anabella by emekaudeogu

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  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    In loving memory of

    Ijeoma Annabel Onyeanula;

    she showed that people could be friends.

    March 2nd 1983-5th April 2012

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Some thoughts could be random,yetunswerving

    Some motives could be small,yet never fades

    Let the canticles resound and fail not

    May it speak like the gong

    As Annabel who once lived with us.



  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Annabella Uncensored

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    These work is purely the imaginations of the writerand is not a depiction of anyone living or dead.

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Sometimes we cross a bridge

    Only to discover we have not crossed afterall

    The bird at hand can turn out to be somebodys

    You can have little or nothing

    But that U have is taken from you

    That is my fear

    I have this confessor so dear

    I see her,think her and speak her

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Like a band round my neck

    I carry her about

    The only rose in my garden

    Will she be mine?

    Will she continue to be mine?

    That is my fear

    I just wish that as these tears of fears flows down

    Let anything that wants to take her from me flow away

    I want her to be the first and the best to me

    My one,wholly and only

    I want to grow old with her

    Thats all I want.

    September 11, 2010 at 1:25am

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Till Morning Comes

    When I stand aside and look at life

    Innumerable questions arise

    Questions that are unyielding

    Could lifes been fair?

    The promises that it gives

    The feelings that saysLifes good

    Its so hard to know that you have crossed over

    Its painful that the dreams and wishes have been halted

    More heartbreaking that there was never a sign

    No sign of your departure

    Like a silk rope, you snapped off

    Am happy that u knew how I felt towards you

    I believe I was a good friend to you

    Your voice still ring in my head

    Comforting also is the word

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    That one day our a new Jerusalem shall come

    I look forward to it; though with tears and groans

    Rest in peace agbalagba,

    Ride on xijo

    Cling to the bosom of the Lord Annabel

    Gaa Ije oma

    Till that morning comes

    Rest in peace

    May 12 at 10:46pm


    I have always decided to think the best of you

    Thats why I always do my best for you

    So together we achieve our dreams

    Thats why even though you dont always call to sayhi

    Youre always there to give me shoulder to cry on

    You criticize me like no other

    But You can be counted on to be there to give me a smile to spur me on

    You complain that am very slow

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    But you pat my back and saywelcome when I arrive

    You scream sometimes and shout at what I say

    But you always respect my opinions

    When I offend you, you write it on sandy shores

    So that the rivers will wash it off

    When I do good,you engrave it on the rock

    So that thell remain indelible

    Therere friends that stick closer than brothers

    When I stand on your shoulders

    I have no fearcos you hold my legs

    When I wave at the crowd

    I know that I have one big fan:You

    My Amiga;My friend.

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    March 24, 2011 at 4:44pm


    Just as the embers of fire starts from a glow

    And course of waters causes streams to form

    The tiny drops of air creates a sweet breeze

    The times spent as friends becomes a memory

    Not a memory that time wipes away

    Like a mark on the sandy seashore

    But I engrave it on the corners of a rock

    On a slate of indelible stones

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    How can you ever know?

    But I know that youre evergreen to me

    What we have in common will keep us together

    Our Friendship

    Whether you go away to the north or south

    Or sojourn into the sights of the east or west

    Know this one truth:

    Ure always in my mind.

    December 15, 2010 at 1:28am

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Let the times stand still

    Let the clocks be stopped

    Give the dogs fat bones to make them silent

    May the thunders and quakes stand aloft

    Let the sun and the stars struggle for a space in the sky

    Only the gentle sound of rushing waters be heard

    And the melody of the chirrping birds

    Let the day be silent as the night

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    This is to show you how much I miss you

    To even stop the course of nature

    In the silence you will hear

    The serene gong will sound it in your heart

    How much you mean to me

    And you will never doubt it

    So dont saygood bye

    Just put forth your hand and shake mine

    And sayMy dear friend, I will see you someday

    Then I will come back to you.

    December 7, 2010 at 9:53pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Its time to say good bye

    But how do I make time keep us

    So that our memoriesll never die

    Should I give you my eyes, ear or lips?

    If I give you my eyes, they may go blind

    Deafness may hit the ears

    And dumbness behest the lips

    That I may not look into your eyes

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Or hear the rhythms of your heart

    And my lips may fail me

    This one sure thing Ill do :

    Open your hand

    Let my tears drop into your palms

    Close your fingers over it

    Let it not dry or flow away

    Let our memory never lie

    May it live and not die.

    December 4, 2010 at 11:22pm


    Let it speak and not lie

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Let the scenes,events and times roll again

    Some make us laugh

    Others swell our eyes with tears

    Wanting us to turn back the hands of time

    To right some wrongs

    And relish with delight the rights we did

    Anyhow you play it

    One truth stands:

    Memories never die

    Cos come rain or shine

    Memories never lie

    December 3, 2010 at 9:21pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    To many its a game

    Hit and Run

    Touch and Run

    Some even call it fun

    A gift from the Lord can not be a toy for play

    Can u see how beautiful is it to fall in love

    Its such a gift from Him

    It lightens the world

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    I never promised you a garden of Roses

    Even if I did, roses have thorns

    I never promised a sweet rainfall

    Even if I did, thunders and lightening accompanies it,

    I never promised a smooth flowing stream

    Even if I did, there could be a flood

    I never promised a gentle breeze

    It could come with a whirlwind

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    I never promised a cooling dew

    It could make you catch cold

    I never promised to make you laugh

    In the midst of it, tears could follow

    Life could be so sweet

    But it comes withups anddown

    But one thing I promised you

    Is that you will never walk alone

    In the midst of all this

    I will be there for you.

    September 16, 2010 at 2:16am

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Life could be so sweet

    Wild,free and fun

    So sweer and tempting,just like vanilla

    But theres always an exchange

    Cos it does not appear by wish

    We all pay a price for it

    Sweet things are great

    But sweet things can kill

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Just like the gift of the devil

    On the right hand is the sweet vanilla

    And on the left,the price lies

    Hidden with a cloak of fun

    Little wonder what kills a rat

    Drink from your own cistern

    As the good book says

    Let your vanilla nourish u

    And not be like a grave

    That opens its mouth like a cave.

    September 11, 2010 at 1:28am

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Every living has a place to hide

    Birds have nest

    Rabbits and roaches have holes

    Some others hide on branches of trees

    While others at the corner of rooftops

    For me its in anothers hearts

    Yes,Thats the best place to hide

    A heart should hide in another heart

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    A place of solace

    Devoid of hate and prejudice

    A place to rest and hide from every other

    Thats my kind of place

    I dont know about you

    You may try other things

    Jobs, careers, hobbies etc

    None but another heart

    Can you lay it down for someone

    To run into and hide?

    And itll just be you and me

    Ever to singDo re mi.

    September 16, 2010 at 2:17am

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    I thought rivers can not flow backwards

    I didnt know the moon and stars can govern the day

    While the sun rises in the night

    I thought the earth cannot turn upside down

    So that men walk on their hands

    And their feet takes over as hands

    We can all say these in derision and denial

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Though glooms & turns strike us hard

    We can bounce back

    Fast and hard like a round-leather ball

    And set ourselves up with the bricks of our setbacks

    If only well hold unto faith

    Its an absolute possibility

    This is my belief

    That is my miracle

    February 20, 2011 at 1:11pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    I have always put a hold to my heart

    Putting my heart in check lest it goes haywire

    Successfully this I didtill she came along

    Have you ever seen a flower bud unfold on a dew-laden morning?

    Have you ever seen the light appear behind the cloud after a rainfall?

    Have you seen the point where the ocean meets the skies?

    So beautiful, awesome and terrific

    Life could be so amazing

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    But yesterday, just yesterday

    All this became a mirage

    The sun suddenly came up and the budding flower withered

    Darkness came at dawn

    As the sun and the moon struggled for dominance in the sky

    Arrows broken, spirits down-casted

    What I thought was forever became lost

    The signals I got was false

    The light was not actually mine to behold

    Darkness enveloped the borders of my heart

    Sleep came over me as tears tried to gain control of my eyes

    Maybe am just too manly to cry

    As my fathers would say

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    I know that morning is imminent

    Till morning comes ,faithll sustain me

    My hopes will keep me

    For the HAND is at work

    I looked back again

    Though heavy-hearted, I tried to smile

    As I uttered in a low tone voice

    Au revoir Amor


    May 11 2011

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Sometimes we cross a bridge

    Only to discover we have not crossed afterall

    The bird at hand can turn out to be somebodys

    You can have little or nothing

    But that U have is taken from you

    That is my fear

    I have this confessor so dear

    I see her,think her and speak her

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Like a band round my neck

    I carry her about

    The only rose in my garden

    Will she be mine?

    Will she continue to be mine?

    That is my fear

    I just wish that as these tears of fears flows down

    Let anything that wants to take her from me flow away

    May these tears fall to the ground and appease for me

    I want her to be the first and the best to me

    My one,wholly and only

    I want to grow old with her

    Thats all I want.

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    May 16, 2011 at 11:22pm


    From the green hills of the coal city

    Were sent to lands farther than the Nile

    Men & Women of goodwill

    In one of those lands,ile ife,

    A land renowned of old

    Strewn with the footprints of the ancient

    Though a land of strange tongue

    The sounds ofl, kpele rented the air

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    The food and culture was so strange that we shoutedChei !

    But we never say die

    Cos Baba God,the ancient of days dey our side

    Lil by lil we began to learn their tongue

    Now our sojourn is over

    We came ,saw and conquered

    At least we have a tilapia to show for it

    The labours shall not be in vain

    Ichie Damur.Da Bu.Okpudo,Da To

    Plus including the Otunba of the Source,

    Were all characters in the drama that unfolded

    At the end we were called TheLast Musketeers

    If you doubt this

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Mr Oguniyi has the original copy of the list of actors

    Cos the drama unfolds

    Entiltled..........Ki le fe ?

    August 2,2011

    Adis Amor

    Movement seems to be the best medicine

    We meet to part

    And alas we part only to meet again

    Do you know why we cry when we part ?

    Wishing to turn back the hands of time

    Memories never lying, dying or flying

    We have been friendscos we see a part of ourselves in each other

    Thats the bond that keeps us together

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    Defying the limit of distance

    Thats why I smile when I think about you

    And when I think about you I smile

    Tomorrow will bring us together again

    I have no doubt if it will come

    Though it could be delayed

    As seasons gives way to years

    And being assured from the source

    This one thing I know: Tomorrow will come !

    Chidera...o desigo

    August 25, 2011 at 1:27am

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Its time to sayGoodbye

    Fresh in our memories, the irreplaceable moments

    We meet to part; parting to meet again

    I have always known that memories never lie

    If not, how could I ever forget the times with Umunna @ Olabys Property

    Onye Mur, DaBu, T-nero, Ichie Okpudo?

    How I wish I could turn the hands of time

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    And I will spend it with Chief Uchendu and family

    Memories never die

    Thats why Zee and Bumsy will for a long time linger in my mind

    Oga Mike and Will; your friendship Ill cherish always

    And to many other people that space has defied my attempts to include

    True to say; I wont think twice to leave the place

    But the people: Friends and family can make do otherwise

    And you just wish you could stay back a little while

    O biara ije ga-ala

    Dont say bye though its time

    But just give me a hug or a handshake

    Cos youll always be with me

    Fresh and clear in my mind

    Memories never fly

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    I love you all

    Its time....I know it

    To give me a hug

    So that I can be on my way....

    May 26, 2011 at 10:38pm

    Now...that is Love !

    Love is a beautiful thing

    That is a reason

    Love comes afloat with thorns

    Now that is pain

    Thats why many are afraid to love

    And those pricked by its thorns afraid to go in again

    That is a curse

    But one thing is sure: love lights up my world

    That also is sweet

    And when it fades at dusk

    Darkness is sure

    Bend ur ears to hear this

    Thats why am afraid to love

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Now thats a fact

    But the truth is that ure the only one I have told this

    Now that is a sign:


    Am in love with you !

    August 29 at 11:05pm

    World on The String

    You have got the world on a string

    And it seems that everything around you sings

    Everything seems to fall into the right place

    You feel blessed with a special grace

    As if you are surrounded by an orchestra with sounds so high

    The alluring, appealing rythms never die

    Thats the world for you

    The uuhs,blues and hues

    The world would pay for your body a million bucks

    But a cent for your soul and this sucks

    You just have to turn to someone

    That when u need him, hes not gone

    He alone knows your very worth

    He values you as a priceless salt

    Where the world sieves

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    He gives what can not be lost to thieves

    Priceless is your person

    Connect to your make and make a change

    Before the evil days come when ull age

    This is from the source

    And no man can ever have any cause to curse.

    April 29 at 10:32pm

    Nne Di Uto

    When I beheld you from the cradle

    As my eyes opened for the first time

    Before then,I could only hear your alluring voice

    I could remember that night

    I was so glad I could see

    I lent out a shriek and u thought I was hunger

    And you began to breastfeed me

    You never knew that I just wanted to see ur face again and again

    Till today,everywhere I am,

    I always remember that you're one in a zillion

    Chukwu biko gozie Ochie dike mama m

    Nne di uto.........

    Happy Birthday

    April 5 at 12:28pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Who sat and watched my infant head

    When sleeping on my cradle bed

    With eyes beclouded with tears of affection

    All day you pester the heavens with prayers for me

    While others call to know if I have bought a car or changed my phone;

    You would simply call to know if I have eaten anything

    When others ask for this and that

    You will always ask me if I needed anything

    You simply give,give and give

    Through the cradle to the crowns

    Through the thick and thin

    The pains and gains

    You have always been there

    Of all the women,God made u my mama

    I pray for a woman like you

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    I know my kids would too

    This is for you mama

    Happy Birthday,Keep on blushing....I like it

    Happy Birthday ....from the Source !

    April 5 10:50am

    Bring It On !

    Few hours to the much-awaited

    We walk away from 2011. We embrace 2011

    When u look back what do u see ?

    The standard might be "how much dey your pocket"

    That's for them far as U're still alive;God is not done yet

    He completes His projects

    It will only get better

    As u enter the arena

    Remember that God,the umpire is already on your side

    Give thanks to God and scream at the top of your voice to 2012:

    "Bring it on "

    December 30, 2011 at 11:03pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    My spirits is at its lowest ebb

    Theres nothing to save

    But I must speak in details

    Not minding what it entails

    I feel very down

    Like someone criss-crossing the lawn

    As an unguarded scissors

    I may not sound very serious

    But its true

    Cometh all these from who?

    I search my heart to know

    To find why I feel so

    Gone are my smiles

    Instead came tears

    As I wondered

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Across a damsel sauntered

    Crying and weeping

    I stopped her but the tears kept pouring

    She looked so bad

    Shaken and sad

    I looked and smiled into her eyes

    Not minding my size

    Then her eyes brighten up in a flash

    The tears receding into their sash

    It was like to a sorrowful head a pillow

    I felt like a hero

    For lightening someone else life

    This is noble when theres no strife

    Instantly I knew why I felt bad earlier

    Till pupose is known

    Life will be as grim !

    May 7, 2010 at 4:55pm


    Friends, Yes ! Thats what I call you.

    If You have not been there

    Who would I have called my brother, sister or friend.

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    The past 6 Years have been very eventful but not without you.

    We are not leaving you

    But we are going up to hold the ladder so that you can also climb up.

    Through the ups and downs,

    you have never faltered in your trust for us.

    You have always been an encouragement and a support.

    Even when we made mistakes,

    You embraced us with a wide smile on your face,

    Telling us that all is well.

    I will ever cherish your companionship and your friendship.

    We look out for you to climb up.

    Am definitely sure you will make it.

    I thank God for you.You will ever remain my number One.

    May 7, 2010 at 4:59pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    I remember the first time

    I had my slate ready,books and uniform already laid out

    I couldnt wait to walk into class

    As a fresh kindergatten pupil

    I could not sleep

    I woke countless time before dawn

    But here on the stairs,I have just changed my mind

    I think its better staying with mummy afterall

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Why should I leave mummy and stay with strangers

    I clung to mummys leg

    As they pulled,I held on with every strength in me

    I should not have wanted to be like others

    Must everyone go to school?

    Finally i was overpowered

    Mummy smiled and saidbye

    I did not move as she walked away

    I felt naked and betrayed by the one I love

    She turned again and waved a bye

    Tears streamed down on my face

    As I turned towards the classroom

    It was my fault afterall

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    I must go to school at least to know how to spell my name

    These I said to myself and I took a breathe

    And started walking.

    November 17, 2010 at 11:12pm


    We most times fail to say the truth

    Not just to others but to ourselves

    We ignore that which is attainable

    In search of that which we feel is the best

    That which we could never lay hold of

    We hold on when we should let go

    We fall in when we should back out

    We beat about the bush

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Fighting and gasping with air

    Just like going round the pepper tree

    Progress seem to be coming

    But we end up where we started

    Were running on fumes

    A bird at hand is of a higher price

    Than a zillion in the bush

    The things seen from the eyes of the old sitting

    Can not,even in faint lines

    Grace the eyes of the young on Eiffel tower

    I go in to rest awaiting morning

    Maybe when I wake

    The sun and the moon may struggle for a space in the sky.

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    November 17, 2010 at 10:55am


    This is what I said to myself

    In the silence of my soul...

    Can there be a duet if u don

    t sing with me?

    If you dont join hands with mine will there be a swing?

    If I dont look at you can I appreciate beauty?

    Can I find Love if I cant learn to let go?

    Then therell be no song in a nightingale

    The dance in the flowers will cease

    And all ull hear are whispers on your pillows

    Small voices that tug the corners of your heart

    Breeze that ruffles your hair

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    Only love can over-ride life

    Unbiddable,undenialable and unsurmountable

    Its no strange thing

    Cos it must have been Love

    But u didnt know it

    I do.

    November 16, 2010 at 1:38am


    Things are not the same

    Some are big or small

    Tall or short

    Fair or black

    Fast or slow

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Ugly or beautiful

    Lively or dull

    I dont know how u would prefer me

    And I may not be as u wished

    Cos the best description of myself

    Am just me

    One of a kind.

    September 16, 2010 at 2:15am

    Si, Amor

    They are creatures of the heart

    What I speak, she feels

    She wants me to act on reason

    But shes driven by emotional zeal

    Im supposed to take the lead

    But she prefers if its from the heart; not the head

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    To her the heart is not connected to the head in anyway

    What I see, she hears

    So I keep watching the window

    To know when the light comes on

    For if it does, then am saved

    No matter how differently we approach life

    You give it an awesome balance

    I cant imagine life without you

    The creator kept you to maintain the substance of life

    You give the breathe a soul

    To her life began from the hear

    And should be kept so.


    Si, Amor.

    June 2011


    We are shaped by the decisions we make

    Experiences come and go

    Events, seasons and people

    Like a rollcoaster

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Playing like a film

    All these make WHAT we are

    But they dont determine WHO we are

    What were changes

    Like a puff of a smoke

    But who we are stays ,day & night

    Like a companion that never let go

    Through this acts and scenes

    We take decisions

    We shapes our lives,

    Not seeming to understand what were doing

    We make mistakes, say the wrong things

    We break friendships and hurt many

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    And we cant turn back the hands of time

    But its best to make amends while we can

    And those we can not

    Turn your back

    Put your past behind you and press ahead

    Never letting the strings of the past keep you

    Farther from your future

    We made it acroos

    Welcome to 2011

    Thanks to God Alimighty.

    January 3, 2011 at 12:38am

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu



    Too many things of life are flashy

    So many just on the surface

    Little, going beyond the skin

    Others manage to be only skin deep

    So many look at the face, body shape,laughter

    And all the things that fades away

    Driven by the whirlwind of time

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    Pause and think

    What happens when they are gone?

    But I see into the eyes

    The eyes,mirror of the inside

    Through it I see the faith and fears

    The hopes and tears

    I hold unto these things

    Cos the always remain

    Cheating time as ever

    Thats why u may not be fair to behold

    I like u just as ure

    Beautiful,bold and black

    My black gold.

    December 20, 2010 at 11:52pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    ' I DO '

    Today a friend of mine saidI do

    These two words emblazoned with a vow

    I could sense the atmosphere become tense

    Every breath held up

    Every ear itching to ear

    It was awesome

    Now I know as I beheld the couple

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    Theres a laughter reserved for a day like this

    A smile that no other can understand but the two lovebirds

    I still could hear the vows resounding in my ears

    ...To have and to hold

    For richer and for poorer

    In sickness and in health

    Till death do us part

    These words were solemn

    AS others prepared for merriment thereafter

    I picked up my suit and took a walk

    To reflect on those words

    Cos soon it will be I

    Making same vow

    Punctuated withI do.

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    December 18, 2010 at 9:29pm


    The Night whistled in silence

    And the grasshopper chirped in a quiet noise

    The oceans engaged in a soundless clapping

    And the birds hummed a tune in their minds

    All, as I slept soundly with my eyes wide open

    While I engaged my mind in a thought of sort

    I asked myself questions with a voice so loud to wake the dead

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    Yet I did not utter a word

    Paradox...funny and senseless?

    Isn't it ?

    Thats life if you live for yourself alone

    Find your purpose in others

    Then live and die for it

    Give it your best shot

    When you build others

    You make a stair for your climbing

    Hold the ladder for them to climb up

    Only then have you started living.

    February 25, 2011 at 1:40am

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    I may have failed before now

    I may have hurt so many people

    I may have been what am not

    Perhaps I did not show much care

    And disappointed friends and family

    I may not be one you are proud of today

    But I have gone through the process of change

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    And I can boldly lift my head now

    I just can be myself

    Not a stereotype built by friends and family

    Im the Otunba of the source

    Destiny must be fulfilled

    The hand of God have written in indelible words

    And the mark of excellence etched in me


    t be surprised the next time you hear people say

    Behold, here comes His Excellency

    Cos thats what I have become.

    February 25, 2011 at 1:42am

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    We may be better off now than before

    We have leisure of everything we desire

    But whenever we visit home

    Its as if there is no place like home

    Not that homes has everything we may have elsewhere

    But the echoes of life there enraptures our heart

    Memories flying to us

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    Our childhood,the laughters,family and the plays

    We cast our eyes on as the stream of yesteryears slide across

    Smiles reflect off the stream

    Eyes stretch in a smile

    Lips pull into a laughter

    Chords that sounds like a rhyme we hear

    East or west,anytime and anyhow

    Home is the best

    Cos its memories never fly away

    They never take a walk!

    February 23, 2011 at 4:19pm

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    IKORO: Dim Odumegwu Ojukwu

    Land of the rising sun

    You blazed and shone so bright

    With deep tears and streams of blood we sought for you

    With great expectations we awaited

    Dim ! Dim ! Dim !

    Eze-igbo gburugburu

    Ikemba enyimba

    This is sunset at dawn

    Behold the sun and the moon struggle for a space in the sky

    Traquility pervades even to the land of animals

    Let the Ikoro sound

    Once a century it is sounded

    A great tree has fallen

    Igba onye eze is broken

    My father has always pointed out the rising sun to me

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    But now as I try to look

    Tears unfounded covers my sight

    No one has ever eclipsed the moon totally

    Those who did ended up reflecting the rays

    Will the rising sun become full again ?

    Let the quest u lived for never lie

    May our dreams never die

    We thank God almighty for a gift like u

    The sun is low now;

    It will yet rise again -to a full moon.

    Adieu Dim adieu Eze igbo gburugburu. . .from the source

    The Source

    If you have ever met a girl from jos

    They're good at preparing a sauce

    Sweet & good for a first course

    U might not really know the cause

    Unless its coming from us

    U can not even see it atop a horse

    Nor when u rush like an ox

    Unless I sit u down to discuss

    Else u 'll waste ur time and curse

    At the end u have been deceived by a fox

    And u 'll just stare at the delta shores like baba akpos

    No one will give u an applause

    U may ask how I knew the discourse

    Its because am Otunba of the Source

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    Not by fire or by force !

    November 7, 2011 at 9:55pm

    Faith----My Fate

    The most important is my faith

    Its the best anyone can ever dateSo that I'll not be overtaken by hate

    From the point Eve took the apple and ate

    Nothing has been ever the same,even the earth

    Before you count one to eight

    You'll see many ingrates

    Who has ignored Jesus till date

    They have been locked out by hell's gate

    If only they will to Jesus postrate

    'Cos u can't be freed by a magistrate

    No matter what u do at any rate

    I believe Jesus died for me-thats my faith

    Forever it has become my fate.

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    November 2, 2011 at 2:06pm

    The Sage on the Stage

    The world have always lived in a lie

    They praise you and you feel very high

    You rise and swim like a butterfly

    Like a celebrity on the stage

    We wallow in the life of a cage

    But it never occur to us till we age

    This truth is hidden even from a sage

    The lies round them up like a hedge

    They exalt you till you get into the grave

    Before you realise it,you are swallowed up in a cave

    Then you 'll know it was all a hoax

    They have ridden you like a horse

    Left alone in the world

    Cut and smitten with a sword

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    Only one friend can stand true

    Amidst the cries and hue:

    Jesus Christ is the only clue.

    October 14, 2011 at 9:48pm

    Or mi: For You Only

    When I say it;its true

    This isnt just another hue

    You might say "what about it?" But the truth remains in it

    Just like the day can never deny the sun

    Neither the moon the stars sleep on

    'Do' will wait for 'Re' to make 'Mi'

    How sweet the rhyme 'Do re mi '

    No ward rounds & times idles like a hoax

    And we await the days to run like a horse


    What am I trying to say ?

    We miss u Or

    Yes I do !

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    October 12, 2011 at 11:49pm

    From IJ Airport with Love

    We set out on our quest with uneasiness

    To pull out degrees from the mouth of the lion in the lions den

    Days and sleepless night we sat to plan; our fingers crossed in supplication

    We took off from the green hills and landed in IJ Airport

    Ibiam and Manuwa saw us looking tattered and helpless and ignored our presence

    We trudged on to pay homage to Ojukwu,ikemba himself

    Before going to take a look at coracobrachialis at anat

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    On our way back,Oga Emma was ever ready to quench our hunger

    We retired with Kenneth Dike and Mbonu Ojike,our long-lost friends

    By then cars have littered across the terraces of Ibiam

    As an emergence beauty pageant rolled out

    The Adelabu twins were still considering whether to give us a chance,preferring to look

    through their windows

    After consulting with big brother Mariere,he advised us on what to do

    We heeded and alas, Ibiam became so cheerful to us and Manuwa started bringing food to usbeckoning on us to take them El Trigo

    We thought better and took the presidential sisters to Abuja for fellowship and VG forprayers

    Chapel and St Mulumba were not faraway too

    Now we look back with nostalgia

    Though we have marks from the fangs of the lion

    We never regret walking into the Lions den

    You know our secret?

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    The Lion of the tribe of Judah was with us

    And now we have become LIONS & LIONESSES

    Thats the way to go !

    August 29, 2011 at 1:10am


    That season we awaited is come;

    While many has gone

    Truly it has not been smooth

    But He gave the strength of the youth

    And we have trudge till now

    We just can't but wonder how

    The music is in the air

    Rythms from ear to ear

    Am lovin' it so much

    I hv never seen a love as such

    Lets tune the song

    That our voice ll ring like a gong

    'Do Re Mi'. . . Oluremi

    Xactly for u and me

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    Let the duel cease

    'Cos the duet begins:

    "And Heaven & nature. . .sing"


    Some things are best experienced than imagined. The web of intricacies was woven andinterlocked in an embrace of exciting adventure. Immediately I sat upon the seat of the

    heights,my pen dangling from the rope that I tied to my waist,I could not wait to embark on

    my missive adventure of putting in prints clear sojourns of things that are yet to hit the

    appreciation of the eyes.

    As if there was a grand concurrence to my quest,I was suddenly lost in the sights of

    the sun and the moon struggling for a space in the sky,though it was yet on creation

    morning. The moon had given way to the sun to rule the day;but as I closed my eyes for

    empowerment from the almighty,the moon got whiff of the legendary quest I was about toembark on and then decide that perhaps it was not yet time to give way anyway. God was

    in charge of all things so I was not bothered at all. The sun prevailed after it laid its claim

    before the almighty that he had set a fast changeless decree that the sun must prevail in the


    I smiled to myself as the awesome drama unfolds before my eyes. You may laugh

    at all this;am laughing as well. But hold your breathebecause something is about hitting you

    now. The mind has conceived it and it cant but unleash it. The wind is standing by my side

    to catch a few lines it would share with his friends residing in the Far East. I did not bother at

    all. The birds of the air,as if by a grand conspiracy didnt not sing so loud;they decided on

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu


    hums and lulls. It was so sweet as it helped to horn my mind. I looked at my back to see if He

    that watches my back while I write is there. The reassurance that He radiated was a great

    booster,He is indeed faithful and jus. Then I began to put down the loud exudation of the

    mind lines so great:

    Once a time,I saw the things that happened under the sun.


    Unconventional writer with an apt for wide

    imaginations. He prefers a simple style that

    communicates to the reader in a personal way. Author

    of soon-to-be published books: Marriages Break on

    Saturdays, Theomachists and The Last Man Standing is

    a Woman . And does not fail to express the Lordship of

    Jesus Christ and that all men need be saved by Him.

  • 7/31/2019 ANABELLA by Emekaudeogu
