u.s. prepares for war -”cash and carry “ policy begins to allow warring nations to buy us arms,...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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U.S. Prepares for War-”Cash and Carry “ policy begins

to allow warring nations to buy US arms, as long as they paid cash & transported them in their own ships

-Axis Powers formed J/G/I

-Selective Service begins draft process (in case of a 2 front war)

-Roosevelt seeks third term & wins

-Lend-Lease policy begun to help supply allies-Arsenal of Democracy GB had NO money

-Atlantic Charter signed between U.S. and Britain becomes basis for United Nations

resembles 14 points of Wilson

Hitler’s Mistake

-Battle of Britain has stalled

-June 1941 Germany attacks Russia

-early success but then stalemate

-Russian winter sets in and halts advance

-Now war is on two fronts

U.S. enters the War

-U.S. has embargo on Japan for actions of Aggression in the Pacific (J hoped to unit all of East Asia) Japan could not live w/o our Oil.*Defeating J w/o firing a shot

-U.S. had warning of a possible Japanese attack somewhere

- Early Dec. 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor Hawaii is attacked

“day that will live in infamy”

-U.S. declares war on Japan and then Germany, Italy declare war on U.S.

*For 1 ½ hrs, J was barely disturbed by US Guns*Killed 2,400 Americans*wounded 1,178*Sunk/Damaged 21 HUGE Battleships*Destroyed 300 Aircrafts*More Damaged combined than all WWI

Americans in the Service

-millions volunteered and millions more were drafted: Selective Service System Expanded

-GI’s went to basic training for 8 weeks

-Women’s Auxiliary Corps

thousands volunteered- served in Nonbattle/Non Combat positions

-Minorities served in segregated units- not allowed combative roles until last year of the war

Tuskegee Airmen 1st all AA Air force, Africa

Life on the Home Front= Production Miracle

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials ex: automobile plants retooled to produce tanks/planes

WWII brought the US out of the Great Depression!

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda


Life on the Home Front

-Scientists are mobilized: to bring into the war effort

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project) : intensive program to build an atomic bomb in shorter than 3 yrs

*Albert Einstein warned against it

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter” icon for women in the workforce- propanda

-Entertainment propaganda


Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda

Life on the Home Front

-War Production Board

industries were retooled to make war materials

-Scientists are mobilized

radar, sonar, penicillin, atomic bomb (Manhattan Project)

-women stepped into many war materials jobs

“Rosie the Riveter”

-Entertainment propaganda: Hollywood churned out War propaganda films

Government Control-Inflation controlled by price


-many products rationed to conserve resources :Coupon books to be used for buying such scare items- meat, shoes, coffee gasoline

-income taxes increased

-War Bonds sold –loaning the Gov’t $

-Japanese Internment

Korematsu v. United States

discriminatory policy???

Government Control

-Inflation controlled by price freezes

-many products rationed to conserve resources

-income taxes increased

-War Bonds sold

-Japanese Internment

Korematsu v. United States

discriminatory policy???

Government Control

-Inflation controlled by price freezes

-many products rationed to conserve resources

-income taxes increased

-War Bonds sold

-Japanese Internment

Korematsu v. United States

discriminatory policy???



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