virtual reality perspective-taking increases cognitive …...research article virtual reality...

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Virtual reality perspective-taking increases

cognitive empathy for specific others

Austin van Loon1*, Jeremy Bailenson2, Jamil Zaki3, Joshua Bostick2, Robb Willer1

1 Sociology Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States of America,

2 Communications Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States of America,

3 Psychology Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States of America



Previous research shows that virtual reality perspective-taking experiences (VRPT) can

increase prosocial behavior toward others. We extend this research by exploring whether

this effect of VRPT is driven by increased empathy and whether the effect extends to osten-

sibly real-stakes behavioral games. In a pre-registered laboratory experiment (N = 180), par-

ticipants interacted with an ostensible partner (a student from the same university as them)

on a series of real-stakes economic games after (a) taking the perspective of the partner in a

virtual reality, “day-in-the-life” simulation, (b) taking the perspective of a different person in a

“day-in-the-life” simulation, or (c) doing a neutral activity in a virtual environment. The VRPT

experience successfully increased participants’ subsequent propensity to take the perspec-

tive of their partner (a facet of empathy), but only if the partner was the same person whose

perspective participants assumed in the virtual reality simulation. Further, this effect of

VRPT on perspective-taking was moderated by participants’ reported feeling of immersion

in the virtual environment. However, we found no effects of VRPT experience on behavior in

the economic games.


Can virtual reality be used to increase other-regarding sentiments and behaviors such as empa-

thy and prosocial behavior? If so, through what mechanism does such an effect operate? Previ-

ous literature suggests that virtual reality can be used to increase prosocial behavior, and

empathy may be the mechanism of interest. To test this, we present here the results of a three-

condition pre-registered laboratory experiment (pre-registration viewable online at: https:// in which we test the effectiveness of virtual reality perspective-taking (hereafter

VRPT), or the use of immersive virtual environments to take on the perspective of someone

else. We predicted that VRPT would increase the prosocial behavior of individuals as mea-

sured through a series of behavioral games. We measure empathic concern and propensity to

take on the perspective of others at time-one (before the experimental session) and at time-two

(after the intervention, before the prosociality measures) to test for empathy as a mechanism.

We hypothesize, in accordance with previous literature, that VRPT will increase prosocial

behavior, here measured as decisions in behavioral games. More specifically, we hypothesize

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Citation: van Loon A, Bailenson J, Zaki J, Bostick J,

Willer R (2018) Virtual reality perspective-taking

increases cognitive empathy for specific others.

PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202442.


Editor: Claus Lamm, University of Vienna,


Received: March 27, 2018

Accepted: August 2, 2018

Published: August 30, 2018

Copyright: © 2018 van Loon et al. This is an open

access article distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License, which

permits unrestricted use, distribution, and

reproduction in any medium, provided the original

author and source are credited.

Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are

within the paper and its Supporting Information


Funding: Funded by The Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency funding associated with

proposal 69783LSDRP, applied to by JB, JZ, and

RW. (Website for DARPA:

The funders had no role in study design, data

collection and analysis, decision to publish, or

preparation of the manuscript.

Competing interests: The authors have declared

that no competing interests exist.

that individuals who take the perspective of an individual and then interact with that same

individual (i.e. those in the “direct empathy” condition) will have increased prosocial behavior

when compared to those who don’t take on the perspective of anyone and then interact with

someone (i.e. those in the “control condition”), and that individuals who take the perspective

of someone and then interact with someone else (i.e. those in the “indirect empathy” condi-

tion) will have levels of prosociality between these two other groups. Additionally, we hypothe-

size that VRPT will increase both empathic concern (emotional empathy) and perspective

taking (cognitive empathy) towards future interactants, and that this increase in empathy will

mediate the hypothesized increase in prosocial behavior. Lastly, we hypothesize that this

increase in empathy will be moderated by one’s reported “presence” in the immersive virtual

environment, or how much the participant responded feeling as if they were “really in” in the

virtual environment.

Previous work

Empathy and prosociality. Empathy, the ability and tendency to share and understandothers’ internal states [1], comprises multiple psychological components [2]. Experience shar-

ing is the tendency of an individual to vicariously take on the sensorimotor, visceral, and affectivestates of another [3–5]. Experience sharing is closely related to the process of self-other merg-

ing: the process by which another comes to seem more “self-like” ([6–9], cf. [10–11]). Mentalizing

or perspective-taking is the act of attributing mental states to others and reasoning about howsituations relate to them (e.g. cause them) [12]. Lastly, empathic concern is an affectively-tingedmotivation to increase the welfare of another individual [1].

These multiple empathic “pieces” feed into prosocial actions. For instance, experience shar-

ing—indexed both through reports of self-other overlap and brain “mirroring” of affective

states—predicts prosocial behavior [13–15]. However, sharing others’ distress can also moti-

vate avoidance behavior and thus inhibit helping behavior [16–17]. Likewise, encouraging par-

ticipants to mentalize about a target increases their prosocial behavior towards them [18–19]

and mentalizing-related brain activity predicts later prosocial behavior [20].

People are relatively stable in their levels of empathy [21–22], but situations also powerfully

affect levels of empathy by triggering or inhibiting empathic responses [23–25]. Thus, empathy

(and therefore prosocial behavior) can be purposefully increased and decreased, much like a

muscle which one can work to increase its strength. The goal of this paper is to further the

research on an “exercise” for the “muscle” that is empathy, which, in doing so, increases an

individual’s capacity to be prosocial.

Perspective-taking interventions. The “muscle” of empathy can be worked through per-

spective-taking exercises, which can generally be broken into two categories: experiential and

expressive interventions [26]. The intervention we present here is of the former category,

which “feature tasks that encourage ‘tuning in’ to targets’ internal states” ([26], pp. 206). Other

such exercises in the literature include asking female college students to imagine the daily lives

of and feelings of various stigmatized groups, such as AIDS patients and homeless persons to

promote more positive attitudes towards them [19], having able-bodied college students travel

around their campus in a wheel chair to create more positive attitudes towards the disabled

individuals [27], and having Arab students reading a letter from a Jewish mother to their child

to decrease hostility towards Israelis [28].

For some interventions, increases in self-reported empathy measures is the primary out-

come of interest (e.g. [28–30]). For other interventions, prosocial behavior is increased

towards the target group or individual [31–32]. Few studies look at both increases in empathy

and behavioral measures, and especially so in looking for behavioral changes as being possibly

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mediated by increases in empathy, though such a mechanism is often implicitly posited. Here

we seek to explicate and test for this.

Virtual reality perspective-taking. More recently, various researchers have examined the

possibility of moving these perspective-taking exercises into virtual reality. More specifically, it

has been examined whether traditional role-playing exercises can be enhanced or at least repli-

cated through the use of computer generated, 3D environments in which individuals can inter-

actively experience while “in” virtual reality, also known as IVEs. The use of IVEs to have an

individual take on the perspective of another individual is known as virtual-reality perspec-

tive-taking (VRPT). Moving these exercises to virtual reality will allow social psychologists to

overcome various methodological problems including the “the experimental control–mun-

dane realism trade-off, lack of replication, and unrepresentative sampling” ([33], pp. 103).

If perspective-taking exercises are moved into virtual reality, then experiences can be

induced which would otherwise be prohibitively difficult or impossible. For instance, in virtual

reality researchers can have individuals experience having a different skin tone [34], age [35],

or gender [36], or to even inhabit the body of an animal [37] relatively easily while maintaining

tight experimental control. While other research has come up with ways to use other forms of

media for perspective-taking exercises [29–30], some research suggests that IVEs can have a

stronger impact on attitudes of individuals when compared to other forms of non-immersive

media [38]. VRPT also allows for researchers to have fine-grained control over the experiences

of participants. For instance, Mel Slater and colleagues put participants into exactly identical

scenarios where they observed another individual in need of help, but with one exception: the

individual in need either looked at them or did not [39]. Here we can see one of the benefits of

VRPT; researchers not using virtual reality would have trouble making a tightly-controlled

and/or realistic simulation of this experience for participants.

Researchers have found success in using VRPT to induce helping behavior [40], reduce

implicit bias [41–43], reverse racial in-group bias [44], enhance financial planning [45], and

decrease prejudice [35]. While some researchers have posited possible mechanisms for how

VRPT might affect perceptions of “outgroups” [46], rigorous evidence has yet to be brought to

bear on the question of what the exact social-psychological mechanism is through which

VRPT exercises induce helping behavior. We believe this mechanism is empathy. Other

research supports the claim that virtual reality can increase empathic response [47] and other

facets of empathy [48], and analyses from previous research [40] show that this intervention is

more impactful for those who had low levels of empathy prior to the intervention. However,

direct evidence that empathy mediates the relationship between virtual reality use and

increased cooperation is lacking. In the present study, we test specifically for increases in

empathy as a mechanism through which VRPT increases prosocial behavior.

Specifically, we expect VRPT to increase both perspective taking and empathic concern.

Since IVEs are more immersive than other stimuli such as imagined situations or standard

two-dimensional videos, the stimuli are more immediate to individuals and can have more of

an impact on their attitudes [39]. We expect the exercise to make considering the situation of

the target less cognitively taxing, thus increasing on average perspective-taking, which may

then lead to an increase the motivation for altruism, or empathic concern [1]. We measure

both of these directly, as well as prosocial behavior through standard economic games.

Materials and methods


A sample of undergraduate students was recruited from a medium-sized private university on

the west coast. Most participants received $100 for their participation, though small portion

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(n = 35) were given extra credit for participation and not paid. Including an indicator variable

for whether the participant was paid or received extra credit did not qualitatively affect our

results. After dropping participants who were suspicious of the experiment (more on this

below), the sample consisted of 180 participants (N = 180): 72 males, 106 females, and 2 indi-

viduals who identified as some other gender. The total sample ranged in age from 18 to 29

(M = 20.28) and was racially diverse. See Table 1 below for demographics of participants by



Participants viewed the virtual world using the HTC Vive, a head-mounted display (HMD),

that allows for three-dimensional, stereoscopic views of a fully immersive, digitally rendered

virtual reality environment. Participants also used two handheld HTC controllers to interact

with objects in the virtual environment. Both the HMD and the hand controllers are tracked

by two HTC Lighthouse base stations, which send out an array of non-visible light that can be

detected by the HMD and hand controllers. The Lighthouse uses the light detection informa-

tion to determine the 3D position of the HMD and hand controllers, as well as the orientation

(pitch, yaw, and roll) of both. The 3D position and orientation of the participant’s head and

hands are used to update the rendering of the first-person viewpoint accordingly. Haptic feed-

back in the form of vibrations through the hand controllers was generated when participants

interacted with objects to increase immersion in the virtual environment.


The methods laid out in this article were approved by the Stanford Institutional Review Board.

All participants were asked to remotely complete a pretest survey through a Qualtrics survey

in which they gave informed consent to participate in the study, completed a battery of survey

measures, provided basic demographic information, described their daily routine, and pro-

vided details about their personal lifestyle choices (e.g., preferences in clothing, music, art,

etc.) under the guise that a virtual experience of their life might be created based on their

responses for other students to experience. In fact, three IVEs were created independent of any

participant’s responses, but we wanted participants to believe a virtual simulation of their life

could have been created and that other people may experience theirs. This leant legitimacy to

our later claims that they were experiencing a virtual environment based off the life of another

student from the same university. Upon completing the survey, participants were able to sign

Table 1. Demographics by condition.

Control Direct Empathy Indirect Empathy


Am. Ind. or AK Native 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Asian 2 6 0 8 7 9 0 16 6 9 0 15

Black or African-American 7 2 0 9 3 1 1 5 6 4 0 10

HI N & Pacific Islander 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Latino 5 6 0 11 3 7 0 10 3 5 0 8

White 11 19 0 30 6 11 0 17 11 17 0 28

Some Other 1 3 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 1 1 2

Total 27 36 0 63 19 32 1 52 26 38 1 65

“M” column shows number of participants who identified as male in each condition, “F” column shows number of participants who identified as female in each

condition, the “O” column shows number of participants who identified as neither male nor female in each condition, and “T” shows the total number of participants in

each condition. “Latino” participants are anyone who marked any race but identified as being “Latino or Hispanic”.

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up to participate in the second part of the study, to take place at least one week after the pretest

was completed.

Upon arriving in-person for the second part of the study, participants were randomly

assigned to one of the three virtual reality experiences. In the control condition, participants

walked around and observed a virtual representation of the lab room where they were partici-

pating in the study. They did not have a self-avatar representation or the ability to interact

with objects in the virtual environment. Participants in the other two conditions (see below)

experienced a “day in the life” of a student who supposedly attended the same university as the

participant, taking their perspective within the IVE by embodying a self-avatar that they were

told was based off this other student. Participants in either of these conditions had an equal

likelihood of embodying “Steve,” or “James” two fictional characters (with similar but not

identical backgrounds) the participants were led to believe were real fellow students. This vari-

ation in stimuli was introduced to test whether increased empathy from VRPT is target-spe-

cific or generalizable to relatively similar others (more on this below).

After completing the IVE treatment, participants were led to a computer in a private survey

room to answer a questionnaire and complete a series of behavioral games programmed in

Qualtrics. In this portion of the experiment, they were told their answers would be “paired

with another student’s”. This language is intentionally neutral so that neither competitive nor

cooperative undertones are communicated to the participant, as this would likely affect behav-

ior and perceptions of the “other student”. Thus, participants were assigned randomly to be

“paired with” either “Steve” or “James”, independent of their assignment to embodying

“Steve” or “James” or to the control condition. This created six possible experiences for the

subject, which we group into three conditions:

1. indirect empathy (n = 65): the participant embodies “James” (“Steve”) and then is “paired”

with “Steve” (“James”). We hypothesize that this condition will induce the second most

empathy and will therefore elicit the second most prosocial behavior.

2. direct empathy (n = 52): the participant embodies “James” (“Steve”) and then is paired with

“James” (“Steve”). We hypothesize that this condition will induce the most empathy and

will therefore elicit the most prosocial behavior.

3. control (n = 63): the participant embodied no one (and walked around a virtual version of

the lab room), and then was paired with either “James” or “Steve”. We hypothesize that this

condition will induce the least empathy and will therefore elicit the least prosocial behavior.

Results are robust to specification of “condition” as either direct empathy, indirect empa-

thy, and control, or as the six possible experiences (takes the perspective of Steve and interacts

with James, takes the perspective of James and interacts with James, etc.) the participant may

have been exposed to, but the former is preferred for interpretability.


In the IVEs created for the experimental conditions, the narrative began with participants

standing in an undergraduate dorm room (designed to look like the actual dorm rooms of the

university “Steve” or “James” was supposedly from), facing a mirror in front of a sink. Partici-

pants were introduced to their self-avatar, which they saw either as an avatar named Steve or

an avatar named James (Fig 1). They were given a few moments to adjust to their virtual envi-

ronment, after which they were prompted to perform a series of simple movements in front of

the mirror to help them associate their body’s physical movements with the avatar’s move-

ments that they saw in the mirror. This helped invoke “body transfer”.

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After becoming acquainted with the virtual environment, participants “unpacked their suit-

case” by picking up objects with their hand controllers and placing them in their designated

spots on shelves in the room (Fig 2). After completing this task, participants were instructed

that they were about to “attend class”. Participants were then transported to a classroom,

where they stood behind a podium and were instructed to give a presentation to a virtual class

seated in front of them (Fig 3), based off presentation slides which contained information in

bullet point format about either Steve or James (whichever environment they were assigned).

They were instructed to speak as if they were Steve or James and elaborate on each bullet

point. The authors felt that giving participants sparse information (bullet points) and asking

them to expand that information into full, natural-language sentences was the best combina-

tion of maintaining experimental control and forcing participants to engage with the informa-

tion presented. Having participants recite fully-defined text would lead to a lack of cognitive

engagement, but having the participants imagine information from nothing would likely lead

to huge individual variation and add “noise” to the results. After completing their presentation,

participants went to “work out” at a small gym. Here, participants were asked to follow along

with a workout video, performing stretches and arm movements in front of a mirror (Fig 4).

Fig 1. Avatars. The participants may have taken the perspective of James (left) OR Steve (right).

Fig 2. Equipment/first task. Participants hold the HTC controllers (indicated with green circles) in their hands and

wear the HTC Vive HMD (indicated with a red circle) on their head as shown and interact with the IVE as their real-

world sensory input is replaced with the world of the IVE. The individual in this image (as well as in Figs 3 and 4) has

given written informed consent (as outlined in PLOS consent form) to publish these photos.

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Pre-manipulation (time-one) independent variables

Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) [49] -Three items on a five-point interval scale were

selected because of the large number of questions present on the time-one survey from two

sub-scales of the IRI that measure tendency towards empathic concern (EC; experience shar-

ing) and perspective taking (PT; mentalizing), making a total of 6 items. A sample item from

the EC subscale is “I would describe myself as a pretty soft-hearted person” and a sample from

the PT subscale is “I believe that there are two sides to every question and try to look at them

both” (1 = Does not describe me well, 5 = Describes me well; Cronbach’s α for all items = .68,

for PT items = .73, for EC items = .74).

Social Value Orientation (SVO) [50]—a nine-item questionnaire which presents partici-

pants with three possible outcomes, of which they select their most preferred. Each of these

three possible outcomes is indicative of either a competitive orientation, an altruistic orienta-

tion, or a prosocial orientation. If a participant answered consistently (6 or more times) in one

style of orientation, they were considered to be of that orientation.

Philosophies of Human Nature and Trustworthiness (abbreviated from [51])—A six-item

questionnaire to assess tendency to trust others and belief in the good of human nature. Partic-

ipants were instructed to read each prompt and then use a slider (0 = Disagree, 100 = Agree),

which reflects their first impression and views of human nature (M = 49.9, SD = 9.2).

NEO-Altruism [52]—We employed an eight-item, five-point interval scale questionnaire

drawn from the NEO-inventory to measure how altruistically participants thought others

viewed them to be and how altruistically they viewed themselves. Sample items were, “I’m not

Fig 3. Second task. Participants stand at a podium and give a presentation about “themselves” based on information

presented to them via a screen in the back of the classroom.

Fig 4. Third task. Participants complete a series of exercises while looking at a screen placed such that they also see a

reflection of their avatar.

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known for my generosity” (reverse-coded) and “I try to be courteous to everyone I meet”

(1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree; Cronbach’s α = .66).

Post-manipulation (time-two) independent variables

Inclusion of Other in Self (IOS) [53]—This measure was adapted and employed to measure

how connected participants who either embodied James or Steve (i.e. participants who were

not in the control condition) felt with the avatar that they embodied. This is a single-item,

seven-point scale depicting a series of increasingly overlapping circles (similar to a Venn dia-

gram), one circle labeled “self” and one circle labeled “James” or “Steve,” depending on who

they embodied during the treatment. Participants chose the overlapping circles they felt best

represented how connected they were with James or Steve.

Body Transfer [37]–An eleven-item, seven-point interval scale assessed how much the par-

ticipant felt as if they had become James or Steve in the direct empathy and indirect empathy

conditions. Sample items were, “In the virtual environment, how much did you feel that your

avatar’s body was your body” and “When you were looking in the mirror how much did you

feel a strong connection with your avatar as if you were looking at yourself” (0 = Not at All,

10 = Very Much; Cronbach’s α = .90).

Spatial Presence [54]—A five-item, five-point interval scale was used to measure perceived

spatial presence. Sample items were, “To what extent did you feel that you were really inside

the environment?” and “To what extent did you feel that you were surrounded by the environ-

ment?” (1 = Not at all, 5 = Very strongly; Cronbach’s α = .77).

Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) [55]—A 20-item, five-point interval scale was

employed to measure participants’ positive and negative affect at the time of their post-manip-

ulation survey. We chose to add two prompts to the questionnaire to explore gender, “Mascu-

line” and “Feminine”, making a total of 22 items. The initial prompt informed participants

that they would need to, “Indicate to what extent you feel this way right now, that is, at the

present moment.” Sample prompts were “Alert” and “Hostile”. (1 = Very slightly or not at all,

5 = Extremely; Cronbach’s α = .84)

Dependent variables

Post-Manipulation (Time-two) Perspective-Taking—We adapt from the perspective taking

subset of the IRI and employ a three-item, five-point interval scale to measure, after being

“introduced” to the other student whose answers will be paired with theirs (either “James” or

“Steve”) via a short paragraph and picture, the participant’s propensity to take the perspective

of this other student. Sample items include asking how much the participant is “. . .making an

effort to see the world through [James’ or Steve’s] eyes” and “. . .imagining how [James or

Steve] is feeling.” (1 = Does not Describe Me Well, 5 = Describes Me Well; Cronbach’s α = .92)

Post-Manipulation (Time-two) Empathic Concern—We adapt from the empathic concern

subset of the IRI and employ a four-item, five-point interval scale to measure, after being

“introduced” to the student whose answers will be paired with theirs (either “James” or

“Steve”) via a short paragraph and picture, the participant’s sense of empathic concern towards

their future partner. This scale asks how much the participant is feeling “Sympathetic” and

“Compassionate” towards James/Steve upon learning they will be interacting with them

(1 = Does not Describe Me Well, 5 = Describes Me Well; Cronbach’s α = .71). Given the rela-

tively low alpha score of this scale, we conducted principal component analysis on the four dif-

ferent measures. The first component had an eigenvalue of 2.18 and explained 54 percent of

the variance of the scale. Each item had a similar weighting onto this component (weights of

0.48, 0.48, 0.51, and 0.52). The second component had an eigenvalue of 1.07 and explained 27

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percent of the variance. We estimated the first component and replicate all analyses presented

here with qualitatively similar results. There was no single item which increased the alpha

score of this scale if dropped.

Trust Game [56]—In this behavioral game, one individual (the “first mover”) is given an

allotment of currency (in our case, 10 “lab dollars”, which participants believed would be

exchanged for real currency at the end of the study), any amount of which they can choose to

entrust to the “second mover”. This entrusted amount is tripled, and the second mover can

choose to return as much or as little of this tripled amount they like back to the first mover. If

both players act cooperatively, both can end up with 15 lab dollars (the first mover entrusts all

10 lab dollars, which is tripled to be 30 dollars, which the second mover divides evenly), but if

the first mover doesn’t trust the second mover (and entrusts less or none of the original

endowment), or if the second mover betrays the trust of the first mover and keeps more than

their “fair share” of the tripled endowment, then this (in some ways) optimal outcome cannot

be reached.

Participants were instructed on how the game works and were asked a series of questions to

make sure they understood the game sufficiently. They then played two rounds of the game,

the first as the first mover, where the second mover was the “other student”, and the second as

the second mover after the “other student” (being the first mover in this round) had entrusted

them with all 10 lab dollars (Participants were told the “other student” had performed these

tasks prior to the participant, and their answers were being paired after-the-fact). The amount

they entrust to the “other student” as the first mover is indicative of trust towards them

(M = 5.9, SD = 3.2), while the amount they return as the second mover measures how much

greed they display towards the “other student” (M = 11.8, SD = 5.9).

Dictator Game [57]—In this behavioral game, the Dictator, known as the “Decider”, would

receive an endowment of 10 lab dollars and decide how many lab dollars would be sent to the

“Receiver”, after which the task would be complete; there was no recourse for the Receiver and

they would have to accept whatever amount the Decider sent. The participant played one

round of this game as the “Decider”, which is an additional way to measure levels of greed the

participant displays towards the “other student” (M = 3.2, SD = 2.2).

Circle Tracking Game—As part of the exploratory aspect of this study, we developed a com-

puter mediated coordination game, the circle tracking game (CTG), to investigate if there were

any differences in participant performance based on their randomly assigned condition (con-

trol, direct empathy, and indirect empathy). The CTG consisted of two distinct elements, a

ball and a participant-controlled hoop. Participants believed that the ball was a recording of

mouse movements the “other participant” had recorded when they completed this task at an

earlier time. In reality, this was one of several recorded mouse movements of a member of the

research team. Participants’ role in this game was to use their computer mouse to control the

hoop and to keep the ball within the boundary of the hoop for as long as possible during the

one-minute task. We measure the amount of time they successfully keep the moving ball

within the hoop. See below (Fig 5) for a graphic depicting the order of the collection of


Analytic strategy

To test our hypotheses, we use ordinary least squares (OLS) regression [58]. To see if there are

differences in a self-report or behavioral measures across conditions, we regress this dependent

variable on a set of two indicator (binary) variables, one of which is equal to one if the partici-

pant is in the direct empathy condition and zero if not, and the other which is equal to one if

the participant is in the indirect empathy condition and zero if not. The coefficients in the

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regression associated with these variables can be interpreted as the mean difference between

the respective condition and participants in the control condition. For presentation purposes,

to test for differences between the two experimental conditions, we prefer a linear combination

or linear contrast post-estimation test to running a separate model with one of the experimen-

tal conditions as the withheld group.

To “control” for other variables (examine the effect of the manipulations as independent

linear contributions to the dependent variables to the “controlled for” variables), we simply

include these variables in the list of regressors for the regression. To test for “moderation”

(whether the effect of one regressor on the dependent variable is contingent on the value of

another regressor), we include both regressors as well as the product of the two regressors in the

regression. We use a standard α = 0.05 threshold for reporting significance, but report either

standard errors or p-values for all meaningful coefficients associated with a statistical test. We

elect, however, to not report these for coefficients associated with “constants” (expected value of

the dependent variable when all regressors equal zero) for presentation purposes. For further

details on other analyses, see our pre-registration form at the link in the introduction section.


We pre-registered many features of the current experiment online at the Open Science Frame-

work (OSF), including a detailed explanation of randomization and experimental procedures,

intended analyses, all measured variables, criteria for dropping participants from analyses, and

predicted findings (find the link to our pre-registration in the introduction section of the

paper). In this section we report the results from the pre-registered analyses for the experi-

ment. At the end of the experimental session, participants filled out two open-ended questions

concerning their guesses regarding the hypotheses of the experiment and any additional

Fig 5. Order of experimental materials.

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thoughts on the experiment. We coded each of these open-ended responses for levels of

reported suspicion regarding aspects of deception in the study. Eight individuals were found

to be suspicious enough to be removed from analysis (these eight individuals doubted the exis-

tence of an actual student corresponding to the avatar James or Steve; their inclusion does not

affect the results reported here).

Table 2 and Table 3 present results of OLS linear regression models analyzing the effect of

experimental condition on our dependent variables. Table 2 shows the effect of condition on

the various self-reported survey questions, while Table 3 shows the effects of condition on our

behavioral measures, specifically the cooperation games and the circle-tracking game (CTG).

Means and standard deviations for behavioral games can be seen in S1 and S2 Tables. As indi-

cated by all models in Tables 2 and 3, being in the indirect empathy condition (the condition

in which a participant either took the perspective of James and then interacted with Steve or

took the perspective of Steve and then interacted with James) did not have a significant effect

on any of our dependent measures in comparison to the control group (those who did not

take the perspective of James or Steve before interacting with either James or Steve).

Table 2. Effect of condition on self-report measures at time 2.

Time-2Perspective Taking

Time-2Empathic Concern

Spatial Presence


(Control as constant)Direct Empathy 0.924�






Indirect Empathy 0.175






Constant 4.974 2.472 3.679

R2 0.030 0.001 0.028

N 180 180 180

� p < 0.05

�� p < 0.01

��� p < 0.001

All results are β/SE; Significance symbols and standard errors on constants are excluded

Table 3. Effect of condition on behavioral measures.

Dictator Game Trust Game(1st Mover)

Trust Game(2nd Mover)

Circle Tracking Game (sec)


(Control as constant)Direct Empathy -0.456








Indirect Empathy -0.648








Constant 3.571 6.000 11.857 43.407

R2 0.017 0.001 0.001 0.003

N 180 180 180 180

� p < 0.05

�� p < 0.01

��� p < 0.001

All results are β/SE; Significance symbols and standard errors on constants are excluded

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As shown in Table 2 Model 1, being in the direct empathy condition (the condition in

which the participant took the perspective of the same person they interacted with) did have

a significant effect on participants’ self-reported propensity to take the perspective of the part-

ner assigned in part 2 of the study, following the virtual reality experience (Fig 6). That is, par-

ticipants in this condition reported trying to take the perspective of their interaction partner

more so than those in the control condition, and this difference was statistically significant

(β = .924, p = .028). Using a linear combination post-estimation test, we find that the compari-

son between the indirect and direct empathy conditions is only marginally significant (β =

.749, p = .072). Those in the direct empathy condition did not cooperate more than those in

the control condition in any of the behavioral games, nor did they perform better on the circle

tracking game (CTG). Additionally, those in the direct empathy condition felt less presence in

their respective IVE than those in the control condition. This finding, in retrospect, isn’t sur-

prising: participants would likely feel they are “more in” a virtual simulation modeled to look

just like the lab room they are actually in than a simulation of various digital rooms they have

possibly never seen before.

To make sure that potential failures of random assignment do not explain the perspective-

taking finding, we conducted a multivariate regression analysis statistically controlling for gen-

der, race, time-one perspective-taking propensity as measured by the perspective-taking facet

of the IRI, NEO-Altruism Scale score, social value orientation, and Philosophy of Human

Nature and Trustworthiness Scale score. After including these control terms, all collected from

the pre-screen questionnaire, the result that those in the direct empathy condition reported

more propensity to take the perspective of the individual they were interacting with in compar-

ison to those in the control condition remained significant (β = .897, p = .036). The linear com-

bination postestimation test for comparing the effect of the indirect and direct empathy

conditions was still only marginally significant after controlling for these factors (β = .767, p =

.069). Thus, we are unable to offer support to the conclusion that the direct empathy condition

evoked more propensity to take an interactant’s perspective than the indirect empathy condi-

tion, though we do find that the direct empathy condition evoked significantly more propen-

sity to take an interactant’s perspective than the control condition, even after controlling for

pre-intervention propensity to take others’ perspectives, gender, SVO, NEO-Altruism score,

PHN-Scale score, and race. This effect does become non-significant, however, after controlling

Fig 6. Effect of condition on time-2 perspective taking.

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for the individual’s PANAS score (β = .763, p = .068). All other results reported above remain

non-significant after controlling for these same variables (see the S3 and S4 Tables for tables of

all models).

As shown in Model 3 of Table 4, the effect of being in the direct empathy condition on

time-two perspective-taking is moderated by the participant’s sense of presence in the IVE,

i.e., their sense that they were actually in the virtual environment and that what was happening

in the virtual environment was actually happening (how “I” they found the “IVE”; Fig 7).

Three interesting things should be noted from this finding. The first is that as one’s feeling of

presence in the IVE increases, so does the effect of being in the direct empathy condition on

self-reported propensity to take the perspective of their future interactant. Second, this only

holds for the direct empathy condition, and not the indirect empathy condition. The third

interesting thing is that the size of the coefficient of the interaction effect is roughly equal in

size to the coefficient of the main effect. This means that if an individual felt little presence in

the IVE (more precisely, if they felt one standard deviation of presence below the mean pres-

ence reported by participants, since presence is a standardized and mean-centered variable),

then the intervention had no effect on future perspective-taking. A linear combination post-

estimation test confirms this last intuition (β = .089, p = .881).


We find that our VRPT exercise, under certain conditions, increased participants’ propensity

to take the perspective of their partners (Fig 6). The first condition is that participants felt

some minimal amount of “presence” in the IVE (Fig 7), and the second is that the VRPT exer-

cise has the participant take the perspective of the same individual they later interact with. In

other words, the VRPT exercise must be relatively immersive and target-specific. We also find

Table 4. Effect of condition and presence on time-2 perspective taking.

M1 M2 M3Condition

(Control as constant)Direct Empathy 0.924�


— 1.086�


Indirect Empathy 0.175


— 0.148



(Standardized andmean-centered)

— -0.060




Presence � Condition

(Control as constant)Direct Empathy — — 0.998�


Indirect Empathy — — -0.103


Constant 4.974 5.304 4.992

R2 0.030 0.001 0.072

N 180 180 180

� p < 0.05

�� p < 0.01

��� p < 0.001

All results are β/SE; Significance symbols and standard errors on constants are excluded

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that the increase in empathy towards a target we observe when an individual takes the perspec-

tive of that same target in a VRPT exercise, in this case, was not strong enough to induce an

increase in prosocial behavior. We thus find support for our hypothesis that VRPT increases

empathy and that this increase is moderated by presence but fail to find that VRPT increases

prosocial behavior.

Increased perspective taking may be the result of the mere exposure effect [59]. That is, the

observed increase in participants’ reported willingness to take on the perspective of John or

Steve in the direct empathy condition (in comparison to the control condition) may simply be

a result of seeing more of John or Steve, which leads them to like Steve or James more. For

exploratory analyses not presented here, near the end of the survey, we asked a series of ques-

tions asking if participants would want to share emails with the other student, and how they

perceived the other student (whether they believe they would enjoy spending more time with

them, whether they think they were a good person, whether they were glad they were paired

with them, and whether they like them). For each of these five measures, for both John and

Steve, a t-test was performed to see if those in the direct empathy condition perceived their

partner differently from or were differently likely to share their email than those in the control

or indirect empathy condition. The only of these 10 t-tests which were significant in a two-

tailed test was whether they viewed Steve as a nicer person (p = 0.044). When these five mea-

sures were put into an alpha scale (αJames = 0.90, αSteve = 0.91), those in the direct empathy con-

dition had a significantly lower score in a two-tailed t-tests (βJames = 30.92, pJames = 0.002; βSteve= 31.57, pSteve = 0.002). This is consistent with previous work [38] which finds that embodi-

ment of VR avatars has an effect above and beyond simple priming. This last finding is incon-

sistent with the mere exposure effect explanation, though we cannot rule this out as an

explanation of our results. Future work should more explicitly examine this as a possible

mechanism for increasing empathy towards targets of VRPT.

A reasonable question concerning our results is whether it was simply the stress and/or anx-

iety produced by the “presenting in front of a class” exercise that caused the change in empathy

that we observe [60–61], especially when one considers the results that our main finding is sta-

tistically significant in a model with all controls besides the PANAS score, but then falls below

Fig 7. Effect of condition and presence on time-2 perspective taking.

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significance when the PANAS score is included. We don’t believe this is the case for a couple

of reasons. First and foremost, our effect is significant when a participant’s PANAS score is the

only control entered into the regression. This leads us to believe the null finding is more from

a lack of statistical power. Secondly, we test whether specific items on the PANAS (‘anxious’,

‘distressed’, ‘jittery’, ‘afraid’, ‘upset’, and ‘nervous’) are significantly lower in the control condi-

tion than in the two experimental conditions. This is not the case, nor is an alpha scale of the

six measures significantly different. However, with our current design we cannot rule this out

as an explanation of our results.

Our study is limited in various ways. First and foremost, our key finding that VRPT

increases cognitive empathy is dependent on a measure that is adapted from only part of the

standard IRI. Future research should use different measures of cognitive empathy, including

the full perspective-taking subset of the IRI and more systematically derived measures. Indeed,

our time-one empathy measures are only part of the standard IRI and mirror this limitation.

Additionally, future research should do pre-testing and use a power and/or precision analysis

to more systematically derive an appropriate sample size, which we do not do here due to

resource constraints and the exploratory nature of the study. Lastly, though we tried to use as

neutral of language as possible in presenting the various economic games, it is unlikely that

participants didn’t think of the game as competitive in some sense. Though we attempt to

account for this by controlling for participants’ social value orientation, future research should

consider other ways of measuring prosociality and/or pretest to determine if players consider

the other interactant in the game a partner or a competitor.

Here we develop and utilize a unique paradigm to studying the effects of VRPT on interper-

sonal behavior. This experimental paradigm can not only be used in future research on the

effects of VRPT on prosocial behavior but could also be used to study VRPT’s effects on, for

instance, organizational behavior, political persuasion, and person-to-person sales. Addition-

ally, the circle tracking game (CTG) we develop and implement here offers a novel way to

study coordination amongst individuals. A .qsf file is available upon request to the correspond-

ing author which, when imported to Qualtrics, can re-create the circle tracking game. Find the

exact wording of all prompts, questions, and experimental scripts used in the lab in the sup-

porting information for this paper.


Empathy is important for positive human interaction and has been shown in previous research

to be associated with prosocial behavior. VRPT is an exercise which uses virtual reality tech-

nology to get an individual to take the perspective of someone else, and in other research has

been shown to increase prosocial behavior. It has been expected that an increase in empathy is

the underlying mechanism for this increase in prosociality, but no previous research has rigor-

ously demonstrated this. Here, we find that VRPT can be used to increase target-specific per-

spective-taking in individuals. This increase is moderated by the individual’s sense of

“presence”, or how immersed in the virtual environment they report feeling. We do not dem-

onstrate that VRPT increases prosocial behavior as measured through behavioral games.

Supporting information

S1 Table. Appendix A. Means and Standard Deviations of Behavioral Game Measures by



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S2 Table. Appendix B. Means and standard deviations of all dependent variables.


S3 Table. Appendix C. Effect of condition on self-report measures with all controls.


S4 Table. Appendix D. Effect of condition on behavioral measures with all controls.


S1 File. Pre-test Data. A .xlsx file with the data that resulted from the time-one questionnaire

described in the paper.


S2 File. Post-test data. A .xlsx file with the data that resulted from the time-two experiment

described in the paper.


S3 File. CTG data. A .xlsx file with the CTG data described in the paper.


S4 File. Experimenter script. The script used by the researchers when being ran through the



S5 File. Qualtrics file (post-test). A file that can be uploaded to Qualtrics to exactly re-create

the questionnaire used in the post-treatment experiment described in the paper.


S6 File. Qualtrics file (pre-screen). A file that can be uploaded to Qualtrics to exactly re-create

the questionnaire used as the pre-screen described in the paper.


S7 File. STATA replication package (cleaning). A file that will clean data in S1 File, S2 File,

and S3 File to where it can be used in S8 File in STATA 14.


S8 File. STATA replication package (analysis). A file that will replicate all analyses, tables,

and graphs shown in the paper in STATA 14.


Author Contributions

Conceptualization: Jeremy Bailenson, Jamil Zaki, Robb Willer.

Data curation: Austin van Loon.

Formal analysis: Austin van Loon.

Funding acquisition: Jeremy Bailenson, Jamil Zaki, Robb Willer.

Investigation: Austin van Loon, Joshua Bostick.

Methodology: Austin van Loon, Jeremy Bailenson, Jamil Zaki, Joshua Bostick, Robb Willer.

Project administration: Austin van Loon, Joshua Bostick.

Software: Jeremy Bailenson.

Supervision: Jeremy Bailenson, Joshua Bostick, Robb Willer.

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Visualization: Austin van Loon.

Writing – original draft: Austin van Loon.

Writing – review & editing: Jeremy Bailenson, Jamil Zaki, Robb Willer.

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