update from romania feb 2014

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Update From Romania Feb 2014


    The last two months have been full with our normal Christmas events and with a trip to Sierra

    Leone. First of all, I want to thank you for your prayers and sympathies following the death of my

    dad. I knew he wasn't doing too well, but I still hoped to see him on my planned visit to the

    States this summer. After I left Romania for Sierra Leone, I heard that he was in the hospital and

    on life-support. My sister and her family made it down to see him before he passed. I learned of

    his death upon my arrival in Sierra Leone. I was and am more affected than I expected by mydad's death. I was glad to be in Sierra Leone and received comfort from our community there.

    Although I couldn't be in the States for the funeral, my family is planning a funeral ceremony this

    summer where we, as well as more members of the family, will be able to take part.

    Most people found out about my dad's death via facebook. It's not my medium of choice for

    events such as these, but others were posting about it and so I was trying to manage the news

    as it went out. I apologize for that.

    In Sierra Leone, I participated in their community retreat and led some devotionals on service.

    After the retreat I led the community in a two-day planning session for the coming year. It went

    really well, and I am excited to see them live into all that they have purposed for 2014.

    On my way back to Romania, I spent a few days in the UK. I visited a friend who is now a

    professor at the Oxford Centre for Missions Studies. Then I headed to Wolverhampton where we

    had a golf fundraiser, an afternoon with supporting friends, and a day with the Lakeside

    fellowship. You can find the link to my message on their website.

    My trip to Sierra Leone and the UK followed a very busy December. At the Valley Community

    Center, we held a Christmas party for the Hidden Treasures kids club where the kids learned

    carols, listened to the nativity story and received some treats and a gift. We also held Christmas

    pageants for for the children that attend the Center on a daily basis. As in past years, the kids

    had the opportunity to do various chores and projects in order to earn gifts for their siblings.

    After the pageant, they were able to offer their gifts.

    Other children, who live in a squatter settlement on the margins of the city, are not involved in

    any of our weekly activities, but they are very needy. So, we took them groceries, water, clothing

    and carols.

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    ord Made Flesh

  • 8/13/2019 Update From Romania Feb 2014


    Finally, on Christmas night, we organized an all-night party for children. We played games, ate a

    traditional meal, and gave gifts. It was a night where the kids were warm, safe from abuse, and

    full of joy.

    Thank you for your prayers and support for the Christmas season. We were able to help over

    150 needy children to celebrate Christmas through food, clothing, winter shoes, school bags

    and small toys. One child said she was delighted by the stocking cap she received. Another

    simply stared at his present, not wanting to open it because it looked so nice. All smiled and

    sensed a bit of God's love for them.

    We remember that hope, for

    Christians, comes in the name

    of a child, Emanuel. The advent

    of God as child opens our lives

    to the presence of all children,

    especially vulnerable children.

    The way of God-with-us is not

    a way unto privilege, but a way of solidarity with the least, a way that opens us to others and

    makes us responsible for them. In a world where children are ignored, excluded and abused,

    the way of Jesus leads us to the lives of children.

    Together with our children, our community in Romania says, "Thank you!."

    yours in Christ,

    david chronic

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