walking on clouds: managing your digitial identity

Post on 06-May-2015






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Educause Australasia 2009, Perth


Walking on Clouds: managing your digital footprints

Dave Cummings (VU) & Kim Tairi (Swinburne)



> Introductions

> What do you want to achieve?

> Who are we?

> Who are you?

> Managing digital identities

I’ve never been to me: Social media and your identity…

U got the look

A boy named Sue: Virtual /Digital Identities

> Social media and your identity

– Discrete vs Continuous identities? (Multifaceted digital identities)

– Local vs Global?

– Interoperability – the creation of meta-social networks

– Is there a difference between virtual and real identity?

– Identity in crisis?

– The return to the confessing animal?

> Generational differences? Baby Boomer, Gen X, Gen Y, Gen C

> Strategies for managing digital identities

Virtual identity evolving….

Look at me I’m Sandra Dee - Calculating your digital footprint

Monitor your reputation - Egosearching

> Egosurfing (also called vanity searching, egosearching, egogoogling, autogoogling, self-googling, or simply Googling yourself) is the practice of searching for one's own given name, surname, full name, pseudonym, or screen name on a popular search engine, to see what results appear (Wikipedia 2009)

> Digital Footprints: Online Identity Management and Search in the Age of Transparency

> Andy Beal tips for managing your reputation

I am Woman - Revealing yourselfrofil says about

> What do you say about yourself?

> What do your connections say about you?

> What applications you add?

> Forming connections – combining contexts

Be mindful

> Online identity or impression management

> Different types of personal, corporate and virtual identities

> Creating a personal brand

> What image of yourself are you presenting?

> Indeed, today’s social networking and dating sites are “like impression management on steroids” said Joseph B. Walther (2008, New York Times)

The nature of personal information is changing

> Internet users are becoming more aware of their digital footprint; 47% > Few monitor their online presence with great regularity. > Most internet users are not concerned about the amount of information

available about them online, and most do not take steps to limit that information.

> Internet users have reason to be uncertain about the availability of personal data; 60% of those who search for their names actually find information about themselves online, but 38% say their searches come up short

> One in ten internet users have a job that requires them to self-promote or market their name online

> Among adults who create social networking profiles, transparency is the norm

> More than half of all adult internet users have used a search engine to follow others’ footprints ( Madden, Fox, Smith and Vitak 2007).

Last word

> People choose to make risks based on what they assume the architectural affordances and norms of a space to be. I think that asking people to retreat into paranoia is completely unreasonable. Instead, i think we need to find ways of providing reasonable levels of protection and comfort, recognizing that there are always risks when you are still breathing (boyd, d 2006)

Why participate

…people have social reasons to participate on social network sites, and these social motivations explain both why users value Facebook notwithstanding its well-known privacy risks and why they systematically underestimate those risks. Facebook provides users with a forum in which they can craft social identities, forge reciprocal relationships, and accumulate social capital. These are important, even primal, human desires, whose immediacy can trigger systematic biases in the mechanisms people use to valuate privacy risks. (Grimmelmann 2008)


> boyd, d 2006, Facebook's 'Privacy Trainwreck': Exposure, Invasion, and Drama, viewed 30 June 2008, http://www.danah.org/papers/FacebookAndPrivacy.html.

> Hashash, S & Waite, R 2008, Smeared on the internet? Then call in the cleaners, viewed 30 June http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/the_web/article3382175.ece.

> Madden, M, Fox, S, Smith, A & Vitak, J Digital Footprints: Online identity management and search in the age of transparency, viewed 30 June 2008, http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/229/report_display.asp.

> Pearson, E 2009, 'All the World Wide Web a stage: The performance of identity in online social networks', first monday, vol. 14, no. viewed 28 March 2009.

> Seth, G 2008, Seth's Blog: The first thing to do this year, viewed 30 June 2008, http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/01/the-first-thing.html

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