what parents need to know about natural cold remedies

Post on 17-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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We can all agree that when you have kids, colds aren’t an “if” they are a “when” and “how often”. So, equal attention is paid to not only prevention, but remedies. Nowadays, specifically, natural cold remedies.


We can all agree that when you have kids, colds aren’t an “if” they are a “when” and “how often”. So, equal

attention is paid to not only prevention, but remedies. Nowadays, specifically,

natural cold remedies.


With all the side effects now common knowledge, cold medication, or

medication in general isn’t the first things parent’s are reaching for when

their little one has a cold. They are thinking “there has to be a natural or home remedy for this and what is it?”


Back in the day of home visits, country doctors touted, “Treat a cold and it gets

better in seven days. Let a cold alone and it resolves in a week”. This is still

true, despite decades of research there is no cure for the “common cold”.

Modern parents are turning to natural cold remedies to soothe sniffles, coughs

and body aches.


If your first thought about natural cold remedies is homemade Chicken Soup,

you’re a winner! The University of Nebraska Medical Center concluded from laboratory studies that chicken

soup keeps white blood cells from triggering congestion and inflammation

in the airways.


To hit your kid’s cold symptoms with a double whammy, have him drink green tea before eating homemade chicken

soup. Tea contains theophylline, which loosens congestion. Quercetin, another

compound in tea, may help keep viruses from multiplying.


You remember the old adage, “feed a cold…”? Whoever said that probably

didn’t have sick kids! Coaxing children to eat in the best circumstance is not easy. So, give them what they want –

small slices of something for each hand.


Vitamin C appears to fortify white blood cells, which are vital for fighting infection. Doctors continue debating whether vitamin C can thwart a cold. But, it has been substantiated extra

vitamin C relieves symptoms and may shorten the duration of a cold.


Don’t forget the first aid cap! Sick kids consider Toby the puppy or Tulip the bunny their very own special friend.

Moms love the easy-to-use gel packs, which can be heated or cooled to act as a cold compress or warm compress to

fit the occasion.


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