verb tense review€¦ · present perfect progressive •present perfect progressive •sub +...

Post on 28-Jun-2020






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Verb Tense ReviewWeek 2, Mon. 8.31.15

Todd Windisch, Spring 2015


• Computer lab on Wednesday:• Building 26B, Room 1555

• First quiz (verb tenses) next Tuesday (9/8)

Today’s Agenda

• Collect homework

• Quick review of last week

• Review present and past tense verbs

**Remember that we will meet in the computer lab on Wednesday!

Word Forms

• Understanding word forms is very important in order to write coherent sentences in English!

• Let’s practice identifying word forms in your textbook (DCS, p. 5, ex. 1)


• Every composition needs a title

• Here are some rules to remember:• Make sure your title relates to the main idea of your composition

• Center it!

• Capitalize the first word and the important words of the title (nouns, adjectives, verbs, & adverbs)!

• Do not use a period after a title

• Do not use quotation marks (“ ”)

• Do not underline the title

What’s Wrong?

• What’s wrong with these titles?

1. my biggest mistake ever• My Biggest Mistake Ever

2. My Dreams For The Future• My Dreams for the Future

3. My first and last trip to Disney World• My First and Last Trip to Disney World

4. A Terrifying Midnight Boat Ride.• A Terrifying Midnight Boat Ride

• What titles can we give to the paragraphs we read today?


• What are the 12 main verb tenses in English?

• Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future

• Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive

• Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

• Present Perf/Prog Past Perf/Prog Future Perf/Prog


• Simple Present• Sub + verb(s)• General truths, habitual actions, sequence• EXAMPLE: Leland goes to the store.

• Are these sentences general truths, habitual actions, or sequences?• People use the Internet to stay in touch with friends.• After dinner every night, Elena gets out her laptop.• I play video games.• Elena logs on to the Internet, reads her e-mail, and starts responding.


• Present Progressive• Sub + be [is/am/are] + verb-ing

• Actions in progress at the moment (not finished)

• EXAMPLE: Leland is driving to the store right now.

EG, p. 15, ex. 4

1. is washing

2. washes

3. usually sits / is sitting

4. am trying

5. Do you always lock

6. am still waiting

7. is shining

8. shines / wakes

Action or Non-Action?

• We usually do not use the progressive with non-action verbs!

• But sometimes verbs can have two meanings (action and non-action)• You look upset. (NON-ACTION)

• You are looking upset.

• She is looking for your keys right now. (ACTION)

• She looks for her keys right now.

• EG, p. 17, ex. 8


• Non-action verbs (also called stative verbs) describe states such as:• Appearance (seem, appear, look)

• Emotions (love, hate, like)

• Mental states (know, understand)

• Perceptions (Hear, perceive, think)

• Possession (own, possess, have)

• Wants (need, want)


• Are the following sentences describing states or actions?1. Most people hardly go anywhere without an electronic device.2. At least it seems that way.3. We want to be connected 24/7.4. We text people on our cell phones.5. Nick appears to be addicted to his cell phone.6. On MySpace and Facebook, you develop your own page.7. Teachers feel bad about outlawing cell phones in class.8. Elena loves her e-mail.9. I telecommute two days a week.10. We need to put things in balance.


• Present Perfect• Sub + have/has + verb [past participle]• Actions began in the past and continue until now (or maybe not). Connecting

the past to the present.• EXAMPLE: Leland has gone to the store four times this week.

• What are the past participles of these verbs?• Be, have, go, sleep, drink, jump, run, cost, forget, remember, take, sing, write,

drive, seem, look

• Review more past participles with Exercise 1 on p. 36 (EG)


• Present Perfect Progressive• Sub + have/has + been + verb-ing

• Actions began in the past and are actively continuing now.

• EXAMPLE: Leland has been talking on the phone since he got to the store.

• EXAMPLE: Leland has been driving for 30 minutes now.

• If the action is completed in the past, do not use the PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE!• I’ve bought four cell phones in the last two years.

• I’ve been buying four cell phones in the last two years.


• Look for clue words!• “Since” & “For”

• I’ve had my iPod for six months.

• He’s been my friend since 2008.

• How would you complete these sentences:• I ____________________________ since I moved to the United States.

• I ____________________________ for my whole life!


• Write three facts about yourself. Use the simple present tense.

• For example:• I like comic books.• I am tall.• I go to Las Vegas every year.

• Now, turn those sentences into present perfect or present perfect progressive by adding “for” or “since”• I have liked comic books since I was young.• I have been tall for my whole life.• I have gone to Las Vegas every year since I was in high school.


• Simple Past• sub + verb [past tense]• General or specific time, usually completed• EXAMPLE: Leland went to the grocery store last Friday.

• Look for time markers! Where is the time marker in that example sentence?

• Be careful of irregular past tense verbs!• What are the past tense forms of the following verbs:• Begin, bite, cut, forgive, lay, lie, swim, wake, win


• What are some other time markers for the simple present?• Yesterday

• …ago

• In 1990

• The other day

• Last…


• Past Progressive• Sub + be [was/were] + verb-ing

• Action that was in progress (unfinished) in the past

• EXAMPLE: Leland was shopping when the earthquake happened.

• Used a lot with WHEN clauses.• Examples?

• Did you get a text message at any time today? What were you doing?

• Did you remember to do something that you forgot? What were you doing when you remembered?

EG, p. 30, ex. 27

1. was sitting

2. called / wasn’t / was studying

3. didn’t hear / was sleeping

4. was shining / was blowing / were singing

5. were arguing / walked

6. opened / found

7. was reading / fell / closed / snuck

8. Did you hear / wasn’t listening / was thinking

9. was snowing / was shining / were shoveling / was lying


• Past Perfect• Sub + had + verb [past participle]

• Shows events that happened before the simple past

• EXAMPLE: Leland went to the grocery store last Friday. Leland had gone to the grocery store several times in the week before.


• Past Perfect Progressive• Sub + had + been + verb-ing

• The action started before the simple past and is still occurring at the time of the simple past

• EXAMPLE: Leland drove to the grocery store last Friday. He had been driving for 15 minutes when another car hit his car.


• Which action came first? Place the sentences together with the simple past and past perfect.• I did not have any money. I lost my wallet. (because)

• Christine never went to an opera. She went to an opera last night. (before)

• We were not able to get a hotel room. We did not book a room in advance. (because)

• We had the car for ten years. It broke down. (when)


• More practice?



• When I assign homework from English Grammar, there is a specific way I would like you to do your homework:• Complete the homework on a separate sheet of paper (not in your book)

• Correct your own homework using the answer key in the back of the book

• Try to understand why you got the answer wrong; if you cannot find out why, make a note and ask me during class

• Tonight’s homework: • Chapter 2: ex. 10, 38

• Chapter 3: ex 4, 16, 23

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