xijin ferry, zhenjiang (鎮江西津渡)

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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鎮江 西津渡


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Yingjiang Road 迎江路

Yuntai Pavilion雲台閣

Underground Parking Lot地下停車場

Small Dock Archaeological pits小碼頭考古坑

Zhenjiang pot-cover noodle restaurant鎮江鍋蓋麵品鑑餐館

Old Dock Cultural Park 老碼頭文化園區Xijin Ferry Historic and Cultural Street is located at the northwest of the Zhenjiang city, and covers an area of 0.5 square kilometers. 西津渡歷史文化街位於鎮江城西北部,佔地面積 0.5 平方公里。The Old Dock Cultural Park starts Yingjiang Road in the east, ends at Xijin Ferry Street in the west, stands near Yuntai Mountain in the south and is close to Changjiang Road in the north, and covers an area of 3.4 hectares.

老碼頭文化公園 始於東邊的迎江路,西邊到西津渡街,南臨雲台山,北靠長江路,佔地面積 3.4 公頃。

The old stage by the pond.池塘旁的老戲台

Quite ancient mood stone brick streets.頗有古意的石磚街道

Cafes and bars of petty style can be seen everywhere in the street咖啡館和小酒吧在街上隨處可見

Xijin Ferry Ancient Street西津渡古街The Xijin Ancient Ferry Street was built in the Six Dynasties period (222-589) at the foot of Yuntai Hill, west of the city. In the Tang Dynasty, it possessed complete ferry functions and for a long time it was a hub of water transport connecting the south and north of China. A street came into being gradually after the water receded. Now the zigzag ancient street stretches hundreds of meters on three mountain slope. Its five arches divided the street into different scenic sights.

西津渡古街建於六朝時期( 222-589 ),位於鎮江市西部雲台山腳下。在唐朝已經擁有完整的渡輪功能,很長一段時間都是連接中國南北方的水運樞紐。水漸漸消失後,街道逐漸形成。現在的鋸齒古街道是在三個山坡上,綿延數百米。它的五個拱門將街道分為不同的風景名勝。The Zhaoguan Stone Pagoda, Guanyin Cave and the lifesaving society building are located on Xijin Ferry ancient street, an important ferry located on the southern bank of Yangtze River, in the Zhenjiang city. This ancient street, which was once a flourishing trading thoroughfare and a strategic military passageway.


The pavilion where people stay to waiting for the ferry boat人們等待渡輪的亭子

Xijin Ferry Ancient Street West Gate西津渡古街西口

Photo from www

Waiting for Ferry Pavilion待渡亭

A bird‘s eye view of the Xijin Ferry Ancient Street鳥瞰西津渡古街

Small Pier Street小碼頭街

Tang Dynasty poet Zhang-Hu唐代詩人張祜

The poet Zhang Hu sculpture overlooking the Yangtze River at Hill House Inn ruin site.小山樓客棧遺址 詩人張祜雕塑眺望長江


Xijin Ferry Ancient Road Exhibition西津渡古路展示

Under the glass were the road relics of Xijin Ferry since ancient times玻璃底下是西津渡從古至今各個年代的道路遺跡

A glance millennium

The ancient road relics 古代道路遺跡

The dents on the road are traces of ancient wheels路上的凹痕是古代車輪輾過的痕跡

Old house roofs老房子的屋頂

Zhaoguan stone tower 昭關石塔The most complete preservation of the Yuan Dynasty Lama Tower全國保存最完整的元代喇嘛石塔


uanyin Cave)



Guanyin Culture Exhibition Hall


The world's earliest created the river relief organizations site世界上創建最早的江上救助組織遺址(救生會)

(lifesaving society).

Xijin Ferry Ancient Street North Gate西津渡古街北口

Old Stage looking from Xijin Ferry Ancient Street North Gate從西津渡古街北口下望戲台

英國領事館舊址 (British Consulate old site)  是一座 19 世紀後半葉的拱券廊式建築, 1996 年列為全國重點文物保護單位。 它原建於同治三年,光緒 15 年被憤怒的鎮江民眾燒毀,現在的主樓是清政府賠款於 1890 年重建的。

Xijin Ferry Ancient Street西輪渡古街

Xijin Ferry Ancient Street Eest Gate


Xijin Ferry Ancient Street西輪渡古街


Small Dock Street小碼頭街

From here, Waiting for Ferry Pavilion, you can climb up to Yuntai Pavilion從待渡亭此地 可以攀爬前往雲臺閣

Viewing Platform觀景台

The tall chimneys in the distance is Yangzhou paper mill遠處高高的煙囪是揚州紙廠

Yuntai Pavilion雲台閣

雲臺閣雲臺閣為仿古建築風格樓閣,建築形式具有宋、元古建築特徵,坐落於在雲台山北峰,建築總面積: 1800 平方米,是目前鎮江古建築歷史上體量最大的建築,由亭、堂、閣組合成了一組整體輪廓跌宕多變的建築群。雲臺閣位於雲台山上,是鎮江市的制高點。仿唐宋風格木結構樓閣,非常有古典風情。閣樓高二三十米視角良好,上面遙望長江,俯視西津渡全景,還能觀賞伯先路整片明清建築群,以及鎮江市現代建築。古街上有多條道路可以爬上山頂雲臺閣。從小碼頭街西側上山坡道,比較便於爬山,節省體力。體能好的可以選擇從待渡亭或登山巷上山。待渡亭上山道比較陡峭。秋季登高望遠,看著一山五顏六色的秋色,真是心曠神怡。

Yuntai Pavilion Miniature model雲臺閣微縮模型

1st Floor 一樓

The paintings of the first floor 一樓的畫作

2nd Floor 二樓

City map of Zhenjiang Prefecture in Ming Dynasty明代鎮江府城圖

Zhenjiang Prefecture in Qing Dynasty清朝鎮江府

2nd Floor viewing platform二樓觀景台

Photo taken on the 2nd floor viewing platform照片攝於二樓觀景台

3rd Floor is projecting hall, play Zhenjiang history slide.三樓是放映廳,播放鎮江歷史幻燈片。

4th Floor (top floor)四樓 ( 頂樓 )

4th Floor viewing platform四樓觀景台

Photo taken on the 4th floor viewing platform照片攝於四樓觀景台

Take elevator back to the first floor坐電梯回到一樓

Xijin Enamel Painting西津攬勝圖 琺瑯畫

Small Dock Street小碼頭街

Small Dock Street小碼頭街

The Small Dock Ruins Site in Qing Dynasty清代小碼頭遺址

Small Dock Archaeological pits小碼頭考古坑

Music : Chinese music


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