicated to making it.

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Overall lookThat the magazine cover has a lot of photographs, and mostly just names of the people in the photograph draw more attention to the artist and their music and not so much the articles.

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Text/picture ratio & FontsThe article uses sans serif font, which shows the magazine as fresh and current. The fonts are consistent throughout, they are big and exaggerated, which gives a formiliarity to the audience. By using same fronts on the cover line and the sub cover lines, could be viewed as stating that the magazine and the different articles with the same font have the same importance and then again separating articles from one another by having different fonts. The title "Kerrang!" is shattered, reinforcing a rock image to the magazine, which they are trying to sell themself through.

As written previously there are more photographs than texts. The images on the cover gives us a visual image of what is inside the issue, and with the text then engaging the attention of the reader with the names of the bands/artists inside.

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PublisherWith information gathered from Kerrang’s media pack we learn that they are the worlds larges uk weekly music magazine. Their reader are usual young, their median age is 22 years, have a younger target market has shown to be a big advantage for Kerrang, as young readers usually are expensive and elusive to reach but their issue contains of more things attracting them, like film, games and mobile technology. Teenagers are often more open to a wider range of genres inside the world of rock music where each Kerrang issue have a balance of bands and scenes to guarantee that they give the readers what they want, giving them a variety in their music but also introducing them to new music.