analysis of building

INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE DESIGN PROCESS: The entire process of structural planning and design requires not only imagination and conceptual thinking but also sound knowledge of practical aspects, such as recent design codes and bye-laws, backed up by ample experience, institution and judgment. It is emphasized that any structure to be constructed must satisfy the need efficiency for which it is intended and shall be durable for its desired life span. Thus, the design of any structure is categorizes into following two main types:- 1. Functional design 2. Structural design 1.1.1 FUNCTIONAL DESIGN: The structure to be constructed should primarily serve the basic purpose for which it is to be used and must have a pleasing look. The building should provide happy environment inside as well as outside. Therefore, the functional planning of a building must take into account the proper arrangements of 1

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Page 1: Analysis of Building



The entire process of structural planning and design requires not only

imagination and conceptual thinking but also sound knowledge of practical

aspects, such as recent design codes and bye-laws, backed up by ample

experience, institution and judgment.

It is emphasized that any structure to be constructed must satisfy the need

efficiency for which it is intended and shall be durable for its desired life span.

Thus, the design of any structure is categorizes into following two main types:-

1. Functional design

2. Structural design


The structure to be constructed should primarily serve the basic purpose for

which it is to be used and must have a pleasing look.

The building should provide happy environment inside as well as outside.

Therefore, the functional planning of a building must take into account the

proper arrangements of room/halls to satisfy the need of the client, good

ventilation, lighting, acoustics, unobstructed view in the case of community

halls, cinema theatres, etc.


Once the form of the structure is selected, the structural design process starts.

Structural design is an art and science of understanding the behavior of

structural members subjected to loads and designing them with economy and

elegance to give a safe, serviceable and durable structure.


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The process of structural design involves the following stages.

1) Structural planning.

2) Action of forces and computation of loads.

3) Methods of analysis.

4) Member design.

5) Detailing, Drawing and Preparation of schedules. 


After getting an architectural plan of the buildings, the structural planning of the

building frame is done. This involves determination of the following.

a. Position and orientation of columns.

b. Positioning of beams.

c. Spanning of slabs.

d. Layouts of stairs.

e. Selecting proper type of footing. Positioning and orientation of columns:

Following are some of the building principles, which help in deciding the

columns positions.

1. Columns should preferably be located at (or) near the corners of a building,

and at the intersection of beams/walls.

2. Select the position of columns so as to reduce bending moments in beams.

3. Avoid larger spans of beams.

4. Avoid larger centre-to-centre distance between columns.

5. Columns on property line.


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Orientation of columns:

1. Avoid projection of columns:

The projection of columns outside the wall in the room should be avoided as

they not only give bad appearance but also obstruct the use of floor space,

creating problems in placing furniture flush with the wall. The width of the

column is required to be kept not less than 200mm to prevent the column from

being slender. The spacing of the column should be considerably reduced so

that the load on column on each floor is less and the necessity of large sections

for columns does not arise.

2. Orient the column so that the depth of the column is contained in the

major plane of bending or is perpendicular to the major axis of bending.

This is provided to increase moment of inertia and hence greater moment

resisting capacity. It will also reduce Leff/d ratio resulting in increase in the load

carrying capacity of the column. POSITIONING OF BEAMS:

1. Beams shall normally be provided under the walls or below a heavy

concentrated load to avoid these loads directly coming on slabs.

2. Avoid larger spacing of beams from deflection and cracking criteria. (The

deflection varies directly with the cube of the span and inversely with the cube

of the depth i.e. L3/D3. Consequently, increase in span L which results in greater

deflection for larger span).


Page 4: Analysis of Building SPANNING OF SLABS:

 This is decided by supporting arrangements. When the supports are only on

opposite edges or only in one direction, then the slab acts as a one way

supported slab. When the rectangular slab is supported along its four edges it

acts as a one way slab when Ly/Lx < 2.

The two way action of slab not only depends on the aspect ratio but also on the

ratio of reinforcement on the directions. In one way slab, main steel is provided

along with short span only and the load is transferred to two opposite supports.

The steel along the long span just acts as the distribution steel and is not

designed for transferring the load but to distribute the load and to resist

shrinkage and temperature stresses.

A slab is made to act as a one way slab spanning across the short span by

providing main steel along the short span and only distribution steel along the

long span. The provision of more steel in one direction increases the stiffness of

the slab in that direction.

According to elastic theory, the distribution of load being proportional to

stiffness in two orthogonal directions, major load is transferred along the stiffer

short span and the slab behaves as one way. Since, the slab is also supported

over the short edge there is a tendency of the load on the slab by the side of

support to get transferred to the nearer support causing tension at top across

this short supporting edge. Since, there does not exist any steel at top across

this short edge in a one way slab interconnecting the slab and the side beam,

cracks develop at the top along that edge. The cracks may run through the

depth of the slab due to differential deflection between the slab and the

supporting short edge beam/wall. Therefore, care should be taken to provide

minimum steel at top across the short edge support to avoid this cracking.


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A two way slab is generally economical compare to one way slab because

steel along both the spans acts as main steel and transfers the load to all

its four supports. The two way action is advantageous essentially for large

spans (>3m) and for live loads (>3kN/m2). For short spans and light loads, steel

required for two way slabs does not differ appreciably as compared to steel for

two way slab because of the requirements of minimum steel.


The type of footing depends upon the load carried by the column and the

bearing capacity of the supporting soil. The soil under the foundation is more

susceptible to large variations. Even under one small building the soil may vary

from soft clay to a hard murum. The nature and properties of soil may change

with season and weather, like swelling in wet weather. Increase in moisture

content results in substantial loss of bearing capacity in case of certain soils

which may lead to differential settlements. It is necessary to conduct the survey

in the areas for soil properties. For framed structure, isolated column footings

are normally preferred except in case of exists for great depths, pile foundations

can be an appropriate choice. If columns are very closely spaced and bearing

capacity of the soil is low, raft foundation can be an alternative solution. For a

column on the boundary line, a combined footing or a raft footing may be



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The following are the assumptions made in the earthquake resistant design of structures:• Earthquake causes impulsive ground motions, which are complex and

irregular in character, changing in period and amplitude each lasting for small duration. Therefore resonance of the type as visualized under steady-state sinusoidal excitations, will not occur as it would need time to build up such amplitudes.

• Earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously with wind or max. Flood or max. sea waves.

• The value of elastic modulus of materials, wherever required, maybe taken as per static analysis.


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Working stress method (WSM)

Ultimate load method (ULM) 

Limit state method (LSM)

2.1.1. Working stress method (WSM):-

This was the traditional method of design not only for reinforced concrete, but

also for structural steel and timber design. The method basically assumes that

the structural material behaves as a linear elastic manner, and that adequate

safety can be ensured by suitably restricting the stresses in the material

induced by the expected “working loads” on the structure. As the specified

permissible stresses are kept well below the material strength, the assumption

of linear elastic behavior is considered justifiable. The ratio of the strength of the

material to the permissible stress is often referred to as the factor of safety.

However, the main assumption linear elastic behavior and the tacit assumption

that the stresses under working loads can be kept within the ‘permissible

stresses’ are not found to be realistic. Many factors are responsible for this such

as a long term effort of creep and shrinkage, the effects of stress

concentrations, and other secondary effects. All such effects resulting

significant local increases in a redistribution of the calculated stresses. The

design usually results in relatively large sections of structural members, thereby

resulting in better serviceability performance under the usual working loads.

2.1.2. Ultimate load method (ULM):-

With the growing realization of the short comings of WSM in reinforced concrete

design, and with increased understanding of the behavior of reinforced concrete

at ultimate loads, the ultimate load of design is evolved and became an

alternative to WSM. This method is sometimes also referred to as the load


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factor methods are the ultimate strength. In this method, the stress condition at

the site of impending collapse of the structure is analyzed, and the non linear

stress-strain curves of concrete and steel are made use of.

The concept of ‘modular ratio’ and its associated problems are avoided entirely

in this method. The safety measure design is introduced by an appropriate

choice of the load factor, defined as the ratio of the ultimate load to the working

load. The ultimate load method males it possible for different types of loads to

be assigned different load factors under combined loading conditions, thereby

overcoming the related shortcoming of WSM.

This method generally results in more slender sections, and often economical

designs of beams and columns, particularly when high strength reinforcing steel

and concrete are used. However, the satisfactory ‘strength’ performance at

ultimate loads does not guarantee satisfactory ‘serviceability’ performance at

the normal service loads.

The designs sometimes result in excessive deflections and crack-widths under

service loads, owing to the slender sections resulting from the use of high

strength reinforcing steel and concrete. The distribution of stress resultants at

ultimate load is taken as the distribution at the service loads, magnified by the

load factor(s); in other words, analysis is still based on linear elastic theory.

2.1.3. Limit state method (LSM):-

The philosophy of the limit state method of design represents a definite

advancement over the traditional design philosophies. Unlike WSM

which based calculations on service load conditions alone, and unlike ULM,

which based calculations on ultimate load conditions alone, LSM aims for a

comprehensive and rational solution to the design problem, by considering

safety at ultimate loads and serviceability at working loads.


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The LSM philosophy uses a multiple safety factor format which attempts to

provide adequate safety at ultimate loads as well as adequate serviceability at

service loads, by considering all possible ‘Limit State’.

Limits States:-

A limit state is a state of impending failure, beyond which a structure ceases to

perform its intended function satisfactorily, in terms of either safety of

serviceability i.e. it either collapses or becomes unserviceable.There are two

types of limit states:

Ultimate limit states (limit states of collapse):- which deal with strength,

overturning, sliding, buckling, fatigue fracture etc.

Serviceability limit states: - which deals with discomfort to occupancy and/ or

malfunction, caused by excessive deflection, crack width, vibration leakage etc.,

and also loss of durability etc.


Grades of concrete:

Concrete is known by its grade which is designated as M15, M20 etc. in which

letter M refers to concrete mix and number 15, 20 denotes the specified

compressive strength (fck) of 150mm cube at 28 days, expressed in N/mm2.

Thus, concrete is known by its compressive strength. M20 and M25 are the

most common grades of concrete, and higher grades of concrete should be

used for severe, very severe and extreme environments.


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Compressive strength

Like load, the strength of the concrete is also a quality which varies

considerably for the same concrete mix. Therefore, a single representative

value, known as characteristic strength is used.

Characteristic strength

It is defined as the value of the strength below which not more then 5% of the

test results are expected to fall (i.e. there is 95% probability of achieving this

value only 5% of not achieving the same)

Characteristic strength of concrete in flexural member

The characteristic strength of concrete in flexural member is taken as 0.67

times the strength of concrete cube.

Design strength (fd) and partial safety factor for material strength

The strength to be taken for the purpose of design is known is known as design

strength and is given by

Design strength (fd) = characteristic strength/ partial safety factor for material


The value of partial safety factor depends upon the type of material and upon

the type of limit state. According to IS code, partial safety factor is taken as 1.5

for concrete and 1.15 for steel.

Design strength of concrete in member = 0.45fck


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Tensile strength

The estimate of flexural tensile strength or the modulus of rupture or the

cracking strength of concrete from cube compressive strength is obtained by

the relations

                                       fcr = 0.7 fck N/mm2   

The tensile strength of concrete in direct tension is obtained experimentally by

split cylinder. It varies between 1/8 to 1/12 of cube compressive strength.


Creep is defined as the plastic deformation under sustain load. Creep strain

depends primarily on the duration of sustained loading. According to the code,

the value of the ultimate creep coefficient is taken as 1.6 at 28 days of loading.


The property of diminishing in volume during the process of drying and

hardening is termed Shrinkage. It depends mainly on the duration of exposure.

If this strain is prevented, it produces tensile stress in the concrete and hence

concrete develops cracks.

Modular ratio

Short term modular ratio is the modulus of elasticity of steel to the modulus of

elasticity of concrete.

Short term modular ratio = Es / Ec

Es = modulus of elasticity of steel (2x10 5 N/mm2)

Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete (5000√fck N/mm2)


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As the modulus of elasticity of concrete changes with time, age at loading etc

the modular ratio also changes accordingly. Taking into account the effects of

creep and shrinkage partially IS code gives the following expression for the long

term modular ratio.

          Long term modular ratio (m) = 280/ (3fcbc)

Where, fcbc = permissible compressive stress due to bending in concrete in


Poisson’s ratio:

Poisson’s ratio varies between 0.1 for high strength concrete and 0.2 for weak

mixes. It is normally taken as 0.15 for strength design and 0.2 for serviceability



Durability of concrete is its ability to resist its disintegration and decay. One of

the chief characteristics influencing durability of concrete is its permeability to

increase of water and other potentially deleterious materials.

The desired low permeability in concrete is achieved by having adequate

cement, sufficient low water/cement ratio, by ensuring full compaction of

concrete and by adequate curing.

Unit weight of concrete:

The unit weight of concrete depends on percentage of reinforcement, type of

aggregate, amount of voids and varies from 23 to 26KN/m2. The unit weight of

plain and reinforced concrete as specified by IS:456 are 24 and 25KN/m3



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The loads are broadly classified as vertical loads, horizontal loads and

longitudinal loads. The vertical loads consist of dead load, live load and impact

load. The horizontal loads comprises of wind load and earthquake load. The

longitudinal loads i.e. tractive and braking forces are considered in special case

of design of bridges, gantry girders etc.

2.3.1 Dead load:

Dead loads are permanent or stationary loads which are transferred to structure

throughout the life span. Dead load is primarily due to self weight of structural

members, permanent partition walls, fixed permanent equipments and weight of

different materials.

2.3.2 Imposed loads or live loads:

Live loads are either movable or moving loads with out any acceleration or

impact. There are assumed to be produced by the intended use or occupancy

of the building including weights of movable partitions or furniture etc. The floor

slabs have to be designed to carry either uniformly distributed loads or

concentrated loads whichever produce greater stresses in the part under

consideration. Since it is unlikely that any one particular time all floors will not

be simultaneously carrying maximum loading, the code permits some reduction

in imposed loads in designing columns, load bearing walls, piers supports and


2.3.3 Impact loads:

Impact load is caused by vibration or impact or acceleration. Thus, impact load

is equal to imposed load incremented by some percentage called impact factor

or impact allowance depending upon the intensity of impact.


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2.3.4 Wind loads:

Wind load is primarily horizontal load caused by the movement of air relative to

earth. Wind load is required to be considered in design especially when the

heath of the building exceeds two times the dimensions transverse to the

exposed wind surface.

For low rise building say up to four to five storeys, the wind load is not critical

because the moment of resistance provided by the continuity of floor system to

column connection and walls provided between columns are sufficient to

accommodate the effect of these forces.  Further in limit state method the factor

for design load is reduced to 1.2 (DL+LL+WL) when wind is considered as

against the factor of 1.5(DL+LL) when wind is not considered. IS 1893 (part 3)

code book is to be used for design purpose.

2.3.5 Earthquake load:

Earthquake loads are horizontal loads caused by the earthquake and shall be

computed in accordance with S 1893. For monolithic reinforced concrete

structures located in the seismic zone 2, and 3 without more than 5 storey high

and importance factor less than 1, the seismic forces are not critical.


Elastic analysis deals with the study of strength and behavior of the members

and structure at working loads. Frames can be analyzed by various methods.

However, the method of analysis adopted depends upon the types of frame, its

configuration (portal bay or multibay) multistoried frame and Degree of



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It is based on the following assumptions:

1. Relation between force and displacement is linear. (i.e. Hook’s law is


2. Displacements are extremely small compared to the geometry of the

structure in the sense that they do not affect the analysis.

The methods used for analysis of frame are:

1. Flexibility coefficient method.

2. Slope displacement method.

3. Iterative methods like

a. Moment distribution method(By Hardy Cross in 1930’s)

b. Kani’s method (by Gasper Kani in 1940’s)

4. Approximate methods like

a. Substitute frame method

b. Portal method

c. Cantilever method


This method is called as force method or compatibility method. In this

Redundant forces are chosen as unknowns. Additional equations are obtained

by considering the geometrical conditions imposed on the formation of

structures. This method is used for analyzing frames of lower D.O.R.


1. This method involves long computations even for simple problems with

small D.O.R.


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2. This method becomes intractable for large D.O.R. (>3), when computed

manually especially because of simultaneous equations involved.

This method is not ideal for computerizing, since a structure can be reduced to

a statically determinate form in more than one way.


It is displacement or equilibrium or stiffness method. It consists of series of

simultaneous equations, each expressing the relation between the moments

acting at the ends of the members is written in terns of slope & deflection. The

solution of slope deflection equations along with equilibrium equations gives the

values of unknown rotations of the joints. Knowing these rotations, the end

moments are calculated using slope deflection equations.


1. This method is advantageous only for the structures with small Kinematic


2. The solution of simultaneous equation makes the method tedious for annual


The formulation of equilibrium conditions tends to be a major constraint in

adopting this method.

Hence flexibility coefficients & slope displacement methods have limited

applications in the analysis of frames. While other methods like iterative

or approximate methods are used for analyzing frames containing larger



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Approximate analysis of hyper static structures provides a simple means of

obtaining quick solutions for preliminary designs. It is a very useful process that

helps to develop a suitable configuration for final (rigorous) analysis of a

structure, compare alternative designs & provide a quick check on the

adequacy of structural designs. These methods make use of simplifying

assumptions regarding structural behavior so as to obtain a rapid solution to

complex structures. However, these techniques should be applied with caution

& not relied upon for final designs, especially complex structures.

The usual process comprises reducing the given indeterminate configuration to

a structural system by introducing adequate number of hinges. It is possible to

check the deflected profile of a structure for the given loading & there by locate

the points of inflection.

Since each point of inflection corresponds to the location of zero moment in the

structure, the inflection points can be visualized as hinges for purpose of

analysis. The solution of the structure is rendered simple once the inflection

points are located. In multistoried frames, two loading cases arise namely

horizontal & vertical loading.

The analysis is carried out separately for these two cases:


The stress in the structure subjected to vertical loads depends upon the relative

stiffness of the beam & columns. Approximate methods either assumes

adequate number of hinges to render the structure determinate or adopt

simplified moment distribution methods.


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The behavior of a structure subjected to horizontal forces depends on its height

to width ratio. The deformation in low-rise structures, where the height is

smaller than its width, is characterized predominantly by shear deformations. In

high rise building, where height is several times greater than its lateral

dimensions, is dominated by bending action. There are two methods to analyze

the structures subjected to horizontal loading. PORTAL METHOD:

Since shear deformations are dominant in low rise structures, the method

makes simplifying assumptions regarding horizontal shear in columns. Each

bay of a structure is treated as a portal frame, & horizontal force is distributed

equally among them.

The assumptions of the method can be listed as follows:

1. The points of inflection are located at the mid-height of each column above

the first floor. If the base of the column is fixed, the point of inflection is

assumed at mid height of the ground floor columns as well; otherwise it is

assumed at the hinged column base.

2. Points of inflection occur at mid span of beams.

3. Total horizontal shear at any floor is distributed among the columns of that

floor such that the exterior columns carry half the force carried by the inner


This method is applicable to high rise structures. This is based on the

simplifying assumptions regarding the Axial Force in columns.


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1. The basic assumption of the method can be stated as “the axial force in the

column at any floor is linearly proportional to its distance from the centroid of all

the columns at that level.

Assumptions 1&2 of the portal are also applicable to the cantilever method. POINTS OF INFLECTION METHOD:

The frame is reduced to a statically determinate form by introducing adequate

number of points of inflection. The loading on the frames usually comprises

uniformly distributed dead loads & live loads.

The following are assumptions made:-

1. The beams of each floor act as continuous beams, with the points of

inflection at a distance of one-tenth of the span from the joints.

2. The unbalanced beam moment at each joint is distributed equally among the

columns at the joint.

3. Axial forces & deformations in beams are negligible. SUBSTITUTE FRAME METHOD:

The method assumes that the moments in the beams of any floor are

influenced by loading on that floor alone. The influence of loading on the lower

or upper floors is ignored altogether. The process involves the division of multi-

storied structure into smaller frames. These sub frames are known as

equivalent frames or substitute frames.

The sub frames are usually analyzed by the moment distribution method, using

only one cycle of distribution. The substitute frames are formed by the beams at

the floor level under consideration, together with the columns above & below

with their far ends fixed. The distributed B.M are not carried over far ends of the


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columns in this process; the moments in the columns are computed at each

floor level independently & retained at that floor irrespective of further analysis.


Iterative procedures form a powerful class of methods for analysis of

indeterminate structures. These methods after elegant & simple procedure of

analysis, that are adequate for usual structures.

These methods are based on the distribution of joint moments among members

connected to a joint. The accuracy of the solution depends upon the number of

iterations performed; usually three or five iterations are adequate for most of the


The moment distribution methods were developed by Hardy Cross in 1930’s &

by Gasper Kani in 1940’s. These methods involve distributing the known fixed

moments of the structural members to the adjacent members at the joints, in

order to satisfy the conditions of the continuity of slopes & displacements.

Though these methods are iterative in nature, they converge in a few iterations

to give correct solution. MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD:

This method was first introduced by Prof. Hardy Cross is widely used for the

analysis of intermediate structures. In this method first the structural system is

reduced to its kinematically determinate form, this is accomplished by assuming

all the joints to be fully restrained. The fixed end moments are calculated for this

condition of structure. The joints are allowed to deflect rotate one after the other

by releasing them successively. The unbalanced moment at the joint shared by

the members connected at the joint when it is released.


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1. This method is eminently suited to analyze continuous beams including non-

prismatic members but it presents some difficulties when applied to rigid

frames, especially when frames are subjected to side sway.

2. Unsymmetrical frames have to be analyzed more than once to obtain FM

(fixed moments) in the structures.

3. This method can not be applied to structures with intermediate hinges. KANI’S METHOD:

This method was introduced by Gasper Kani in 1940’s. It involves distributing

the unknown fixed end moments of structural members to adjacent joints, in

order to satisfy the conditions of continuity of slopes and displacements.


1. Hardy Cross method distributed only the unbalanced moments at joints,

whereas Kani’s method distributes the total joint moment at any stage of


2. The more significant feature of Kani’s method is that the process is self

corrective. Any error at any stage of iteration is corrected in subsequent steps.

Framed structures are rarely symmetric and subjected to side sway, hence

Kani’s method is best and much simpler than pther methods like moment

distribution method and slope displacement method.


1. Rotation stiffness at each end of all members of a structure is determined

depending upon the end conditions.

a. Both ends fixed


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     Kij= Kji= EI/L

b. Near end fixed, far end simply supported

     Kij= ¾ EI/L; Kji= 0

2. Rotational factors are computed for all the members at each joint it is given


      Uij= -0.5 (Kij/ ΣKji)


(Fixed end moments including transitional moments, moment releases and

carry over moments are computed for members and entered. The sum of the

FEM at a joint is entered in the central square drawn at the joint).

3. Iterations can be commenced at any joint however the iterations commence

from the left end of the structure generally given by the equation

               Mיij = Uij [(Mfi + Mּיּיi) + Σ Mיji)]

4. Initially the rotational components Σ Mji (sum of the rotational moments at

the far ends of the joint) can be assumed to be zero. Further iterations take into

account the rotational moments of the previous joints.

5. Rotational moments are computed at each joint successively till all the joints

are processed. This process completes one cycle of iteration.

6. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated till the difference in the values of rotation

moments from successive cycles is neglected.

7. Final moments in the members at each joint are computed from the

rotational members of the final iterations step.

               Mij = (Mfij + Mּיּיij) + 2 Mיij + Mּיjii


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The lateral translation of joints (side sway) is taken into consideration by

including column shear in the iterative procedure.

8. Displacement factors are calculated for each storey given by

               Uij = -1.5 (Kij/ΣKij) 







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An earthquake is vibration of earth surface by waves emerging from the source

of disturbance in the earth by virtue of release of energy in the earth’s crust. It is

essentially a sudden and transient motion or series of motions of the earth

surface originating in a limited under ground motion due to disturbance of the

elastic equilibrium of the earth mass and spreading from there in all directions.


1) Urbanization is rapidly increasing and due to increase in land cost, many

multi storied buildings are being constructed.

2) Code is not mandatory.

3) Construction as such is governed by municipal bye-laws.

4) Seismic provisions are not incorporated.

5) Non enforceation of elaborated checks proper ways.

6) No checks even for simple ordinary design.



It is the maximum lateral displacement of the structure with respect to total

height or relative inter-storey displacement. The overall drifts index is the ratio

of maximum roof displacement to the height of the structure and inter-storey

drift is the ratio of maximum difference of lateral displacement at top and bottom

of the storey divided by the storey height.

Non structural elements and structural non seismic members primarily get

damaged due to drift. Higher the lateral stiffness lesser is the likely damage.

The storey drift in any storey due to minimum specified design lateral force with

partial safety factor of unity shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey height.


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Separation between adjacent units or buildings:

Two adjacent buildings or two adjacent units of the same building with

separation joint in between shall be separated by distance equal to the amount

R times the sum of the calculated storey displacements as specified above of

each of them to avoid damaging contact when the two units deflect towards

each other.

Soft storey:

Soft storey or flexible storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70%

of that in the storey above or less than 80% of the average lateral stiffness of

the three storeys above. In case of buildings with a flexible storey such as

ground storey consisting of open spaces for parking i.e. stilt buildings, special

arrangements are need to be made to increase the lateral strength and stiffness

of the soft storey.

For such buildings, dynamic analysis is carried out including the strength and

stiffness effects of infills and inelastic deformations in the members particularly

those in the soft storey and members designed accordingly. Alternatively, the

following design criteria are to be adopted after carrying the earthquake

analysis neglecting the effect of infill walls in other storeys.

When the floor levels of two similar adjacent buildings are at the same elevation

levels, factor R can be taken as R/2.

a) The columns and beams of the soft storey are to be designed for 2.5 times

the storey shear and moments calculated under seismic loads specified.

b) Besides the columns designed and detailed for calculated storey shears and

moments, shear walls placed symmetrically in both directions of the building as


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far away from the centre of the building as feasible to be designed exclusively

for 1.25 times the lateral storey shear calculated.


The use of foundations vulnerable to significant differential settlement due to

ground shaping shall be avoided for structures in seismic zones-III, IV & V.

individual spread footings or pile caps shall be interconnected with ties except

when individual spread footings are directly supported on rock. All ties shall be

capable of carrying in tension and in compression an axial force equal to Ah/A

times the larger of the column or pile cap load in addition to the otherwise

computed forces where Ah is the design horizontal spectrum value.


a) vertical projections:

Tanks, towers parapets, chimneys and other vertical cantilever projections

attached to buildings and projecting the above roof shall be designed and

checked for stability for 5 times the design horizontal seismic co-efficient Ah. In

the analysis of the building, the weight of these projecting elements will be

lumped with the roof weight.

b) horizontal projections:

All horizontal projections like cornices and balconies shall be

designed and checked for stability for 5 times the design vertical co- efficient

equal to 10/3 Ah. These increased design forces either for vertical projection or

horizontal projection are only for designing the projecting parts and their

connection with the main structures.


Page 27: Analysis of Building

This means that for the design of main structure such increase need not to be


Shape of the building:

Very slender buildings should be avoided. Large overhangs and projections

attract large earthquake forces. Heavy masses like large water tanks, etc., at

the top shall be avoided. Small water tanks, if provided, should be properly

connected with the framing system. Building should be sufficiently be away from

steep slopes. It should be built on filled up soil.

Asymmetry should be avoided as they undergo torsion and extreme corners are

subjected to very large earthquake forces.


Damping is the removal of kinetic energy and potential energy from a vibrating

structure and by virtue of which the amplitude of vibration diminishes steadily.

Some vibrations are due to initial displacement or initial velocity. Due to

damping, these vibrations decay in amplitude.

1. When there is harmonic applied force and its period is nearly equal to the

natural period of the structure. The vibration will grow from zero displacement

and velocity. Damping limits the vibration maximum amplitude.

2. More damping less is the amplitude.

3. Negative damping may arise while the vibration is small, followed by positive

damping at large amplitude vibrations. The code adopted for design of

multistoried buildings considering seismic forces is IS 1893 (part I) – 2002.

more than 60% area of India is earthquake prone. According to IS 1893 (part I)

– 2002, India is divided into several zones to their magnitude of intensities.


Page 28: Analysis of Building


a) There can not be entirely scientific basis for zonation in view of the scanty

data available.

b) Though the magnitudes are known there is little instrumental evidence for

comparing damage.

c) Hence, magnitudes and epicenters are used.


It is very difficult to predict the occurrence time and exact location of next

earthquake. More than 60% area is earthquake prone. Various problems are

generated after an earthquake. The magnitudes of these problems are very

severe. In order to reduce this effective counter measures are to be taken.

Enough steps should be taken by the concerned authorities for code

compliance so that the structures being constructed are earthquake resistant.

Especially during the past 15 years there were severe earthquakes with a less

time gap and high intensity. Based on the technology advancement and

knowledge gained after earthquake occurrences, the seismic code is usually

revised. The fifth revision of IS 1893 with seven zones, was done in 2002 after

along gap of 18 years. According to the present revision, the latest map has

only 4 zones.

Fifth Revision in 2002:

Code has been split into 5 parts:-

Part 1: General provisions and buildings.

Part 2: Liquid retaining tanks-elevated and ground supported.

Part 3: Bridges and retaining walls.

Part 4: Industrial structures including stack like structures.

Part 5: Dams and embankment.


Page 29: Analysis of Building

Part 1: General provisions and buildings:

Zone map is revised and zone factors changed

Response spectra for three types of founding strata

Empirical expression for fundamental natural period

Concept of response reduction factor

Lower bound for design base shear

Model combination rule is revised

Other clauses revised and redrafted

Design philosophy:

The design approach in IS 1893 is…

To ensure that the structure at least a minimum strength to with hand a minor

earthquake (< DBE) without damage,

To resist moderate earthquake (DBE) without significant structural damage

through some non structural damage may occur, and

To withstand a major earthquake (MCE) without collapse.


Critical Damping:

The damping beyond which the free vibration motion will not be oscillatory.


The effect of internal friction, imperfect elasticity of material, slipping, sliding

etc., in reducing the amplitude of vibration and is expressed as a percentage of

critical damping.

Design Acceleration Spectrum:

Design acceleration spectrum refers to an average smoothened plot of

maximum acceleration as a function of frequency or time period of vibration for


Page 30: Analysis of Building

a specified damping ratio for earthquake excitations at the base of a single

degree of freedom system.

Design Basis Earthquake (DBE):

It is the earthquake which can reasonably be expected to occur at least once

during design life of the structure.

Design Horizontal Acceleration Co-efficient (Ah):

It is a horizontal acceleration coefficient that shall be used for design of


Design Lateral Force:

It is a horizontal seismic force prescribed by this standard that shall be used to

design a structure.


Ductility of a structure or its members is the capacity to undergo large inelastic

deformations without significant loss of strength or stiffness.

Importance Factor:

It is a factor used to obtain the design seismic force depending on the functional

use of the structure characterized by hazardous consequences of its failure, its

post earthquake functional need, historical value or economic importance.

Intensity of Earthquake:

The intensity of an earthquake at a place is a measure of the strength of

shaking during the earthquake and is indicated by number according to the

modified MERCALLIS SCALE or MSK scale of seismic intensities.

Natural Period (T):

Natural period of a structure is its time period of undamped free vibration.

Response Reduction Factor:

It is the factor by which the actual base shear force that would be generated if

the structure were to remain elastic during its response design basis

earthquake (DBE) shaking, shall be reduced to obtain the design lateral force.

Seismic Mass:

It is the seismic weight divided by acceleration due to gravity.


Page 31: Analysis of Building

Seismic Weight:

It is a total dead load plus appropriate amounts of specified impose load.




Structures on the earth are generally subjected to load of two types static and

dynamic. Static loads are constant with time while dynamic loads are time

varying. The majority of civil engineering structures are designed with

assumptions that all applied loads are static. The effect of dynamic loads is not

considered because the structure is rarely subjected to dynamic loads; more so,

its consideration in analysis makes the solution more complicated and time

consuming. This feature of neglecting the dynamic forces may some times

become the cause of disaster, particularly in the case of earthquake. There is a

growing interest in the process of designing civil engineering structures capable

to withstand dynamic loads, particularly, earthquake induced load.

The dynamic force may be an earthquake force resulting from rapid movement

along the plane of faults within earth’s crust. This sudden movement of fault

releases great energy in the form of seismic waves, which are transmitted to the

structures through their foundations, and cause to set the structure in motion.

These motions are complex in nature and induce abrupt horizontal and vertical

oscillations in structures, which result accelerations, velocities and

displacements in the structure. The induced accelerations generate inertial

forces in the structure, which are proportional to the acceleration of the mass

and acting opposite to the ground motion.

The energy produced in the structure by the ground motion is dissipated

through internal friction within the structural and non-structural members. This

dissipation if energy is called damping. The structures always posses some


Page 32: Analysis of Building

intrinsic damping, which diminishes with time once the seismic excitation stops.

These dissipative or damping forces are represented by viscous damping

forces, which are proportional to the velocity induced in the structure. The

constant of proportionality is called as linear viscous damping. The resisting

force in the structures is proportional to the deformation induced in the structure

during the seismic excitation. The constant of proportionality is referred to as

stiffness of structure. Stiffness greatly affects the structure’s uptake of

earthquake generated forces. On the basis of stiffness the structure may be

classified as brittle or ductile.

Brittle structure having greater stiffness proves to be less durable during

earthquake while ductile structure performs well in earthquakes.This behavior of

structure evokes an additional desirable characteristic called ductility. Ductility is

the ability of structure to undergo distortion or deformation without damage or


The basic equation of static equilibrium under displacement method of analysis

is given by

F(ext) = ky

Where, F(ext) is the external applied static force, k is the stiffness resistance,

and y is the resulting displacement. The restoring force (ky) resists the applied

force, F(ext).

Now, if the applied static force changes to dynamic force or time varying force

the equation of static equilibrium becomes one of the dynamic equilibrium and

has the form

F(t) = my(t) + cy(t) + k(t)y(t)


my(t) = inertia forces acting in a direction opposite to that of seismic

motion applied to the base of the structure, whose magnitude is the mass of the


Page 33: Analysis of Building

structure times its acceleration, m is the mass (kg) and y(t) is the acceleration

(m/sec2). Inertia forces are the most significant which depend upon the

characteristic of the ground motion and the structural characteristics of

structure. The basis characteristic of the structure and ground is its fundamental

or natural period.

The fundamental periods of structures may range from 0.05 sec for a well

anchored piece of equipment, 0.1 for a one storey frame, and 0.5 for a low

structure up to 4 storeys and between 1 to 2 seconds for a tall building of 20


Natural periods of ground are usually in the range of 0.5 to 1 sec so that it is

possible for the building and ground to have the same fundamental period and

therefore, there is high probability for the structure to approach a state of partial

resonance called as quasi resonance. Hence, in developing a design strategy

for a building, it is desirable to estimate the fundamental periods both of the

structure and of the site so that a comparison can be made to see the existence

of the probability of quasi resonance.

Cy(t) = damping force acting in a direction opposite to that of the seismic

motion, c is the damping co-efficient (N sec/m) and y(t) the velocity (m/sec).

The value of damping in a structure depends on its components. The damping

effect is expressed as a percentage of the critical damping which is the greatest

damping value that allows vibratory moment to develop. The degrees of

damping in common types of structures are reinforced concrete 5 to 10%, metal

frame 1 to 5%, and masonry 8 to 15%

k(t)y(t) = restoring force k(t) is the stiffness (N/m) or resistance is a function of

the yield condition in the structure which is in turn a function of time. y(t) is the

displacement in meters. F(t) is the externally applied force (N).


Page 34: Analysis of Building

The equation above is a second order differential equation that needs to be

solved for the displacement y(t). The number of displacement components

required specifying the position of mass points is called the number of degrees

of freedom to obtain an adequate solution. For some structures, single degree

of freedom may be sufficient where as for others several hundred degrees of

freedom may be required.


In a two dimensional moment resisting frame each joint can have at the

most three degrees of freedom (displacement in horizontal and vertical

directions and rotation).

Total number of degree of freedom is 3Nj where Nj is the number of

joints in the frame.

In practice, beams carry very small axial force and undergo negligible

axial deformation. This means horizontal displacement at all joints located at

the beam level s same.

In most buildings uptown moderate height, the axial deformation of

columns is negligible.

Numbers of degrees of freedom are reduced to one rotation and one

horizontal displacement.

As the rotational inertia associated with the rotational degree of freedom

is insignificant, it is further possible to reduce, through static condensation,

the number of degrees to one per storey for carrying out dynamic analysis.

In similar way, each joint of three dimensional frames can have at most

six degrees of freedom.

Finally, there are three degrees of freedom per floor.

Free vibration analysis of the building can thus be carried out by solving

(3N*3N) Eigen value problem, where N is the number of storeys in the



Page 35: Analysis of Building

Once natural frequency and more shape is known it is possible to obtain

the maximum seismic force to be applied at each storey level due to given

earthquake ground motion.


Once the design lateral loads are known on the two-dimensional frames,

one could analyze the frame for the member forces.

One could carry out an accurate computer analysis or an approximate

analysis as per requirement.

Approximate analysis is usually performed at preliminary design stage and

to assess the computer analysis.

Two commonly used methods:-

A. Portal frame method: Consider the 2-D frame with m-base and n-storeys.

The degree of indeterminacy of the frame is 3mn. To analyze the frame, 3mn

assumptions are made;

The point of contra-flexure in the column is at mid-height of the columns:

(m+1)n assumptions.

The point of contra-flexure in the beams is at the mid span of the beams: mn


Axial force in the internal columns is zero (m+1)n assumptions.

With the above assumptions, the frame becomes statically determinate and

member forces are obtained simply by considering equilibrium.

B. Cantilever method: In this method also, 3mn assumptions are to be made

to make the frame statically determinate; the point of contra-flexure in the

column is at mid-height of the columns: (m+1)n assumptions.


Page 36: Analysis of Building

The point of contra-flexure in the beams is at mod span of the beams: mn


Axial force in the columns is approximated by assuming that the frame

behaves as a cantilever beam. Neutral axis of the frame is obtained using

the column area of cross section and the column location, axial stress in the

column is assumed to vary linearly from this neutral axis: (m-1)n



Once the structural model has been selected, it is possible to perform analysis

to determine the seismically induced forces in the structures. There are different

methods of analysis, which provide different degrees of accuracy. The analysis

process can be categorized on the basis of three factors: the type of the

external applied loads, the behavior of structure and the type pf structural model


Depending upon the nature of the considered variables, the method of analysis

can be classified. Based on the type of external action and behavior of structure

the analysis can be further classified as linear static analysis, dynamic analysis,

non linear analysis, or non linear dynamic analysis.

Linear static analysis or equivalent static analysis:

Linear static analysis or equivalent static analysis can only be used for regular

structure with limited height. Linear dynamic analysis can be performed in two

ways either by mode superposition method or response spectrum method and

elastic time history method.

This analysis will produce the effect of the higher modes of vibration and the

actual distribution of forces in the elastic range in a better way. They represent


Page 37: Analysis of Building

an improvement over linear static analysis. The significant difference between

static and dynamic analysis is the level of force and their distribution along the

height of the structure.

Non-linear static analysis:

Non-linear static analysis is an improvement over the linear static or dynamic

analysis in the sense that it allows the inelastic behavior of structure. The

methods still assume a set of static incremental lateral load over the height of

the structure. The method is relatively simple to be implemented, and provides

information on the strength, deformation and ductility of the structure and the

distribution of demands.

This permits to identifying of critical members likely to reach limit stated during

the earthquake, for which attention should be given during the design and

detailing process. But this method contains many limited assumptions, which

neglect the variation of loading patterns, the influence of higher modes, ad the

effect of resonance.

This method, under the name of push over analysis has acquired a great deal

of popularity now-a-days and in spite of these deficiencies this method provides

reasonable estimation of the global deformation capacity, especially for

structures, which primarily respond according to the first mode.

A non-linear dynamic analysis or inelastic time history analysis is the only

method to describe the actual behavior of structure during an earthquake. The

method is based on the direct numerical integration of the motion differential

equations by considering the elastic-plastic deformation of the structure



Page 38: Analysis of Building

This method captures the effect of amplification due to resonance, the vibration

of displacements at diverse levels of a frame, an increasing of motion duration

and a tendency of regularization of movements as far as the level increases

from bottom to top.

Equivalent lateral force: Seismic analysis of most of the structures art still

carried out on the basis of lateral force assumed to be equivalent to the actual

loading. The base shear, which is the total horizontal force on the structure, is

calculated on the basis of structure mass and fundamental period of vibration

and corresponding mode shape. The base shear is distributed along the height

of structured in terms of lateral forces according to code formula. This method is

usually conservative for low to medium height buildings with a regular


Response spectrum: This method is applicable for those structures where

modes other than the fundamental one affect significantly the response of the

structure. In this method the response of analysis multi-degree-of-freedom

system (MDOF) is expressed as the superposition of model response, each

modal response being determined from the spectral analysis of single degree-

of-freedom system, which are then combined to compute the total response.

Modal analysis leads to the history of the structure to a specified ground motion;

however, the method is usually used in conjunction with a response spectrum.

Elastic time theory: A linear time history analysis overcomes all the

disadvantages of modal response spectrum analysis, provided non-linear

behavior is not involved. This method requires greater computational efforts for

calculating the response at discrete times. One interesting advantage of such

procedure is that the relative signs of response quantities are preserved in the

response histories. This is important when interaction effects are considered in

design among stress resultants.


Page 39: Analysis of Building

3.9 Seismic Design Methods:

Conventional civil engineering structures are designed on the basis of two main

criteria that are strength and rigidity. The strength is related to damageability or

ultimate limit state, assuring that the level developed in structures remains in

the elastic range, or some limited plastic deformation. The rigidity is related to

serviceability limit state, for which the structural displacements must remain in

some limits, which assures that no damage occurs in non-structural elements.

In case of earthquake resistant design, a new demand must be added to the

two above-mentioned ones, that is the ductility method.

Ductility is an essential attribute of a structure that must respond to strong

ground motions. Ductility serves as the shock absorbers in a building, for it

reduces the transmitted force to one that is sustainable. The resultant

sustainable force has traditionally been used to design a hypothetically elastic

representation of the building.

Therefore, the survivability of a structure under strong, seismic actions relies on

the capacity to deform beyond the elastic range, and to dissipate seismic

energy through plastic deformations, so the ductility check is related to the

control of whether the structure is able to dissipate the given quantity of seismic

energy considered in structural analysis or not. Based on three criteria rigidity,

strength and ductility the methods of seismic design are classified.


Structural response control for seismic loads is a rapidly expanding field of

control systems, known as earthquake protection system. The aim of this

control system is the modification of the dynamic interaction between structure

and earthquake ground motion, in the order to minimize the structure damage


Page 40: Analysis of Building

and to control the structural response. The family of earthquake protective

systems has grown to include passive, active and hybrid systems.

The control is based on two different approaches, either the modification of the

dynamic characteristics of the energy absorption capacity of the structure. In

the first case, the structural period is shifted away from the predominant periods

of the seismic input, thus avoiding the risk of resonance occurrence. It is clear

here that the isolation is effective only for a limited range of frequencies of

structures. The acceleration responses in the structure for some earthquakes

can be reduced at the same time,; for the other type of earthquake the

responses have proved to be much worse. Thus the effectiveness of isolation

depends upon the effectiveness of knowing in advance the kind of frequency

content that the earthquake will have. In the second case, the capacity of the

structure to absorb energy is enhanced through appropriate devices, which

reduces damage to the structure. Both the approaches are used in the

earthquake protection system.

IS 1893 (part I) 2002 suggests the following methods for seismic analysis:

Equivalent static analysis (ESA)


a) Response spectrum analysis

b) Time history analysis


Equivalent static analysis (ESA) is good enough for most of the buildings. It is

generally adopted for

Regular buildings of height less than 90m irregular buildings of height less



Page 41: Analysis of Building

The determination of lateral force in the code is based on the approximation

that effects of yielding can be accounted for by linear analysis of the building

using the design spectrum. This analysis is carried out by either modal analysis

procedure or dynamic analysis procedure (clause 7.8 of IS 1893 [part I]: 2002).

Lateral force procedure (clause 7.5 of IS 1893 [part I]: 2002) is also recognized

as equivalent lateral force procedures or equivalent static procedure. The main

difference between the equivalent lateral force and dynamic analysis procedure

lies in the magnitude and distribution of lateral forces over the height of the

buildings. In the dynamic analysis procedure, the lateral forces are based on

the properties of the natural vibration modes of the building which are

determined by distribution of mass and stiffness over height. In the equivalent

lateral force procedures the magnitude of forces is based on an estimation of

the fundamental period and on the distribution of forces given by simple



The equivalent lateral force is the simplest method of analysis and requires less

computational effort because the forces depend on the code based

fundamental period of structures with some empirical modifier. The design base

shear shall first be computed as a whole, than be distributed along height of

buildings based on simple formulae appropriate for buildings with regular

distribution of mass and stiffness. The design lateral force obtained at each

floor level shall then be distributed to individual lateral load resisting elements

depending upon diaphragm action. The following are the major steps for

determining the forces by equivalent lateral force procedures.



Page 42: Analysis of Building

IS 1893 (part I): 2002 has recommended the method of dynamic analysis of

buildings in the case of

(a) Regular building:

These are greater than 40m in height in zones IV and V and those greater than

90m in height in zones II and III.

(b) Irregular building:

(c) All framed buildings higher than 12m in zones IV and V and those greater

than 40m in height in zones II and III.

The purpose of dynamic analysis is to obtain the design seismic forces, with its

distribution to different levels along the height of the building and to the various

lateral load-resisting elements similar to equivalent lateral force method. The

procedure of dynamic analysis described in the code is valid only for regular

type of buildings, which are almost symmetrical in plan and elevation about the

axes having uniform distribution of lateral load resisting elements. It is further

assumed that all the masses are lumped at the storey level and only sway

displacement is permitted at each storey. The procedure of dynamic analysis of

irregular type of buildings should be based on 3D modeling of building that will

adequately represent its stiffness and mass distribution along the height of the

building so that its response to earthquake could be predicted with sufficient




Page 43: Analysis of Building

The total design force or design base shear along any principal direction shall

be determined by the following expression:

Vb = Ah * W

Where Vb = design base shear

Ah = design horizontal seismic co-efficient for a structure

W = seismic weight of building

Ah shall be determined by the following expression:

Ah = (Z/2)* (I/R) * (Sa/g)

Where, Z= zone factor

I= importance factor

R= response reduction factor

Sa/g= average response acceleration co-efficient

3.10.1 ZONE FACTOR (Z):

In factor z/2, Z is given in table-2 of IS 1893 [part 1]: 2002 for the Maximum

Considered Earthquake (MCE) and service life of structure in a zone. The factor

2 in the denominator of Z is used so as to reduce the Maximum Considered

Earthquake zone factor to the factor for Design Basis Earthquake (DBE). Z can

also be determined from the seismic zone map of India which segregates the

country in various areas of similar probable maximum intensity ground motion.

The maximum intensity is fixed in such a way that the lifeline/ critical structure

will remain functional and there is low probability of collapse for structures

designed with the provisions provided in the code even for an event of

occurrence of earthquake with higher intensity. The value of Z ranges from

0.102 to 0.36 corresponding to Zone II to Zone V. This map has divided the

whole country into 4 Zones starting from Zone II to V.

The intensity as per comprehensive intensity scale (MSK64) broadly associated

with the various zones is VI (or less), VII, VIII & IX (and above) for Zones II, III,


Page 44: Analysis of Building

IV & V respectively. In Zone II, low seismic intensity zone where minor damage

could occur has a Z value 0.10.

Zone III (Z= 0.16), moderate intensity zone where moderate damage could

occur. Zone IV (Z= 0.24), severe intensity zone where major property damage

could occur and Zone V (Z= 0.36), where severe intensity zone that lie in close

proximity to certain prescribed major fault systems.

3.10.2 Importance factor (I):

It depends upon the fundamental use of the structure characterized by

hazardous consequences of its failure, post earthquake functional needs,

historic value or economic importance. The minimum values of importance

factor are given in table 6 of IS 1893 (part I) 2002. According to table 6

buildings are classified into two categories:

1) Importance service and community buildings

2) All other buildings

Importance service buildings have an I value of 1.5 and all other buildings are

assigned a value of 1.0. The value of I may be more than the assigned value

depending upon economy, strategy considerations like multi storied buildings,

hazardous consequences etc., essential facilities referred to those buildings of

structures that must be safe and usable for emergency purpose after a major

earthquake has occurred in order to preserve the peace, health and safety of

general public.

3.10.3 Response reduction factor (R):

It depends upon the perceived seismic damage performance of the structure,

characterized by ductile or brittle deformations. This characteristic represents

the structures ductility, damping as well as the past seismic performance of

structure with various structural framing structure. The need for incorporation of

factor R in base shear formulae is an attempt to consider the structures in


Page 45: Analysis of Building

elastic characteristics in linear analysis method since it is undesirable as well as

uneconomical that a structure will be designed on the basis that it will remain in

elastic range for all major earthquakes. The base shear equation produces

force levels that probably or more representative of those occurring in an actual

structure. It is achieved by applying those base shears for linear design that are

reduced by a factor I/R from those that would be obtained from fully elastic


The value of R increases with the increase of structural ductility and its energy

dissipation capacity and degree of redundancy. The value of R is prescribed in

table 7 of IS 1893 (part I) 2002 for different types of building system. A low

value of R approaching 1.5 is assigned to an extremely brittle building i.e.,

unreinforced masonry wall buildings and a high value of 1.5 is assigned to a

more ductile structure like special moment resisting frame reinforced concrete

or shear wall building.

3.10.4 Average response acceleration co-efficient (Sa/g):

Sa/g for rock or soil sites for different soil conditions based on appropriate

natural periods of the structure is given by fig 2 of IS 1893 (part I) 2002.

These values are given for 5% of damping of the structure; for other value of

damping it is modified according to table 3 of IS 1893 (part I) 2002. These

curves represent free field ground motion.

The fundamental natural period for buildings are given in clause 7.6 of IS 1893

(part I) 2002 and is summarized below

Ta = 0.075* ho.75

Moment resisting RC frame buildings without brick in fill walls.

Ta = 0.085* ho.75

Moment resisting steel frame buildings without brick in fill walls.


Page 46: Analysis of Building

Ta = 0.09/d0.5

All other buildings including moment resisting RC frame building without brick in

fill walls. (h is the height of building in meters and d is the base dimension of

building at plinth level in meter, along the considered direction of lateral force).

W = seismic weight of building which is the sum of the seismic weight of

floors. The seismic weight at any floor level would be equal to dead weight of

the floor system plus weight of column and walls in inverse proportion to its

distance from the floors plus appropriate amount of imposed load as specified

in clause 7.3 of IS 1893 (part I) 2002. Imposed load on roof level need not to be

considered. The basic reasons for considering the percentage of live load are

1. Only a part of the maximum live load will probably be existing at the time of


2. Non rigid mounting of the live load absorbs part of the earthquake energy.

3.11 Lateral Distribution of Base shear:

The computer base shear is now distributed along the height of the building.

The shear force, at any level, depends on the mass at that level and deforms

shape of the structure. Generally, a structure has a continuous system with

infinite degree-of-freedom. From structural idealization we convert an infinite

degree-of-freedom to finite degree of freedom system. Multi storied building has

been idealized into lumped mass model by assuming the mass of the building

lumped at each floor levels (called node); with one degree of freedom in the

direction of lateral displacement in which the structure is being analyzed per

floor, resulting in as many degree of freedom as of freedom system with many

possible patterns of deformations.

The magnitude of the lateral force at a particular floor (node) depends on the

mass of that node, the distribution of stiffness over the height of structure, and

the nodal displacement in a given node. The actual distribution of base shear


Page 47: Analysis of Building

over the height of the building is obtained as the superposition of all the nodes

of vibration of the multiple degree of freedom system.

In equivalent force procedure, the magnitude of lateral forces is based on

fundamental period of vibration, the other periods and shapes of natural nodes

are not required. IS 1893 (part I): 2002 uses a parabolic distribution (Paz, 1994)

of lateral force along the height of building as per the following expression.


Q= VB* (W1-h12) / Σ Wig* h1



Where, Q= Design lateral force at floor i,

W= Seismic weight of floor i,

h1= Height of floor I measured from base, and

n= Number of storeys in the building is the number of levels at which

masses are located.


Page 48: Analysis of Building


We have considered a proposed multi storied building in HYDERABAD. The structure is designed for (G+4) as per requirements. The complete building has been idealized using STAAD software. The structure is designed as per requirements and specifications.

Why only STAAD Pro.?

STAAD Pro is widely used software for structural analysis and integral steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, design from research engineering international. STAAD Pro consists of a core package and an extension component. The STAAD Pro core package consists of the following component THE STAAD PRO GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE. It is used to generate the model, which can then be analyzed using the STAAD Pro.


It is general purpose calculation engineering structural analysis and integrated steel, concrete, timber and aluminum design. The STAAD Pro extension program consists of the following. This package consists of several modules for very specific structures engineering tasks such as analysis and design of base plate, footings, cantilever retaining wall, bolt group, pile group, one way and two way slabs etc.


Page 49: Analysis of Building


The design of reinforced concrete members have been carried out in accordance with IS 456-2000 using limit state.

Live load on floors and roofs have been considered as per IS 875 part 2 1987 as 2kN/m2 and 1.5kN/m2.

Floor finishes on floors and roofs have been considered as per IS 875 part 1 1987 as 1.5kN/m2 and 1.75kN/m2.

Concrete of M20 grade is considered for all concrete members. High yield strength deformed bars confirming to IS 1786 is considered for all

R.C.C members. As per soil reports, the safe bearing capacity is considered as 250kN/m2 for

design of footings. IS 1893 part 1 2002 has been used for calculation of base shear. Zone factor is taken as 0.1(zone 2) Importance factor is taken as 3 Average response acceleration coefficient is taken as 2.5 (from curves)


Page 50: Analysis of Building




EXTERNAL WALLS : Thickness*height * unit wt


= 12.018 KN/m

INTERNAL WALLS : Thickness * height *unit wt

= 0.115*(3.05-0.3)*19

=6.009 KN/m


self weight of the slab = 0.125*25 = 3.125 KN/Sq.m

weight of the floor finish = 0.75 KN/Sq.m

weight of unknown partitions = 0.5 KN/Sq.m

total floor load 4.375 KN/Sq.m


cantilever load = floor load*length

= 4.375 * 1.56

= 6.825 KN/m


Parapet wall load = thickness*height*unit wt

= 0.23*0.75*19

= 3.2775 KN/m

(height of parapet wall taken as 0.75m)


Page 51: Analysis of Building


for first 5 floors live load = 2 KN/Sq.m

for terrace live load = 1.5 KN/Sq.m


Seismic equivalent method involves

Converting the dynamic seismic loads into equivalent static loads. The base shear, which is total horizontal force on the structure is calculated

on the basis of structure mass and fundamental period of vibration. The base shear is distributed along the height of structure in terms of lateral

forces according to IS:1893-2002

Design seismic base shear

Seismic base shear = VB =Ah *W

Ah = (Z*I*Sa/g)/(2*R)

where W = seismic weight of the buildingZ = zone factorR = response reduction factor

Sa/g = Avg. response acceleration coefficient.

Values according to IS:1893 :2002

Zone Factor Z= 0.10 (Zone 2) Importance factor I =1.0 Response reduction factor R = 3.0 Avg. response acceleration coefficient 1+15T 0.00<T<0.1 Sa/g = 2.50 0.10<T<0.40

1.00/T 0.40<T<4.00 (from graphs of Rocky/hard soil sites)


Page 52: Analysis of Building


Qi = VB * Wi*hi^2 SUM(Wj*hj^2)

Qi = design lateral force at floor i Wi = seismic weight of floor i

hi = height of floor i measured from base


Page 53: Analysis of Building


Response spectrum method involves

In this method the response of analysis of multi degree of freedom system is expressed as the superposition of modal response, each model response being determined from the spectral analysis of single degree of freedom system, which are then combined to compute the total response.

In this method peak ground accelerations are given as input (from the response spectrum, a graph between acceleration and time period).



LOAD 1 SEISMIC LOADINGSELFWEIGHT X 1.0SELFWEIGHT Y 1.0MEMBER LOADSSPECTRUM SRSS X 1.0 ACC DAMP 0.05 SCALE 32.20.25 2.5; 0.5 2; 0.75 1.3; 1.00 1.0; 1.25 0.8; 1.5 0.7; 2.00 0.6; 2.25 0.45; 2.5 0.4; 2.75 0.4; 3.00 0.35; 3.25 0.3; 3.5 0.3; 3.75 0.25; 4.00 0.25


Page 54: Analysis of Building




(CYCLES/SEC) 1 1.838 0.54404 2.131E-16 2 2.273 0.43990 4.179E- 3 2.296 0.43556 4.097E-16 4 2.441 0.40967 3.262E- 5 2.977 0.33593 3.622E- 6 4.445 0.22499 2.106E-09 7 4.727 0.21154 1.250E-07 8 4.813 0.20776 1.408E-08 9 5.232 0.19115 2.102E-07 10 5.369 0.18625 6.780E-07


MASS PARTICIPATION FACTORS IN PERCENT BASE SHEAR IN KN -------------------------------------- ------------------ MODE X Y Z SUMM-X SUMM-Y SUMM-Z X Y Z 1 74.0 0.00 0.00 74.012 0.000 0.000 31871.14 0.00 0.00 2 0.13 0.00 0.00 74.144 0.000 0.000 64.28 0.00 0.00 3 8.03 0.00 0.00 82.178 0.000 0.000 3924.31 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.179 0.000 0.000 0.60 0.00 0.00 5 0.43 0.00 0.00 82.611 0.000 0.000 230.50 0.00 0.00 6 0.02 0.00 0.00 82.634 0.000 0.000 13.59 0.00 0.00 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.634 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.634 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 0.16 0.00 0.00 82.789 0.000 0.000 93.30 0.00 0.00 10 5.07 0.00 0.00 87.856 0.000 0.000 3054.52 0.00 0.00 --------------------------- TOTAL SRSS SHEAR 32257.81 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 10PCT SHEAR 32274.53 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ABS SHEAR 39252.24 0.00 0.00


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Axial load = 1310kNSelf weight = 0.1*1310 = 131kNTotal load = 1441kN SBC = 250kN/m2 Area required = 1441/250 = 5.764m2

Column size = 0.23*0.6m2

ratio a/b = 0.23/0.3 = 0.383 Area = B*L = 0.383*L2 5.764 = o.383*L2 L = 3.88m B = 1.5m Therefore, provide 2*3m2 Area provided = 2*3 = 6m2 Net factored soil pressure = (1.5*1310)/6 = 327.5kN/m2 ONE WAY SHEAR :Critical section is at ‘d’ from the face,

Vu1 = qu*B*[((B-b)/2)-d] = 327.5*2*[((2-0.23)/2)-d] = 579.675-655d

Along shorter direction, Vc1 = Tc *B*d = 360*2*d = 720d

Vu1 = Vc1

579.675-655d = 720d

Therefore d = 421.6mm

Along longer direction, Vu1= qu *L*((L-a)/2)-d) = 327.5*3*((3-0.6)/2)-d) = 1179-982.5d Vc1= 360*3*d = 1080d


Page 56: Analysis of Building

Vu1= Vc1

1179= 2062.5d d= 571.64mm Therefore, provide d= 600mm Overall depth, D= 600+75+(16/2) = 683mm TWO-WAY SHEAR: The critical section is at ‘d/2’ from face, Shear force, Vu2= qu*((L*B) - (a+d)*(b+d)) = 327.5*((6) – (0.23+0.6)*(0.6+0.6) = 1638.81kN Shear stress, Tv= Vu2/(perimeter*d) = 1638.81/((0.23+0.6+(2*0.6))*2*600) = 672.75Mpa Shear strength of concrete, Tc= 0.25*(fck)1/2

ks= 0.5+βc< 1 βc= 0.23/0.6= 0.383 ks= 0.5+0.383 = 0.883< 1 Shear strength= Tc* ks = 0.25*(20)1/2* 0.883 = 0.987> Tv Hence safe Overall depth, D= 683mm dx= 600mm dy= 600-16= 584mm Vu1= 327.5*L*[((B-b)/2)-dy] = 315.4*3*[((2-0.23)/2)-0.584] = 295.73kN Tv= Vu1/(L*d) = 295.73/(3*0.584) = 168.8kN/m2 Tv < Tc Hence safe

FLEXURAL REINFORCEMENT: Mux= (q/8)*L*(B-b)2 = (327.5/8)*2*(3-0.60)2 = 471.6kN-m

R= Mu/(B*d2) = 471.6*106/(2000*6002) = 0.6355 (Ptreq/100)= (0.5*fck)/fy* 1- [1-((4.58*R)/fck)]1/2

= 1.88*10-3 < 0.25


Page 57: Analysis of Building

Astrequired = 0.25*2000*(600/100) = 3000mm2 Using 16mm bars, Aø= 201mm2

N= 3000/201= 14.93= 15 no’s

Astprovided= 15*201 = 3015mm2

Spacing, s= [2000-((75*2*)-16)]/(15-1) = 133.3mm Therefore, provide 15 # 16mm ø @ 130mm c/c Muy = 534.3kN-m R= 0.376 (Pt/100)= 1.6*10-3 < 0.25 Hence ok

Astrequired= 4380mm2

Aø= 201mm2 N= 22 no’s Astprovided = 19*201 = 3819mm2

Spacing, s=137.23mm Therefore, provide 22 # 16mm ø @ 130mm c/c

DEPTH OF FOUNDATION: Df= (q/r)* [(1-sinθ)/(1+sinθ)]2 = (327.5/18)*[(1-sin30)/(1+sin30)]2 = 2.0m


Page 58: Analysis of Building


Axial load = 942KnSelf weight = 0.1*942 = 94.2kN

Total load = 1036.2kN

SBC = 250kN/m2

Area required = 1036.2/250

= 4.15m2

Column size = 0.23*0.6m2

ratio a/b = 0.23/0.3 = 0.383

Area = B*L = 0.383*L2

4.15 = o.383*L2

L = 3.29m

B = 1.26m

Therefore, provide 1.6*2.8m2

Area provided = 1.6*2.8

= 4.48m2

Net factored soil pressure = (1.5*942)/4.48

= 315.4kN/m2


Critical section is at ‘d’ from the face,

Vu1 = qu*B*[((B-b)/2)-d]

= 315.4*1.6*[((1.6-0.23)/2)-d]

= 345.68-504.64d

Along shorter direction,

Vc1 = Tc *B*d

= 360*1.6*d


Page 59: Analysis of Building

= 576d

Vu1 = Vc1

345.68-504.64d = 576d

Therefore d = 319.88mm

Along longer direction,

Vu1= qu *L*((L-a)/2)-d)

= 315.4*2.8*((2.8-0.6)/2)-d)

= 971.432-883.12d

Vc1= 360*2.8*d

= 1008d

Vu1= Vc1

971.432= 1891.12d

d= 513.68mm

Therefore, provide d= 550mm

Overall depth, D= 550+75+(16/2)

= 633mm


The critical section is at ‘d/2’ from face,

Shear force, Vu2= qu*((L*B) - (a+d)*(b+d))

= 327.5*((1.6*2.8) – (0.23+0.6)*(0.6+0.6)

= 1141.01kN

Shear stress, Tv= Vu2/(perimeter*d)

= 1141.01/((0.23+0.6+(2*0.6))*2*550)

= 0.511Mpa


Page 60: Analysis of Building

Shear strength of concrete, Tc= 0.25*(fck)1/2

ks= 0.5+βc< 1

βc= 0.23/0.6= 0.383

ks= 0.5+0.383 = 0.883< 1

Shear strength= Tc* ks

= 0.25*(20)1/2* 0.883

= 0.987> Tv

Hence safe

Overall depth, D= 633mm

dx= 550mm

dy= 550-16= 534mm

Vu1= 315.4*L*[((B-b)/2)-dy]

= 315.4*2.8*[((1.6-0.23)/2)-0.534]

= 133.35kN

Tv= Vu1/(L*d)

= 133.35/(2.8*0.534)

= 89.185kN/m2

Tv < Tc

Hence safe


Mux= (q/8)*L*(B-b)2

= (315.4/8)*1.6*(1.6-0.23)2

= 305.30kN-m

R= Mu/(B*d2)

= 305.30/(1.6*0.552)

= 0.63


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(Ptreq/100)= (0.5*fck)/fy* 1- [1-((4.58*R)/fck)]1/2

= 1.875*10-3 < 0.25

Hence ok

Astrequired = 0.25*1600*(550/100)

= 2200mm2

Using 16mm bars, Aø= 201mm2

N= 2200/201= 10.94= 11 no’s

Astprovided= 11*201

= 2211mm2

Spacing, s= [1600-((75*2*)-16)]/(11-1)

= 146.6mm

Therefore, provide 11 # 16mm ø @ 140mm c/c

Muy = [(315.4*2.8)/8]*(2.8-0.6)2

= 534.3kN-m

R= 0.67

(Pt/100)= 1.925*10-3 < 0.25

Hence ok

Astrequired= 0.25*2800*(534/100)

= 3738mm2

Aø= 201mm2

N= 18.6= 19 no’s

Astprovided = 19*201

= 3819mm2

Spacing, s= [2800-((75*2)-(16*2))]/(19-1)

= 149mm


Page 62: Analysis of Building

Therefore, provide 19 # 16mm ø @ 140mm c/c


Df= (q/r)* [(1-sinθ)/(1+sinθ)]2

= (315.4/18)*[(1-sin30)/(1+sin30)]2

= 1.95m


Page 63: Analysis of Building


Axial load = 797kNSelf weight = 0.1*797 = 79.7kN

Total load = 876.7kN

SBC = 250kN/m2 Area required = 876.7/250

= 3.5m2

Column size = 0.23*0.6m2

ratio a/b = 0.23/0.3 = 0.383

Area = B*L = 0.383*L2

3.5 = o.383*L2

L = 3.0m

B = 1.16m

Therefore, provide 1.5*2.5m2

Area provided = 1.5*2.5

= 3.75m2 Net factored soil pressure = (1.5*797)/3.75

= 318.8kN/m2


Critical section is at ‘d’ from the face,

Vu1 = qu*B*[((B-b)/2)-d]

= 318.8*1.5*[((1.5-0.23)/2)-d]

= 303.66-478.2d

Along shorter direction,

Vc1 = Tc *B*d

= 360*1.5*d

= 540d


Page 64: Analysis of Building

Vu1 = Vc1

303.66-478.2d = 540d

Therefore d = 298.23mm

Along longer direction,

Vu1= qu *L*((L-a)/2)-d)

= 318.8*2.5*((2.5-0.6)/2)-d)

= 757.15-797d

Vc1= 360*2.5*d

= 900d

Vu1= Vc1

757.15= 1697d

d= 446.17mm

Therefore, provide d= 480mm

Overall depth, D= 480+75+(16/2)

= 563mm


The critical section is at ‘d/2’ from face,

Shear force, Vu2= qu*((L*B) - (a+d)*(b+d))

= 318.8*((3.75) – (0.7668)

= 951.04kN

Shear stress, Tv= Vu2/(perimeter*d)

= 951.04/((0.23+0.6+(2*0.48))*2*480)

= 0.553Mpa

Shear strength of concrete, Tc= 0.25*(fck)1/2

ks= 0.5+βc< 1

βc= 0.23/0.6= 0.383


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ks= 0.5+0.383 = 0.883< 1

Shear strength= Tc* ks

= 0.25*(20)1/2* 0.883

= 0.987> Tv

Hence safe

Overall depth, D= 563mm

dx= 480mm

dy= 480-16= 464mm

Vu1= 318.8*L*[((B-b)/2)-dy]

= 318.8*2.5*[((1.5-0.23)/2)-0.464]

= 136.3kN

Tv= Vu1/(L*d)

= 136.3/(2.5*464)

= 0.117Mpa

Tv < Tc

Hence safe


Mux= (q/8)*L*(B-b)2

= (318.8/8)*1.5*(1.5-0.23)2

= 96.41kN-m

R= Mu/(B*d2)

= 96.41*106/(1.5*0.482*103)

= 0.297

(Ptreq/100)= (0.5*fck)/fy* 1- [1-((4.58*R)/fck)]1/2

= 7.28*10-4 < 0.25

Hence ok


Page 66: Analysis of Building

Astrequired = 0.25*1500*(480/100)

= 1800mm2

Using 16mm bars, Aø= 201mm2

N= 1800/201= 8.95= 9 no’s

Astprovided= 9*201

= 1809mm2

Spacing, s= [1500-((75*2*)-16)]/(9-1)

= 146.6mm

Therefore, provide 9 # 16mm ø @ 165mm c/c

Muy = [(318.8*2.5)/8]*(2.5-0.6)2

= 359.65kN-m

R= Muy/(L*dy2)

= (359.65*106)/(2.5*4642*103)

= 0.668

(Pt/100)= 1.9*10-3 < 0.25

Hence ok

Astrequired= 0.25*2500*(464/100)

= 2900mm2

Aø= 201mm2

N= 14.43= 15 no’s

Astprovided = 15*201

= 3015mm2

Spacing, s= [2500-((75*2)-(16*2))]/(15-1)

= 170mm

Therefore, provide 15 # 16mm ø @ 165mm c/c


Page 67: Analysis of Building


Df= (q/r)* [(1-sinθ)/(1+sinθ)]2

= (318.8/18)*[(1-sin30)/(1+sin30)]2

= 1.97m


Page 68: Analysis of Building


Axial load = 201kN

Self weight = 0.1*201 = 20.1kN

Total load = 221.1kN

SBC = 250kN/m2

Area required = 221.1/250

= 0.884m2

Column size = 0.23*0.45m2

ratio a/b = 0.23/0.45 = 0.51

Area = B*L = 0.51*L2

0.884 = o.383*L2

L = 1.315m

B = 0.672m

Therefore, provide 0.7*1.5m2

Area provided = 0.7*1.5

= 1.05m2

Net factored soil pressure = (1.5*201)/1.05

= 287.14kN/m2


Critical section is at ‘d’ from the face,

Vu1 = qu*B*[((B-b)/2)-d]

= 287.14*0.7*[((0.7-0.23)/2)-d]

= 47.23-200.998d

Along shorter direction,

Vc1 = Tc *B*d


Page 69: Analysis of Building

= 360*0.7*d

= 252d

Vu1 = Vc1

47.23-200.998d = 252d

Therefore d = 104.3mm

Along longer direction,

Vu1= qu *L*((L-a)/2)-d)

= 287.14*1.5*((1.5-0.45)/2)-d)

= 193.82-430.71d

Vc1= 360*1.5*d

= 540d

Vu1= Vc1

193.82-430.71d= 540d

d= 199.7mm

Therefore, provide d= 250mm

Overall depth, D= 250+75+(10/2)

= 330mm


The critical section is at ‘d/2’ from face,

Shear force, Vu2= qu*((L*B) - (a+d)*(b+d))

= 184.3kN

Shear stress, Tv= Vu2/(perimeter*d)

= 184.3/((0.23+0.45+(2*0.25))*2*250)

= 0.312Mpa

Shear strength of concrete, Tc= 0.25*(fck)1/2

ks= 0.5+βc< 1


Page 70: Analysis of Building

ks= 0.5+0.51 = 1.01

ks= 1

Shear strength= Tc* ks

= 0.25*(20)1/2* 1

= 1.12> Tv

Hence safe

Overall depth, D= 330mm

dx= 250mm

dy= 250-10= 240mm

Vu1= 287.14*L*[((B-b)/2)-dy]

= 287.14*1.5*[0.235-0.234]

= 0.43kN

Tv= Vu1/(L*d)

= 0.43/(1500*234)

= 0.00001kN/m2

Tv < Tc

Hence safe


Astx = 0.25*700*(250/100)

= 437.5mm2

provide 10mm bars, Aø= 78.56mm2

N= 5.7= 6 no’s`

Astprovided = 6*78.56= 471.34mm2

Spacing, s = [(700-(75*(2-10)))/(6-1)]

= 112mm

Therefore, provide 6 no’s # 10mm ø @ 110mm c/c


Page 71: Analysis of Building

Asty = 0.25*1500*(240/100)

= 900mm2

Aø = 78.56mm2

N = 11.45 = 12no’s

Astprovided= 12*78.56

= 942.72mm2

Spacing, s= [1500-((75*2*)-(10*2))]/(12-1)

= 124.54mm

Therefore, provide 12no’s # 16mm ø @ 140mm c/c


Df= (q/r)* [(1-sinθ)/(1+sinθ)]2

= (287.14/18)*[(1-sin30)/(1+sin30)]2

= 1.77m


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Pu =958.7 kN

Mx=9.56 kN-m

My=5.83 kN-m

Column size = 230x 600

M20 Fe415

Assume clear cover = 40 mm

Assume dia. Of main steel = 25 mm

Dia. Of link = 8mm

Therefore effective cover = 40+8+25/2 = 60.5 mm

Assume % of steel as p= 1.2%

Emin.x = L/500 + d/30

= 2929/500 + 600/30

=25.858 mm

Emin.y= 2929/500 + 230/30

= 13.525 mm = 20 (min.)

p/fck = 1.2/20 = 0.06

Pu/fckbd = 0.35

From clause 39.6 from pg. 71

Puz= 0.45fck.Ac + 0.75fy.Asc

(Ac = Ag-Ast; Ag=230*600)

= 1742.53 kN

Pu/Puz = 0.55

From pg. 71 clause no 39.6

αn= 1.6

For bending about X-axis

d’/d = 60.5/600 = 0.1008

Selecting appropriate chart from SP-16

Mu/fckbd2 = 0.07


Page 74: Analysis of Building

Mu.x1 = 115.92 kN-m

For bending about Y-axis

d’/d = 60.5/230 =0.263

Selecting chart from SP-16

Mu/fckbd2 = 0.1

Mu.y1= 63.48 kN-m

(Mu.x/Mu.x1)αn + (Mu.y/Mu.y1)αn < 1

= 0.041 < 1

Hence the assumed column size and % of steel are O.K.


Asc = 860 mm2

Assuming 12 mm bars,

Hence Provide 8- 12 mm bars

Lateral ties

Provide lateral ties of dia 8 mm

Provide 8mm# bars @ 250mm c/c


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Page 77: Analysis of Building


L1= Length of the beam B1= 3.61mL2= Length of the beam B2= 3.67mL3= Length of the beam B3= 2.5mL4= Length of the beam B4= 3.61mL5= Length of the beam B5= 3.67m

DATA:Live load on slab =2kN/m2

Floor finishes= 1.5kN/m2

Self weight of slab= 0.125*25= 3.125kN/m2

Cross section of beam= 230*360mmSelf weight of beam= 0.23*0.6*25= 3.45kN/mInternal wall weight= 0.115*19*(3.05-0.3)= 6.009kN/mTotal triangular dead load on slab= 3.125+1.5= 4.625kN/m2

Total live load= 2kN/m2

Beam B1:UD live load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*3.61)/3= 2.41kN/mTotal UD live load= 2*2.41= 4.82kN/m [load is acting from two slabs on the beam since we have to multiply with 2].Total UD live load approximately= 4.82kN/m.Converting triangular load to uniformly distributed load= (W*Lx)/3 Triangular dead load to UD load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*(4.625*3.61))/3 = 11.13kN/m.Total dead load= 11.13+6.009+3.45 = 20.59kN/m.L.L= 4.82kN/m and D.L= 20.59kN/m.

Beam B2:UD live load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*3.67)/3= 2.45kN/mTotal UD live load= 2*2.45= 4.9kN/m [load is acting from two slabs on the beam since we have to multiply with 2].Converting triangular load to uniformly distributed load= (W*Lx)/3 Triangular dead load to UD load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*(4.625*3.67))/3 = 11.31kN/m.Total dead load= 11.31+6.009+3.45 = 20.77kN/m.L.L= 4.9kN/m and D.L= 20.77kN/m.


Page 78: Analysis of Building

Beam B3:UD live load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*2.5)/3= 1.67kN/mTotal UD live load= 2*1.67= 3.34kN/m [load is acting from two slabs on the beam since we have to multiply with 2].Converting triangular load to uniformly distributed load= (W*Lx)/3 Triangular dead load to UD load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*(4.625*2.5))/3 = 7.71kN/m.Total dead load= 7.71+6.009+3.45 = 17.17kN/m.L.L= 3.34kN/m and D.L= 17.17kN/m.

Beam B4:UD live load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*3.61)/3= 2.41kN/mTotal UD live load= 2*2.41= 4.82kN/m [load is acting from two slabs on the beam since we have to multiply with 2].Converting triangular load to uniformly distributed load= (W*Lx)/3 Triangular dead load to UD load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*(4.625*3.61))/3 = 11.13kN/m.Total dead load= 11.13+6.009+3.45 = 20.59kN/m.L.L= 4.82kN/m and D.L= 20.59kN/m.

Beam B5:UD live load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*3.67)/3= 2.45kN/mTotal UD live load= 2*2.45= 4.9kN/m [load is acting from two slabs on the beam since we have to multiply with 2].Converting triangular load to uniformly distributed load= (W*Lx)/3 Triangular dead load to UD load= (W*Lx)/3 = (2*(4.625*3.67))/3 = 11.31kN/m.Total dead load= 11.31+6.009+3.45 = 20.77kN/m.L.L= 4.9kN/m and D.L= 20.77kN/m.


Page 79: Analysis of Building



DL αd 0 1/12 -1/10 1/16 -1/12 1/16 -1/12 1/16 -1/10 1/12 0LL αl 0 1/10 -1/9 1/12 -1/9 1/12 -1/9 1/12 -1/9 1/10 0


DL αd 0.4 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.55 0.4LL αl 0.45 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.45

MOMENTS OF SPAN AB:Live load, wl= 4.82kN/m.Dead load,wd= 20.59kN/m.Moment= [(1/10)*wl*l2] + [(1/12)*wd*l2] = [(1/10)*4.82*(3.61)2] + [(1/12)*20.59*(3.61)2] = 28.64kN-m.Moment of support ‘B’ , = [(-1/9)*wl*l2] + [(-1/10)*wd*l2] = [(-1/9)*4.82*(3.61)2] + [(-1/10)*20.59*(3.61)2] = 33.81kN-m.MOMENTS OF SPAN BC:Live load, wl= 4.9kN/m.Dead load,wd= 20.77kN/m.Moment= [(1/10)*wl*l2] + [(1/12)*wd*l2] = [(1/10)*4.9*(3.67)2] + [(1/12)*20.77*(3.67)2] = 29.91kN-m.Moment of support ‘C’ , = [(-1/9)*wl*l2] + [(-1/10)*wd*l2] = [(-1/9)*4.9*(3.67)2] + [(-1/10)*20.77*(3.67)2] = 35.3kN-m.MOMENTS OF SPAN CD:Live load, wl= 3.34kN/m.Dead load,wd= 17.17kN/m.Moment= [(1/10)*wl*l2] + [(1/12)*wd*l2] = [(1/10)*3.34*(2.5)2] + [(1/12)*17.17*(2.5)2] = 11.02kN-m.Moment of support ‘C’ , = [(-1/9)*wl*l2] + [(-1/10)*wd*l2] = [(-1/9)*3.34*(2.5)2] + [(-1/10)*17.17*(2.5)2] = 13.05kN-m.


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MOMENTS OF SPAN DE:Live load, wl= 4.82kN/m.Dead load,wd= 20.59kN/m.Moment= [(1/10)*wl*l2] + [(1/12)*wd*l2] = [(1/10)*4.82*(3.61)2] + [(1/12)*20.59*(3.61)2] = 28.64kN-m.Moment of support ‘D’ , = [(-1/9)*wl*l2] + [(-1/10)*wd*l2] = [(-1/9)*4.82*(3.61)2] + [(-1/10)*20.59*(3.61)2] = 33.81kN-m.

MOMENTS OF SPAN EF:Live load, wl= 4.9kN/m.Dead load,wd= 20.77kN/m.Moment= [(1/10)*wl*l2] + [(1/12)*wd*l2] = [(1/10)*4.9*(3.67)2] + [(1/12)*20.77*(3.67)2] = 29.91kN-m.Moment of support ‘E’ , = [(-1/9)*wl*l2] + [(-1/10)*wd*l2] = [(-1/9)*4.9*(3.67)2] + [(-1/10)*20.77*(3.67)2] = 35.3kN-m.SUPPORT SHEAR FORCES:A, B, C, D, E and F are the supports of the continuous beam.Support A:Shear force= [(0.4*wd) + (0.45*wl)] * L = [(0.4*20.59) + (0.45*4.82)] * 3.61 = 37.54kN.Support B(outer side):Shear force= [(0.6*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.6*20.59) + (0.6*4.82)] * 3.61 = 55.01kN.Support B(inner side):Shear force= [(0.55*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.55*20.77) + (0.6*4.9)] * 3.67 = 52.7kN.Support C(outer side):Shear force= [(0.5*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.5*20.77) + (0.6*4.9)] * 3.67 = 48.8kNSupport C(inner side):Shear force= [(0.5*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.5*17.17) + (0.6*3.34)] * 2.5 = 26.45kN.


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Support D(outer side):Shear force= [(0.5*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.5*17.17) + (0.6*3.34)] * 2.5 = 26.45kN.Support D(inner side):Shear force= [(0.5*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.5*20.59) + (0.6*4.82)] * 3.61 = 47.65kN.Support E(outer side):Shear force= [(0.6*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.6*20.59) + (0.6*4.82)] * 3.61 = 55.05kN.Support E(inner side):Shear force= [(0.55*wd) + (0.6*wl)] * L = [(0.55*20.77) + (0.6*4.9)] * 3.67 = 52.7kN.Support F(outer side):Shear force= [(0.4*wd) + (0.45*wl)] * L = [(0.55*20.77) + (0.45*4.9)] * 3.67 = 38.55kN.Mulimit= 0.138 * fck* b * d2

= 0.138 * 20* 230 * (600-50)2 [cover=50] = 192.03kN-m.Maximum bending moment developed at the support of the beam= 29.91kN-m.Mulimit> Maximum bending moment.But we have to provide Ast for the maximum bending moment.Ast= (0.36* fck* b* Xumax)/(0.87* fy) = (0.36* 20* 230* 0.48* 550)/(0.87* 415) = 1210.86mm2.Additional steel for 29.92kN-m by a couple of Ast and Asc,Asc= M/[(fsc- fcc)* (d-d’)]d= effective depth= 550mmd’= effective cover= 50mmd’/d= 50/550 = 0.09Asc= (29.91*106)/[(352-(0.446*20)) * (550-50)] = 174.36mm2.From IS 456-2000, fsc for 0.09 is 352Mpa. 0.87* 415* Ast2= fsc* Asc 0.87* 415* Ast2 = 352* 174.36 Ast2= 170mm2.The maximum positive bending moment for span EF is 29.91kN-m.The maximum positive bending moment for span DE is 28.64kN-m.According to IS 456-2000, clause 22.5, the average of the bending moments can be taken.


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i.e., (29.91+28.64)/2 = 29.275kN-m.for span DE and EF,Xu = (0.87* fy* Ast)/(0.36* fck* b) = (0.87* 415* Ast)/(0.36* 20* 230)Xu= 0.218* Ast29.275* 106= (0.87* 415* Ast) * [(550- (0.42* 0.218* Ast)]29.275* 106= [(361.05* Ast) * (550- (0.09* Ast))]29.275* 106= 198577.5*Ast- 32.49Ast2

Ast= 151.16mm2

Provide 2no’s of 16mm diameter bars.So, provide Ast= 2* 201 = 402mm2

In addition to this, provide 4no’s of 16mm diameter bars at the top.Total steel at top of the support is, = (4* 201) + (402) = 1286mm2 > 1210.86mm2.Maximum shear force at support E= 55.05kN.P= (100* Ast)/(b* d) = (100* 1286)/(230* 550) = 1.016Allowable shear stress for M20 grade of concrete is 0.62Mpa.Nominal shear stress= V/(bw* d) = (55.05* 103)/(230* 550) = 0.435Mpa.Nominal shear stress is less than design shear stress.Provide 8mm diameter 2legged stirrups @ 250mm c/c throughout.Spacing not more than 0.75*d = 0.75* 550 = 412.5mm.Provided spacing is within the limit Hence safe.


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Slab NO:S1

Grade of concrete= M20

Grade of steel= Fe415

Dimensions : 3.93*5.25m


Assuming overall depth of slab= 125mm

Let effective cover of slab= 20mm

Effective depth of slab= 105mm


As per clause no.22.2 (b) of IS: 456-2000, if the width of the support is

less than 1/12 of clear span, the effective span shall be

Clear span + effective depth of slab

(OR) } whichever is less

Clear span + c/c of supports

Effective span in short direction:

3930/12= 327.5 > 230mm

3.93 + 0.1= 4.03m

3.93 + 0.23= 4.16m

Lx= 4.03m

Effective span in long direction:

5250/12= 437.5 > 230mm

5.25 + 0.1= 5.35m

5.25 + 0.23= 5.48m

Ly= 5.35m


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Aspect ratio= Ly/Lx= 5.35/4.03= 1.33 (<2)

Hence the slab is designed as two-way slab with two adjacent

edges discontinuous

The bending moment coefficients from table.26 of IS: 456-2000 as follows

αx αy

-ve moment at continuous edge 0.067 0.047

+ve moment at mid span 0.051 0.035


Considering unit weight of slab= 25

Dead load= 4.375 kN/m2

Live load= 2kN/m2

Total load= 6.375kN/m2

Factored load intensity= Wu= 6.375*1.5= 9.56kN/m2


Short span direction

-ve moment at continuous edge= αX w LX2

= 0.067*9.56*4.03*4.03

= 10.4 kN-m

+ve moment at mid span= αX w LX2

= 0.051*9.56*4.03*4.03

= 7.92 kN-m

Long span direction

-ve moment at continuous edge= αy w Lx2

= 0.047*9.56*4.03*4.03

= 7.3kN-m

+ve moment at mid span= αy w Lx 2


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= 0.035*9.56*4.03*4.03

= 5.43 kN-m


M= 0.138*fkc*b*d2

10.4X106= 0.138X20X1000Xd2

d= 62mm

Overall depth required= 62 + 25= 87mm

Overall depth provided= 125mm

Hence, satisfied

Dx= 125-25-8/2= 96mm

Dy= 125-25-8-8/2= 88mm


Mu= 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-((Ast*fy)/(b*d*fck)))

Short span

Ast –ve= 310mm2

Ast +ve= 230mm2

Long span

Ast –ve= 210mm2

Ast +ve= 155mm2

Minimum steel @ 0.12%= (0.12/100)*1000*125

= 150mm2

Use 8mm diameter bars

Aø= (3.14/4)*82= 50.26mm2


Spacing s1= (Aø /Ast )*1000

= (50.26/307.69)*1000


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= 160mm

S2= 210mm


S3= 230mm

S4= 320

Dx = 125-25-(8/2)

= 96mm

Dy= Dx-8

= 88mm

Maximum spacing Sx= 3d or 300mm

= 3*96 or 300mm

= 288 or 300mm

Sy= 3*88 or 300mm

= 264 or 300mm

Select whichever is less

Therefore, Sx =280mm

Sy =250mm


Torsional steel= (3/4)*Ast max

= 230mm2

Use 6mm diameter bars

Spacing= (28.3/230)*1000

= 120mm

use 6mm diameter bars @ 120mm c/c spacing


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fs= 0.58*fy*(Ast req/Ast prov)

IS 456-2000

Modification factor, k= 2.24

Allowable l/d= 26*2.24

= 58.24mm

Actual l/d= 4030/100

= 40.3mm

Hence satisfied


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Slab NO:S2Grade of concrete= M20Grade of steel= Fe415Dimensions : 3.05*3.93m

EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF SLAB:Assuming overall depth of slab= 125mmLet effective cover of slab= 20mmEffective depth of slab= 105mm

EFFECTIVE SPAN OF THE SLAB:As per clause no.22.2 (b) of IS: 456-2000, if the width of the support is less than 1/12 of clear span, the effective span shall be

Clear span + effective depth of slab (OR) } whichever is lessClear span + c/c of supportsEffective span in short direction: 3050/12= 327.5 > 230mm 3.05 + 0.1= 3.15m 3.05 + 0.23= 3.28m Lx= 3.15mEffective span in long direction: 3930/12= 327.5 > 230mm 3.93 + 0.1= 4.03m 3.93 + 0.23= 4.16m Ly= 4.03mAspect ratio= Ly/Lx= 4.03/3.15= 1.28 (<2)Hence the slab is designed as two-way slab with two adjacentedges discontinuousThe bending moment coefficients from table.26 of IS: 456-2000 as follows αx αy-ve moment at continuous edge 0.05 0.037+ve moment at mid span 0.037 0.028


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LOADS ON SLABS:Considering unit weight of slab= 25

Dead load= 4.375 kN/m2Live load= 2kN/m2Total load= 6.375kN/m2Factored load intensity= Wu= 6.375*1.5= 9.56kN/m2CALCULATION OF BENDING MOMENT:Short span direction-ve moment at continuous edge= αx w Lx^2 = 0.05*9.56*3.152

= 4.74 kN-m+ve moment at mid span= αx w Lx^2 = 0.037*9.56*3.152

= 3.5 kN-mLong span direction-ve moment at continuous edge= αy w Lx^2 = 0.037*9.56*3.152

= 3.5kN-m+ve moment at mid span= αy w Lx^2 = 0.028*9.56*3.152

= 2.66 kN-mCHECK FOR DEPTH: M= 0.138*fkc*b*d^2 4.74*10^6= 0.138*20*1000*d^2 d= 42mmOverall depth required= 42 + 25= 67mmOverall depth provided= 125mm Hence, satisfied Dx= 125-25-8/2= 96mm Dy= 125-25-8-8/2= 88mmCALCULATION OF STEEL:Mu= 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-((Ast*fy)/(b*d*fck)))Short spanAst –ve= 135mm2Ast +ve= 100mm2Long spanAst –ve= 100mm2Ast +ve= 75mm2


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Minimum steel @ 0.12%= (0.12/100)*1000*125 = 150mm2Use 8mm diameter barsAø= (3.14/4)*64= 50.26mm2SHORT SPAN:Spacing s1= (Aø/Ast )*1000 = (50.26/135)*1000= 380mmS2= 510mmLONG SPAN:S3= 510mmS4= 670mmDx = 125-25-(8/2)= 96mmDy= Dx-8= 88mmMaximum spacing Sx= 3d or 300mm = 3*96 or 300mm = 288 or 300mm Sy= 3*88 or 300mm = 264 or 300mm Select whichever is less Therefore, Sx =280mm Sy =250mmTORSIONAL REINFORCEMENT: Torsional steel= (3/4)*Ast max = 102mm2 Use 6mm diameter barsSpacing= (28.27/102)*1000 = 300mm use 8mm diameter bars @ 300mm c/c spacing CHECK FOR STIFFNESS: fs= 0.58*fy*(Ast req/Ast prov) IS 456-2000 Modification factor, k= 2.24 Allowable l/d = 26*2.24 = 58.24mmActual l/d= 3150/10 = 31.5mm Hence satisfied


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Slab NO:S3

Grade of concrete= M20

Grade of steel= Fe415

Dimensions : 3.35*5.5m


Assuming overall depth of slab= 125mm

Let effective cover of slab= 25mm

Effective depth of slab= 100mm


As per clause no.22.2 (b) of IS: 456-2000, if the width of the support is

less than 1/12 of clear span, the effective span shall be

Clear span + effective depth of slab

(OR) } whichever is less

Clear span + c/c of supports

Effective span in short direction:

3350/12= 279.1 > 230mm

3.35 + 0.1= 3.45m

3.35 + 0.23= 3.58m

Lx= 3.58m

Effective span in long direction:

5500/12= 458.3 > 230mm

5.5 + 0.1= 5.6m

5.5 + 0.23= 5.73m

Ly= 5.73m

Aspect ratio= Ly/Lx= 5.73/3.58= 1.6 (<2)

Hence the slab is designed as two-way slab with two adjacent


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edges discontinuous

The bending moment coefficients from table.26 of IS: 456-2000 as follows

αx αy

-ve moment at continuous edge 0.07 0.037

+ve moment at mid span 0.055 0.028


Considering unit weight of slab= 25

Dead load= 4.375 kN/Sqm

Live load= 2 kN/Sqm

Total load= 6.375 kN/Sqm

Factored load intensity= Wu= 6.375*1.5= 9.56kN/Sqm


Short span direction

-ve moment at continuous edge= αx w Lx^2

= 0.07*9.56*3.58*3.58

= 7.96 kN-m

+ve moment at mid span= αx w Lx^2

= 0.055*9.56*3.58*3.58

= 6.25 kN-m

Long span direction

-ve moment at continuous edge= αy w Lx^2

= 0.037*9.56*3.58*3.58

= 4.21kN-m

+ve moment at mid span= αy w Lx*2

= 0.035*9.56*3.58*3.58

= 3.18 kN-m


M= 0.138*fck*b*d^2


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7.96*10^6= 0.138*20*1000*d^2

d= 55mm

Overall depth required= 55 + 25= 80mm

Overall depth provided= 125mm

Hence, satisfied

Dx= 125-25-8/2= 96mm

Dy= 125-25-8-8/2= 88mm


Mu= 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-((Ast*fy)/(b*d*fck)))

Short span

Ast –ve= 240sqmm

Ast +ve= 180sqmm

Long span

Ast –ve= 120sqmm

Ast +ve= 90sqmm

Minimum steel @ 0.12%= (0.12/100)*1000*125

= 150mm2

Use 8mm diameter bars

Aø= (3.14/4)*82= 50.26mm2


Spacing s1= (Aø/Ast )*1000

= (50.26/236.02)*1000

= 200mm

S2= 250mm


S3= 400mm

S4= 560mm

Dx = 125-25-(8/2)

= 96mm


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Dy= Dx-8

= 88mm

Maximum spacing Sx= 3d or 300mm

= 3*96 or 300mm

= 288 or 300mm

Sy= 3*88 or 300mm

= 264 or 300mm

Select whichever is less

Therefore, Sx =280mm

Sy =250mm


Torsional steel= (3/4)*Ast max

= 180mm2

Use 6mm diameter bars

Spacing= (28.3/180)*1000

= 160mm

use 6mm diameter bars @ 160mm c/c spacing


fs= 0.58*fy*(Ast req/Ast prov)

IS 456-2000

Modification factor, k= 2.24

Allowable l/d= 26*2.24

= 58.24mm

Actual l/d= 4030/100

= 40.3mm

Hence satisfied


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Dimension= 17.06*2.40Overall depth= 125mmEffective cover= 20mmEffective depth= 125-20-(10/2) = 100mmLx= 2.40+0.1= 2.5mLy= 17.06+0.1= 17.16mAspect ratio= 17.16/2.5 = 6.86.> 2Hence, the slab is designed as one way slab.Loads on slabs:Total load= 6.375kN/m2

Factored load= 6.375*1.5 = 9.56 kN/m2

Bending moment:Maximum bending moment= wl2/10 = 5.98kN-mCheck for depth:M= 0.138*fck*bd2

5.98*106= 0.138*20*1000* d2

d= 46mmOverall depth required= 46+20= 66mmOverall depth provided= 125mm Hence satisfied.Calculation of steel:Main steel:Mu= 0.87*fy*Ast*d{1-[( Ast*fy)/(bd* fck)]} Ast= 172mm2

Minimum steel= (0.12/100)*1000*125 = 150mm2

Use 8mm diameter bars.Aø= (3.14*64)/4 = 50.26mm2 No. of bars= Ast/Aø = 4bars.

Spacing= 50.26/172


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= 290mmmaximum spacing= 3d or 300mm = 3*100 or 300Therefore, provide 8mm ø bars at 230mm c/c spacing. Distribution steel:

Ast= (0.12/100)*1000*125 = 150mm2

Use 6mm diameter bars Spacing= 180mmTherefore, provide 6mm diameter bars at 180mm c/c spacing.Check for stiffness:fs= 0.58*fy*( Astrequired/ Astprovided) = 205Modification factoe,k= 1.6Allowable l/d= 26*1.6 = 41.6Actual l/d= 2500/125 = 20 Hence ok.


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Span, l= 1.6mEffective length= 1.56+(0.23/2) = 1.675mAssume d= 150mmLoads:Total load= 7kN/m2

Factored load= 7*1.5 = 10.5 kN/m2

Bending moment:Maximum bending moment= wl2/2 = 14.73kN-mCheck for depth:M= 0.138*fck*bd2

d= 75mmAssume effective cover= 20mmOverall depth required= 75+20= 95mmOverall depth provided= 150mm Hence satisfied.Main steel:Mu= 0.87*fy*Ast*d{1-[( Ast*fy)/(bd* fck)]} Ast= 425mm2mm2

Minimum steel= (0.12/100)*1000*125 = 150mm2

Use 8mm diameter bars.Aø= (3.14*64)/4 = 50.26mm2 No. of bars= Ast/Aø = 11bars.Spacing= 50.26/420 = 100mmMaximum spacing= 3d or 300mm = 3*100 or 300Therefore, provide 8mm ø bars at 100mm c/c spacing.


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Distribution steel:

Ast= (0.12/100)*1000*125 = 150mm2

Use 6mm diameter bars Spacing= 180mmTherefore, provide 6mm diameter bars at 180mm c/c spacing.Check for stiffness:fs= 0.58*fy*( Astrequired/ Astprovided) = 216.62Modification factoe,k= 1.6Allowable l/d= 7*1.6 = 11.2Actual l/d= 1675/150 = 11.16 Hence ok.


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Height between floors = 3050 mm

height of each flight = 3050/2 = 1525 mm

width of the wall = 230 mm

live load = 3 kN/m2

floor finish = 1 kN/m2

Preliminary design:

Raiser = 150 mm

Tread =b 270 mm

No. of raisers per flight = 1525/150 = 10

No .of treads = 10-1 = 9

Total going = 9x270 = 2340 mm

Width of landing = 1 m

Width of staircase = 1.2 m

Design loads:

self weight = 0.15x25 = 3.75 kN/m2

Floor finish = 1 kN/m2

Live load = 3 kN/m 2

Total load = 7.75 kN/m2

Design load = 1.5x 7.75 = 11.63 kN/m2

Leff = 2500=2x75 =2650 mm

Flight design:

Dimensions = 1.2m x 2.86m

Overall depth of slab = 115 mm

Cover = 20 mm

Eff. Depth = 115-20-10/2 = 90 mm


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Ly/Lx = 2.38 > 2

Main steel::

B.M. = Wl2/8 =(11.63*1.22)/8

=2.09 kN-m

Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d (1-(Ast*fy/b*d*ck))

Ast = 65.3 mm2

Min. steel = .12%bd = 120 mm2

Use 8mm bars

Spacing = 50.26*1000/120 = 418 mm

Max. spacing = 3d or 300 mm

=270 mm

Provide 8 mm bars @ 240 mm c/c

Distribution steel:

Ast = 0.12%bd= 120 mm2

use 6 mm bars

Spacing = 28.27*1000/120

=235 mm

Provide 6 mm bars @ 230 mm c/c

Check for stiffness:

Basic l/d = 26

Pt = Ast*100/bd

= 0.12%


Allowble l/d = 26*2 = 52

Actual l/d = 1200/90 = 13.33

Hence satisfied.


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STAAD SPACESTART JOB INFORMATIONENGINEER DATE 26-Dec-08END JOB INFORMATIONINPUT WIDTH 79UNIT METER KNJOINT COORDINATES1 -0.28 0 10.74; 2 3.65 0 10.74; 3 7 0 10.74; 4 -0.28 0 5.49; 5 3.65 0 5.49;6 7 0 5.49; 7 -0.28 0 2.44; 8 3.65 0 2.44; 9 3.65 0 0; 10 -0.28 0 0; 11 7 0 0;12 7 0 2.44; 13 -0.28 -1.25 10.74; 14 -0.28 -1.25 5.49; 15 -0.28 -1.25 2.44;16 -0.28 -1.25 0; 17 3.65 -1.25 10.74; 18 3.65 -1.25 5.49; 19 3.65 -1.25 2.44;20 3.65 -1.25 0; 21 7 -1.25 10.74; 22 7 -1.25 5.49; 23 7 -1.25 2.44;24 7 -1.25 0; 25 9.5 0 10.74; 26 13.43 0 10.74; 27 16.78 0 10.74;28 9.5 0 5.49; 29 13.43 0 5.49; 30 16.78 0 5.49; 31 9.5 0 2.44;32 13.43 0 2.44; 33 13.43 0 0; 34 9.5 0 0; 35 16.78 0 0; 36 16.78 0 2.44;37 9.5 -1.25 10.74; 38 9.5 -1.25 5.49; 39 9.5 -1.25 2.44; 40 9.5 -1.25 0;41 13.43 -1.25 10.74; 42 13.43 -1.25 5.49; 43 13.43 -1.25 2.44;44 13.43 -1.25 0; 45 16.78 -1.25 10.74; 46 16.78 -1.25 5.49;47 16.78 -1.25 2.44; 48 16.78 -1.25 0; 49 16.78 0 -2.4; 50 -0.28 0 -2.4;51 7 0 -2.4; 52 9.5 0 -2.4; 53 7 0 -8; 54 7 0 -11.48; 55 7 0 -14.88;56 -0.28 0 -14.88; 57 -0.28 0 -11.48; 58 -0.28 0 -8; 59 3.33 0 -8;60 3.33 0 -11.48; 61 3.33 0 -14.88; 62 -0.28 -1.25 -11.48; 63 -0.28 -1.25 -8;64 3.33 -1.25 -11.48; 65 3.33 -1.25 -8; 66 7 -1.25 -8; 67 7 -1.25 -11.48;68 -0.28 -1.25 -14.88; 69 3.33 -1.25 -14.88; 70 7 -1.25 -14.88; 71 16.78 0 -8;72 16.78 0 -11.48; 73 16.78 0 -14.88; 74 9.5 0 -14.88; 75 9.5 0 -11.48;76 9.5 0 -8; 77 13.11 0 -8; 78 13.11 0 -11.48; 79 13.11 0 -14.88;80 9.5 -1.25 -11.48; 81 9.5 -1.25 -8; 82 13.11 -1.25 -11.48; 83 13.11 -1.25 -8;84 16.78 -1.25 -8; 85 16.78 -1.25 -11.48; 86 9.5 -1.25 -14.88;87 13.11 -1.25 -14.88; 88 16.78 -1.25 -14.88; 89 3.33 0 -2.4; 92 13.11 0 -2.4;93 -0.28 -1.25 -2.4; 94 7 -1.25 -2.4; 95 9.5 -1.25 -2.4; 96 16.78 -1.25 -2.4;97 3.33 -1.25 -2.4; 98 13.11 -1.25 -2.4; 99 3.33 0 -16.44;100 3.33 -1.25 -16.44; 101 13.11 0 -16.44; 102 13.11 -1.25 -16.44;103 -0.28 3.05 10.74; 104 3.65 3.05 10.74; 105 7 3.05 10.74;106 -0.28 3.05 5.49; 107 3.65 3.05 5.49; 108 7 3.05 5.49; 109 -0.28 3.05 2.44;110 3.65 3.05 2.44; 111 3.65 3.05 0; 112 -0.28 3.05 0; 113 7 3.05 0;114 7 3.05 2.44; 115 9.5 3.05 10.74; 116 13.43 3.05 10.74;117 16.78 3.05 10.74; 118 9.5 3.05 5.49; 119 13.43 3.05 5.49;120 16.78 3.05 5.49; 121 9.5 3.05 2.44; 122 13.43 3.05 2.44; 123 13.43 3.05 0;124 9.5 3.05 0; 125 16.78 3.05 0; 126 16.78 3.05 2.44; 127 16.78 3.05 -2.4;128 -0.28 3.05 -2.4; 129 7 3.05 -2.4; 130 9.5 3.05 -2.4; 131 7 3.05 -8;


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132 7 3.05 -11.48; 133 7 3.05 -14.88; 134 -0.28 3.05 -14.88;135 -0.28 3.05 -11.48; 136 -0.28 3.05 -8; 137 3.33 3.05 -8;138 3.33 3.05 -11.48; 139 3.33 3.05 -14.88; 140 16.78 3.05 -8;141 16.78 3.05 -11.48; 142 16.78 3.05 -14.88; 143 9.5 3.05 -14.88;144 9.5 3.05 -11.48; 145 9.5 3.05 -8; 146 13.11 3.05 -8; 147 13.11 3.05 -11.48;148 13.11 3.05 -14.88; 149 3.33 3.05 -2.4; 150 13.11 3.05 -2.4;151 3.33 3.05 -16.44; 152 13.11 3.05 -16.44; 153 -0.28 6.1 10.74;154 3.65 6.1 10.74; 155 7 6.1 10.74; 156 -0.28 6.1 5.49; 157 3.65 6.1 5.49;158 7 6.1 5.49; 159 -0.28 6.1 2.44; 160 3.65 6.1 2.44; 161 3.65 6.1 0;162 -0.28 6.1 0; 163 7 6.1 0; 164 7 6.1 2.44; 165 9.5 6.1 10.74;166 13.43 6.1 10.74; 167 16.78 6.1 10.74; 168 9.5 6.1 5.49; 169 13.43 6.1 5.49;170 16.78 6.1 5.49; 171 9.5 6.1 2.44; 172 13.43 6.1 2.44; 173 13.43 6.1 0;174 9.5 6.1 0; 175 16.78 6.1 0; 176 16.78 6.1 2.44; 177 16.78 6.1 -2.4;178 -0.28 6.1 -2.4; 179 7 6.1 -2.4; 180 9.5 6.1 -2.4; 181 7 6.1 -8;182 7 6.1 -11.48; 183 7 6.1 -14.88; 184 -0.28 6.1 -14.88; 185 -0.28 6.1 -11.48;186 -0.28 6.1 -8; 187 3.33 6.1 -8; 188 3.33 6.1 -11.48; 189 3.33 6.1 -14.88;190 16.78 6.1 -8; 191 16.78 6.1 -11.48; 192 16.78 6.1 -14.88;193 9.5 6.1 -14.88; 194 9.5 6.1 -11.48; 195 9.5 6.1 -8; 196 13.11 6.1 -8;197 13.11 6.1 -11.48; 198 13.11 6.1 -14.88; 199 3.33 6.1 -2.4;200 13.11 6.1 -2.4; 201 3.33 6.1 -16.44; 202 13.11 6.1 -16.44;203 -0.28 9.15 10.74; 204 3.65 9.15 10.74; 205 7 9.15 10.74;206 -0.28 9.15 5.49; 207 3.65 9.15 5.49; 208 7 9.15 5.49; 209 -0.28 9.15 2.44;210 3.65 9.15 2.44; 211 3.65 9.15 0; 212 -0.28 9.15 0; 213 7 9.15 0;214 7 9.15 2.44; 215 9.5 9.15 10.74; 216 13.43 9.15 10.74;217 16.78 9.15 10.74; 218 9.5 9.15 5.49; 219 13.43 9.15 5.49;220 16.78 9.15 5.49; 221 9.5 9.15 2.44; 222 13.43 9.15 2.44; 223 13.43 9.15 0;224 9.5 9.15 0; 225 16.78 9.15 0; 226 16.78 9.15 2.44; 227 16.78 9.15 -2.4;228 -0.28 9.15 -2.4; 229 7 9.15 -2.4; 230 9.5 9.15 -2.4; 231 7 9.15 -8;232 7 9.15 -11.48; 233 7 9.15 -14.88; 234 -0.28 9.15 -14.88;235 -0.28 9.15 -11.48; 236 -0.28 9.15 -8; 237 3.33 9.15 -8;238 3.33 9.15 -11.48; 239 3.33 9.15 -14.88; 240 16.78 9.15 -8;241 16.78 9.15 -11.48; 242 16.78 9.15 -14.88; 243 9.5 9.15 -14.88;244 9.5 9.15 -11.48; 245 9.5 9.15 -8; 246 13.11 9.15 -8; 247 13.11 9.15 -11.48;248 13.11 9.15 -14.88; 249 3.33 9.15 -2.4; 250 13.11 9.15 -2.4;251 3.33 9.15 -16.44; 252 13.11 9.15 -16.44; 253 -0.28 12.2 10.74;254 3.65 12.2 10.74; 255 7 12.2 10.74; 256 -0.28 12.2 5.49; 257 3.65 12.2 5.49;258 7 12.2 5.49; 259 -0.28 12.2 2.44; 260 3.65 12.2 2.44; 261 3.65 12.2 0;262 -0.28 12.2 0; 263 7 12.2 0; 264 7 12.2 2.44; 265 9.5 12.2 10.74;266 13.43 12.2 10.74; 267 16.78 12.2 10.74; 268 9.5 12.2 5.49;269 13.43 12.2 5.49; 270 16.78 12.2 5.49; 271 9.5 12.2 2.44;272 13.43 12.2 2.44; 273 13.43 12.2 0; 274 9.5 12.2 0; 275 16.78 12.2 0;276 16.78 12.2 2.44; 277 16.78 12.2 -2.4; 278 -0.28 12.2 -2.4; 279 7 12.2 -2.4;280 9.5 12.2 -2.4; 281 7 12.2 -8; 282 7 12.2 -11.48; 283 7 12.2 -14.88;284 -0.28 12.2 -14.88; 285 -0.28 12.2 -11.48; 286 -0.28 12.2 -8;


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287 3.33 12.2 -8; 288 3.33 12.2 -11.48; 289 3.33 12.2 -14.88;290 16.78 12.2 -8; 291 16.78 12.2 -11.48; 292 16.78 12.2 -14.88;293 9.5 12.2 -14.88; 294 9.5 12.2 -11.48; 295 9.5 12.2 -8; 296 13.11 12.2 -8;297 13.11 12.2 -11.48; 298 13.11 12.2 -14.88; 299 3.33 12.2 -2.4;300 13.11 12.2 -2.4; 301 3.33 12.2 -16.44; 302 13.11 12.2 -16.44;303 -0.28 15.25 10.74; 304 3.65 15.25 10.74; 305 7 15.25 10.74;306 -0.28 15.25 5.49; 307 3.65 15.25 5.49; 308 7 15.25 5.49;309 -0.28 15.25 2.44; 310 3.65 15.25 2.44; 311 3.65 15.25 0; 312 -0.28 15.25 0;313 7 15.25 0; 314 7 15.25 2.44; 315 9.5 15.25 10.74; 316 13.43 15.25 10.74;317 16.78 15.25 10.74; 318 9.5 15.25 5.49; 319 13.43 15.25 5.49;320 16.78 15.25 5.49; 321 9.5 15.25 2.44; 322 13.43 15.25 2.44;323 13.43 15.25 0; 324 9.5 15.25 0; 325 16.78 15.25 0; 326 16.78 15.25 2.44;327 16.78 15.25 -2.4; 328 -0.28 15.25 -2.4; 329 7 15.25 -2.4;330 9.5 15.25 -2.4; 331 7 15.25 -8; 332 7 15.25 -11.48; 333 7 15.25 -14.88;334 -0.28 15.25 -14.88; 335 -0.28 15.25 -11.48; 336 -0.28 15.25 -8;337 3.33 15.25 -8; 338 3.33 15.25 -11.48; 339 3.33 15.25 -14.88;340 16.78 15.25 -8; 341 16.78 15.25 -11.48; 342 16.78 15.25 -14.88;343 9.5 15.25 -14.88; 344 9.5 15.25 -11.48; 345 9.5 15.25 -8;346 13.11 15.25 -8; 347 13.11 15.25 -11.48; 348 13.11 15.25 -14.88;349 3.33 15.25 -2.4; 350 13.11 15.25 -2.4; 351 3.33 15.25 -16.44;352 13.11 15.25 -16.44;MEMBER INCIDENCES1 1 2; 2 3 2; 3 1 4; 4 4 5; 5 5 6; 6 4 7; 8 8 9; 9 10 9; 10 7 10; 11 9 11;12 6 12; 13 8 5; 14 2 5; 15 3 6; 16 1 13; 17 4 14; 18 12 11; 19 7 15; 20 10 16;21 2 17; 22 5 18; 23 8 19; 24 9 20; 25 3 21; 26 6 22; 27 12 23; 28 11 24;29 25 26; 30 27 26; 31 25 28; 32 28 29; 33 29 30; 34 28 31; 36 32 33; 37 34 33;38 31 34; 39 33 35; 40 30 36; 41 32 29; 42 26 29; 43 27 30; 44 25 37; 45 28 38;46 36 35; 47 31 39; 48 34 40; 49 26 41; 50 29 42; 51 32 43; 52 33 44; 53 27 45;54 30 46; 55 36 47; 56 35 48; 57 11 34; 58 49 35; 59 50 10; 62 53 54; 63 54 55;64 56 57; 65 58 57; 66 58 59; 67 59 53; 70 61 60; 71 60 59; 72 57 62; 73 58 63;74 60 64; 75 59 65; 76 66 53; 77 54 67; 78 55 61; 79 61 56; 80 56 68; 81 61 69;82 55 70; 83 71 72; 84 72 73; 85 74 75; 86 76 75; 87 76 77; 88 77 71; 91 79 78;92 78 77; 93 75 80; 94 76 81; 95 78 82; 96 77 83; 97 84 71; 98 72 85; 99 73 79;100 79 74; 101 74 86; 102 79 87; 103 73 88; 104 50 58; 105 89 59; 108 92 77;109 49 71; 110 50 93; 111 51 94; 112 50 89; 113 89 51; 114 52 95; 115 49 96;116 52 92; 117 92 49; 118 89 97; 119 92 98; 120 51 52; 122 99 100; 123 101 102;125 51 53; 126 52 76; 127 103 104; 128 105 104; 129 103 106; 130 106 107;131 107 108; 132 106 109; 133 109 110; 134 110 111; 135 112 111; 136 109 112;137 111 113; 138 108 114; 139 110 107; 140 104 107; 141 105 108; 142 103 1;143 106 4; 144 114 113; 145 109 7; 146 112 10; 147 104 2; 148 107 5; 149 110 8;150 111 9; 151 105 3; 152 108 6; 153 114 12; 154 113 11; 155 115 116;156 117 116; 157 115 118; 158 118 119; 159 119 120; 160 118 121; 161 121 122;162 122 123; 163 124 123; 164 121 124; 165 123 125; 166 120 126; 167 122 119;168 116 119; 169 117 120; 170 115 25; 171 118 28; 172 126 125; 173 121 31;


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174 124 34; 175 116 26; 176 119 29; 177 122 32; 178 123 33; 179 117 27;180 120 30; 181 126 36; 182 125 35; 183 113 124; 184 127 125; 185 128 112;186 113 129; 187 124 130; 188 131 132; 189 132 133; 190 134 135; 191 136 135;192 136 137; 193 137 131; 194 132 138; 195 138 135; 196 139 138; 197 138 137;198 135 57; 199 136 58; 200 138 60; 201 137 59; 202 53 131; 203 132 54;204 133 139; 205 139 134; 206 134 56; 207 139 61; 208 133 55; 209 140 141;210 141 142; 211 143 144; 212 145 144; 213 145 146; 214 146 140; 215 141 147;216 147 144; 217 148 147; 218 147 146; 219 144 75; 220 145 76; 221 147 78;222 146 77; 223 71 140; 224 141 72; 225 142 148; 226 148 143; 227 143 74;228 148 79; 229 142 73; 230 128 136; 231 149 137; 232 150 146; 233 127 140;234 128 50; 235 129 51; 236 128 149; 237 149 129; 238 130 52; 239 127 49;240 130 150; 241 150 127; 242 149 89; 243 150 92; 244 129 130; 245 139 151;246 151 99; 247 152 101; 248 148 152; 249 129 131; 250 130 145; 251 153 154;252 155 154; 253 153 156; 254 156 157; 255 157 158; 256 156 159; 257 159 160;258 160 161; 259 162 161; 260 159 162; 261 161 163; 262 158 164; 263 160 157;264 154 157; 265 155 158; 266 153 103; 267 156 106; 268 164 163; 269 159 109;270 162 112; 271 154 104; 272 157 107; 273 160 110; 274 161 111; 275 155 105;276 158 108; 277 164 114; 278 163 113; 279 165 166; 280 167 166; 281 165 168;282 168 169; 283 169 170; 284 168 171; 285 171 172; 286 172 173; 287 174 173;288 171 174; 289 173 175; 290 170 176; 291 172 169; 292 166 169; 293 167 170;294 165 115; 295 168 118; 296 176 175; 297 171 121; 298 174 124; 299 166 116;300 169 119; 301 172 122; 302 173 123; 303 167 117; 304 170 120; 305 176 126;306 175 125; 307 163 174; 308 177 175; 309 178 162; 310 163 179; 311 174 180;312 181 182; 313 182 183; 314 184 185; 315 186 185; 316 186 187; 317 187 181;318 182 188; 319 188 185; 320 189 188; 321 188 187; 322 185 135; 323 186 136;324 188 138; 325 187 137; 326 131 181; 327 182 132; 328 183 189; 329 189 184;330 184 134; 331 189 139; 332 183 133; 333 190 191; 334 191 192; 335 193 194;336 195 194; 337 195 196; 338 196 190; 339 191 197; 340 197 194; 341 198 197;342 197 196; 343 194 144; 344 195 145; 345 197 147; 346 196 146; 347 140 190;348 191 141; 349 192 198; 350 198 193; 351 193 143; 352 198 148; 353 192 142;354 178 186; 355 199 187; 356 200 196; 357 177 190; 358 178 128; 359 179 129;360 178 199; 361 199 179; 362 180 130; 363 177 127; 364 180 200; 365 200 177;366 199 149; 367 200 150; 368 179 180; 369 189 201; 370 201 151; 371 202 152;372 198 202; 373 179 181; 374 180 195; 375 203 204; 376 205 204; 377 203 206;378 206 207; 379 207 208; 380 206 209; 381 209 210; 382 210 211; 383 212 211;384 209 212; 385 211 213; 386 208 214; 387 210 207; 388 204 207; 389 205 208;390 203 153; 391 206 156; 392 214 213; 393 209 159; 394 212 162; 395 204 154;396 207 157; 397 210 160; 398 211 161; 399 205 155; 400 208 158; 401 214 164;402 213 163; 403 215 216; 404 217 216; 405 215 218; 406 218 219; 407 219 220;408 218 221; 409 221 222; 410 222 223; 411 224 223; 412 221 224; 413 223 225;414 220 226; 415 222 219; 416 216 219; 417 217 220; 418 215 165; 419 218 168;420 226 225; 421 221 171; 422 224 174; 423 216 166; 424 219 169; 425 222 172;426 223 173; 427 217 167; 428 220 170; 429 226 176; 430 225 175; 431 213 224;432 227 225; 433 228 212; 434 213 229; 435 224 230; 436 231 232; 437 232 233;


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438 234 235; 439 236 235; 440 236 237; 441 237 231; 442 232 238; 443 238 235;444 239 238; 445 238 237; 446 235 185; 447 236 186; 448 238 188; 449 237 187;450 181 231; 451 232 182; 452 233 239; 453 239 234; 454 234 184; 455 239 189;456 233 183; 457 240 241; 458 241 242; 459 243 244; 460 245 244; 461 245 246;462 246 240; 463 241 247; 464 247 244; 465 248 247; 466 247 246; 467 244 194;468 245 195; 469 247 197; 470 246 196; 471 190 240; 472 241 191; 473 242 248;474 248 243; 475 243 193; 476 248 198; 477 242 192; 478 228 236; 479 249 237;480 250 246; 481 227 240; 482 228 178; 483 229 179; 484 228 249; 485 249 229;486 230 180; 487 227 177; 488 230 250; 489 250 227; 490 249 199; 491 250 200;492 229 230; 493 239 251; 494 251 201; 495 252 202; 496 248 252; 497 229 231;498 230 245; 499 253 254; 500 255 254; 501 253 256; 502 256 257; 503 257 258;504 256 259; 505 259 260; 506 260 261; 507 262 261; 508 259 262; 509 261 263;510 258 264; 511 260 257; 512 254 257; 513 255 258; 514 253 203; 515 256 206;516 264 263; 517 259 209; 518 262 212; 519 254 204; 520 257 207; 521 260 210;522 261 211; 523 255 205; 524 258 208; 525 264 214; 526 263 213; 527 265 266;528 267 266; 529 265 268; 530 268 269; 531 269 270; 532 268 271; 533 271 272;534 272 273; 535 274 273; 536 271 274; 537 273 275; 538 270 276; 539 272 269;540 266 269; 541 267 270; 542 265 215; 543 268 218; 544 276 275; 545 271 221;546 274 224; 547 266 216; 548 269 219; 549 272 222; 550 273 223; 551 267 217;552 270 220; 553 276 226; 554 275 225; 555 263 274; 556 277 275; 557 278 262;558 263 279; 559 274 280; 560 281 282; 561 282 283; 562 284 285; 563 286 285;564 286 287; 565 287 281; 566 282 288; 567 288 285; 568 289 288; 569 288 287;570 285 235; 571 286 236; 572 288 238; 573 287 237; 574 231 281; 575 282 232;576 283 289; 577 289 284; 578 284 234; 579 289 239; 580 283 233; 581 290 291;582 291 292; 583 293 294; 584 295 294; 585 295 296; 586 296 290; 587 291 297;588 297 294; 589 298 297; 590 297 296; 591 294 244; 592 295 245; 593 297 247;594 296 246; 595 240 290; 596 291 241; 597 292 298; 598 298 293; 599 293 243;600 298 248; 601 292 242; 602 278 286; 603 299 287; 604 300 296; 605 277 290;606 278 228; 607 279 229; 608 278 299; 609 299 279; 610 280 230; 611 277 227;612 280 300; 613 300 277; 614 299 249; 615 300 250; 616 279 280; 617 289 301;618 301 251; 619 302 252; 620 298 302; 621 279 281; 622 280 295; 623 303 304;624 305 304; 625 303 306; 626 306 307; 627 307 308; 628 306 309; 629 309 310;630 310 311; 631 312 311; 632 309 312; 633 311 313; 634 308 314; 635 310 307;636 304 307; 637 305 308; 638 303 253; 639 306 256; 640 314 313; 641 309 259;642 312 262; 643 304 254; 644 307 257; 645 310 260; 646 311 261; 647 305 255;648 308 258; 649 314 264; 650 313 263; 651 315 316; 652 317 316; 653 315 318;654 318 319; 655 319 320; 656 318 321; 657 321 322; 658 322 323; 659 324 323;660 321 324; 661 323 325; 662 320 326; 663 322 319; 664 316 319; 665 317 320;666 315 265; 667 318 268; 668 326 325; 669 321 271; 670 324 274; 671 316 266;672 319 269; 673 322 272; 674 323 273; 675 317 267; 676 320 270; 677 326 276;678 325 275; 679 313 324; 680 327 325; 681 328 312; 682 313 329; 683 324 330;684 331 332; 685 332 333; 686 334 335; 687 336 335; 688 336 337; 689 337 331;690 332 338; 691 338 335; 692 339 338; 693 338 337; 694 335 285; 695 336 286;696 338 288; 697 337 287; 698 281 331; 699 332 282; 700 333 339; 701 339 334;


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702 334 284; 703 339 289; 704 333 283; 705 340 341; 706 341 342; 707 343 344;708 345 344; 709 345 346; 710 346 340; 711 341 347; 712 347 344; 713 348 347;714 347 346; 715 344 294; 716 345 295; 717 347 297; 718 346 296; 719 290 340;720 341 291; 721 342 348; 722 348 343; 723 343 293; 724 348 298; 725 342 292;726 328 336; 727 349 337; 728 350 346; 729 327 340; 730 328 278; 731 329 279;732 328 349; 733 349 329; 734 330 280; 735 327 277; 736 330 350; 737 350 327;738 349 299; 739 350 300; 740 329 330; 741 339 351; 742 351 301; 743 352 302;744 348 352; 745 329 331; 746 330 345;DEFINE MATERIAL STARTISOTROPIC CONCRETEE 2.17185e+007POISSON 0.17DENSITY 23.5616ALPHA 1e-005DAMP 0.05END DEFINE MATERIALMEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN16 17 19 TO 28 44 45 47 TO 56 72 TO 77 80 TO 82 93 TO 98 101 TO 103 110 111 -114 115 118 119 142 143 145 TO 154 170 171 173 TO 182 198 TO 203 206 TO 208 -219 TO 224 227 TO 229 234 235 238 239 242 243 266 267 269 TO 278 294 295 -297 TO 306 322 TO 327 330 TO 332 343 TO 348 351 TO 353 358 359 362 363 366 -367 390 391 393 TO 402 418 419 421 TO 430 446 TO 451 454 TO 456 467 TO 472 -475 TO 477 482 483 486 487 490 491 514 515 517 TO 526 542 543 545 TO 554 -570 TO 575 578 TO 580 591 TO 596 599 TO 601 606 607 610 611 614 615 638 639 -641 TO 650 666 667 669 TO 678 694 TO 699 702 TO 704 715 TO 720 723 TO 725 -730 731 734 735 738 739 PRIS YD 0.23 ZD 0.6122 123 246 247 370 371 494 495 618 619 742 743 PRIS YD 0.23 ZD 0.45MEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN127 TO 141 144 155 TO 169 172 183 TO 197 204 205 209 TO 218 225 226 -230 TO 233 236 237 240 241 244 245 248 TO 265 268 279 TO 293 296 307 TO 321 -328 329 333 TO 342 349 350 354 TO 357 360 361 364 365 368 369 372 TO 389 -392 403 TO 417 420 431 TO 445 452 453 457 TO 466 473 474 478 TO 481 484 485 -488 489 492 493 496 TO 513 516 527 TO 541 544 555 TO 569 576 577 581 TO 590 -597 598 602 TO 605 608 609 612 613 616 617 620 TO 637 640 651 TO 665 668 -679 TO 693 700 701 705 TO 714 721 722 726 TO 729 732 733 736 737 740 741 -744 TO 746 PRIS YD 0.56 ZD 0.23UNIT MMS NEWTONMEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN1 TO 6 8 TO 15 18 29 TO 34 36 TO 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 67 70 71 78 79 -83 TO 88 91 92 99 100 104 105 108 109 112 113 116 117 120 125 -126 PRIS YD 300 ZD 230UNIT METER KNCONSTANTSBETA 90 MEMB 22 50 74 75 81 95 96 102 122 123 148 176 200 201 207 221 222 -


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228 246 247 272 300 324 325 331 345 346 352 370 371 396 424 448 449 455 469 -470 476 494 495 520 548 572 573 579 593 594 600 618 619 644 672 696 697 703 -717 718 724 742 743MATERIAL CONCRETE MEMB 1 TO 6 8 TO 34 36 TO 59 62 TO 67 70 TO 88 91 TO 105 -108 TO 120 122 123 125 TO 746SUPPORTS13 TO 24 37 TO 48 62 TO 70 80 TO 88 93 TO 98 100 102 FIXED*SEISMIC WEIGHTSDEFINE 1893 LOADZONE 0.1 RF 3 I 1 SS 1*CHECK SOFT STOREYSELFWEIGHTMEMBER WEIGHT*external walls= 0.23*(3.05-0.3)*19 = 12.0181 TO 3 6 10 12 15 18 29 TO 31 34 38 40 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 65 78 79 -83 TO 86 99 100 104 109 120 125 TO 129 132 136 138 141 144 155 TO 157 160 -164 166 169 172 183 TO 185 188 TO 191 204 205 209 TO 212 225 226 230 233 -244 249 TO 253 256 260 262 265 268 279 TO 281 284 288 290 293 296 -307 TO 309 312 TO 315 328 329 333 TO 336 349 350 354 357 368 373 TO 377 380 -384 386 389 392 403 TO 405 408 412 414 417 420 431 TO 433 436 TO 439 452 -453 457 TO 460 473 474 478 481 492 497 TO 501 504 508 510 513 516 -527 TO 529 532 536 538 541 544 555 TO 557 560 TO 563 576 577 581 TO 584 597 -598 602 605 616 621 622 UNI 12.018*internal walls= 0.115*(3.05-0.3)*14 = 6.0094 5 8 9 11 13 14 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 66 67 70 71 87 88 91 92 105 108 112 -113 116 117 130 131 133 TO 135 137 139 140 158 159 161 TO 163 165 167 168 -186 187 192 TO 194 196 197 213 TO 215 217 218 231 232 236 237 240 241 254 -255 257 TO 259 261 263 264 282 283 285 TO 287 289 291 292 310 311 -316 TO 318 320 321 337 TO 339 341 342 355 356 360 361 364 365 378 379 381 -382 TO 383 385 387 388 406 407 409 TO 411 413 415 416 434 435 440 TO 442 444 -445 461 TO 463 465 466 479 480 484 485 488 489 502 503 505 TO 507 509 511 -512 530 531 533 TO 535 537 539 540 558 559 564 TO 566 568 569 585 TO 587 -589 590 603 604 608 609 612 613 UNI 6.009* cantilever load 4.375*(length)1.56 = 6.82578 79 99 100 204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 -700 701 721 722 UNI 6.825*FLOOR WEIGHT*YRANGE 0 15 fLOAD 4.375*parapet wall=(thickness)0.23*(ht)0.75*19 = 3.2775623 TO 625 628 632 634 637 640 651 TO 653 656 660 662 665 668 679 TO 681 684 -685 TO 687 700 701 705 TO 708 721 722 726 729 740 745 746 UNI 3.2775*FROM CODEDEFINE WIND LOAD


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TYPE 1INT 0 0 HEIG 10 15*EXP 0.9 YR 1 12.5LOAD 1 SEISMIC LOAD X DIRECTION1893 LOAD XLOAD 2 SEISMIC LOAD Z DIRECTION1893 LOAD ZLOAD 3 WL IN X DIRECTIONWIND LOAD X 1 TYPE 1LOAD 4 WL IN - X DIRECTIONWIND LOAD X -1 TYPE 1LOAD 5 WL IN Z DIRECTIONWIND LOAD Z 1 TYPE 1LOAD 6 WL IN - Z DIRECTIONWIND LOAD Z -1 TYPE 1*DEAD LOADLOAD 7 DLSELFWEIGHT Y -1*WALL LOADMEMBER LOAD1 TO 3 6 10 12 15 18 29 TO 31 34 38 40 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 65 78 79 -83 TO 86 99 100 104 109 120 125 TO 129 132 136 138 141 144 155 TO 157 160 -164 166 169 172 183 TO 185 188 TO 191 204 205 209 TO 212 225 226 230 233 -244 249 TO 253 256 260 262 265 268 279 TO 281 284 288 290 293 296 -307 TO 309 312 TO 315 328 329 333 TO 336 349 350 354 357 368 373 TO 377 380 -384 386 389 392 403 TO 405 408 412 414 417 420 431 TO 433 436 TO 439 452 -453 457 TO 460 473 474 478 481 492 497 TO 501 504 508 510 513 516 -527 TO 529 532 536 538 541 544 555 TO 557 560 TO 563 576 577 581 TO 584 597 -598 602 605 616 621 622 UNI GY -12.0184 5 8 9 11 13 14 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 66 67 70 71 87 88 91 92 105 108 112 -113 116 117 130 131 133 TO 135 137 139 140 158 159 161 TO 163 165 167 168 -186 187 192 TO 194 196 197 213 TO 215 217 218 231 232 236 237 240 241 254 -255 257 TO 259 261 263 264 282 283 285 TO 287 289 291 292 310 311 -316 TO 318 320 321 337 TO 339 341 342 355 356 360 361 364 365 378 379 381 -382 TO 383 385 387 388 406 407 409 TO 411 413 415 416 434 435 440 TO 442 444 -445 461 TO 463 465 466 479 480 484 485 488 489 502 503 505 TO 507 509 511 -512 530 531 533 TO 535 537 539 540 558 559 564 TO 566 568 569 585 TO 587 -589 590 603 604 608 609 612 613 UNI GY -6.009*CANTILEVERMEMBER LOAD78 79 99 100 204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 -700 701 721 722 UNI GY -6.825*FLOOR LOADFLOOR LOAD


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YRANGE 0 15 FLOAD -4.375 GY*PARAPET WALLMEMBER LOAD623 TO 625 628 632 634 637 640 651 TO 653 656 660 662 665 668 679 TO 681 684 -685 TO 687 700 701 705 TO 708 721 722 726 729 740 745 746 UNI GY -3.2775*LIVE LOADLOAD 8 LLFLOOR LOADYRANGE 0 12.3 FLOAD -2 GYYRANGE 12.3 15.6 FLOAD -1.5 GY*floor loadMEMBER LOAD132 136 160 164 256 260 284 288 380 384 408 412 504 508 532 536 628 632 656 -660 UNI GY -5.75188 TO 191 209 TO 212 230 233 249 250 312 TO 315 333 TO 336 354 357 373 374 -436 TO 439 457 TO 460 478 481 497 498 560 TO 563 581 TO 584 602 605 621 622 -684 TO 687 705 TO 708 726 729 745 746 UNI GY -7.6204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 700 701 721 -722 UNI GY -7.4192 TO 195 213 TO 216 316 TO 319 337 TO 340 440 TO 443 461 TO 464 564 TO 567 -585 TO 588 688 TO 691 709 TO 712 UNI GY -15236 237 240 241 360 361 364 365 484 485 488 489 608 609 612 613 732 733 736 -737 UNI GY -13135 137 163 165 259 261 287 289 383 385 411 413 507 509 535 537 631 633 659 -661 UNI GY -11130 131 158 159 254 255 282 283 378 379 406 407 502 503 530 531 626 627 654 -655 UNI GY -14.9183 TO 187 244 307 TO 311 368 431 TO 435 492 555 TO 559 616 679 TO 683 -740 UNI GY -5.25127 129 138 141 144 155 157 166 169 172 251 253 262 265 268 279 281 290 293 -296 375 377 386 389 392 403 405 414 417 420 499 501 510 513 516 527 529 538 -541 544 623 625 634 637 640 651 653 662 665 668 UNI GY -7.328127 129 155 157 251 253 279 281 375 377 403 405 499 501 527 529 623 625 651 -653 UNI GY -8.5133 161 257 285 381 409 505 533 629 657 UNI GY -6LOAD COMB 9 1.5(DL+LL)7 1.5 8 1.5LOAD COMB 10 1.5(DL+ELX)7 1.5 1 1.5LOAD COMB 11 1.5(DL-ELX)7 1.5 1 -1.5LOAD COMB 12 1.5(DL+ELZ)7 1.5 2 1.5


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LOAD COMB 13 1.5(DL-ELZ)7 1.5 2 -1.5LOAD COMB 14 1.5(DL+WLX)7 1.5 3 1.5LOAD COMB 15 1.5(DL-WLX)7 1.5 4 1.5LOAD COMB 16 1.5(DL+WLZ)7 1.5 5 1.5LOAD COMB 17 1.5(DL-WLZ)7 1.5 6 1.5LOAD COMB 18 1.2(DL+LL+ELX)7 1.2 8 1.2 1 1.2LOAD COMB 19 1.2(DL+LL-ELX)7 1.2 8 1.2 1 -1.2LOAD COMB 20 1.2(DL+LL+ELZ)7 1.2 8 1.2 2 1.2LOAD COMB 21 1.2(DL+LL-ELZ)7 1.2 8 1.2 2 -1.2LOAD COMB 22 1.2(DL+LL+WLX)7 1.2 8 1.2 3 1.2LOAD COMB 23 1.2(DL+LL-WLX)7 1.2 8 1.2 4 1.2LOAD COMB 24 1.2(DL+LL+WLZ)7 1.2 8 1.2 5 1.2LOAD COMB 25 1.2(DL+LL-WLZ)7 1.2 8 1.2 6 1.2LOAD COMB 26 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 ELX)7 0.9 1 1.5LOAD COMB 27 (0.9 DL- 1.5 LLX)7 0.9 1 -1.5LOAD COMB 28 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 ELZ)7 0.9 2 1.5LOAD COMB 29 (0.9 DL- 1.5 ELZ)7 0.9 2 -1.5LOAD COMB 30 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 WLX)7 0.9 3 1.5LOAD COMB 31 (0.9 DL- 1.5 WLX)7 0.9 4 1.5LOAD COMB 32 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 WLZ)7 0.9 5 1.5LOAD COMB 33 (0.9 DL- 1.5 WLZ)7 0.9 6 1.5LOAD COMB 34 1.0(DL+LL)7 1.0 8 1.0


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LOAD COMB 35 1.0(DL+ELX)7 1.0 1 1.0LOAD COMB 36 1.0(DL-ELX)7 1.0 1 -1.0LOAD COMB 37 1.0(DL+ELZ)7 1.0 2 1.0LOAD COMB 38 1.0(DL-ELZ)7 1.0 2 -1.0LOAD COMB 39 1.0(DL+WLX)7 1.0 3 1.0LOAD COMB 40 1.0(DL-WLX)7 1.0 4 1.0LOAD COMB 41 1.0(DL+WLZ)7 1.0 5 1.0LOAD COMB 42 1.0(DL-WLZ)7 1.0 6 1.0LOAD COMB 43 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 ELX)7 1.0 8 0.8 1 0.8LOAD COMB 44 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 ELX)7 1.0 8 0.8 1 -0.8LOAD COMB 45 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 ELZ)7 1.0 8 0.8 2 0.8LOAD COMB 46 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 ELZ)7 1.0 8 0.8 2 -0.8LOAD COMB 47 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 WLX)7 1.0 8 0.8 3 0.8LOAD COMB 48 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 WLX)7 1.0 8 0.8 4 0.8LOAD COMB 49 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 WLZ)7 1.0 8 0.8 5 0.8LOAD COMB 50 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 WLZ)7 1.0 8 0.8 6 0.8LOAD COMB 51 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 ELX)7 0.9 1 1.0LOAD COMB 52 (0.9 DL- 1.0 LLX)7 0.9 1 -1.0LOAD COMB 53 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 ELZ)7 0.9 2 1.0LOAD COMB 54 (0.9 DL- 1.0 ELZ)7 0.9 2 -1.0LOAD COMB 55 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 WLX)7 0.9 3 1.0LOAD COMB 56 (0.9 DL- 1.0 WLX)7 0.9 4 1.0


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LOAD COMB 57 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 WLZ)7 0.9 5 1.0LOAD COMB 58 (0.9 DL- 1.0 WLZ)7 0.9 6 1.0PERFORM ANALYSISLOAD LIST 34 TO 58PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONLOAD LIST 9 TO 33START CONCRETE DESIGNCODE INDIANUNIT MMS NEWTONFC 20 ALLFYSEC 415 ALLMAXMAIN 25 ALLMAXSEC 12 ALLMINMAIN 12 ALLMINSEC 8 ALLCLEAR 40 ALLDESIGN COLUMN 16 17 19 TO 28 44 45 47 TO 56 72 TO 77 80 TO 82 93 TO 98 101 -102 TO 103 110 111 114 115 118 119 122 123 142 143 145 TO 154 170 171 173 -174 TO 182 198 TO 203 206 TO 208 219 TO 224 227 TO 229 234 235 238 239 242 -243 246 247 266 267 269 TO 278 294 295 297 TO 306 322 TO 327 330 TO 332 343 -344 TO 348 351 TO 353 358 359 362 363 366 367 370 371 390 391 393 TO 402 418 -419 421 TO 430 446 TO 451 454 TO 456 467 TO 472 475 TO 477 482 483 486 487 -490 491 494 495 514 515 517 TO 526 542 543 545 TO 554 570 TO 575 578 TO 580 -591 TO 596 599 TO 601 606 607 610 611 614 615 618 619 638 639 641 TO 650 -666 667 669 TO 678 694 TO 699 702 TO 704 715 TO 720 723 TO 725 730 731 734 -735 738 739 742 743CLEAR 25 ALLTORSION 1 ALLDESIGN BEAM 1 2 4 5 9 11 29 30 32 33 37 39 57 66 67 78 79 87 88 99 100 112 -113 116 117 120 127 128 130 131 133 135 137 155 156 158 159 161 163 165 183 -192 TO 195 204 205 213 TO 216 225 226 236 237 240 241 244 251 252 254 255 -257 259 261 279 280 282 283 285 287 289 307 316 TO 319 328 329 337 TO 340 -349 350 360 361 364 365 368 375 376 378 379 381 383 385 403 404 406 407 409 -411 413 431 440 TO 443 452 453 461 TO 464 473 474 484 485 488 489 492 499 -500 502 503 505 507 509 527 528 530 531 533 535 537 555 564 TO 567 576 577 -585 TO 588 597 598 608 609 612 613 616 623 624 626 627 629 631 633 651 652 -654 655 657 659 661 679 688 TO 691 700 701 709 TO 712 721 722 732 733 736 -737 740DESIGN BEAM 3 6 8 10 12 TO 15 18 31 34 36 38 40 TO 43 46 58 59 62 TO 65 70 -71 83 TO 86 91 92 104 105 108 109 125 126 129 132 134 136 138 TO 141 144 -157 160 162 164 166 TO 169 172 184 TO 191 196 197 209 TO 212 217 218 230 -


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231 TO 233 245 248 TO 250 253 256 258 260 262 TO 265 268 281 284 286 288 290 -291 TO 293 296 308 TO 315 320 321 333 TO 336 341 342 354 TO 357 369 -372 TO 374 377 380 382 384 386 TO 389 392 405 408 410 412 414 TO 417 420 -432 TO 439 444 445 457 TO 460 465 466 478 TO 481 493 496 TO 498 501 504 506 -508 510 TO 513 516 529 532 534 536 538 TO 541 544 556 TO 563 568 569 581 -582 TO 584 589 590 602 TO 605 617 620 TO 622 625 628 630 632 634 TO 637 640 -653 656 658 660 662 TO 665 668 680 TO 687 692 693 705 TO 708 713 714 726 -727 TO 729 741 744 TO 746*CHECK CODE ALLCONCRETE TAKEEND CONCRETE DESIGNFINISH


STAAD SPACESTART JOB INFORMATIONENGINEER DATE 26-Dec-08END JOB INFORMATIONINPUT WIDTH 79UNIT METER KNJOINT COORDINATES1 -0.28 0 10.74; 2 3.65 0 10.74; 3 7 0 10.74; 4 -0.28 0 5.49; 5 3.65 0 5.49;6 7 0 5.49; 7 -0.28 0 2.44; 8 3.65 0 2.44; 9 3.65 0 0; 10 -0.28 0 0; 11 7 0 0;12 7 0 2.44; 13 -0.28 -1.25 10.74; 14 -0.28 -1.25 5.49; 15 -0.28 -1.25 2.44;16 -0.28 -1.25 0; 17 3.65 -1.25 10.74; 18 3.65 -1.25 5.49; 19 3.65 -1.25 2.44;20 3.65 -1.25 0; 21 7 -1.25 10.74; 22 7 -1.25 5.49; 23 7 -1.25 2.44;24 7 -1.25 0; 25 9.5 0 10.74; 26 13.43 0 10.74; 27 16.78 0 10.74;28 9.5 0 5.49; 29 13.43 0 5.49; 30 16.78 0 5.49; 31 9.5 0 2.44;32 13.43 0 2.44; 33 13.43 0 0; 34 9.5 0 0; 35 16.78 0 0; 36 16.78 0 2.44;37 9.5 -1.25 10.74; 38 9.5 -1.25 5.49; 39 9.5 -1.25 2.44; 40 9.5 -1.25 0;41 13.43 -1.25 10.74; 42 13.43 -1.25 5.49; 43 13.43 -1.25 2.44;44 13.43 -1.25 0; 45 16.78 -1.25 10.74; 46 16.78 -1.25 5.49;47 16.78 -1.25 2.44; 48 16.78 -1.25 0; 49 16.78 0 -2.4; 50 -0.28 0 -2.4;51 7 0 -2.4; 52 9.5 0 -2.4; 53 7 0 -8; 54 7 0 -11.48; 55 7 0 -14.88;56 -0.28 0 -14.88; 57 -0.28 0 -11.48; 58 -0.28 0 -8; 59 3.33 0 -8;60 3.33 0 -11.48; 61 3.33 0 -14.88; 62 -0.28 -1.25 -11.48; 63 -0.28 -1.25 -8;64 3.33 -1.25 -11.48; 65 3.33 -1.25 -8; 66 7 -1.25 -8; 67 7 -1.25 -11.48;68 -0.28 -1.25 -14.88; 69 3.33 -1.25 -14.88; 70 7 -1.25 -14.88; 71 16.78 0 -8;72 16.78 0 -11.48; 73 16.78 0 -14.88; 74 9.5 0 -14.88; 75 9.5 0 -11.48;76 9.5 0 -8; 77 13.11 0 -8; 78 13.11 0 -11.48; 79 13.11 0 -14.88;80 9.5 -1.25 -11.48; 81 9.5 -1.25 -8; 82 13.11 -1.25 -11.48; 83 13.11 -1.25 -8;84 16.78 -1.25 -8; 85 16.78 -1.25 -11.48; 86 9.5 -1.25 -14.88;87 13.11 -1.25 -14.88; 88 16.78 -1.25 -14.88; 89 3.33 0 -2.4; 92 13.11 0 -2.4;


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93 -0.28 -1.25 -2.4; 94 7 -1.25 -2.4; 95 9.5 -1.25 -2.4; 96 16.78 -1.25 -2.4;97 3.33 -1.25 -2.4; 98 13.11 -1.25 -2.4; 99 3.33 0 -16.44;100 3.33 -1.25 -16.44; 101 13.11 0 -16.44; 102 13.11 -1.25 -16.44;103 -0.28 3.05 10.74; 104 3.65 3.05 10.74; 105 7 3.05 10.74;106 -0.28 3.05 5.49; 107 3.65 3.05 5.49; 108 7 3.05 5.49; 109 -0.28 3.05 2.44;110 3.65 3.05 2.44; 111 3.65 3.05 0; 112 -0.28 3.05 0; 113 7 3.05 0;114 7 3.05 2.44; 115 9.5 3.05 10.74; 116 13.43 3.05 10.74;117 16.78 3.05 10.74; 118 9.5 3.05 5.49; 119 13.43 3.05 5.49;120 16.78 3.05 5.49; 121 9.5 3.05 2.44; 122 13.43 3.05 2.44; 123 13.43 3.05 0;124 9.5 3.05 0; 125 16.78 3.05 0; 126 16.78 3.05 2.44; 127 16.78 3.05 -2.4;128 -0.28 3.05 -2.4; 129 7 3.05 -2.4; 130 9.5 3.05 -2.4; 131 7 3.05 -8;132 7 3.05 -11.48; 133 7 3.05 -14.88; 134 -0.28 3.05 -14.88;135 -0.28 3.05 -11.48; 136 -0.28 3.05 -8; 137 3.33 3.05 -8;138 3.33 3.05 -11.48; 139 3.33 3.05 -14.88; 140 16.78 3.05 -8;141 16.78 3.05 -11.48; 142 16.78 3.05 -14.88; 143 9.5 3.05 -14.88;144 9.5 3.05 -11.48; 145 9.5 3.05 -8; 146 13.11 3.05 -8; 147 13.11 3.05 -11.48;148 13.11 3.05 -14.88; 149 3.33 3.05 -2.4; 150 13.11 3.05 -2.4;151 3.33 3.05 -16.44; 152 13.11 3.05 -16.44; 153 -0.28 6.1 10.74;154 3.65 6.1 10.74; 155 7 6.1 10.74; 156 -0.28 6.1 5.49; 157 3.65 6.1 5.49;158 7 6.1 5.49; 159 -0.28 6.1 2.44; 160 3.65 6.1 2.44; 161 3.65 6.1 0;162 -0.28 6.1 0; 163 7 6.1 0; 164 7 6.1 2.44; 165 9.5 6.1 10.74;166 13.43 6.1 10.74; 167 16.78 6.1 10.74; 168 9.5 6.1 5.49; 169 13.43 6.1 5.49;170 16.78 6.1 5.49; 171 9.5 6.1 2.44; 172 13.43 6.1 2.44; 173 13.43 6.1 0;174 9.5 6.1 0; 175 16.78 6.1 0; 176 16.78 6.1 2.44; 177 16.78 6.1 -2.4;178 -0.28 6.1 -2.4; 179 7 6.1 -2.4; 180 9.5 6.1 -2.4; 181 7 6.1 -8;182 7 6.1 -11.48; 183 7 6.1 -14.88; 184 -0.28 6.1 -14.88; 185 -0.28 6.1 -11.48;186 -0.28 6.1 -8; 187 3.33 6.1 -8; 188 3.33 6.1 -11.48; 189 3.33 6.1 -14.88;190 16.78 6.1 -8; 191 16.78 6.1 -11.48; 192 16.78 6.1 -14.88;193 9.5 6.1 -14.88; 194 9.5 6.1 -11.48; 195 9.5 6.1 -8; 196 13.11 6.1 -8;197 13.11 6.1 -11.48; 198 13.11 6.1 -14.88; 199 3.33 6.1 -2.4;200 13.11 6.1 -2.4; 201 3.33 6.1 -16.44; 202 13.11 6.1 -16.44;203 -0.28 9.15 10.74; 204 3.65 9.15 10.74; 205 7 9.15 10.74;206 -0.28 9.15 5.49; 207 3.65 9.15 5.49; 208 7 9.15 5.49; 209 -0.28 9.15 2.44;210 3.65 9.15 2.44; 211 3.65 9.15 0; 212 -0.28 9.15 0; 213 7 9.15 0;214 7 9.15 2.44; 215 9.5 9.15 10.74; 216 13.43 9.15 10.74;217 16.78 9.15 10.74; 218 9.5 9.15 5.49; 219 13.43 9.15 5.49;220 16.78 9.15 5.49; 221 9.5 9.15 2.44; 222 13.43 9.15 2.44; 223 13.43 9.15 0;224 9.5 9.15 0; 225 16.78 9.15 0; 226 16.78 9.15 2.44; 227 16.78 9.15 -2.4;228 -0.28 9.15 -2.4; 229 7 9.15 -2.4; 230 9.5 9.15 -2.4; 231 7 9.15 -8;232 7 9.15 -11.48; 233 7 9.15 -14.88; 234 -0.28 9.15 -14.88;235 -0.28 9.15 -11.48; 236 -0.28 9.15 -8; 237 3.33 9.15 -8;238 3.33 9.15 -11.48; 239 3.33 9.15 -14.88; 240 16.78 9.15 -8;241 16.78 9.15 -11.48; 242 16.78 9.15 -14.88; 243 9.5 9.15 -14.88;244 9.5 9.15 -11.48; 245 9.5 9.15 -8; 246 13.11 9.15 -8; 247 13.11 9.15 -11.48;


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248 13.11 9.15 -14.88; 249 3.33 9.15 -2.4; 250 13.11 9.15 -2.4;251 3.33 9.15 -16.44; 252 13.11 9.15 -16.44; 253 -0.28 12.2 10.74;254 3.65 12.2 10.74; 255 7 12.2 10.74; 256 -0.28 12.2 5.49; 257 3.65 12.2 5.49;258 7 12.2 5.49; 259 -0.28 12.2 2.44; 260 3.65 12.2 2.44; 261 3.65 12.2 0;262 -0.28 12.2 0; 263 7 12.2 0; 264 7 12.2 2.44; 265 9.5 12.2 10.74;266 13.43 12.2 10.74; 267 16.78 12.2 10.74; 268 9.5 12.2 5.49;269 13.43 12.2 5.49; 270 16.78 12.2 5.49; 271 9.5 12.2 2.44;272 13.43 12.2 2.44; 273 13.43 12.2 0; 274 9.5 12.2 0; 275 16.78 12.2 0;276 16.78 12.2 2.44; 277 16.78 12.2 -2.4; 278 -0.28 12.2 -2.4; 279 7 12.2 -2.4;280 9.5 12.2 -2.4; 281 7 12.2 -8; 282 7 12.2 -11.48; 283 7 12.2 -14.88;284 -0.28 12.2 -14.88; 285 -0.28 12.2 -11.48; 286 -0.28 12.2 -8;287 3.33 12.2 -8; 288 3.33 12.2 -11.48; 289 3.33 12.2 -14.88;290 16.78 12.2 -8; 291 16.78 12.2 -11.48; 292 16.78 12.2 -14.88;293 9.5 12.2 -14.88; 294 9.5 12.2 -11.48; 295 9.5 12.2 -8; 296 13.11 12.2 -8;297 13.11 12.2 -11.48; 298 13.11 12.2 -14.88; 299 3.33 12.2 -2.4;300 13.11 12.2 -2.4; 301 3.33 12.2 -16.44; 302 13.11 12.2 -16.44;303 -0.28 15.25 10.74; 304 3.65 15.25 10.74; 305 7 15.25 10.74;306 -0.28 15.25 5.49; 307 3.65 15.25 5.49; 308 7 15.25 5.49;309 -0.28 15.25 2.44; 310 3.65 15.25 2.44; 311 3.65 15.25 0; 312 -0.28 15.25 0;313 7 15.25 0; 314 7 15.25 2.44; 315 9.5 15.25 10.74; 316 13.43 15.25 10.74;317 16.78 15.25 10.74; 318 9.5 15.25 5.49; 319 13.43 15.25 5.49;320 16.78 15.25 5.49; 321 9.5 15.25 2.44; 322 13.43 15.25 2.44;323 13.43 15.25 0; 324 9.5 15.25 0; 325 16.78 15.25 0; 326 16.78 15.25 2.44;327 16.78 15.25 -2.4; 328 -0.28 15.25 -2.4; 329 7 15.25 -2.4;330 9.5 15.25 -2.4; 331 7 15.25 -8; 332 7 15.25 -11.48; 333 7 15.25 -14.88;334 -0.28 15.25 -14.88; 335 -0.28 15.25 -11.48; 336 -0.28 15.25 -8;337 3.33 15.25 -8; 338 3.33 15.25 -11.48; 339 3.33 15.25 -14.88;340 16.78 15.25 -8; 341 16.78 15.25 -11.48; 342 16.78 15.25 -14.88;343 9.5 15.25 -14.88; 344 9.5 15.25 -11.48; 345 9.5 15.25 -8;346 13.11 15.25 -8; 347 13.11 15.25 -11.48; 348 13.11 15.25 -14.88;349 3.33 15.25 -2.4; 350 13.11 15.25 -2.4; 351 3.33 15.25 -16.44;352 13.11 15.25 -16.44;MEMBER INCIDENCES1 1 2; 2 3 2; 3 1 4; 4 4 5; 5 5 6; 6 4 7; 8 8 9; 9 10 9; 10 7 10; 11 9 11;12 6 12; 13 8 5; 14 2 5; 15 3 6; 16 1 13; 17 4 14; 18 12 11; 19 7 15; 20 10 16;21 2 17; 22 5 18; 23 8 19; 24 9 20; 25 3 21; 26 6 22; 27 12 23; 28 11 24;29 25 26; 30 27 26; 31 25 28; 32 28 29; 33 29 30; 34 28 31; 36 32 33; 37 34 33;38 31 34; 39 33 35; 40 30 36; 41 32 29; 42 26 29; 43 27 30; 44 25 37; 45 28 38;46 36 35; 47 31 39; 48 34 40; 49 26 41; 50 29 42; 51 32 43; 52 33 44; 53 27 45;54 30 46; 55 36 47; 56 35 48; 57 11 34; 58 49 35; 59 50 10; 62 53 54; 63 54 55;64 56 57; 65 58 57; 66 58 59; 67 59 53; 70 61 60; 71 60 59; 72 57 62; 73 58 63;74 60 64; 75 59 65; 76 66 53; 77 54 67; 78 55 61; 79 61 56; 80 56 68; 81 61 69;82 55 70; 83 71 72; 84 72 73; 85 74 75; 86 76 75; 87 76 77; 88 77 71; 91 79 78;92 78 77; 93 75 80; 94 76 81; 95 78 82; 96 77 83; 97 84 71; 98 72 85; 99 73 79;


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100 79 74; 101 74 86; 102 79 87; 103 73 88; 104 50 58; 105 89 59; 108 92 77;109 49 71; 110 50 93; 111 51 94; 112 50 89; 113 89 51; 114 52 95; 115 49 96;116 52 92; 117 92 49; 118 89 97; 119 92 98; 120 51 52; 122 99 100; 123 101 102;125 51 53; 126 52 76; 127 103 104; 128 105 104; 129 103 106; 130 106 107;131 107 108; 132 106 109; 133 109 110; 134 110 111; 135 112 111; 136 109 112;137 111 113; 138 108 114; 139 110 107; 140 104 107; 141 105 108; 142 103 1;143 106 4; 144 114 113; 145 109 7; 146 112 10; 147 104 2; 148 107 5; 149 110 8;150 111 9; 151 105 3; 152 108 6; 153 114 12; 154 113 11; 155 115 116;156 117 116; 157 115 118; 158 118 119; 159 119 120; 160 118 121; 161 121 122;162 122 123; 163 124 123; 164 121 124; 165 123 125; 166 120 126; 167 122 119;168 116 119; 169 117 120; 170 115 25; 171 118 28; 172 126 125; 173 121 31;174 124 34; 175 116 26; 176 119 29; 177 122 32; 178 123 33; 179 117 27;180 120 30; 181 126 36; 182 125 35; 183 113 124; 184 127 125; 185 128 112;186 113 129; 187 124 130; 188 131 132; 189 132 133; 190 134 135; 191 136 135;192 136 137; 193 137 131; 194 132 138; 195 138 135; 196 139 138; 197 138 137;198 135 57; 199 136 58; 200 138 60; 201 137 59; 202 53 131; 203 132 54;204 133 139; 205 139 134; 206 134 56; 207 139 61; 208 133 55; 209 140 141;210 141 142; 211 143 144; 212 145 144; 213 145 146; 214 146 140; 215 141 147;216 147 144; 217 148 147; 218 147 146; 219 144 75; 220 145 76; 221 147 78;222 146 77; 223 71 140; 224 141 72; 225 142 148; 226 148 143; 227 143 74;228 148 79; 229 142 73; 230 128 136; 231 149 137; 232 150 146; 233 127 140;234 128 50; 235 129 51; 236 128 149; 237 149 129; 238 130 52; 239 127 49;240 130 150; 241 150 127; 242 149 89; 243 150 92; 244 129 130; 245 139 151;246 151 99; 247 152 101; 248 148 152; 249 129 131; 250 130 145; 251 153 154;252 155 154; 253 153 156; 254 156 157; 255 157 158; 256 156 159; 257 159 160;258 160 161; 259 162 161; 260 159 162; 261 161 163; 262 158 164; 263 160 157;264 154 157; 265 155 158; 266 153 103; 267 156 106; 268 164 163; 269 159 109;270 162 112; 271 154 104; 272 157 107; 273 160 110; 274 161 111; 275 155 105;276 158 108; 277 164 114; 278 163 113; 279 165 166; 280 167 166; 281 165 168;282 168 169; 283 169 170; 284 168 171; 285 171 172; 286 172 173; 287 174 173;288 171 174; 289 173 175; 290 170 176; 291 172 169; 292 166 169; 293 167 170;294 165 115; 295 168 118; 296 176 175; 297 171 121; 298 174 124; 299 166 116;300 169 119; 301 172 122; 302 173 123; 303 167 117; 304 170 120; 305 176 126;306 175 125; 307 163 174; 308 177 175; 309 178 162; 310 163 179; 311 174 180;312 181 182; 313 182 183; 314 184 185; 315 186 185; 316 186 187; 317 187 181;318 182 188; 319 188 185; 320 189 188; 321 188 187; 322 185 135; 323 186 136;324 188 138; 325 187 137; 326 131 181; 327 182 132; 328 183 189; 329 189 184;330 184 134; 331 189 139; 332 183 133; 333 190 191; 334 191 192; 335 193 194;336 195 194; 337 195 196; 338 196 190; 339 191 197; 340 197 194; 341 198 197;342 197 196; 343 194 144; 344 195 145; 345 197 147; 346 196 146; 347 140 190;348 191 141; 349 192 198; 350 198 193; 351 193 143; 352 198 148; 353 192 142;354 178 186; 355 199 187; 356 200 196; 357 177 190; 358 178 128; 359 179 129;360 178 199; 361 199 179; 362 180 130; 363 177 127; 364 180 200; 365 200 177;366 199 149; 367 200 150; 368 179 180; 369 189 201; 370 201 151; 371 202 152;


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372 198 202; 373 179 181; 374 180 195; 375 203 204; 376 205 204; 377 203 206;378 206 207; 379 207 208; 380 206 209; 381 209 210; 382 210 211; 383 212 211;384 209 212; 385 211 213; 386 208 214; 387 210 207; 388 204 207; 389 205 208;390 203 153; 391 206 156; 392 214 213; 393 209 159; 394 212 162; 395 204 154;396 207 157; 397 210 160; 398 211 161; 399 205 155; 400 208 158; 401 214 164;402 213 163; 403 215 216; 404 217 216; 405 215 218; 406 218 219; 407 219 220;408 218 221; 409 221 222; 410 222 223; 411 224 223; 412 221 224; 413 223 225;414 220 226; 415 222 219; 416 216 219; 417 217 220; 418 215 165; 419 218 168;420 226 225; 421 221 171; 422 224 174; 423 216 166; 424 219 169; 425 222 172;426 223 173; 427 217 167; 428 220 170; 429 226 176; 430 225 175; 431 213 224;432 227 225; 433 228 212; 434 213 229; 435 224 230; 436 231 232; 437 232 233;438 234 235; 439 236 235; 440 236 237; 441 237 231; 442 232 238; 443 238 235;444 239 238; 445 238 237; 446 235 185; 447 236 186; 448 238 188; 449 237 187;450 181 231; 451 232 182; 452 233 239; 453 239 234; 454 234 184; 455 239 189;456 233 183; 457 240 241; 458 241 242; 459 243 244; 460 245 244; 461 245 246;462 246 240; 463 241 247; 464 247 244; 465 248 247; 466 247 246; 467 244 194;468 245 195; 469 247 197; 470 246 196; 471 190 240; 472 241 191; 473 242 248;474 248 243; 475 243 193; 476 248 198; 477 242 192; 478 228 236; 479 249 237;480 250 246; 481 227 240; 482 228 178; 483 229 179; 484 228 249; 485 249 229;486 230 180; 487 227 177; 488 230 250; 489 250 227; 490 249 199; 491 250 200;492 229 230; 493 239 251; 494 251 201; 495 252 202; 496 248 252; 497 229 231;498 230 245; 499 253 254; 500 255 254; 501 253 256; 502 256 257; 503 257 258;504 256 259; 505 259 260; 506 260 261; 507 262 261; 508 259 262; 509 261 263;510 258 264; 511 260 257; 512 254 257; 513 255 258; 514 253 203; 515 256 206;516 264 263; 517 259 209; 518 262 212; 519 254 204; 520 257 207; 521 260 210;522 261 211; 523 255 205; 524 258 208; 525 264 214; 526 263 213; 527 265 266;528 267 266; 529 265 268; 530 268 269; 531 269 270; 532 268 271; 533 271 272;534 272 273; 535 274 273; 536 271 274; 537 273 275; 538 270 276; 539 272 269;540 266 269; 541 267 270; 542 265 215; 543 268 218; 544 276 275; 545 271 221;546 274 224; 547 266 216; 548 269 219; 549 272 222; 550 273 223; 551 267 217;552 270 220; 553 276 226; 554 275 225; 555 263 274; 556 277 275; 557 278 262;558 263 279; 559 274 280; 560 281 282; 561 282 283; 562 284 285; 563 286 285;564 286 287; 565 287 281; 566 282 288; 567 288 285; 568 289 288; 569 288 287;570 285 235; 571 286 236; 572 288 238; 573 287 237; 574 231 281; 575 282 232;576 283 289; 577 289 284; 578 284 234; 579 289 239; 580 283 233; 581 290 291;582 291 292; 583 293 294; 584 295 294; 585 295 296; 586 296 290; 587 291 297;588 297 294; 589 298 297; 590 297 296; 591 294 244; 592 295 245; 593 297 247;594 296 246; 595 240 290; 596 291 241; 597 292 298; 598 298 293; 599 293 243;600 298 248; 601 292 242; 602 278 286; 603 299 287; 604 300 296; 605 277 290;606 278 228; 607 279 229; 608 278 299; 609 299 279; 610 280 230; 611 277 227;612 280 300; 613 300 277; 614 299 249; 615 300 250; 616 279 280; 617 289 301;618 301 251; 619 302 252; 620 298 302; 621 279 281; 622 280 295; 623 303 304;624 305 304; 625 303 306; 626 306 307; 627 307 308; 628 306 309; 629 309 310;630 310 311; 631 312 311; 632 309 312; 633 311 313; 634 308 314; 635 310 307;


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636 304 307; 637 305 308; 638 303 253; 639 306 256; 640 314 313; 641 309 259;642 312 262; 643 304 254; 644 307 257; 645 310 260; 646 311 261; 647 305 255;648 308 258; 649 314 264; 650 313 263; 651 315 316; 652 317 316; 653 315 318;654 318 319; 655 319 320; 656 318 321; 657 321 322; 658 322 323; 659 324 323;660 321 324; 661 323 325; 662 320 326; 663 322 319; 664 316 319; 665 317 320;666 315 265; 667 318 268; 668 326 325; 669 321 271; 670 324 274; 671 316 266;672 319 269; 673 322 272; 674 323 273; 675 317 267; 676 320 270; 677 326 276;678 325 275; 679 313 324; 680 327 325; 681 328 312; 682 313 329; 683 324 330;684 331 332; 685 332 333; 686 334 335; 687 336 335; 688 336 337; 689 337 331;690 332 338; 691 338 335; 692 339 338; 693 338 337; 694 335 285; 695 336 286;696 338 288; 697 337 287; 698 281 331; 699 332 282; 700 333 339; 701 339 334;702 334 284; 703 339 289; 704 333 283; 705 340 341; 706 341 342; 707 343 344;708 345 344; 709 345 346; 710 346 340; 711 341 347; 712 347 344; 713 348 347;714 347 346; 715 344 294; 716 345 295; 717 347 297; 718 346 296; 719 290 340;720 341 291; 721 342 348; 722 348 343; 723 343 293; 724 348 298; 725 342 292;726 328 336; 727 349 337; 728 350 346; 729 327 340; 730 328 278; 731 329 279;732 328 349; 733 349 329; 734 330 280; 735 327 277; 736 330 350; 737 350 327;738 349 299; 739 350 300; 740 329 330; 741 339 351; 742 351 301; 743 352 302;744 348 352; 745 329 331; 746 330 345;DEFINE MATERIAL STARTISOTROPIC CONCRETEE 2.17185e+007POISSON 0.17DENSITY 23.5616ALPHA 1e-005 END DEFINE MATERIAL MEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN16 17 19 TO 28 44 45 47 TO 56 72 TO 77 80 TO 82 93 TO 98 101 TO 103 110 111 -114 115 118 119 142 143 145 TO 154 170 171 173 TO 182 198 TO 203 206 TO 208 -219 TO 224 227 TO 229 234 235 238 239 242 243 266 267 269 TO 278 294 295 -297 TO 306 322 TO 327 330 TO 332 343 TO 348 351 TO 353 358 359 362 363 366 -367 390 391 393 TO 402 418 419 421 TO 430 446 TO 451 454 TO 456 467 TO 472 -475 TO 477 482 483 486 487 490 491 514 515 517 TO 526 542 543 545 TO 554 -570 TO 575 578 TO 580 591 TO 596 599 TO 601 606 607 610 611 614 615 638 639 -641 TO 650 666 667 669 TO 678 694 TO 699 702 TO 704 715 TO 720 723 TO 725 -730 731 734 735 738 739 PRIS YD 0.23 ZD 0.6122 123 246 247 370 371 494 495 618 619 742 743 PRIS YD 0.23 ZD 0.45MEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN127 TO 141 144 155 TO 169 172 183 TO 197 204 205 209 TO 218 225 226 -230 TO 233 236 237 240 241 244 245 248 TO 265 268 279 TO 293 296 307 TO 321 -328 329 333 TO 342 349 350 354 TO 357 360 361 364 365 368 369 372 TO 389 -392 403 TO 417 420 431 TO 445 452 453 457 TO 466 473 474 478 TO 481 484 485 -488 489 492 493 496 TO 513 516 527 TO 541 544 555 TO 569 576 577 581 TO 590 -597 598 602 TO 605 608 609 612 613 616 617 620 TO 637 640 651 TO 665 668 -


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679 TO 693 700 701 705 TO 714 721 722 726 TO 729 732 733 736 737 740 741 -744 TO 746 PRIS YD 0.56 ZD 0.23UNIT MMS NEWTONMEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN1 TO 6 8 TO 15 18 29 TO 34 36 TO 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 67 70 71 78 79 -83 TO 88 91 92 99 100 104 105 108 109 112 113 116 117 120 125 -126 PRIS YD 300 ZD 230UNIT METER KNCONSTANTSBETA 90 MEMB 22 50 74 75 81 95 96 102 122 123 148 176 200 201 207 221 222 -228 246 247 272 300 324 325 331 345 346 352 370 371 396 424 448 449 455 469 -470 476 494 495 520 548 572 573 579 593 594 600 618 619 644 672 696 697 703 -717 718 724 742 743MATERIAL CONCRETE MEMB 1 TO 6 8 TO 34 36 TO 59 62 TO 67 70 TO 88 91 TO 105 -108 TO 120 122 123 125 TO 746SUPPORTS13 TO 24 37 TO 48 62 TO 70 80 TO 88 93 TO 98 100 102 FIXED*SEISMIC WEIGHTS CUT OFF MODE SHAPE 10 DEFINE WIND LOADTYPE 1INT 0 0 HEIG 10 15LOAD 1 SEISMIC LOADINGSELFWEIGHT X 1.0


MEMBER LOAD*external walls= 0.23*(3.05-0.3)*19 = 12.0181 TO 3 6 10 12 15 18 29 TO 31 34 38 40 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 65 78 79 -83 TO 86 99 100 104 109 120 125 TO 129 132 136 138 141 144 155 TO 157 160 -164 166 169 172 183 TO 185 188 TO 191 204 205 209 TO 212 225 226 230 233 -244 249 TO 253 256 260 262 265 268 279 TO 281 284 288 290 293 296 -307 TO 309 312 TO 315 328 329 333 TO 336 349 350 354 357 368 373 TO 377 380 -384 386 389 392 403 TO 405 408 412 414 417 420 431 TO 433 436 TO 439 452 -453 457 TO 460 473 474 478 481 492 497 TO 501 504 508 510 513 516 -527 TO 529 532 536 538 541 544 555 TO 557 560 TO 563 576 577 581 TO 584 597 -598 602 605 616 621 622 UNI GY 12.018*internal walls= 0.115*(3.05-0.3)*14 = 6.009 4 5 8 9 11 13 14 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 66 67 70 71 87 88 91 92 105 108 112 -113 116 117 130 131 133 TO 135 137 139 140 158 159 161 TO 163 165 167 168 -186 187 192 TO 194 196 197 213 TO 215 217 218 231 232 236 237 240 241 254 -255 257 TO 259 261 263 264 282 283 285 TO 287 289 291 292 310 311 -


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316 TO 318 320 321 337 TO 339 341 342 355 356 360 361 364 365 378 379 381 -382 TO 383 385 387 388 406 407 409 TO 411 413 415 416 434 435 440 TO 442 444 -445 461 TO 463 465 466 479 480 484 485 488 489 502 503 505 TO 507 509 511 -512 530 531 533 TO 535 537 539 540 558 559 564 TO 566 568 569 585 TO 587 -589 590 603 604 608 609 612 613 UNI GY 6.009* cantilever load 4.375*(length)1.56 = 6.82578 79 99 100 204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 -700 701 721 722 UNI GY 6.825*FLOOR WEIGHT*YRANGE 0 15 fLOAD 4.375*parapet wall=(thickness)0.23*(ht)0.75*19 = 3.2775623 TO 625 628 632 634 637 640 651 TO 653 656 660 662 665 668 679 TO 681 684 -685 TO 687 700 701 705 TO 708 721 722 726 729 740 745 746 UNI GY 3.2775MEMBER LOAD1 TO 3 6 10 12 15 18 29 TO 31 34 38 40 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 65 78 79 -83 TO 86 99 100 104 109 120 125 TO 129 132 136 138 141 144 155 TO 157 160 -164 166 169 172 183 TO 185 188 TO 191 204 205 209 TO 212 225 226 230 233 -244 249 TO 253 256 260 262 265 268 279 TO 281 284 288 290 293 296 -307 TO 309 312 TO 315 328 329 333 TO 336 349 350 354 357 368 373 TO 377 380 -384 386 389 392 403 TO 405 408 412 414 417 420 431 TO 433 436 TO 439 452 -453 457 TO 460 473 474 478 481 492 497 TO 501 504 508 510 513 516 -527 TO 529 532 536 538 541 544 555 TO 557 560 TO 563 576 577 581 TO 584 597 -598 602 605 616 621 622 UNI GY 12.0184 5 8 9 11 13 14 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 66 67 70 71 87 88 91 92 105 108 112 -113 116 117 130 131 133 TO 135 137 139 140 158 159 161 TO 163 165 167 168 -186 187 192 TO 194 196 197 213 TO 215 217 218 231 232 236 237 240 241 254 -255 257 TO 259 261 263 264 282 283 285 TO 287 289 291 292 310 311 -316 TO 318 320 321 337 TO 339 341 342 355 356 360 361 364 365 378 379 381 -382 TO 383 385 387 388 406 407 409 TO 411 413 415 416 434 435 440 TO 442 444 -445 461 TO 463 465 466 479 480 484 485 488 489 502 503 505 TO 507 509 511 -512 530 531 533 TO 535 537 539 540 558 559 564 TO 566 568 569 585 TO 587 -589 590 603 604 608 609 612 613 UNI GY 6.009*CANTILEVERMEMBER LOAD78 79 99 100 204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 -700 701 721 722 UNI GY 6.825*FLOOR LOADFLOOR LOADYRANGE 0 15 FLOAD 4.375 GY*PARAPET WALLMEMBER LOAD623 TO 625 628 632 634 637 640 651 TO 653 656 660 662 665 668 679 TO 681 684 -685 TO 687 700 701 705 TO 708 721 722 726 729 740 745 746 UNI GY 3.2775SPECTRUM SRSS X 1.0 ACC DAMP 0.05 SCALE 32.2


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0.25 2.5; 0.5 2; 0.75 1.3; 1.00 1.0; 1.25 0.8; 1.5 0.7; 2.00 0.6; 2.25 0.45;

2.5 0.4; 2.75 0.4; 3.00 0.35; 3.25 0.3; 3.5 0.3; 3.75 0.25; 4.00 0.25



MEMBER LOAD1 TO 3 6 10 12 15 18 29 TO 31 34 38 40 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 65 78 79 -83 TO 86 99 100 104 109 120 125 TO 129 132 136 138 141 144 155 TO 157 160 -164 166 169 172 183 TO 185 188 TO 191 204 205 209 TO 212 225 226 230 233 -244 249 TO 253 256 260 262 265 268 279 TO 281 284 288 290 293 296 -307 TO 309 312 TO 315 328 329 333 TO 336 349 350 354 357 368 373 TO 377 380 -384 386 389 392 403 TO 405 408 412 414 417 420 431 TO 433 436 TO 439 452 -453 457 TO 460 473 474 478 481 492 497 TO 501 504 508 510 513 516 -527 TO 529 532 536 538 541 544 555 TO 557 560 TO 563 576 577 581 TO 584 597 -598 602 605 616 621 622 UNI GY 12.0184 5 8 9 11 13 14 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 66 67 70 71 87 88 91 92 105 108 112 -113 116 117 130 131 133 TO 135 137 139 140 158 159 161 TO 163 165 167 168 -186 187 192 TO 194 196 197 213 TO 215 217 218 231 232 236 237 240 241 254 -255 257 TO 259 261 263 264 282 283 285 TO 287 289 291 292 310 311 -316 TO 318 320 321 337 TO 339 341 342 355 356 360 361 364 365 378 379 381 -382 TO 383 385 387 388 406 407 409 TO 411 413 415 416 434 435 440 TO 442 444 -445 461 TO 463 465 466 479 480 484 485 488 489 502 503 505 TO 507 509 511 -512 530 531 533 TO 535 537 539 540 558 559 564 TO 566 568 569 585 TO 587 -589 590 603 604 608 609 612 613 UNI GY 6.009*CANTILEVERMEMBER LOAD78 79 99 100 204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 -700 701 721 722 UNI GY 6.825*FLOOR LOADFLOOR LOADYRANGE 0 15 FLOAD 4.375 GY*PARAPET WALLMEMBER LOAD623 TO 625 628 632 634 637 640 651 TO 653 656 660 662 665 668 679 TO 681 684 -685 TO 687 700 701 705 TO 708 721 722 726 729 740 745 746 UNI GY 3.2775SPECTRUM SRSS Z 1.0 ACC DAMP 0.05 SCALE 32.2

0.25 2.5; 0.5 2; 0.75 1.3; 1.00 1.0; 1.25 0.8; 1.5 0.7; 2.00 0.6; 2.25 0.45;


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2.5 0.4; 2.75 0.4; 3.00 0.35; 3.25 0.3; 3.5 0.3; 3.75 0.25; 4.00 0.25 LOAD 3 WL IN X DIRECTIONWIND LOAD X 1 TYPE 1LOAD 4 WL IN - X DIRECTIONWIND LOAD X -1 TYPE 1LOAD 5 WL IN Z DIRECTIONWIND LOAD Z 1 TYPE 1LOAD 6 WL IN - Z DIRECTIONWIND LOAD Z -1 TYPE 1*DEAD LOADLOAD 7 DLSELFWEIGHT Y -1*WALL LOADMEMBER LOAD1 TO 3 6 10 12 15 18 29 TO 31 34 38 40 43 46 57 TO 59 62 TO 65 78 79 -83 TO 86 99 100 104 109 120 125 TO 129 132 136 138 141 144 155 TO 157 160 -164 166 169 172 183 TO 185 188 TO 191 204 205 209 TO 212 225 226 230 233 -244 249 TO 253 256 260 262 265 268 279 TO 281 284 288 290 293 296 -307 TO 309 312 TO 315 328 329 333 TO 336 349 350 354 357 368 373 TO 377 380 -384 386 389 392 403 TO 405 408 412 414 417 420 431 TO 433 436 TO 439 452 -453 457 TO 460 473 474 478 481 492 497 TO 501 504 508 510 513 516 -527 TO 529 532 536 538 541 544 555 TO 557 560 TO 563 576 577 581 TO 584 597 -598 602 605 616 621 622 UNI GY -12.0184 5 8 9 11 13 14 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 66 67 70 71 87 88 91 92 105 108 112 -113 116 117 130 131 133 TO 135 137 139 140 158 159 161 TO 163 165 167 168 -186 187 192 TO 194 196 197 213 TO 215 217 218 231 232 236 237 240 241 254 -255 257 TO 259 261 263 264 282 283 285 TO 287 289 291 292 310 311 -316 TO 318 320 321 337 TO 339 341 342 355 356 360 361 364 365 378 379 381 -382 TO 383 385 387 388 406 407 409 TO 411 413 415 416 434 435 440 TO 442 444 -445 461 TO 463 465 466 479 480 484 485 488 489 502 503 505 TO 507 509 511 -512 530 531 533 TO 535 537 539 540 558 559 564 TO 566 568 569 585 TO 587 -589 590 603 604 608 609 612 613 UNI GY -6.009*CANTILEVERMEMBER LOAD78 79 99 100 204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 -700 701 721 722 UNI GY -6.825*FLOOR LOADFLOOR LOADYRANGE 0 15 FLOAD -4.375 GY*PARAPET WALLMEMBER LOAD


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623 TO 625 628 632 634 637 640 651 TO 653 656 660 662 665 668 679 TO 681 684 -685 TO 687 700 701 705 TO 708 721 722 726 729 740 745 746 UNI GY -3.2775*LIVE LOADLOAD 8 LLFLOOR LOADYRANGE 0 12.3 FLOAD -2 GYYRANGE 12.3 15.6 FLOAD -1.5 GY*floor loadMEMBER LOAD132 136 160 164 256 260 284 288 380 384 408 412 504 508 532 536 628 632 656 -660 UNI GY -5.75188 TO 191 209 TO 212 230 233 249 250 312 TO 315 333 TO 336 354 357 373 374 -436 TO 439 457 TO 460 478 481 497 498 560 TO 563 581 TO 584 602 605 621 622 -684 TO 687 705 TO 708 726 729 745 746 UNI GY -7.6204 205 225 226 328 329 349 350 452 453 473 474 576 577 597 598 700 701 721 -722 UNI GY -7.4192 TO 195 213 TO 216 316 TO 319 337 TO 340 440 TO 443 461 TO 464 564 TO 567 -585 TO 588 688 TO 691 709 TO 712 UNI GY -15236 237 240 241 360 361 364 365 484 485 488 489 608 609 612 613 732 733 736 -737 UNI GY -13135 137 163 165 259 261 287 289 383 385 411 413 507 509 535 537 631 633 659 -661 UNI GY -11130 131 158 159 254 255 282 283 378 379 406 407 502 503 530 531 626 627 654 -655 UNI GY -14.9183 TO 187 244 307 TO 311 368 431 TO 435 492 555 TO 559 616 679 TO 683 -740 UNI GY -5.25127 129 138 141 144 155 157 166 169 172 251 253 262 265 268 279 281 290 293 -296 375 377 386 389 392 403 405 414 417 420 499 501 510 513 516 527 529 538 -541 544 623 625 634 637 640 651 653 662 665 668 UNI GY -7.328127 129 155 157 251 253 279 281 375 377 403 405 499 501 527 529 623 625 651 -653 UNI GY -8.5133 161 257 285 381 409 505 533 629 657 UNI GY -6

UNIT METER KNLOAD COMB 9 1.5(DL+LL)7 1.5 8 1.5LOAD COMB 10 1.5(DL+ELX)7 1.5 1 1.5LOAD COMB 11 1.5(DL-ELX)7 1.5 1 1.5*LOAD COMB 12 1.5(DL+ELZ)*7 1.5*LOAD COMB 13 1.5(DL-ELZ)


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*7 1.5LOAD COMB 14 1.5(DL+WLX)7 1.5 3 1.5LOAD COMB 15 1.5(DL-WLX)7 1.5 4 1.5LOAD COMB 16 1.5(DL+WLZ)7 1.5 5 1.5LOAD COMB 17 1.5(DL-WLZ)7 1.5 6 1.5LOAD COMB 18 1.2(DL+LL+ELX)7 1.2 8 1.2 1 1.2LOAD COMB 19 1.2(DL+LL-ELX)7 1.2 8 1.2 1 1.2*LOAD COMB 20 1.2(DL+LL+ELZ)*7 1.2 8 1.2*LOAD COMB 21 1.2(DL+LL-ELZ)*7 1.2 8 1.2LOAD COMB 22 1.2(DL+LL+WLX)7 1.2 8 1.2 3 1.2LOAD COMB 23 1.2(DL+LL-WLX)7 1.2 8 1.2 4 1.2LOAD COMB 24 1.2(DL+LL+WLZ)7 1.2 8 1.2 5 1.2LOAD COMB 25 1.2(DL+LL-WLZ)7 1.2 8 1.2 6 1.2LOAD COMB 26 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 ELX)7 0.9 1 1.5LOAD COMB 27 (0.9 DL- 1.5 LLX)7 0.9 1 1.5*LOAD COMB 28 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 ELZ)*7 0.9*LOAD COMB 29 (0.9 DL- 1.5 ELZ)*7 0.9LOAD COMB 30 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 WLX)7 0.9 3 1.5LOAD COMB 31 (0.9 DL- 1.5 WLX)7 0.9 4 1.5LOAD COMB 32 (0.9 DL+ 1.5 WLZ)7 0.9 5 1.5LOAD COMB 33 (0.9 DL- 1.5 WLZ)7 0.9 6 1.5LOAD COMB 34 1.0(DL+LL)7 1.0 8 1.0LOAD COMB 35 1.0(DL+ELX)


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7 1.0 1 1.0LOAD COMB 36 1.0(DL-ELX)7 1.0 1 1.0*LOAD COMB 37 1.0(DL+ELZ)*7 1.0*LOAD COMB 38 1.0(DL-ELZ)*7 1.0LOAD COMB 39 1.0(DL+WLX)7 1.0 3 1.0LOAD COMB 40 1.0(DL-WLX)7 1.0 4 1.0LOAD COMB 41 1.0(DL+WLZ)7 1.0 5 1.0LOAD COMB 42 1.0(DL-WLZ)7 1.0 6 1.0LOAD COMB 43 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 ELX)7 1.0 8 0.8 1 0.8LOAD COMB 44 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 ELX)7 1.0 8 0.8 1 0.8*LOAD COMB 45 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 ELZ)*7 1.0 8 0.8*LOAD COMB 46 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 ELZ)*7 1.0 8 0.8LOAD COMB 47 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 WLX)7 1.0 8 0.8 3 0.8LOAD COMB 48 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 WLX)7 1.0 8 0.8 4 0.8LOAD COMB 49 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL+ 0.8 WLZ)7 1.0 8 0.8 5 0.8LOAD COMB 50 (1.0 DL+ 0.8 LL- 0.8 WLZ)7 1.0 8 0.8 6 0.8LOAD COMB 51 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 ELX)7 0.9 1 1.0LOAD COMB 52 (0.9 DL- 1.0 LLX)7 0.9*LOAD COMB 53 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 ELZ)*7 0.9*LOAD COMB 54 (0.9 DL- 1.0 ELZ)*7 0.9LOAD COMB 55 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 WLX)7 0.9 3 1.0LOAD COMB 56 (0.9 DL- 1.0 WLX)7 0.9 4 1.0LOAD COMB 57 (0.9 DL+ 1.0 WLZ)


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7 0.9 5 1.0LOAD COMB 58 (0.9 DL- 1.0 WLZ)7 0.9 6 1.0PERFORM ANALYSISLOAD LIST 34 TO 36 39 TO 44 47 TO 52PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONLOAD LIST 9 TO 11 14 TO 19 22 TO 27 30 TO 33PERFORM ANALYSIS PRINT ALLSTART CONCRETE DESIGNCODE INDIANUNIT MMS NEWTONFC 20 ALLFYSEC 415 ALLMAXMAIN 25 ALLMAXSEC 12 ALLMINMAIN 12 ALLMINSEC 8 ALLCLEAR 40 ALLDESIGN COLUMN 16 17 19 TO 28 44 45 47 TO 56 72 TO 77 80 TO 82 93 TO 98 101 -102 TO 103 110 111 114 115 118 119 122 123 142 143 145 TO 154 170 171 173 -174 TO 182 198 TO 203 206 TO 208 219 TO 224 227 TO 229 234 235 238 239 242 -243 246 247 266 267 269 TO 278 294 295 297 TO 306 322 TO 327 330 TO 332 343 -344 TO 348 351 TO 353 358 359 362 363 366 367 370 371 390 391 393 TO 402 418 -419 421 TO 430 446 TO 451 454 TO 456 467 TO 472 475 TO 477 482 483 486 487 -490 491 494 495 514 515 517 TO 526 542 543 545 TO 554 570 TO 575 578 TO 580 -591 TO 596 599 TO 601 606 607 610 611 614 615 618 619 638 639 641 TO 650 -666 667 669 TO 678 694 TO 699 702 TO 704 715 TO 720 723 TO 725 730 731 734 -735 738 739 742 743CLEAR 25 ALLTORSION 1 ALLDESIGN BEAM 1 2 4 5 9 11 29 30 32 33 37 39 57 66 67 78 79 87 88 99 100 112 -113 116 117 120 127 128 130 131 133 135 137 155 156 158 159 161 163 165 183 -192 TO 195 204 205 213 TO 216 225 226 236 237 240 241 244 251 252 254 255 -257 259 261 279 280 282 283 285 287 289 307 316 TO 319 328 329 337 TO 340 -349 350 360 361 364 365 368 375 376 378 379 381 383 385 403 404 406 407 409 -411 413 431 440 TO 443 452 453 461 TO 464 473 474 484 485 488 489 492 499 -500 502 503 505 507 509 527 528 530 531 533 535 537 555 564 TO 567 576 577 -585 TO 588 597 598 608 609 612 613 616 623 624 626 627 629 631 633 651 652 -654 655 657 659 661 679 688 TO 691 700 701 709 TO 712 721 722 732 733 736 -737 740DESIGN BEAM 3 6 8 10 12 TO 15 18 31 34 36 38 40 TO 43 46 58 59 62 TO 65 70 -71 83 TO 86 91 92 104 105 108 109 125 126 129 132 134 136 138 TO 141 144 -157 160 162 164 166 TO 169 172 184 TO 191 196 197 209 TO 212 217 218 230 -


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231 TO 233 245 248 TO 250 253 256 258 260 262 TO 265 268 281 284 286 288 290 -291 TO 293 296 308 TO 315 320 321 333 TO 336 341 342 354 TO 357 369 -372 TO 374 377 380 382 384 386 TO 389 392 405 408 410 412 414 TO 417 420 -432 TO 439 444 445 457 TO 460 465 466 478 TO 481 493 496 TO 498 501 504 506 -508 510 TO 513 516 529 532 534 536 538 TO 541 544 556 TO 563 568 569 581 -582 TO 584 589 590 602 TO 605 617 620 TO 622 625 628 630 632 634 TO 637 640 -653 656 658 660 662 TO 665 668 680 TO 687 692 693 705 TO 708 713 714 726 -727 TO 729 741 744 TO 746*CHECK CODE ALLCONCRETE TAKEEND CONCRETE DESIGNFINISH


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Different types of Analysis can be employed for multiple design assessments. In the present theses, the analysis of the 5-storey building is done taking the seismic forces into considerations, using Static equivalent method and Response spectrum method. According to IS: 1893 2002, the analysis results are compared and it is found that Response spectrum method gives more conservative values for the design parameters, like bending moments, stresses, thus leading to more economic design. The reason for this is, the Dynamic analysis is done using accelerations-response spectrum than equivalizing the dynamic forces into static forces.

The approximate economy achieved using Response spectrum method over equivalent seismic method is 70 % in concrete quantity & 72 % in steel quantity.

The design of structural members (foundations, columns, beams, slabs) is done according to IS: 456 200


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