you've got 5 minutes before your interview and we've got 5 tips to help you ace it

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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You’ve got 5 minutes before your interview and we’ve got 5 tips to help you ace it!

Step one: Revise

Your interviewer will be impressed if you can give examples using facts and figures so take a moment and revise those numbers.

Step two: Check the mirror

You only get to make a first impression once, so make sure you’re looking your best.

Step three: Confidence

Walk into that room with confidence. Remember you’re only there because the interviewer likes you on paper. Now it’s your chance to let your personality shine, so don’t let your nerves get in the way.

Step four: Rehearse

Before you even shake hands with the interviewer, you know that you’re almost guaranteed to get asked certain questions. So take the time to rehearse your answers and you won’t get stumped

Step five: Breathe!

Kill those nerves with a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you are totally capable of impressing the interviewer. You wouldn’t be walking into that room if you hadn’t already impressed them. The next part is easy just breathe and be yourself.

Ace those tips and the next time you shake your interviewer’s hand it could be on your first day of work.

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