analysing different existing recipe cards

Analyzing Different types of Vegetarian Recipe Websites (Task 3) By Sanem Koyupinar and Catherine Giggal

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Page 1: Analysing different existing recipe cards

Analyzing Different types of Vegetarian Recipe Websites(Task 3)

By Sanem Koyupinar and Catherine Giggal

Page 2: Analysing different existing recipe cards

Vegetarian Society - RecipePros: Several symbols are included which inform the consumer of what is featured within this recipe e.g. Dairy Free.The house style utilizes colours such as green, which links to the nature of the website, which states a thematic sense into the recipe. It gives you an insight into what the final product may look like, so that the consumer can witness an interpretation of the classic recipe.The use of the bold headings are effective, as they are eye-catching to the consumer, who will be able to identify the different sections of the recipe with ease.The “Notes” section is a useful tool for the audience to be able to experiment with their recipe, adding a alternative twist onto a classic Mediterranean dish.

Cons: The colours utilized are not complimentary to the overall look of the recipe page, as the background is plain, and therefore, not very eye-catching to the viewer. The text used to narrate the recipe is ineffective due to the hindering fact that it is too minute to comprehend, and it needs to be much bigger for the consumer to be able to read it in an appropriate manner. The headings of this website are not concise, as opposed to the Quorn recipe webpage, which is significantly more user-friendly, due to the eye-catching nature of the page from the high abundance of vibrant colours used. The colour scheme clashes due to the fact that a pastel blue colour is paired with light green, which presents the page as a mere eyesore overall.

Page 3: Analysing different existing recipe cards

Vegan Society - RecipePros: The bright colour scheme is significantly effective, as it represents the colours which are are associated with our nature, with the green and yellow sectors. The layout of the page is professional, as it is all ordered, which makes it easier for the consumer to comprehend, as they will identify each section, as opposed to making a general assumption of the page.It is clear that the logo featured on the website links with the theme of the recipes, and advertises the Vegan Society with the lettering being formed into a flower and leaf, connoting all means of nature.

Cons: There are too many headings featured on this particular page, which may confuse the consumer, and will disinterest them into viewing the website, as they will inevitably become weary of such foolishness. The top heading has a complete different theme to the rest of the page, which shows that it does not inhabit a house style, and makes it look highly unprofessional. It is notable the images utilized do not relate to the page, which presents a contradictive tone to the page, with the picture of the woman being irrelevant to the webpage. It is clear that the text used within this recipe sheet is far too small, and needs to be enlarged along with the headings, which are also difficult to read for a consumer who may inhabit a mild form of visual impairment. There should be an image of the final product, as it will give the consumer the chance to visualize what they are trying to achieve whilst creating this recipe.

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Vegetarian Society- RecipePros:

The colour scheme is very bright, which initially attracts the eye of the consumer, and will keep their attention on the page. The layout of the page is set out in a comprehendible manner so that the audience can view this with ease, as each sector of the recipe is bullet-pointed, so that it is easy for the consumer to read. It is notable that the headings utilized within the recipe are colour coded, which will enable the consumer to determine each section of the recipe, and will also attract their eye. The informal, colloquial language style which is utilized is effective as it makes the recipe accessible to a wider audience, as any group in society would be able to comprehend it with ease, due to the lighthearted tone.

Cons: The image presented within the recipe could be of better quality, and also more relevant to the featured recipe. It is clear that the small animations featured do not match to the professional standards of the actual website itself, with the cartoons themselves (e.g. the shopping bag) being highly child-like in nature.The website does not inhabit a set house style, as the colours used do not link to each other, and therefore, show no real relevance. There is too much white space on this particular webpage, which may initially disinterest the consumer, whilst making the page look unprofessional.

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Quorn- RecipePros:

This particular company has utilized a ‘nutritional information’ section, which is useful as it gives the consumer the chance to calculate how much they are in- taking from this particular dish.It is clear that this particular webpage utilizes information that is very detailed, so that the consumer will be informed of what is required in order to carry out this recipe.It relates to the younger generation, due to the fact that it features links to social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, in which the consumer can relate to, and use them as a way of promoting their recipes. There is a definite colour scheme which is utilized throughout the website, which states the house style of the company. It means that this particular webpage will be incredibly eye-catching to the intended viewer.

Cons: It is false advertising in a sense due to the hindering fact that the image that has been utilized, appears to have a ‘manufactured’ look to it, where several different lighting techniques have been used as a way of making the product look ‘perfect’, therefore altering the reality of the intended product. The dish has been served in a professional manner, which will lead the consumer into believing that their recipe will turn out exactly like this particular on, which is highly impossible.

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BBC Food- RecipePros:

The house style utilized throughout this webpage is effective as it includes a selection of green colours which all link together in a sufficient manner. This website allows the consumer to ‘share’ this recipe through social networking websites such as Twitter, where the website itself will be promoted, and the audience will be targeted. This webpage is highly modern, with the recipe being able to be sent to the mobile device of the consumer, which is useful, yet hi-tech. The information provided by this recipe is very useful due to the fact that it displays the ‘preparation’ and ‘cooking’ time for the stated recipe, which will give the consumer an insight into how time consuming this recipe is to complete.

Cons: It is notable that there is a high abundance of text utilized within this recipe page, which may disinterest the reader, as they may be more of a visual person.The image featured is clearly ‘manufactured’ due to the fact that it is presented on a table in a formal matter, shot at a high angle, which initially makes the image a mere work of fiction, as the recipe will not turn out exactly like what has been portrayed in the recipe page.Even though suitable colours have been used, they are not very eye-catching, and will not hold the attention of the consumer for an extended period of time.

Page 7: Analysing different existing recipe cards - RecipePros:

The ‘nutritional’ facts are useful, as the individuals who are consuming the product desire to know what they will get out of the product.The reviews created by the consumers of this product, gives other audience members the chance to read into the recipe, before they complete it.The webpage itself is linked to various social networking sites, such as Twitter, which is useful as we live in the digital era, and rely on electronic means in our everyday lives, so this tool is significantly helpful to the intended audience. The image featured of the product represents reality, due to the fact that it is not shot in a professional manner, so it will not give the consumer a false judgment of the final outcome of the stated recipe.

Cons: The webpage does not have a set house style, therefore, it looks highly unprofessional, and not suitable for such audiences who require a sophisticated webpage for their recipe sheets. It is clear that the layout is haphazard, which is ineffective, as the eye of the consumer will not be in focus, and will be scattered all across the page, which may significantly disinterest the audience.The text featured within this particular recipe page could be deemed as illegible, as it is far too small for the consumer to read.