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Post on 16-Jul-2018






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What is Meta One? Meta One, formerly Meta Basics, is our foundation course at NUMA ­­ connecting the church to what we believe and how we live out faith. This year we're making Meta One a mandatory course for all NUMA Church members and open to anyone who is interested in what our church is about, about the Christian faith and how to be missional: Sundays from 9:30am­10:30am at Carmenita Middle School, April 12, 19, 26 (3­weeks), before Sunday service, which starts at 11:00am. Doors will open at 9am with breakfast served at 9:15am. We will focus on the 4 C’s that make up the vision, mission and values of our church:

1. Christ 2. Church 3. Character 4. Cause

Each week will focus on answering questions and will end with a Q&A from you, the church, based on what was presented as well as questions you may have about the church. Those answering the question will be Pastor John Park, Administrator Chris Pyon and the Covenant Leaders, starting on Sunday, April 19.

TODO: This symbol indicates a TODO section ­ please either check off, look up or fill in the sections indicated. Please look up all Bible verses in presented in this worksheet.

This is the schedule for our Meta One course: WEEK ONE Sunday 4/12 ­ Week One, An Introduction to Meta One

Primary Focus: THE VISION OF A COVENANT COMMUNITY Primary Question: What does it mean to be a part of Numa Church? Register for baptism ­ first registration date.

Weekly Homework:

Read the Material for Week One. Write down notes based on your readings. Write down any questions that you have based on the readings.

Friday 4/17 ­ Covenant Group Discussion

Go around in your Covenant Groups and share your reflections on the reading. Ask questions and shape answer together. Register for baptism. Share with large group (one major idea and one major question) as we get together for the last 30­minutes

WEEK TWO Sunday 4/19 ­ Week Two

Primary Focus: FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD + CHURCH AS FAMILY Primary Questions:

1. What does it mean to have a relationship with Jesus Christ? (Christ) 2. What does it mean to become more like Jesus? (Character) 3. What does it mean to be in covenant relationships together in the church? (Church)

Q&A (Pastor John Park, Administrator Chris Pyon, CG Leaders) Weekly Homework:

Read the Material for Week Two. Write down notes based on your readings. Write down any questions that you have based on the readings.

Friday 4/24 ­ Covenant Group Discussion

Go around in your Covenant Groups and share your reflections on the reading. Ask questions and shape answer together. Share with large group (one major idea and one major question) as we get together for the last 30­minutes

WEEK THREE Sunday 4/26 ­ Week Three

Primary Focus: RELEVANT CHURCH Primary Question: What does it mean to live missionally? (Cause) Q&A (Pastor John Park, Joana Cho, Young Choi) Register for baptism ­ second registration date.

Weekly Homework:

Read the Material for Week Three. Write down notes based on your readings. Write down any questions that you have based on the readings.

Friday 5/1 ­ Covenant Group Discussion

Go around in your Covenant Groups and share your reflections on the reading. Ask questions and shape answer together. Share with large group (one major idea and one major question) as we get together for the last 30­minutes


What does it mean to be a part of NUMA CHURCH?

When you are saved, you become a part of the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13) ­­ this means you are a part of the Body of Christ, which is relationships and you should be an active part of a local body of Christ, which we call the local church.

To be a part of NUMA CHURCH means to be in a covenant relationship with God and others in the church, not a consumeristic one. A consumeristic relationship is one based on what others can do for me. A covenant relationship is sacred. 1 Corinthians 12:14­20 talks about this sacred relationship where Christ is the Head and we are all indispensable parts of His body. Covenant means a sacred relationship made with a promise, an oath. There are covenant relationships between people (1 Sam.18:3, 20:16; 2 Sam. 5:3) and our covenant relationship with God (Gen. 6:18, 9;16, 15:18; Luke 22:20; Heb. 8:6­7). To be in a covenant relationship at NUMA Church, you commit to NUMA as your local church and live out the five areas of covenant. This covenant commitment to a local church means that you recognize:

TODO: Check off all boxes that apply to you based on what you need to do now or in the near future.

BAPTISM: Being baptized into a new life publically before the Lord and others in the church. Have I been baptized into Christ and His church? If not, check this box to consider baptism in

this summer, in July 2015 at Summer Renovare. PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: Actively learning from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s

leading over your life. Taking time to learn Taking time for intimacy with God through listening Moving on the leading of God in life

PARTICIPATING IN FELLOWSHIP: You live towards the mutual edification of all in the church. Serving and encouraging one another in the church through your spiritual gifts, talents, abilities and resources.

Attending Sunday Worship faithfully and on­time Joining a Covenant Group faithfully and on­time to be amidst accountable relationships Pledging for the year and giving tithes and offering faithfully Serving in our church community in areas of both strength and interest Learning about your gifts, talents and interests and pursuing avenues to serve within the church

PARTICIPATING IN MISSIONS: Participating in the work of missions and proclaiming Jesus to those who do not know Him.

Learning how to share the Gospel to individuals Learning about urban missions Participating in missional opportunities faithfully Inviting others to NUMA Church

SUBMITTING TO LEADERSHIP: You understand the government of the church and submit to church discipline when necessary.

Learning and understanding the church government of NUMA

What are the examples of believers being committed to the local church?

BAPTISM and BEING A PART OF A LOCAL COMMUNITY: In the early church, when someone repented of their sins and decided to follow Jesus, these early Christians, known as “People of The Way” were baptized and became a part of a local church (Acts 2:41, 47; 5:14; 16:5).

PRACTICING FAITH TOGETHER and CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER: These early Christians did not live out their faith in a private commitment to Christ. Instead, to be a follower of Jesus meant being a part of a church family (oikos, a household) ­­ Acts 2:42­47 says, “42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Teaching Fellowship Worship Prayer

FINANCIAL HELP WITHIN THE CHURCH: When people had financial need in the church, there was support offered by others in the church (Acts 2:45, 1 Tim 5:9)

HEALING IN THE CHURCH: The church was a place of restoration, and physical and emotional healing and care. Galatians 6:10 says, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” (James 5:14­20, Phil 2:4, Rom 12:10)

A CALL TO ORDER: In Romans 16:17 Paul writes, “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them” ­­ there was discipline in the church and a watchfulness towards division.

Jack Wellman writes regarding discipline in the church: “An openly sinning and unrepentant believer was put out of the congregation until such a time that they repented.”

More verses on Church order and Discipline: Titus 3:9­11, Matthew 18:15­20, 1 Cor 5:11­13, 2 Thess 3:13­15, James 5:19­20

SUBMITTING TO LEADERS: Paul writes most about the church and the leadership government within the church. The primary purpose for church leadership is to equip mature disciples of Jesus Christ and to keep unity in the church.

Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey your leaders, and submit to them.” Ephesians 4:11­13 says, “11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists,

the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

CHARACTER COUNTED when MOVING CHURCHES: When a believer moved to another city, the church wrote a letter to confirm his character to the new home church (Acts 18:27; Rom. 16:1; Col. 4:10; 2 Cor. 3:1­2).

EVANGELISTIC: The early church bore witness of Jesus Christ not in activities and formal events but through their life, lifestyle, sharing and caring. (Rom 15:19, 1 Thessalonians 1:7­8, Acts 13:1­26:32)

What is the history of the early church?

The church was “born” on the Day of Pentecost ­ Acts 2:1­6 ­­ the significance was that the Holy Spirit came on believers.

One major difference between the church today and the early church was that the early church met daily and ate together ­­ they practically lived together.

What does NUMA believe?

Jesus Christ is the Son of God who lived, was crucified and rose again from the dead as an atonement for our sins. It is by acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the atonement for our sins that one finds salvation. There is no other way.

We believe the Word of God is the Word of God, though translated and transliterated throughout history, that it is infallible and true, able to teach and guide us today.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity given to us by the Father, to empower us to live for God and by His Power, Truth and Love. We believe that the Holy Spirit is moving in the same power and proximity as He did in the early church ­ we are not a cessationist church. We believe that the spiritual gifts of healing, prophecy and tongues are given today and to be desired as it says in 1 Corinthians 14. We are to practice these gifts in accordance with the Scriptures, with the same care and responsibility and accountability as any other gift ­ accurately and avoiding an extreme theology that these gifts have ceased or are required.

Baptism is important for a Christian and should practiced by a professing Christian at least once in their life, as a sign of devotion to Christ and a public acknowledgment of a new life in Christ, leaving a life of sin and worldliness behind.

Our church acknowledges the six traditions of church history and their place in Scripture and affirm the movements, when aligned to Scripture and discipline, as works of God in the world today:

The Contemplative Tradition (Prayer) The Holiness Tradition (Holiness) The Charismatic Tradition (Work of Holy Spirit) The Social­Justice Tradition (Social Justice) The Evangelical Tradition (Word of God) The Incarnational Tradition (Missional Living)

These traditions are laid out in the book “Streams of Living Water” by Richard Foster The church and the members of the church are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, not consumers,

and to make disciples of Jesus Christ through missional living, church life and accountability. Without God’s love at the center of discipleship, our movement can become a legalistic endeavor. The essential doctrine a disciple must hold to is God’s love and God’s holiness, together.

What does church government look like at NUMA CHURCH?

Executive Leadership and Spiritual Leadership Executive Leadership takes care of the organizational needs of the church and its people ­­ to

be in good standing with our resources and legally sound. This is the organizational part of the church that is just as “spiritual” as anything else because it is our stewardship at work.

Spiritual Leadership takes care of people in the church and the movement of the church as a local body of Christ.

Structure of Numa Church SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP:

Lead Pastor (John Park) Covenant Pastor (Vacant) Covenant Group Leaders (Currently Six Leaders: Chris Pyon, Daisy Ko, David Hwang,

Joana Cho, Paul Choi, Young Choi) Kid Numa Director (Jeni Park) Missional Director (Joana Cho) Volunteers (Ministry)

EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP Executive Pastor (Vacant) Administrator (Chris Pyon) Volunteers (Administrative)

OVERSEERS ­ “ELDERS” *Covenant Pastor (Vacant) Ministry Pastor (Vacant) Lay Pastor (Vacant) Executive Pastor (Vacant)

Is NUMA part of a denomination?

NUMA is not part a denomination nor association at this time. We are praying through the next steps of either joining an association or creating one with kindred spirit churches in the near future (2015­2016)

What is NUMA’S Philosophy of Ministry?

Our MANTRA: Disciples Making Disciples

History ­ From Pastor John Park: “When I was a worship and youth pastor at my previous church I was listening to the Sunday message when I became deeply dissatisfied with being a part of a comfortable church. God gave me two ‘words’ that Sunday: NUMA and Disciples making disciples. Richard Foster says that “superficiality is the curse of our age.” Superficial spirituality is rampant in our world: one that is overly emotional and intellectual void or one that is thoughtful and pragmatic but lacks zeal for God. We as the church are not called to be consumers waiting for what God can do for us. We are to pursue God and be disciples, which means ‘learner,’ who has a Teacher and we abandon our truth, pursuits and lives for His. There is an activeness to a disciple and an activism. A disciple always makes disciples ­­ passing on the love and truth to others, based on friendship. A week after that Sunday I went to Anaheim for a routine pickup ­­ I was working at a company at the time and needed to get some products. When I was in high school I would go to Anaheim Vineyard to worship and learn. I decided to take a detour and drive by the church. As I was driving down La Palma Ave. towards the church I could see the church placard outside and it read ‘Disciples making disciples.’ That was a confirmation of the word I had received the previous Sunday ­­ to not settle for the superficiality of consumeristic Christianity. When we started NUMA, it became our mantra, our compass and our battlecry.”

Our VISION and CULTURE: 519 ­ it comes from John 5:19 when Jesus says "I tell you the truth, the

Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” NUMA is about doing what the Father is doing:

Know the Word through study and practice. Having an intimate relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. Have healthy, Christ­centered relationships in our lives with: family, church and friends. Be intentionally missional with our lives, work and service to those we know and to those in our

lives and city.

Our MISSION: To be an equipping church that raises up serious disciples of Jesus Christ who will make disciples and live out a 519 culture in Southern California.

TODO: At the end of these three weeks, you will be asked to sign a pledge form that you freely choose to be a part of the NUMA Church family:

1. to be faithful to love, grow, give and serve the people in the family, 2. to protect the values represented in the church and 3. to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a member of this church, which is called to be a church of

disciples making disciples. Please spend time thinking and praying about this sacred covenant to be a part of a church for the next three weeks.

TODO: Questionnaire. Please complete the questions before this Friday’s Covenant Group. Please be prepared to share what you can during the covenant group times: 1. Are you saved? [ ] Yes [ ] No. 2. Have you been baptized? [ ] Yes [ ] No. 3. Have you ever articulated or shared the gospel with someone? If so, please share some of your experiences, successes and thoughts. If not, please share your reasons or reservations:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

4. What are our gifts, talents or calling? What are you good at? This is meant to be a broad question so you can share as you can, not as your “should.”

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5. Have you been hurt or lost trust (to varying degrees) in the church, church leaders or friends in the church? If so, welcome to family ­ one of best opportunities to grow in love and maturity is through forgiveness and reconciliation ­­ and not through bitterness and mistrust. God gives us opportunities in the church and instructs us as the church to be the light of the world ­­ this calling is not to be perfect, but to be transparent ­­ not hiding our hurt nor holding it against one another. The call to love others as much as we love ourselves is a call towards forgiveness and reconciliation. Write out a prayer of forgiveness or a prayer for help, for God to help you discover or recover your love for others and the church again.

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6. Is there something that you want to share with the church that will help you grow and help others encourage you and know you better?

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

7. What is your view of authority? God, your father or mother? Pastors? Teachers? Etc. Share what you can here:

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8. What is one area of your life you would like accountability in?

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

9. Are there any questions you want to ask about Numa or what’s in this packet? If so, write it here:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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