what to do after you have been in an accident

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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What to Do After You Have Been in an Accident

Few situations are scarier than being involved in an auto accident. If you are in one, there are a few things you should take care of immediately.

 Make Sure Everyone Is Okay

 Check up with any passengers in your vehicle to see if they are all right. Everyone will likely be a little shaken up, but hopefully there will not be any severe injuries. You should also check in with the other vehicle. If anyone is severely injured, contact an ambulance right away.

Move Your Car 

If you are able to, move your car to the side of the road so that it is out of the way of traffic. Under no circumstances should you leave the scene. You can then contact the police. You will need to describe the scene, and someone will let you know if an office needs to be sent out to file a report.

 Exchange Information

 Tempers might be flying high, but calm yourself and everyone else down. Calmly exchange insurance information. You should also exchange phone number or email addresses so that you can reach the other person directly.

Keep a level head after an accident, and everyone will make it out all right. In the event this incident makes its way to court, it would be best to hire a truck accident attorney in Jacksonville. You can find one by visiting this website.


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