why expert copywriting is the wave of the future

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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Writing is precious.

Unique. Valuable.


Great words can’t be automated.

The names of the greats…

Neil Gaiman. William Shakespeare. Stephen King. J.K.

Rowling. Tolkien.

Their written words have made them unforgettable, throughout

the ebbs of time.

Today, there is a sea that’s rising daily. It’s called online content.

The only way to stand out and gain attention is by being the

best that you can be.

You have to become a great.

An expert copywriter.

An authority voice, an expert on the topic, an author that writes


General won’t cut it. Standard won’t make it.

Google has furthered the fact of great writing with the standards

E-A-T, (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust),

and Y-M-Y-L (Your Money or Your Life – the topics that deserve a

true expert).

Invest not only in a good writer, a writer who “meets


But a writer who is an expert.

And not just an “expert” in a field that matches yours.

Because you can be a great lawyer, but a horrible writer. A

wonderful software developer, but a choppy author.

A raw talent in writing comes first.

It’s the ultimate credential you should seek in an expert writer.

Creating engaging content that is easy on the eyes (read: flows) is a

true art.

But here’s the secret…

You can’t learn the great level of writing.

The real, true, heart level of engaging writing.

Expert copywriting…

is born out of a talent given at birth.

An expert writer is a gifted writer.

Where writing flows from the fingertips smoother than cream

from the top of raw milk.

Without such a voice, you’re not going to succeed online.

Join this select group of happy clients: get in touch at www.expresswriters.com/contact-us and request my hand-selected expert copywriters, or simply order at https://expresswriters.com/content/expert-copy and put that request through the order form.

I’ll match you up with our hand-selected expert copywriters who will make your brand proud.

Julia McCoy, CEO

It’s time to invest in your expert copywriting.

This month, I’ve hand-picked a new team of expert writers who are providing great content for select clients with 100% success rate so far.

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