may 2103 victory magazine

May/June 2013 Hidden With Christ Ministries Victory Magazine

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A publication of Hidden WIth Christ Ministries sharing our international missions work and stories of faith.


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Combat Wounded Veterans Visit

Treasures of Africa Page 1-2

May/June 2013 Hidden With Christ Ministries

Victory Magazine

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Nothing less than heroes, the men and women of our nation’s military forces travel abroad to serve and protect. Staring danger in the eyes, they do not shy away from the sword and, so many times, return home wounded. Vulneror non Vincor, Wounded – not Conquered, is

the motto of the non-profit charitable organization Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge (CWVC). CWVC focuses on the rehabilitation of our returning heroes who are experiencing physical and psychological injuries by involving them in Challenge expeditions designed to address their specific injuries or conditions. One of these challenges - climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania - had the veterans involved in groundbreaking research on the effects of stress, extreme weather and altitude on prosthetic limbs, post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. And it also took them to the doorstep of our very own Treasures of Africa Children’s Home.

The Combat Wounded Veteran Kilimanjaro Climb Team visited with the children at TOA prior to their challenging trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro. Their message was clear and simple - “You can overcome anything!” as demonstrated by their own determination to overcome the injuries they had sustained in military combat. A few of the team members journaled their thoughts after visiting with our kids at TOA and allowed us to share them with you here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today we travelled a short distance to the orphanage named the “Treasures of Africa”. An aptly named facility since the treasures poured out of the halls and courtyard to greet us with smiles and grabs, each child claiming a different team member as their own and showing off their rooms, artwork and kindness. Wow, these kids, some of whom have never known the embrace of a parent offered smiles and kindness to us, I don’t think anyone in the group expected to get such a greeting and many of us held back the tears from streaming down our faces during our stay there. These kids have nothing but

Combat wounded veteran Michael Rodriguez who sustained severe hearing loss in an explosion developed a special affinity for Awadhi since they share a similar battle

Wounded BuT

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each other and still found it within themselves to greet us, offer the gift of song and play in the dirt soccer field an impromptu game of Futbol. Billy was staging a pull-up contest, Yeti was kicking their ball over the fence and Pete was having his own International Olympic sprint finals in the yard. We hated to leave them, our short visit and their little faces made it an experience I will never forget. – Will W.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today was the visit to the orphanage Treasures of Africa. I could feel the emotion inside me growing, the feeling of fear, regret, anger and shame. These are emotions you shouldn’t feel at a happy place. As soon as we got there I met a boy who was 9 years old and deaf. I showed him that I could not hear as well as others, too, and we immediately bonded. He took my hand and walked me around the place. I gave him a notepad and a pen and wrote my name on it for him, he wrote his name for me too. He showed me his favorite books and so did some of the other children, I handed out more notepads and pens. I was dying inside, my glasses hid my tears. My past experience with children like these hurt my soul. How can I ever look at myself, all I want to do is run away. But the children hold me and I stay to play. I hurt so much right now; I wish it could all end. This was a very powerful moment in my life that I will never forget. - Michael R.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At 1630 we all gathered to go visit an orphanage. It was just amazing. The kids were so well behaved and grateful to have us visit. They were extremely curious about the prosthetic limbs on the guys. I had a sweet little girl named Maria that would not let me out of her sight. It was so cute. She was darling. It really touches me to interact with these children and see our team interactions with the kids. At one point little Maria asked me if I was going to climb the mountain. I said yes, that we all were going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. She then asked, “What about the guy with no leg?” Billy was the only team member with his prosthesis exposed so the children could see it. I said that yes, Billy was going to climb the mountain, and he would likely beat me to the top! A few other team members then exposed their prostheses for the kids. Noticing that most of the team had prosthetic limbs of one kind or another, Maria pulled me aside separate from the group and asked me to pull my pant legs up too. She wanted to know if I also had a prosthesis! It was all very cute. I am not sure if it mattered to her or not if I was an amputee, but she was very curious.

It broke my heart to see all the kids with no parents to take care of them. They were fortunate that they have the Americans and the orphanage to care for them. - Arlene G.


Please visit the website: www.

Combat wounded veterans Billy Costello and Will Wilson play with the kids at TOA prior to their climb

up Mt. Kilimanjaro

Not Conquered

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by Jodie Schooley, R.N.Medical Director

Treasures of Africa Children’s Home

We always love when the missions team from Tracy Community Church in Tracy, California comes to visit us here in East Africa. The team, led by Pastor Tim Smith, is always willing to work so hard and do whatever they can to bless the children of Treasures of Africa Children’s Home and the people here in Tanzania. When they were here in 2011, Pastor Tim’s son Matt, a licensed paramedic, had a desire to do some kind of medical outreach while the team was doing other projects. It was then that the idea was born to put on a short medical camp for the Maasai people. Being a registered nurse myself, I was very excited about the idea and all of us here at HWC Ministries have felt like this was something the Lord had been leading us to do. The need for quality health care and basic health education is great in this country. This is especially true for the

Maasai tribe whose members live so primitively and have a high mortality rate because of unhealthy living conditions and practices.

The Tracy team was here in April and while part of the team helped to give the orphanage a fresh coat of paint, the other members of the team helped to put on a free medical clinic. This was the 3rd clinic HWCM and its partners have been able to do since that first one was born in 2011. We are believing that this will continue to be something that we can do at least once or twice a year.

The medical camp this year was held at the church of a very dear pastor friend of HWCM, Pastor Lenard Mbasha. The team of workers consisted of two Tanzanian doctors, myself – an RN, my nurse assistant from TOA, Matt Smith, paramedic, from the Tracy team - along with other non-medical volunteers from Pastor Mbasha’s church and the Tracy church. The medically trained members of the team did the assessing and treating of the patients, while the non-medical volunteers helped with things such as registration, heights and weights and passing out hygiene packs to each patient. The team worked non-stop to treat 238 patients in the three short days that we were there.

Most of the patients were children, with ailments ranging from the common cold, to pneumonia, to malaria. One lady was so weak that she couldn’t even stand up any longer after reaching the clinic doors after walking from her home. She had been ill with a stomach infection and was severely

Nurse Jodie Schooley explains medication to a Maasai woman who came to the clinic

HWC Medical

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“I was sick, and you

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dehydrated and weak. But after treatment she was looking much better and had strength to walk around and make it back to her home safely to rest. There were also two children with fresh, 3rd degree burn wounds, which unfortunately is a common injury among the Maasai children because of the traditional cooking over open fires. The children were able to have their wounds cleaned and a supply of bandages and medicine given to allow the wound to heal properly and without infection.

The people were very grateful for the free medical care and hygiene packets that were given out. All glory goes to God and we were honored to have the privilege of helping these precious people that God loves. We pray that these medical outreaches will draw the people to the Lord as they see His love in action.


If you are a medical professional – doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other - and would like to participate in a future HWCM Medical Clinic outreach – please call or email our office and give us your contact information. We will let you know of upcoming medical missions opportunities.

Hidden With Christ Ministries Office phone: (714) 665-0407

Or you can email our Operations Manager - Mary Holt

[email protected]

Paramedic Matt Smith gives an IV to a severely dehydrated woman in the makeshift

treatment room of the Medical Clinic Page 4

Medical Clinic Team 2013Clinic 2013looked after me…”Matthew 25:36

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T racy Community Church in Tracy, California has long partnered with us at HWC Ministries to raise funds for special projects and needs for the Treasures of Africa Children’s Home over the years. This

generous congregation also loves to put their hands to the work as well as their wallets! We were blessed once again with a missions team from this church who tackled a much needed and practical project at the orphanage.

Back in 2006, when we first rented our current orphanage facility we spent more than 6 months fixing up the building to make it ready for the opening and prepare it to take in the children. The building was painted inside and out in 2006 but has not been painted since. Weather takes a

A Fresh Coat

Pastor Tim Smith leads the mission team in their project at

Treasures of Africa

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toll on the exterior paint of any building and the African heat doesn’t help. We desperately needed to repaint Treasures of Africa as it was starting to look quite shabby with peeling paint. The missions team from Tracy Community came in like angels to take on a very strenuous job. We are so grateful for their wonderful help!

You may wonder why we are bothering to paint since we hope to move in the next year to our new facility - as soon as it is built. But along with desiring to maintain a spirit of excellence in every area at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home - our lease agreement with our landlords specifies we have to paint before we leave the building. So we are taking our first faith step in that direction! We

will also need to repaint all the interior walls when we move. But that is another project for the future!

We want to say a big thank you to the members of Tracy Community Church who gave of their time and money and gifts to supply TOA with many needs which they carried in their suitcases to bless the orphanage! As well as to those who stayed behind but gave financially and prayerfully to make this mission trip a success. God bless you for your generous hearts!

of Paint for TOA

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Update on the Building Project for …

by Rita LangelandExecutive Director

Hidden With Christ Ministries

Below you will find a photo of a three dimensional architectural model of the Treasures of Africa Children’s Village prepared by Architect Annaliese Pew of our partner NGO – Building Africa. We wanted to share this with you to give you a better idea of what our project will look like once it is constructed.

We have just received the final Bid Estimate from the contractor in Tanzania for the construction of this massive project. The project includes a total of 16 buildings plus additional structures such as ground water storage tank, suspended water tank, soak pit and septic tank, generator house, walkways, drainage, roads and parking lot and landscaping. We plan to invest in a Hybrid Power System which will allow us to have “stand alone” power for all buildings without any reliance on the country’s weak electrical grid. This hybrid system is a combination of solar, battery and generator power designed by the top solar power provider in Tanzania. It is an expensive but critical component in addition to the basic construction of the buildings. With the increase in prices of building materials over the last two years, our estimated construction costs have risen dramatically from when we initially began planning for this project. We will need some supernatural intervention to raise the estimated $5 million dollars needed for this project. But we believe that God is more than able to supply this money and we ask you to join us in prayer for this target amount.

Treasures of Africa Children’s Village

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My Everyday Bible APP

Announcing the Launch of …

We are so thrilled to announce the long-awaited free APP (application) for both APPLE and ANDROID smart phones of MY EVERYDAY BIBLE! This new APP will allow you to listen to the MY EVERYDAY BIBLE daily podcast in just two clicks.

First – go to the APPLE or ANDROID APP STORE on your phone – and search for “MY EVERYDAY BIBLE.” Then click to INSTALL the free APP. Then daily you can click on the APP and listen to the Chronological reading of the Bible followed by a daily devotional segment by Rita Langeland with beautiful background music played by anointed pianist, Mark Holt. You can listen as you drive or exercise – or in the evening with your family for a nightly devotion. You can download the daily podcast to your phone to listen at a later time or just listen without downloading, as long as you have internet connectivity through your cell phone service.

The daily podcasts are numbered (Day 1, Day 2, etc.) rather than being labeled by the date on the calendar so that you can start any day of the year to begin your one year journey through the Bible.

Each day you will hear several chapters from the Bible being read in CHRONOLOGICAL order. This means the readings are compiled based on historical research and ordered according to the timeframe in which the Biblical events actually occurred. This method has been chosen in order to add historical context to the reading of the Bible – rather than reading straight through from Genesis to Revelation. If you stay with it for 365 days – you will have heard every single verse in the entire Bible by the end of one year of broadcasts. We believe this will bless you! Please LIKE us on Facebook and help us spread the word!

If you do not own a SMART PHONE – you can still listen to MY EVERYDAY BIBLE through our website – Simply click on the MY EVERYDAY BIBLE LOGO on the home page of the website and that will take you to the page where you may choose which day’s reading you want to hear. Welcome to an exciting journey through the Word of God!


TO ALL SMART PHONE USERS: Will you take a few moments and help us by “rating” the My Everyday Bible APP in the APP store? This will be a great boost to our new APP and it will help more people “FIND” our APP since the higher ranked APPS are listed first. We want to help as many people as possible around the world hear the Word of God.


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Our new Oplaz volunteer Katya in the kitchen with her daughter Kshusha, and Oplaz girls - Marina & Tanya

UPDATES Fromby Vika Podzynakova

Assistant DirectorOperation Lazarus

Sevastopol Ukraine

Here in Ukraine, the beauty of Spring changes the landscape and the crispness of the cool winter air melts away with the warm, sunny temperatures. With the change of seasons has come some new and happy changes into our ministry. Here are a few:

There is a wonderful Christian couple that has joined our ministry as volunteers. Both of them are mature Christians and have a lot of experience in the area of evangelism. Their names are Zhenya and Katya. They have been married for 10 years and have a nine year old daughter named Ksusha. They have big hearts and have so much to give to our kids. Zhenya has a heart to work with the boys so he has been reaching out to the boyfriend of our Lazarus Home resident Marina – who is the father of her baby, Andrei. He has also been ministering to Marina’s brother Misha and a few other orphanage graduates. His wife Katya is great with the girls. She is a hairdresser by profession and she has cut some of the girls’ hair and teaches them how to take care of their hair. We are so thankful to God for sending Zhenya and Katya to join our ministry team. Please pray that more volunteers join us so we can reach out to more of the local orphanage graduates.

As you may know, we have been praying for a long time for the Lord to open doors for us to the local orphanages and He DID. I received great favor with the local government orphanage director and she allowed me to come and tutor the orphanage girls in English. (Normally they are closed to outsiders coming in to the orphanage so this was a great victory!) Through these classes I have the opportunity to meet the kids who are still in orphanage system, get personal connections with them, invite them over for family nights at the Lazarus House and lead them to Jesus. This month the Lord enabled new doors to be opened into another orphanage - this one is for children with special needs. This is the very place that our newest Lazarus House resident - Vika - grew up in from the age of three years until she turned 18. We talked with their social worker and the lady was really sweet to us. She said that we can work with them as soon as we have our non-profit organization registration in Ukraine. We have been working with a lawyer to get that completed so please pray for this to be expedited as quickly as possible. We should have all the needed documents in a few weeks

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OperatiOn Lazarus

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and then we will be able to go into this orphanage and offer some health and life skills lectures with the blessing of the Orphanage Director. For now, we are allowed to spend some time with the kids outside the orphanage, and we bring them needed bath products like soap and shampoo, etc. We have known some of the kids in this orphanage from the Gorney Summer Camp, so it is exciting to hang out with them and develop more long term relationships.

Our weeks are packed with meetings with the kids, ministry planning, prayer meetings, and twice a week gatherings where we invite everyone over to the Lazarus Home. Wednesday we have Bible study and Sunday is our “Family Day.” Everyone gathers at 12 noon and we have our English lesson first and then we cook a meal all together, eat and finish the day with a Bible study. The rest of the week we meet individually with those who can’t make it to our meetings on Wednesday or Sunday. We also go to the local orphanages and have some more quality time with the kids. On Friday we allocate the whole day to pray for the ministry and the kids we are ministering to, so if you have it on your heart join us on our prayer day, we would appreciate it a lot.

Our former Lazarus House resident and young aspiring missionary Anya Simashkova joined the Bridges of Faith missions team last month in ministering in the Kiev region. They served in a local orphanage for more than a week. Anya had a chance to share her testimony with the kids of growing up in an orphanage herself and finding the love of God. She was able to encourage them and tell them that there is hope for a better life once you are out of the orphanage. Through spending time with the children, playing games, doing crafts and making personal connections with the kids, they began to open up to her and shared their fears with her. She came home with the strong sense that God was calling her to be a missionary in the Eastern European countries. It’s so amazing to see her life changed by God and how she now wants to help change other people’s lives by sharing His Gospel of love. This is an example of the lasting fruit of the work of Operation Lazarus. Thank you for your prayers and financial support – it is changing the lives of orphans in Ukraine!

OpLaz Asst. Dir. Vika with volunteer Katya and a group of kids pile in to the OPLAZ vehicle for a May Day picnic

in Sevastopol, Ukraine

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Editor’s Note:Many people say they want “change” in their lives and may even make efforts toward changes. However what they truly desire is “transformation.” You may change your clothes or change your name but that does not transform your inner being. God loves to bring transformation into people’s lives but He requires our agreement and cooperation. The author here gives us Biblical insight into how to receive the transformation we both need and desire.


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is— his good, acceptable and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18

Paul instructs us how to be different from the world through being transformed into the image of Christ. Transformation is different from reformation. When something is reformed, the basic essence is the same but the periphery is changed. Automobiles basically remain the same as having four wheels and run by an engine. The shape, the color, the size, the bells and whistles may change but the basics are the same. Banks still move money from one venue to another. Prisons may reform, but they are still places to hold people who have broken the law.

Transformation is a process by which the entire being is changed. A caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly, a tadpole transforms into a frog, petroleum is transformed into plastics, the computer transforms the way people can communicate—email, social networks, internet. When we renew our minds by the Word of God, our whole being can be transformed inside and out. We can go from a tadpole to a frog or a caterpillar to a butterfly.

When our minds think differently, we will then be able to know what God’s will is for us—His good, acceptable and perfect will. If we are to be like Jesus, we are to be transformed and function as a Priest, Prophet and King.

How do you think?

Let’s look at three mindsets: Barbarian, Greek and Hebrew. The Barbarian mind says, “might is right”. The spoils go to the strong. Win at all cost. Subjugate others with your strength. The strongest is always right. This mindset is displayed by aggressive people. They are usually bullies - physically, verbally, and emotionally. This is a destructive mindset because there is no respect for others and loss of self-respect to the loser. I must have the biggest house, fastest car, best golf game, biggest company, highest rank, win every argument, etc.

The Greek mindset always has to understand everything. Education is the god. It says that if you understand everything, you are then successful and can dominate by your knowledge. There is no way any human being on earth can understand everything, so people develop specialties. Unfortunately, understanding does not bring respect for others less schooled. It too is a domineering mindset. If I cannot understand something, then I must make up something to account for my situation. If I can’t do that, then I have no value.

The Hebrew mindset, which is the way of the Bible, is to worship and obey God. Worshiping God puts you in touch with the one who does know everything. Obedience to God then brings understanding. For example, only after you forgive, (which God commands) will you “understand” the freedom it brings. Only after you let go of your bitterness, will you “understand” how dark you were inside. Only after you give generously will you know the joy of giving.

The key to being transformed into the image of Christ is OBEDIENCE. The greater your obedience, the faster you will be transformed. Most people feel obedience is easy until they come upon something they disagree with.

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Teaching Corner The Secret by Marcia VoglFounder/DirectorBethany Projects

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What’s your obedience score? (Yes, Sometimes, No)

1. Do you park in “no parking” zones (handicap, fire lanes, loading) and make excuses why you are an exception to the rule? 2. Do you make up your own directions rather than follow those given or printed? 3. Do you ignore company policy if you don’t agree? 4. Do you take medications when you feel like it and not as directed? 5. Do you spend time criticizing procedures i.e. Bank, insurance, job applications, DMV, etc. 6. Do you usually arrive late (work, party, meetings, church)? 7. Do you frequently forget what you are supposed to bring? 8. Do you fail to carry through on responsibilities: pay bills, file taxes, hand in reports, meet deadlines? 9. Do you make promises then forget them? 10. Do you ignore stop signs, pedestrian right of way, and other road rules?

If you have mostly (or all) “NO” answers, you have a high obedience score. If you have many “sometime” answers, you are wishy washy and “luke warm.” If you answered yes to all of the above, you are walking in disobedience.

These are examples of obedience in the natural. God gives us many opportunities to practice obedience in the natural so we can be obedient in the spirit realm. If we are “being transformed into His likeness” then we must ourselves be different and not behave in the world’s pattern. This is what is meant by being in the world but not of the world. If we support the world’s system of deception, self-righteousness, violence, and disrespect, we will not be able to participate in bringing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.

Why do we have to be transformed? Unless we are transformed in God’s image, we cannot be His agents. God has a “Promised Land” for each of us. That Promised Land is the sphere of influence that He gives us so we can possess it and bring heaven on earth in that sphere. Obedience to Him makes us become change agents in our “Promised Land.”

God want us to move into the Promised Land so He can bless us and show His glory as heaven on earth. God wants to bless us more than we know. “So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant.” (Josh 24:13).

How can you tell when you are in your Promised Land? Os Hillman writes, “I began to experience this new way of living as I began to be obedient to doing things based on His direction versus my perceived outcome. Provision began to follow obedience. Projects began to get done with little sweat. God brought the people to me to get things done. There was no longer a tendency to manipulate outcomes that I wanted to have happen. God was giving me my Promised Land as I yielded to Him.”

What areas of your life need to come into obedience so you can step into the promised land of the perfect will of God? • Step 1: Repent (For Example - I repent for falling short as a parent) • Step 2: Ask God for a plan (Lord, what is your plan for me as a parent) • Step 3: Make a Commitment (I choose to obey your plan) • Step 4: Work the commitment Obey

At one point in my young parenting days I realized I was getting annoyed with my teenaged children and not being very loving. I repented before the Lord and asked him what he would have me to do to improve. His plan was: Let the last words to your children at night be “I love you” and the first words they hear from you be “I love you.” I committed to the plan and asked Him to help me. As the older ones would be studying late, I would stick my head in the room and say, “I love you.” I didn’t always have the last word at night. Those nights that I did not say, “I love you”, the dog would bark at the wee hours to awaken me. I would then remember and go to their rooms and whisper, “I love you” to each and tuck them in and say “Good night,” regardless of any arguments, or disagreements. In the morning when I went to waken them, I would say, “I love you. It’s time to wake up.” I did this all the time they were living at home, until they went off to college. This changed my whole temperament, demeanor, and our relationship. Yes, there were still difficulties, but none have complained of not being loved or feeling abandoned. To this day, each phone call or parting ends with, “I love you.”

God has a plan that you can do. He will also help you to succeed. You only need to commit to obey. Then, by God’s grace, you will be transformed.


You can visit Marcia’s website for more resources: Page 12

to True Transformation

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by Rita LangelandExecutive Director

Hidden With Christ Ministries

At the end of last year, you may remember an article I wrote entitled, “All I want for Christmas is a Gas Stove for the Orphanage!” For years we had been using a wood-fired stove to cook all of the meals at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home. Then the government began to crack down on the sale of firewood because of a widespread and environmentally damaging problem of de-forestation. Tanzanians traditionally cook over an open fire with wood as the primary fuel source. After the laws changed, fire wood became scarce and expensive. We needed a gas stove - not a fancy American style stainless steel one - but a simpler gas stove top that is fabricated here in Tanzania and uses propane gas for the fuel. Since Tanzanians don’t bake like we do in the USA - because the traditional bread here is chapati - an unleavened flat bread - there was no need for an oven. We just needed to order and have a gas stove top fabricated for the

orphanage’s outdoor kitchen. Thanks to generous donors - we received the needed funds and ordered our gas stove. We are very happy to be utilizing a stove which uses a cleaner cooking fuel and to no longer be contributing to the de-forestation of Tanzania.

Thanks again to our generous donors!

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Thanks for our NewGas Stove!

Irene cooking on the gas stove in TOA’s outdoor kitchen

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When David led his men in battles against the Lord’s enemies, some of the soldiers went to the battle line and some stayed behind and were designated to “keep the supplies.”

In First Samuel 30:24-25 we find that David made a statute or ordinance in Israel that, “ his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike.” This applied specifically to the “spoils” or rewards that were distributed when a battle was won. Both the soldier at the battlefront as well as the soldier who took care of the supplies shared equally in the rewards. David considered the “supply keepers” to be just as important as the soldier at the frontline. And so it is with the Lord.

Perhaps you cannot go to the “frontlines” to personally take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, but you are distributing the necessary “supplies” that enable the Gospel to be preached and the love of God to be demonstrated in practical ways such as caring for orphans. God considers that an equally important ministry and will reward you for being faithful to your call as a “supply keeper.” When you are supplying the prayer support and the finances to spread the Gospel, your ministry as a “supply keeper” is VITAL! Don’t underestimate the value of the “supply keepers” ministry in the eyes of God. Eternity will reveal how precious the faithfulness of a “supply keeper” truly is in God’s sight.

Individuals who commit to becoming SUPPLY KEEPERS for Hidden With Christ Ministries make a pledge to support this ministry through prayer and finances on a monthly basis. The financial gifts donated to this ministry by our SUPPLY KEEPERS are used for the “most needed” area at the time they are received. That may mean they are feeding orphans one month, helping to sponsor an African Pastor’s Conference or Crusade another month, putting on a medical clinic the next month, or sending discipleship materials to prisoners the following month. We are very diligent to use the contributions we receive at Hidden With Christ Ministries with prayer and wisdom.

We encourage you to be a faithful soldier in God’s army and do whatever your Commander-in-Chief would have you to do to fulfill His commission to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) But if you feel that God is prompting you to become a “Supply Keeper” for this ministry, we invite you to contact us. As a Supply Keeper for HWC Ministries we consider you a ministry partner.

Our commitment to our SUPPLY KEEPERS is:

A promise to cover you and your family, health and finances with regular prayer•

A promise to share with you on a regular basis the victories of HWCM of which you are a part•

Opportunities for Overseas Missions Trips•

Please contact us if you desire to receive a SUPPLY KEEPER Partner Packet.You can request a SUPPLY KEEPER Packet by E-mail at [email protected] or

by calling the HWCM offices at (714)665-0407

Supply KeepersThe ministry of the

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Hidden With Christ MinistriesP.O. Box 3267 Tustin, CA 92781 - -

A multitude of generous gifts from family and friendswere received by

Treasures of Africa Children’s Homein celebration of the

25th Wedding Anniversary of

Thomas and Julie Kurienof

Long Beach, California

Congratulations Tom and Julie!