when the light goes down. it was early evening and becca spotted her grandfather intently watching...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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When the Light Goes Down

It was early evening and Becca spotted her grandfather intently watching the sunset on the lake’s shore.

She walked down to where he was sitting in the sand. After a few moments of silence, Becca asked him, “What makes the sun set, Papa?”

The grandfather sighed with a smile and said, “The Creator of all the heavens and earth, and of you and me, is the one who makes the sun set and rise.”

“And why does the Creator make the sun set, Papa?”

Grandpa continued, “Well, Becca, long long ago when God was separating the heavens and the earth, He knew the dilemma would eventually come when he created humans.”

What is a dilemma?” asked Becca.

“A dilemma is a problem, an obstacle, a challenge,” Grandpa explained.

“By separating the heavens and the earth, God knew humans would unknowingly wander

from His love; they would forever busy themselves with

their day’s activities and forget about their single purpose.”

“Single purpose, Papa?”

“Yes, Becca, “ her grandfather said, “Our purpose to know and

live in the very love of our Creator. To accept the abundant love that God has to offer – this

is our single purpose.”

“And people don’t know this purpose, Papa?”

“Walking on two legs in this world can often times find us wandering further from our purpose than you can imagine. We all become easily distracted, Becca. And this is why God not only separated the heavens and the earth, but also the light and the dark; the day and the night. And He autographed it with His promise: the sunset.”

“The promise, Papa?”

“Yes Becca, the greatest promise - that He would never forget us. Just like in the movie theater, when the lights go down - we focus our attention on the screen. And when the light goes down on our day with each sunset, God invites us to look heavenward and focus our attention on our purpose.”

“He invites us to look into the heavens and beyond the cosmos and remember who created it all… and remember the Creator and His love are never that far away.”

“What a wonderful invitation, Papa.”

“That it most certainly is, Becca…

Shhh… the sun is setting and here comes our promise and purpose…”

Where can I go from your spirit? From your presence where can I flee?If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I sink to the nether world, you are

present there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall guide me, and your right hand hold me fast…

Psalm 136

Peace throughout all your sunsets.

Do not forget your purpose or His promise.

When the Light Goes DownWritten by Lee Hoedl

Photography by Lee HoedlEmail: leehoedl@yahoo.com

Copyright 2003

For additional personal reflections and photography:http://myweb.cableone.net/dhoedl/index.html

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