victory magazine sept 2013

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The latest updates from the international missions work of Hidden With Christ Ministries! Great stories and photos!


Zoe Means Life!Page 7

September/October 2013 Hidden With Christ Ministries

Victory Magazine

By Marcia VoglDirector of Bethany Projects

How many times has this statement applied to you? The Bible shows us a few times when people almost missed seeing Jesus in their midst.

In John 6:16, the disciples were in a boat in the midst of a raging storm. Jesus came passing by walking on the water. They thought He was a ghost. So they cried out and He reassured them, “It is I.” The sea calmed and Jesus got in the boat with them. They had to see him first and call out - however scary. He did not calm the storm before they saw Him. When we are in a storm of circumstances that is swirling around us, Jesus is there walking through the storm. Look for him. Listen for His voice that says, “It is I”. When our hearts realize He is there in the storm with us, the sea calms and Jesus joins us in the boat.

At the tomb on resurrection day, Mary spoke to Jesus, thinking He was the gardener. She thought he might know where the body of Jesus had been taken. (John 20:10-16) She was so overcome with grief and sorrow over the loss of Jesus, she was grasping at straws to make sense of things. Jesus called her by name. Then she recognized him. When we are overcome with grief and loss, we need to listen for Him to call our name. Much has been taught about calling out His name - but we should not miss the comfort that comes when He calls our name.

Cleopas and his companion were heavy with disappointment as they walked on the road to Emmaus. Their expectations of their future with Jesus had been dashed by the crucifixion. Jesus kept Himself hidden from them until after He opened the scriptures to them. (Luke 24:13-32) There are times when we don’t understand why God’s ways do not meet our expectations. Those are times we need to let the Lord open our minds to understand the scriptures. He will then reveal himself to us in fellowship.

The disciples had returned to their old occupation of fishing after the resurrection. Jesus was on the beach preparing breakfast. They did not recognize Him until he told them to cast their nets again and they brought in a miraculous haul of fish. (John 21:1-13) When we want to turn back to old ways, Jesus calls us back with a word to obey and a miracle. If you find yourself looking back at “the good ole days” because the new day is unsure, listen for his command to do something in your ability. Watch for the miracle that will turn you back to Him. He is waiting on the beach with breakfast, the first meal of the new day.

In Acts 9:1-19, Saul of Tarsus was so wrapped up in his own agenda that he could not fathom that God was doing something new. In this case, he got knocked from his donkey and blinded. Then God brought people to him to help him get on the right path. Could it be that when we are so blinded by our own agenda and have determined our own way - that God will “knock us off our horse” so that he can remove the blinders and redirect us? Falling off your horse might be just the jolt you need.

When you get into a difficult situation, do you ask, “Where are you Lord?” We need to open our senses in both the natural and spiritual realms.

• If you are in a storm, call out to Him. He will answer, “It is I.” • Are you grief stricken? Listen – and you will hear Him call your name. • Are you heavy with disappointment? Allow Him to open your understanding to His ways. • Do you find yourself returning to the “good ole days?” He will call to you, instruct you and show you a miracle in response to your obedience. • Are you so focused on your own agenda that you can’t see the new thing He is doing? He may “knock you off your horse” and put you with other faithful disciples to help get you moving toward the destiny He planned for you.

Be one who realizes it is Jesus.

They Did Not Realize It Was Jesus…

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It is not that we had lost faith... but we had been without Faith for a few years. She had been a valued member of the TOA staff from the beginning of the orphanage’s existence and then after serving as the onsite Teacher for a few years, she resigned to establish another orphan project in the city of Moshi. Though we were sad to lose her - we applauded her heart for older orphans and her vision to establish a training program for them. Her project was aimed at young adult orphans - who needed a skill to survive. So she targeted young women and trained them in tailoring giving them a valuable skill that could help them earn a decent living in a difficult world. Her project, now firmly established and running well, continues on.

A hard worker and an excellent organizer who received her training in a Teacher’s College, she was a perfect fit for the newly revised position of Administrative Coordinator for Treasures of Africa Children’s Home. Working as the liaison between the TOA Staff and the TOA Director, she makes sure the needs of both the orphanage and the staff members themselves are met. She also serves as the representative for Treasures of Africa between the different governmental entities that the orphanage must deal with on an ongoing basis. She also coordinates the educational needs of the children with the multitude of different schools our children attend.

Since the children were already quite familiar with “Mwalimu Faith” (mwalimu is the Swahili word for teacher) her return as the new Administrative Coordinator was met with much joy. They were thrilled to see her and cried as they hugged her when they realized she was back to stay - not just to visit. She has brought a stabilizing element in the midst of loss and change.

One recent interaction with one of the children summed up how we feel about Faith’s return. Samweli, who is 10 years old, confided in Faith an unusual experience he had and asked her what it meant. He had been awakened in the early morning hours by the sense that someone was tapping him gently on the shoulder. When he opened his eyes he saw a figure with a long white robe standing in front of him. Startled by the experience and not knowing what to make of it - he went to Faith and described what had happened. After listening carefully, she gently reminded Samweli of the Bible story about Samuel the prophet when he was a young boy. The story, which was recorded in the Book of First Samuel, describes the young boy’s experience of learning how to hear the voice of God. At first, Samuel did not know it was God trying to speak to him. Samweli listened intently. When Faith finished recounting that story - Samweli looked at her with a smile and said, “Thank you mwalimu, you have helped me!”

And we at Treasures of Africa feel the same way. We too want to say, “Thank you Faith - you have helped us! Welcome back to Treasures of Africa Children’s Home!”

Spotlight on TOA Staff

The Return of Faith

Faith with Ray, Samweli and Antoni

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to Treasures of Africa Children’s Home

To see Antoni today, it would be hard to imagine the sickly child that came to Treasures of Africa Children’s Home directly from the Mawenzi Hospital 6 ½ years ago. The stick thin limbs and bloated stomach that spoke of malnutrition and other more serious conditions, are nowhere to be found.

The circumstances that brought Antoni to TOA have a sadly familiar ring to them. His father had been long dead when his mother brought her weak, sick child to the hospital. She too was ill, and the hospital admitted them both. Antoni’s mother had no idea that her own illness would take her life within 24 hours, leaving Antoni not only sick – but alone. With no information about extended family, the hospital had to put an announcement on the local radio station asking anyone with information on this family to contact them. Meanwhile, they called the local welfare authorities to take charge of the sickly five year old boy whose mother had just died.

When the Regional Welfare Officer contacted Treasures of Africa Children’s Home to take in Antoni, we had just opened the doors a few days before. We were told Antoni’s stay at TOA would be temporary, while they searched for his relatives. As it turned out, the only relatives they found – were Antoni’s 12 year old brother Emmanueli and his 3 year old sister Sabetina, who were back in the village awaiting their mother’s return from the city. Within a week of Antoni’s arrival at the orphanage, his two siblings joined him at Treasures of Africa for a bittersweet reunion.

Today, Antoni is strong and healthy. He loves playing soccer with his TOA “brothers.” He spends his free time drawing - with his favorite subject being vehicles of all types. Constantly fascinated with the way

Antoni with one of his many drawings

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Portrait of a Treasure


mechanical things work, Antoni is always looking for opportunities to take things apart. More than once we have found a stash of scrap metal and wood in his room as he is convinced these items could be made into something useful.

Antoni’s academic career has been less than stellar. The rote system of learning (memorization by constant repetition) that is used in the Tanzanian government schools has been very difficult for Antoni to master. And we are sure the crowded classroom (with more than 60 children in his class) has made it even harder. If you looked at his school grades alone, you might think that he is not a very bright child. But we know differently – he has a good mind, a mechanical ability and an artistic gift. We think that Antoni just learns differently and he needs a more encouraging environment in which to thrive. It is our desire to move Antoni out of the government school he has been attending and into a private school where he will get much more attention in a smaller classroom environment. He has only two more years left in Primary School and after that he can attend a Vocational School that will help him develop his mechanical aptitude.

Our dream for Antoni would be to enroll him in an English International School run by American missionaries in Moshi which has an artistic emphasis. It is called Hope International School of the Arts. It is expensive compared to the other private schools we have enrolled the other TOA children in – but we feel it is the best match for his abilities. The cost is $4,000 for the year of tuition plus $350 for fees. But if that is not God’s will – we can enroll him with the other children in a Private English Medium Primary School for $1,500. We believe God will provide according to His divine plan for Antoni. He has brought him this far and we are confident that God will finish the good work He has begun in Antoni’s life.


If you would like to make a donation toward Antoni’s academic fees, we would be so grateful.

You can make a donation online at:

OR send a check to:Treasures of Africa Children’s Home

P. O. Box 3267Tustin, CA 92781

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Jodie Schooley with TOA kids

By Rita LangelandExecutive Director

Hidden With Christ Ministries

When Jodie Schooley stepped on a plane headed toward Tanzania in July of 2006, she never expected she would spend more than 7 years living on the African continent. When she first arrived in Tanzania, she was committed to helping establish an orphanage for AIDS orphans and abandoned children in Moshi. As each year passed, her love for the children deepened and she renewed her commitment to serve at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home.

But there comes a time in every person’s life when the season changes. As hard as it is to say good bye to the little ones she has helped raise from infancy and to the older ones she has counseled and loved, Jodie feels it is God’s timing for her return to the United States. She has served faithfully, tirelessly and with all of her heart. Words are insufficient to express the depth of appreciation for

A New Season

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Jodie and Maria

Jodie’s work as the orphanage Medical Director that is felt by the ministry’s Board of Directors, the staff and the children. She will leave an indelible mark of love and tenderness on the hearts of the children that will not be forgotten.

She will be leaving Tanzania at the end of October after helping our former missionaries – Warren and Christina Oberst – as they return and prepare to take the helm of leadership. Jodie has been serving as the Interim TOA Director while Lydia Schaeffer has been on sabbatical in the US. We ask you to pray for Jodie as she steps into a new and exciting season of her life. It is our hearts’ desire to see God richest blessings poured out on one of His most humble and faithful servants.

The LORD bless you and keep you;

the LORD make His face shine upon you

and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face

toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

for Nurse Jodie

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If ever a child was aptly named - 6 year old Zoe - whose name comes from the Greek word which means “life” - is that child. Bubbly, energetic and always on the move - this little girl exudes life with her winning smile and the sparkle in her eyes.

Abandoned at the hospital by her mother shortly after birth, Zoe arrived at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home as a newborn infant. With no name and no clothes, she was quickly showered with loving care and given a name by our Medical Director Jodie Schooley, that was prophetic of the personality she would soon display.

Zoe is athletic and loves to play outside and can often be seen scaling to the top of the playground equipment with the agility of a gymnast. She also loves to sing and will often boldly lead out in song during the children’s evening devotions. Her dynamic personality makes her a natural leader. She is as close as natural sisters could ever be - with Diamond and Maria - (also six year olds) who have been together with Zoe at TOA since infancy.

Zoe is bright and has excelled in our in-house pre-school. She loves to read and we feel confident that when she begins school in January, that she will quickly rank in the top of the class. We plan to enroll her in a Private English Medium Primary School as she is fluent in English and Swahili.


School fees and other academic related expenses are the one of the biggest challenges the orphanage faces each year. If you would like to help sponsor Zoe’s academic expenses - the cost for the year is $1,500.

Zoe Means LIFE!

Diamond, Maria and Zoe - close as sisters

Portrait of a Treasure

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Page 8Six year old Zoe at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home

Former Missionaries Warren and

Heading to

Hidden With Christ Ministries is pleased to announce the return of our former missionaries – Warren and

Christina Oberst – to Moshi, Tanzania to serve at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home. They will serve as a team at the orphanage – with Warren stepping into the position of TOA Director while Lydia Schaeffer continues on sabbatical in the U.S. Christina will serve as the orphanage Chaplain, for both staff and children.

After seven years of operation, the orphanage is experiencing a season of change, especially after the departure of our beloved and longtime Assistant Director Eli Kiwelu and the imminent departure of nurse Jodie

Schooley. So the return of the familiar faces and loving embraces of Warren and Christina will be a welcomed and comforting sight for both children and staff. With Warren’s extensive business background, he brings a combination of administrative skills including staff development, supervision and financial management that will assist TOA greatly in keeping the orphanage operating with excellence. He will also be assisting the orphanage in exploring ways to both cut costs of monthly expenses and develop ways to produce income toward the ultimate goal of self – sufficiency and sustainability.

Christina is a graduate of Christ For the Nations Bible Institute in Dallas, Texas and has received training at the Wagner Leadership Institute in Pasadena, California. She has many years of experience in ministry to the broken-hearted including her work with Teen Challenge, ministering to women coming out of drug abuse and other destructive lifestyles. Together this couple will bring a stabilizing influence during a season of change and help TOA move toward the next level as we prepare for the eventual transition to the much larger TOA Children’s Village.

When asked about their feelings on returning to the mission field after a four year absence, Christina answered this way: “WOW! It’s the first word that rings thru my heart and mind when I think of God sending us back to Africa. His thoughts and His ways are so much higher than ours. We are in awe of the Lord. What joy fills my heart as I think of walking this path He has laid out before us. The Lord fully satisfies our hearts deepest longings and desires. He never forgets one of them, not one!”

Warren and Christina Oberst - Missionaries to Treasures of Africa Children’s Home in Tanzania

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East AfricaChristina Oberst Return to Tanzania

Please pray for Warren and Christina as they make the transition from living in the U.S. back to the mission field. It is requires great sacrifice to leave your life in the United States and move to Africa. So pray for grace and supernatural wisdom as they close down their work and living situations to make that huge shift.


These missionaries are in need of both monthly financial

support as well as one-time financial gifts to enable them

to return to the mission field in October 2013.

All donations to Hidden With Christ Ministries for the missionary support of this wonderful couple are tax deductible under the law. Hidden With Christ Ministries is a recognized 501©3 organization with the IRS.

Please make checks payable to HWCM and in the memo section of your check – please write “Missionary Support – Oberst.” Please mail to:

Hidden With Christ MinistriesP.O. Box 3267

Tustin, CA 92781

You can also make online donations or sign up for automatic monthly donations through paypal on our websites:

Warren with Antoni at TOA in 2009

Christina with Diamond at TOA in 2009

By Vika PodznyakovaAssistant DirectorOperation Lazarus

Sevastopol Ukraine

This summer has been an amazing and

a life changing one for me. For the last 2 months, I have been attending the Steiger Missionary School in Krogis, Germany. The School was founded by U.S. missionaries David and Jodi Pierce who pioneered street ministry and outreach

in Amsterdam during the height of the European punk rock movement. Their evangelistic ministry has reached into the darkest parts of society. This School has truly changed me inside and out, and built me up spiritually, mentally and emotionally. It gave me a lot of experience in outreach evangelism and in discipleship that I can put into practice working with orphans in Sevastopol.

Let me tell you a story from some of the practical training we received in outreach evangelism. One night we were doing an outreach in the city of Berlin. It was such a challenge for me. It is easy to listen to someone teach about how you should start a conversation with a stranger to tell them about Christ. But as soon as you are literally facing a person, the knowledge you learned disappears!

One of the students from the Missions School was playing a guitar by the train station. This created an awesome opportunity for us to start a conversation with people who gathered around. So there I was - a girl from Ukraine - standing in the middle of a Berlin street late at night, surrounded by skinheads, punks, and people smoking weed. All of them lonely, lost people that desperately need to hear the Gospel. I took a deep breath and turned to a young girl that was standing next to me.

Her name was Itziar. She left her home to try and find a better life in Berlin. She was really open to hear what I had to say about God’s love and interested in what I was doing

Update From

Vika in front of the famous Brandenburg Gatein Berlin, Germany

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there. I was never the same after talking to her. Nothing amazing happened, she didn’t give her life to Christ on the spot but she happily gave me her Facebook contact information and I am hoping to stay in touch with her. Please pray for her so that the Lord will work in her heart and will bring the right people into her life to tell her the truth about Him. After that, there were more many conversations with many other people, but this first effort was a big breakthrough for me. It helped me overcome all the fears and struggles I used to have.

I am really thankful for the opportunity and unforgettable experience I received at the Missionary School. Many of them I will be able to put into practice back home in Sevastopol.

Please “LIKE” our page on facebook if you would like to hear more stories and testimonies.

" " " "I want to give a little update about Sasha – one of the girls that Operation Lazarus helped to attend vocational training. Sasha graduated from hairdressing school just over two months ago. She has moved with her 2 year old baby back to her home town of Kiev to find a job. Operation Lazarus helped her to get through a difficult season in her life and supported her while she was at the school. It was recently discovered that her baby boy has an early stage of autism. He needs special treatment and a special diet. Doctors say that with the proper treatment Danya should be alright and you won’t notice anything by the time he goes to elementary school. Please pray for Sasha so she will stay focused on God and will put her trust in Him as she goes through this challenging time in her life.

Thank you everyone for your constant love and support. We would not be able to do it without you!

You can donate toward the work of Operation Lazarus online

Operation Lazarus

Vika (right) visits Sasha at her vocational school for cosmetology

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by Rita LangelandExecutive Director

Hidden With Christ Ministries

The Lord said to Moses, “Is the Lord’s power limited? Now you shall see whether My wordwill come true for you or not.” (Numbers 11:23 NASB)

InNumberschapter11wefindMosesandthechildrenofIsraelwanderinginthewilderness.Godhadbeensupernaturallysupplyingtheirfoodintheformofmannaonadailybasis.ThepeoplebegantodemandachangeofmenufromMoses!Theywantedsomemeat.MoseshadatalkwiththeLordaboutthis.MosestoldtheLordthathecouldn’timaginehowGodcouldprovidethehugegroupofpeople(estimatedatnearly3million)hewasleading,enoughmeattofeedthemall.GodansweredMoseswiththisrhetoricalquestion:“Is the Lord’s power limited?”

Theword“limit”or“limited”meanstoconfineorrestrictwithinaboundary.Theword“confine”suggests imprisonment,restraint,orimpediment.God’spowerisnotlimited,butweoftenlimit,restrictorconfineHimwithinourself-imposedboundaries.


Yearsagoanewmissionaryarrivingathismissionstation,wasassignedacarthatwouldnotstartwithoutapush.Heproceededforthenexttwoyearstoalwaysarrangetoeitherparkonahillorleavetheenginerunningwhenhemadehisrounds.Anewmissionarycametorelievehimofhisdutiesandtheveteranmissionaryexplainedtohimabouttheidiosyncrasiesofthecar.Thenewmantooka lookunderthehoodandbefore longdiscoveredthetrouble.Asimple loosecablewastightened.Afterstepping intothecar,heattemptedtostarttheengineanditroaredtolife.Thepowerwasthereallthetime,butalooseconnectionneedlesslykepthimstrugglingfortwoyears.


Now the people became like those who complain of adversity in the hearing of the LORD; and when the LORD heard it, His anger was kindled, and the fire of the LORD burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp. The people therefore cried out to Moses, and Moses prayed to the LORD and the fire died out. So the name of that place was called Taberah, because the fire of the LORD burned among them. The rabble who were among them had greedy desires; and also the sons of Israel wept again and said, “ Who will give us meat to eat? “We remember the fish which we used to eat free in Egypt, the cucumbers and the melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic, but now our appetite is gone. There is nothing at all to look at except this manna.”(Numbers11:1-6NASB)




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Hecouldn’tseeGod’sability…onlyHisownlackofability…“I alone am not able to carry all this people, because it is too burdensome for me.“Dependingonyourownstrengthwilltireyouout,burnyouout,andoverwhelmyouveryfast!!!

GeorgeMulleroncesaid,“Faithdoesnotoperate intherealmofthepossible.There isnogloryforGod inthatwhich ishumanlypossible.Faithbeginswhereman’spowerends.”Godcandoandwantstodosomuchmoreinourlivesthanwecanaccomplishinourownnaturalstrengthandabilitiesregardlessofhowtalentedwemaybe.Zechariah4:6remindsus:Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord.AttemptingtodoGod’swillinyourownstrengthcutsofftheflowofGod’spowerjustasitdidforMoses.Wearethenlimitedtowhatwecanaccomplishonourown.Godwantsustooperateatahigherlevelwhichwecantapintothroughfaith.

This remindsmeofa true story Iheardabouta teacherwhoworkedwithmentallyhandicapped teenagers.Themedicalcommunityandtheeducationsystemhadlabeledthemwithmany“limitations”.Howeverthisteacherwasdeterminedtoseethemoperatingatahigherlevelthanthoselimitations.Hetaughtthemtoplaychess,torestorefurnitureandtorepairelectricalappliances.Onestudentprovedhowwellhehadembracedthislesson.Onedayhebroughtinabrokentoastertorepair.Hecarriedthetoastertuckedunderonearm,andahalf-loafofbreadundertheother.His“faith”thathecouldoperateabovehislimitationsbecameaction.Hefullyexpectedthathewouldbeenabledtorepairthattoasterandeatthefruitofitthatveryday!GodwantsustohavemorefaithinGod’sgreaterabilitytoworkthroughusthaninourowninabilities.

AthirdwaythatwelimitGod’spowerinourlivesisthroughfocusingonhowbigtheproblemisratherthanhowbigourGodis.ConsiderwhatMosestoldtheLordinNumberschapter11:“But Moses said, “The people, among whom I am, are 600,000 on foot; yet You have said, ‘I will give them meat, so that they may eat for a whole month.’ “Should flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, to be sufficient for them? Or should all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, to be sufficient for them?”



Remember these important lessons from Numbers chapter 11:1)Don’tlimitGod’spowerinyourlifethroughcomplainingoringratitudeaboutyourpresentcircumstances2)Don’tlimitGodtowhatyoucanaccomplishinyourownstrength3)Don’tlimitGod’spowerbyfocusingonhowbigtheproblemis...ratherthanhowbigGodis!

How tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God.(Ephesians1:19-20J.B.Phillips)

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Hidden With Christ MinistriesP.O. Box 3267 Tustin, CA 92781 - -

Mt. Kilimanjaro Charity ClimbTreasures of Africa Children’s Home, an orphanage for AIDS orphans in Moshi, Tanzania, is organizing a fundraising climb to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, known as the “rooftop of Africa” in May 2014. This is a non-technical climb (no ropes or picks required) but does require a certain level of fitness.

This seven day climb will raise money for the orphanage and provide an unforgettable “once in a lifetime” experience for the climbers. We are utilizing the services of a top trekking company to lead our climb.

Both before and after the climb you will visit the orphanage and get a chance to meet the Treasures of Africa children in person. They will capture your heart and you will know that all your efforts will have been worthwhile!

Our Executive Director, Rita Langeland participated in the 2012 Kili Charity Climb and wrote a very detailed blog each day on the mountain. To read her blog which is entitled “Climb Mama Climb” – go to the Treasures of Africa website and click on the link for the CHARITY CLIMB. In the body of that article is a link to the blog.

If you are interested in participating in the May 2014 Charity Climb –

please send an inquiry email to:

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