recipe cards extension 1!

Recipe Cards Extension Task 1 – Changing the audience Patrick Gouldsbrough and Alan Smith

Upload: alansmith96

Post on 31-Aug-2014




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Page 1: Recipe cards extension 1!

Recipe Cards Extension Task 1 – Changing the audience

Patrick Gouldsbrough and Alan Smith

Page 2: Recipe cards extension 1!

Female Copy

Without becoming too stereotypical, females are more drawn to a pink/purple colour tone, compared to a male demographic. For this reason, I have added Pink colouring on the title and the border. I haven’t done the same to the main body, due to it been difficult to read when in this colouring. Difficulty reading the recipe card will be a major problem in terms of popularity, therefore I kept the font colour the same.

Another potential change that was highly deliberated was the choice of font. However, after searching through many of the fonts in Photoshop, a specific font couldn’t be tied to a particular gender demographic. It was also difficult to pick a specific font, due to the audiences preference not been about gender, but instead, like most things, personal preference . The font, Baskerville Old Face, therefore survived this extension task unchanged.

As well as gender changes, this recipe card also changed age demographics. Before the extension task, the Green border colouring was targeting a mass market, and therefore, not a specific demographic. However, this change in colouring has resulted in a reduction of the target demographics age. The brighter colour automatically reduces the age due to that audience been more drawn to it. Compared with that, the green of the original version is more restrained and therefore appeals to an older audience.

Page 3: Recipe cards extension 1!

In terms of colouring, this recipe card didn’t need amending that much. Due to the blue colouring already been in place, the font and title colouring were the only changes on this recipe card. The reason why the main bodies font colour was change on this occasion, was down to the clearness and ease to read, compared to the faint and difficult to view colouring of the female copy.

Even though I think this card looks striking and eye-catching, I believe the title on the front of the card is difficult to read. The Blue stroke around the lettering clashes too much with the plate on the picture, which are of the same colour. Also, to make the ‘ingredients’ and ‘method’ titles stand out, I had to make them bold, without they looked plain, which made it difficult to differentiate between title and main body.

The electric blue that was on the card before, made the target audience of this card young to start with. However, since the addition of the title and main body font colour, the age of the target demographic have reduced further.

Without been stereotypical, these cards are aimed at a ABC1 demographic, rather than a C2DE audience. His is due to this demographic having spare money for things such as recipe cards (luxuries), instead of having to spend all their money on necessities, like the C2DE demographic.