an urban geography of globalisation part 1

AN URBAN GEOGRAPHY OF GLOBALISATION UNDERSTANDING SPATIAL CHANGE IN THE AGE OF HYPER-CONNECTIVITY PART 1 Roberto Rocco Chair Spatial Planning & Strategy Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) !"#$%#&’&#((%() *!$+#$,)- 1 Wednesday, 27April, 2011

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This is part 1 of the lecture "An Urban Geography of Globalization". This was originally prepared for the free-choice (ellective) course "Globalization" of the department of Urbanism of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands. In this part I introduce basic notions and ideas about globalization and how it might be affecting the structure of global cities.


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Roberto RoccoChair Spatial Planning & Strategy Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)



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PART 11.Introduction2.Globalisation3.Post-Fordism and increasing

urban complexityPART 2

4.Case: Sao Paulo5.Empirical research6.Findings

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PART 1:What

globalisation and why is it relevant

for planners?4Wednesday, 27April, 2011

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A tale of global citiesFor the first time in history, the majority of the population lives in cities. Humanity is urban. Urbanity is opportunity. The opportunity to be connected to people, services, places and jobs. Cities are changing fast, as they have always done. In most places, cities are getting bigger, while in other places they are actually getting smaller: e.g. Detroit, New Orleans, cities in Germany and Spain. But here we are concerned with changes in urban structures and infrastructures in a special kind of city: the Global City.

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New questions are arising

How to accommodate new urban dwellers, and provide housing, health, education and jobs?How to bridge the divide between the urban rich and the urban poor?How to keep our cities sustainable and resilient to threats like climate change?How to keep cities vital and liveable?

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The spatial make up of global cities

The spatial make-up of global cities is also changing. There are more and more gleaming business centres, industries are leaving, people are living increasingly far from the centre, sometimes in horrible conditions, other times in beautiful but unsustainable never-ending suburbs. People say it is “globalisation”. But what does globalisation mean for the spatial make-up of cities? The cliché images are misleading...

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Hong Kong

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Buenos Aires

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São Paulo

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Conceptualising Globalisation

Globalisation occurs at four main different levels:





For Ulrich Beck (1997)

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One aspect of Globalisation is the acceleration of the all spheres of life, including:rapid development of information communicational technologies (ICT) the decentralisation of production and managerial processesthe expansion of trade flows, financial flows and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Conceptualising Globalisation For SANTOS (1993)

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Some people think it is great

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Some people think it is a Force of evil

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We find it useful to explore the subject

dispassionately, however critically.

We also need to find out what ‘globalisation’ means

for the management of cities.

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Is it new?

Trade routes in the 16th century30Wednesday, 27April, 2011

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Other Globalizations: The Globalization of Taste

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Other Globalizations: drugs

Source: CIA/ Front Line 2000

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Other Globalizations: illegal immigration

People smuggling: 145 million people per year are illegally smuggled from poor or conflict countries into rich nationsSource: SF Chronicle 7 jan 2001

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Other Globalizations: conflict

Source: Small arms survey, GIIS, IISS

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Other Globalizations:Fear

“From Australia to Zimbabwe, using new laws and old-fashioned brute force, governments are sacrificing human rights on the altar of antiterrorism” Source: Amnesty International 2004

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Other Globalisations: Disease

Source: World Health Organisation 200336Wednesday, 27April, 2011

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Globalisation of information

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Globalization and irrational forms of societal developments might and do coexist

Source: Copyright: Carol Simpson

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Global awareness:The ‘Second’ Modernity

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The underlying assumption

The shift towards a knowledge-based economy and the emphasis on the production trade and diffusion of knowledge is triggering spatial transformation in cities under globalisation.

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What is he talking about?Spatial urban structure refers to:

•How functions are located and distributed over the urban territory •How these functions are articulated/integrated by real networks•How are real networks changing and expanding (the city-region as a relevant unit of analysis)

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And why is that important?

Life is embedded in space. Everything we do, we do ‘somewhere’, using places and services that articulated by links and infrastructures.

Let’s have a look in the following model:

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Les niveaux d'opération (Dupuy, 1991 + Rocco, 2008)

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But what is different now?

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Acceleration of flows

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Metro Paris 1911

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Paris Metro 1930

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Paris Metro 1967

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Paris Metropolitan

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Reseaux Ile de France

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Extension of networks

The extension of Arthur Andersen consulting around the world. The firm collapsed in 2002, accused of fraud.

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The number of multinational corporations along time. Source: GABEL, M. Bruner, H. 2004, Global Inc. An Atlas of the Multinational Corporation, new york: Global inc.

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Increasing Complexity

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Sao Paulo, Brazil, pop. 16 million (2010)

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But THIS is not so complex... Or is it?

Delft, The Netherlands, pop.: 96.000 (2008)

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Urbanisation in the Netherlands, 1950 Urbanisation in the Netherlands, 2010

Delft Delft

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Urbanisation in the Randstad, 1950 Urbanisation in the Randstad, 2010

Delft Delft

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Complex enough for you?Commuting patterns in The Randstad (2008), source: VROM.

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KLM Routes 1964 KLM Routes 2004

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Metropolitain de Paris 2005 Tokyo Subway system 2008

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A set of reasons

Revolution in Information and Telecommunications TechnologiesAdvances in Transportation TechnologiesNew management of production (Toyotism substitutes Fordism)Dispersal of production (industry to developing countries/ knowledge production in developed countries)Emergence of a Knowledge-based EconomyLiberalisation of the Economy

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In Post-Fordism, companies went from mass production to flexible production, adapted to a

changing and segmented demand


This amplified various processes and triggered the dispersal of production and concentration

of command activities in certain NODES of Command (Global Cities)

The transition from Fordism to Post-Fordism and the rise of the Knowledge Economy

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Dispersal of Production

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Globalizing Cities and NODES of command

The dispersal of production and finance has resulted in extended networks, composed by both old and new articulation NODES OF COMMAND.

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FDI as % of total GDP

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Globally integrated organization of economic activity

Location of ADK Akatsu Advertising (Japan) branches

For Sassen (1991):“The geography and the composition of the global economy changed so as to produce a complex duality: a spatially dispersed, yet globally integrated organization of economic activity” (p.3)

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Advanced Producer Services

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Expanded central control and management

Territorial dispersal of current economic activity creates a need for expanded central control and management

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Strategic role of global cities

For Sassen (1991), major cities have acquired a strategic role in the last decades as centres of command of the organisation of world economy.

Taylor, P.J. Firms and their Global Service Networks in S Sassen (ed) (2002) Global Networks, Linked Cities New York, London: Routledge, 93-115.

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Cities as key locations for Advanced Producer Services

This new role is largely based on some cities being key locations for finance and for

specialised service firms, which have

replaced manufacturing as

the leading economic sector of the an increasingly

integrated world economy.

GaWC Research Bulletin 23, 2001

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The architecture of the Global City Network

Source: Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network, Loughborough, UK

NYLondon Tokyo

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Discussing ‘global cities’ as loci of command seems to be insufficient from the point of view of territorial management and planning.

The necessary geographical and spatial components are missing.

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But…These spatial components are essential to understand the real implications of an emerging knowledge economy for the spatial organisation of cities and regions.

The intrinsic networked character of command activities and their role as producers,users and sellers of knowledge seem to require a better understanding of how they are organised in the territory.

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Levels of operation

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Urban structures in the age of hyperconnectivity

The sophistication, expansion and generalization of technical networks

in the last decades are crucial elements for the appearance of new urban structures and new societal


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Liverpool street station, London

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme Learn more about the United Nations' efforts to improve living conditions—both urban and rural—for the world's people.

World Urbanisation Prospects: The 2001 Revision, Data Tables and Highlights the UN's most recent report on the history and future of urbanisation worldwide. If you live in a very large metropolitan area, you may find projections for its future population—through 2015—in table A.12.

Prague Institute for Global Urban

This non-profit organization works to improve urban environments around the world.

The Urban

The Urban Institute's wide-ranging experts—including economists, policy analysts, population specialists, and urban planners—examine urban conditions around the globe and advise policy makers on ways to improve quality of life in cities.

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General references on urbanisation today

Caldeira, Teresa P. R., 2000, City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in São Paulo. University of California Press.

Evans, Peter, ed. 2002. Livable Cities? Urban Struggles for Livelihood and Sustainability. University of California Press.

Hall, Peter, and Ulrich Pfeiffer, 2000. Urban Future 21: A Global Agenda for Twenty-First Century Cities. E and FN Spon.

Hardroy, Jorge E., Diana Mitlin, and David Satterthwaite, 2001. Environmental Problems in an Urbanizing World. Earthscan Publications.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) 2001. Cities in a Globalizing World: Global Report on Human Settlements 2001. Earthscan Publications.

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references on globalisation and cities

AMEN, M. M., ARCHER, K. & BOSMAN, M. M. 2006. Relocating global cities: from the center to the margins, Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield.

BECK, U. 2000. What is Globalization?, Cambridge, Polity Press.

BIG PICTURE CONSULTING 2004. Small World Consulting, Philadelphia, USA. GMT 28 October 2004.

DEÁK, C. 2001. Sao Paulo City Profile. In: CARMONA, M. & BURGESS, R. (eds.) Strategic Planning & Urban Projects: Responses to globalisation from 15 cities Delft: DUP.

FRIEDMAN, J. 2005. Globalization and the emerging culture of planning. Progress in Planning, 64, 183-234.

GABEL, M. & BRUNER, H. 2003. Global Inc.: An Atlas of the Multinational Corporation, New York, The New Press.

MARCUSE, P. & VAN KEMPEN, R. 2000. Globalizing Cities: a New Spatial Order?, Oxford, Blackwell.

MCCANN, E. J. 2004. Urban Political Economy Beyond the 'Global City'. Urban Studies, 41, 2315-2333.

PAIN, K. 2010. Spatial Transformations of Cities: Global City-Region? Mega-City Region? [Online]. Loughborough: GaWC. Available: [Accessed 29 March 2011].

ROCCO, R. 2008. An Urban Geography of Globalisation: New Urban Structures in the Age of Hyper-connectivity, Delft, IFoU.

SASSEN, S. 2002. Locating Cities on Global Circuits. Environment & Urbanization, 14, 13-30.

SCHIFFER, S. T. R. Year. São Paulo: the challenge of Globalisation in an exclusionary urban structure., 1997 Stanford. UNU/IAS.

SEGBERS, K. 2007. Global Politics and the Making of Global City Regions. In: SEGBERS, K. (ed.) The Making of Global City Regions: Johannesburg, Mumbai/Bombay, São Paulo, and Shanghai. Baltimore: JHU Press.

SOKOL, M., VAN EGERAAT, C. & WILLIAMS, B. 2008. Revisiting the 'informational city': Space of flows, polycentricity and the geography of knowledge-intensive business services in the emerging global city-region of Dublin. Regional Studies, 42, 1133-1146.

TAYLOR, P. J. 2004. World City Network: a Global Urban Analysis, London, Routledge.

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Thanks for listeningAny questions?

[email protected]

Roberto RoccoChair of Urban Planning and Strategy, Department of Urbanism

Delft University of Technology TU DelftApril 2011

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