unleash your vision e-book - the truth about eyesight and the paradox of glasses

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unleash your vision by evgania mehler


By Evgania Mehler

Presented bywww.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

The Truth About Eyesight

The Paradox Of Glasses

©Copyright 2008 Evgania MehlerAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied.

Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including, but not limited to, photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


This book and all references are for educational purposes only. The information and directions in these writings, individually and collectively, are in no way to be considered as a substitute for consultations with a duly licensed physician regarding diagnosis and / or treatment of disease and are not intended to diagnose or treat.

This book offers no medical, legal, or related professional advice. The reader is encouraged to use good judgment when applying the information herein contained and to seek advice from a qualified professional if, and as, needed.

The information, exercises, and guidelines in this book are intended to encourage personal responsibility and to support proper medical care.

For questions or comments concerning this book, please send an email to Evgania@Unleash-Your-Vision.com

Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com


Introduction 1Where We Are Today 3My Story 5Current State 8The System 9

Chapter 1: I Want to Be Free 13

Smiling 15The Prison of Sickness 17Everything is Connected 21Sickness is Psychological 22Changing Focus 24Becoming Healthy 29The Way of a Winner, Your Way 31Summary for the Chapter 1 32

Chapter 2: Time to Love, Not to Hate 33Emotions: How They Affect Your Life 33Healing Yourself 36Becoming Real 45

Chapter 3: Know Your Self , Know Your Enemies 47

Reasons to Be Healthy 48Why Do I need to be Healthy? 50Three Enemies that Hold Us Back 52

Table of Contents

vCopyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me, I Can’t Stop Loving You 57

Painful Soul 57Cleanse Your Soul 60Story of Forgiveness 61Forgive Now 62

Chapter 5: The Food For Your Soul 69Alkaline vs. Acidic 71Alkaline Foods 74Green Vegetables 74Grains 75Nuts and Seeds 75Fruits 76How We Separate Our Food 79Poison for Your Body 81

Chapter 6: Gymnastics 89Exercising Our Joints 89Change Your State 90Gymnastics 92Acupuncture Points 92Ears 94Hands 96Arms 99Legs 103Back 113Upper Back 118First “Twist” Exercise 120Middle Back 121

“Twist” for the Middle Back 125Lower Back 126Shaking 140

Table of Contents

viCopyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

Chapter 7: Eye-Lympix 141Palming 146Vision Correction 146The Preparation Phase 147The Performance 148Stamp Exercise 150

Chapter 8: How to Make a Plan that Works 155

Chapter 9: Summary 165

1Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com


Meet Evgania Mehler

Evgania Mehler has studied the Russian secret of Unleash Your Vision over a period of six years in Moscow and Israel. During this time, she worked closely with her mentors while accompanying them on their teaching missions. After successful studies, and then creating the Unleash Your Vision system, Evgania began teaching the secret techniques in live seminars to thousands of people. “I soon realized that it was my fate to reveal the secret and bring it to you.”

Mrs. Evgania Mehler

I learned these techniques for myself because of my own life and health challenges. My journey started when I lost my mother to skin cancer at the age eight, and five years later had to relocate to a completely new environment, a new country and culture, where at first, I did not fit in.

Under those difficult circumstances, I did not want to “see” my future anymore and as a result I partly lost my eyesight. When my lack of vision became a hindrance and stood in the way of my acting career, I literally decided to throw away my glasses. That same day, I was introduced to the secret in mysterious ways.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | | By Evgania Mehler

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Taking personal responsibility for your health and the health of your family is vital. You must be open to educating yourself and seeking information on all of the aspects of a healthy lifestyle. You must be willing to learn how to manage the health challenges you face because of your background and your own life circumstances. You will need to understand the benefits of proper diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and stress management, and the vital components of emotional and family support. Do not be afraid to become a team member with your mentor. Ask questions so that you can make informed choices.

My contact information as promised:Evangia Mehler



3Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

Where We Are Today

Today in the 21st Century the majority of people are facing health challenges. They are sick, poor, unhappy and emotionally unfulfilled. It is very rare to find a person who is happy, healthy, and wealthy.

When you come in to work happy and in a good mood you are met with all kinds of questions, “What is wrong? What happened to you? Why are you so happy? Did you win the lottery?”

When asked how you feel and your response is, “I feel great,” people think something is wrong with you. They don’t understand how you could feel better than they do. Most people really do have problems, not just with health, but problems that affect their whole life. You truly are the exception when you are the one person who is feeling good with no special reason.

Have you ever realised that we only experience five to seven emotions in our life? We feel anger, our most common emotion, we experience fear, frustration, sadness, and sometimes, thankfully, a bit of joy. But most of the time we feel down or even depressed.

We, as modern human beings, are constantly chasing something, always wanting to accomplish something, to be successful and to also be everywhere we need to be at the same time. We are always in a rush. We are consistently running in circles, to do, to go, and never allowing ourselves to just be.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | | By Evgania Mehler

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We are no longer human BEings anymore, we have become human DOings; running, rushing, and striving for success. We never take the time to stop and ask ourselves, “What am I living for? What am I here for? What is the purpose of my life?”We don’t take time for any of these important questions. Instead we distract ourselves from them, by watching TV, by eating and drinking, and even more often by going shopping. We are running in circles, day after day, year after year. We all have the same problems with our finances, with our relationships, and with our health. We are just not taking the time to address the problems and find a solution.

We all have too many issues to deal with, too many challenges to face all at once; we just don’t want to see them. After a while our minds begin to protect our emotions from the pain of our problems and we literally blind ourselves to our situation. When that happens we literally “can’t see” anymore. That’s the point when we need glasses all of a sudden, regardless of our age, just to see the world.

That’s why this book was written. I’ve written it for you, so you can finally take a moment to stop and breathe. The most important thing for me is to move you, and to toss you out of that circle you have been stuck running around in. That circle consists of harmful emotions, empty thoughts and unnecessary words and actions. My goal is to see you without glasses at the end of this course. So I will soon begin to use different techniques in order to make you move.

Please forgive me for all the jokes I’m going to make, and for all the words about you and your own personality that you probably will not like. But, this is the only way to make your brain and body move.


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My Story

Ten years ago I was exactly the same as everyone else, running, rushing, and striving to achieve. I was unhappy and unfulfilled with my life; and I had to wear glasses.

My problems in life started at a very early age. I lost my mother at eight years old, and I then grew up with my father and my step-mom. Losing my mother created terrible sadness in my life and I was depressed for a very long time.

When I was 13 years old, we left the USSR and moved to Israel. When you are 13 and change your country, language and friends, you face very difficult challenges, especially that painful time when you are learning how to fit in.

During that time of transition, I thought a lot about, “Why am I alive? Why do I suffer? Why do I have to learn these lessons? What are they for?”

I often thought about death and even considered committing suicide.

Luckily, I did not make those terrible choices and after I had grown up a little more and learned to fit in, I found a purpose for my life. I eventually decided to go to acting school and won a very big audition which opened the door to one of the best acting schools in the country. This was an especially difficult task and an important accomplishment for me since the language spoken was my second language and I still had an accent.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | | By Evgania Mehler

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I realized that if I could do this, I could accomplish many more things in my life. It was through this process that I developed faith. Even with all of the positive things that were happening to me, I still faced many problems with my body because I had been so depressed for such a long period of my life. I wore glasses and the lens prescription needed to be changed every year. I also had problems with my kidneys, my bladder and my liver.

At the time I was attending acting school, I decided I couldn’t continue to live like this any longer. I had to find a way to change. Wearing glasses was very uncomfortable for me to wear on stage and during rehearsal when we were moving, dancing and jumping around.

To have to wear my glasses for 12 to 15 hours a day was very limiting. Contact lenses were also too painful for me. After only a few hours of wearing them, I had to rest my eyes. The situation was impossible when I was so busy with classes and practicing for performances.

I decided I had to do something about it. I really wanted to have eye surgery, but it was so expensive and also dangerous. I just didn’t want to take any risks that could permanently damage my eyes.

One morning I woke up and I had just had enough of those glasses. Without another thought I decided to throw them out of the window.

And, later that morning a miracle happened. I found a book lying on our living room table; it was a book about how you could get rid of your glasses just by doing exercises and special gymnastics.


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I looked at that book and I couldn’t believe it. I immediately called my father and asked him about where this book had come from. He explained that his cousin had given him the book as a present because the techniques described in it had helped her. He told me I could take it and use it. At that moment I was so grateful to God. I was so happy. I started reading the book immediately, and I convinced myself that it would be very easy and that my eyesight would improve very quickly.

As I read the book, I wanted to do the exercises and improve my eyes right away. However, the exercises did not start at the beginning of the book. The book spoke more about your emotional state.

The author asked questions like, “What are you doing here and what is your purpose in life?” The book asked me to stop and to think, to “open my eyes” to realize where I was right then, and especially what I wanted from my life.

I thought, “My God, so many questions!” I did, however, take the time and I did stop and consider my emotional state. The reason that this system works is that the process of dealing with your emotional life is the groundwork for the success of these exercises. I can tell you without any doubt, that this book changed my life!

I eventually went to Moscow to meet the author of the book. I was honoured to study with him and his master teachers for six years. Through my research after that, I now know how this valuable system can improve your life. I really would love to pass on my knowledge and to help you improve your health, your sight, and your total emotional state.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | | By Evgania Mehler

8 Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

The idea to write “The Truth About Eyesight - The Paradox of Glasses” was born in Australia. I didn’t have the opportunity to teach my system in seminars right away after I arrived, so I had time to reflect on all the research I had done over the past 8 years. I realized that it was time to put my knowledge together into a book, so that I could touch and improve the lives of a broader audience, not just the people who are living nearby and can attend my seminars.

Current State and The System

Before we go on, please take a moment to reflect on the following questions. When you wake up each morning, what are the emotions that you experience? What state of mind are you in? Are you grateful for each new day? Are you happy and excited about being alive another day on Earth?

Or are you tired and empty? Do you not look forward to the new day? Are you lacking vitality and drive?

Based upon my own experience and those of the people who come to my seminars, I imagine that you don’t want to “see” what each new day will bring. You may have accepted your life and don’t really see any possibilities for improvement. But I can tell that you lack passion! You lack enthusiasm, excitement, and gratitude for living!

You, just like most of us, are trapped in the mindset of going to work, pretending to be fine, and just making it through the day. Your main goal is to get to the end of the day.

I know that you are really just pretending to be ok, but you are not looking forward to anything in your life. Nothing has joy; nothing is uplifting your spirits. You are living in a dull grey world where every single day is the same as the day before.


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If you continue to live in this state of mind, you will never change your life. Your pattern of thought and your behaviour will never allow you to experience the freedom and joy of living. No change means no improvements; not to your finances, nor your relationships, and certainly not to your health.

Life cannot fix itself, no matter how long you wait for the day that it will magically improve. I challenge you to put the effort in and change yourself from the inside out, and I know that your life will change as well!

It is only when a person is happy, grateful and fulfilled in their own lives that they can change their sight, their health and transform their experience of living.

I admit that it may be hard for you to deal with your emotions at first, but there will be moments when you will realize it’s much easier than you imagined.

The Book and this System:

This book and this system create a beautiful journey. You’ll learn step-by-step how to create all the positive feelings that are necessary for a healthy, happy, and fulfilled life.

You’ll learn more about yourself by going deeper inside yourself and discovering that there is a body mind connection. You will learn how our emotions are affected by our motions and the connection between emotions and different illnesses. You are going to learn more about food and the healing diet, how to take the first step in order to succeed and also how to become a master of your own life.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | | By Evgania Mehler

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I know that there are some of you who are reading this that think it’s not for you, that it is just too hard to change. If you are one of those people who believe that it is impossible to change then, just close the book. You probably are right. You probably shouldn’t waste your time. You are free to stay the same and be lonely, living with your problems, and continuing to be stuck with your glasses. I understand that it is just not for you.

But, if you have been listening and my words have inspired you, then maybe you are ready. Maybe you really do believe that everything is happening for a reason. Maybe you are prepared to make a change.

It has always been said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I assure you that I am not a healer, but I can be your teacher, and I will show you how to heal yourself.

If you are truly ready to make a change, please follow my instructions, even if they appear strange to you at first. Everything has its purpose. Please understand that this book is not about positive thinking, but about a positive mental attitude and taking action. If you perform the exercises mechanically, without a positive connection, they won’t be nearly as effective.

So, if you are ready, then stop for a second and... smile. Smile from ear to ear! Do not worry about feeling foolish, just smile, without any reason. Think about something that made you smile when you were a small child. Remember how free you were, back then, to enjoy all of the simple things in life. You had nowhere to go and nothing to do but have fun! Right now, smile from ear to ear and pay special attention to what is happening in your body. How are you feeling now? Take a second to see how you really feel when you smile. What changes in your body? Think about it.


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Before we start, I would like to tell you a beautiful Greek saga.

“Once Gods discovered that the Human beings learned very quickly and that soon they would know everything and be Godlike, the Gods decided to have a meeting and decide together were they could hide the knowledge that would make humans Godlike.

First they considered hiding it deep in the water, but then the Gods thought that humans would explore the Ocean inside out and find it.

Then they thought that maybe the best place would be to hide it in the sky. But people developed so fast, that they would surely come to the sky and find the knowledge.

And then Gods thought another place, and this place was the best place in the world to hide the truth about human beings. Surely the people are not going to look there because in order to find the knowledge they will have to go inside themselves and listen to their own hearts. This was the best plan. Until today, people have been seeking the knowledge. They have looked everywhere but they always forget to go inside themselves and listen to the truth of their hearts.”

So let’s begin and touch the unknown that is hiding inside every one of us. Everyone has the ability to become Godlike and create his own life, his own destiny, and his own happiness. I encourage you to be silent for a moment and to listen to your heart; your best friend in the world.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | | By Evgania Mehler

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I want you to be prepared. A magical change will happen faster than you ever imagined. Just like me, before you even get to the exercises you can achieve beautiful results simply by reading the book and exploring what is happening inside your emotions. Be ready to receive all of the miracles that are going to happen in your life!

Join me on this wonderful journey that will transform your life!

13Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

Chapter 1: I Want To Be Free

“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”- Ludwig Wittgenstein

So, you have decided that you are ready! Congratulations for joining me on this journey to become a stronger, healthier, happier, and more successful person! Thank yourself for

making the space in your life for another important improvement and for growth.

Everything in life happens for a reason. You found this book because of your willingness to act, so let’s get into it!

Avicenna, the Father of Medicine, once made a very interesting and beautiful statement:

“When a patient comes to me with his illness and asks for help, there are two, and I am only one. If he takes my side, we are together; we are two against the illness. If the patient stays on the side of the illness, the two of them are going to win. If the patient and the doctor work together they beat the illness.”

I invite you to join me and become a team. Together we are stronger and can easily defeat your need for glasses.

It’s easier, than you think it is, to overcome the need for eyeglasses, you just need a little patience, a pinch of self-love and a few minutes of exercises each day.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | By Evgania Mehler

14 Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

Do you think you can do it? I’m sure you can!

Listen to the teacher; follow my lead and we will overcome your glasses.

I have a very important metaphor that you should remember as we go through this process. All of the knowledge you have is like water in a glass. You are the glass and the water is your knowledge. In order for you to gain new knowledge, you must become an empty glass, by emptying yourself. If you continue to use only the old knowledge that you have, you’ll never learn anything new.

After you finish reading this book and have gotten rid of your glasses, then you can go back to your old knowledge again and incorporate it with your new knowledge to become an even better person.

First, you must become an empty glass. Empty yourself of all that you think you know. Become a child that is willing to learn and discover new things.

Consider this; if your old experience was so helpful to you, why would you need this book?

But, the fact is that you are reading it right now.

Don’t worry. Your old knowledge will be waiting on the sidelines ready to be poured back into your glass once you have learned something new.

Chapter 1: I Want To Be Free

15Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com


Let me explain to you why it is good for you to smile.

First, it is much easier for you to make new friends and it’s also easier to raise your salary…. I’m joking! I hope you have a sense of humour?

If you don’t believe me that smiling is better -- that you can stop reading right now.

Honestly, the importance of smiling relates to our human physiology. When the muscles in your face stretch to smile, your brain gets a signal from your body that everything is just fantastic. As soon as that happens, your brain starts to produce the hormones of happiness (endorphins) that flow throughout your whole body in 26 seconds. These hormones reach every cell of your body, so all the organs, glands, muscles, ligaments, every cell, immediately benefits and starts to feel better.

There are actually people who have healed themselves from chronic diseases, just by using laughter therapy! Can you imagine that?

As we progress step-by-step; your first step is to learn how to smile again.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | By Evgania Mehler

16 Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com


Right now, fully stretch-out your back. Take a deep breath and smile from ear to ear. Don’t worry about appearing foolish, nobody can see you! If somebody does, it’s okay, just smile at them and they will probably smile right back. It’s often contagious! Just smile from ear-to-ear like a silly kid! Smile like a little child and enjoy yourself to the fullest.

Be happy and proud of yourself even before you get any results, before you have any progress, before your big victory, just continue to smile. Be grateful for your own bravery, right now, simply for having the determination and integrity to start this journey and stay on the path.

Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. In this case it is a journey that starts with one great big smile!

So, how do you feel when you are smiling from ear to ear? Do you notice any change in your feelings? Has your breath settled? Do you realise that your worries have disappeared? Do you feel more relaxed, or do you need to smile wider?

After you have discovered that smiling is good for you, just stay like that! Smile and be happy! Make it a habit of yours. Habits take 30 days to develop, so make a commitment to smile for the next 30 days. Put up a sign next to your desk, put one on the fridge and the mirror, stick a reminder in your pocket, write it on your forehead and staple the corners of your mouth to your ears!

Chapter 1: I Want To Be Free

17Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

The Prison of Sickness

Why do you think people go to visit the doctor?

People go to the doctor because they want to get results. They want to be healthier, or, maybe some of them want to complain about their life and about how bad they feel.

What about you? How often do you go to visit your doctor?

People who have chronic diseases usually go to the doctor very often, and some of them even enjoy living this kind of lifestyle. I know you are thinking, “It can’t be true that people who are sick, want to stay that way. They don’t want to be sick, how could they possibly be enjoying it?”

But, yes they do. In their conscious minds they want to be healthy, but in their subconscious minds, they are really stuck in a habit of staying sick for long periods of time. It doesn’t matter if this habit is good for them or not -- it’s just became their habit and part of the identity.

I’ll give you another example. It’s similar to smoking; you hate this habit, you know that it is bad for your body and your health. You know it will kill you, but you still enjoy smoking.

So why is it that people subconsciously don’t want to get rid of their health problems? Why do they hold on to them?

When you have an illness for a long period of time, you know everything about it. You’ve read books and articles about it. You always have a topic to talk about. You know what drugs to take. You know all of the doctors in your area who are not so great, and which doctors are better. It is your comfort zone. And, you feel unique, because you have a special sickness that not many people have. It is a part of your identity, it’s just who you are.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | By Evgania Mehler

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Do you get my point?

We love to be unique and love comfort zones. We will do anything to stay true to our identity.

There can be something wrong with your eyes or liver, spine, or stomach. Something is wrong but in a very unique way.

Sometimes, secretly, you even feel proud of yourself. You have something rare and unique!

You can agree with me or not, it doesn’t matter because this is a fact. This is the reason why people are sick for very long periods of time with chronic diseases. Even though they think they want to be healthy and they want to get paroled from the prison of their illness; they still, truly, want to remain the focus of everyone’s attention.

Here is an interesting story about the connection between people with long-term diseases and people who have been sent to prison.

Imagine a person who has committed a crime and is taken before a judge, where he is told that he is going to be in prison for the rest of his life.

In the beginning it is a huge shock to go from freedom to prison. The same thing happens when a person receives a medical diagnosis. You were healthy and now you have a chronic disease that will last for the rest of your life -- for example, diabetes.

At first, you are absolutely shocked, and for about the first 40 days, you don’t want to believe it, you don’t want to be there, and you certainly don’t want to do anything that is required of you to manage this disease.

Chapter 1: I Want To Be Free

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You are shocked, stressed, and especially afraid. But what happens after 40 days? After about forty days, you start to get used to the idea of being in the prison of your new disease.

Your doctor will tell you, “It’s going to be okay; people can live with this for a very long time.”

He gives you some drugs and some treatments; you meet other people with the same problem and what happens to you and your disease after one year?

You kind of feel all right. You actually begin to accept that you are fine with the situation.

Now, somebody tells you that you can get rid of your disease. The first thing that happens in your sub-consciousness is that you want to protect the body and the mind from another change.

You are already living in the environment of people just like you. You have already created a certain way of thinking and have established your new daily routine. You take your medications at a certain times and with certain foods. You are in your “comfort zone” and you don’t want to leave it.

You do want to be healthy, but at the same time, subconsciously, you just don’t want to face another identity change.

It is another great shock to then be forced to leave the routine you have established for such an extended period of time.

Is this concept making sense?

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | By Evgania Mehler

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Here is an interesting parallel. After being locked up in prison for one year, around 95% of inmates leave prison forever. The other 5% go back to prison for one reason or another. After being locked up for five years, 30% are back in prison, while 65% left prison and went on to live their life. The last 5% live around the area of the prison to stay in touch with others they met while in prison and continue to think in that way. After 15 years, 90% return to prison, having become criminals again, and only 10% get out of prison and stay out of prison. Imagine that. Only 10%!

People who have diseases for 10 or 15 years subconsciously don’t really want to leave their routine, which is, in effect, their prison; because it has become a habit for them. It’s not their fault but it is important to know why you might experience stress and anger during this journey of freeing yourself from the prisons of glasses that you created for yourself.

As humans, we have an inherent need to feel comfortable in our environment. Yet, if someone is not prepared for a new lifestyle, they won’t want to leave their comfort zone, otherwise known as -- prison.

In order to become free, you must be prepared for your new life.

During this process of becoming free, you’ll learn-step-by-step how to be ready for the changes that are coming into your life, simply by asking yourself questions like; “why do I want to get rid of these glasses?”

And please always remember to smile. It will help you to create a brand new habit of feeling good. So take a deep breath and smile, from ear to ear because everything is possible.

Chapter 1: I Want To Be Free

21Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com

And Everything Is Connected

You can heal anything by using this system, even the piles that your Great Grandmother had! Just kidding, it was just a reminder to keep you awake and to keep you smiling!

Now let me repeat: “You can heal anything in your body through the system.”

Do you understand why?

It’s because every part of your body is connected, and by healing just one part, you indirectly affect all of the other parts and systems.

Your liver is connected to your spleen. Your spleen is connected to your kidneys. Your eyes are connected to your liver and too many other organs.

In Western medicine, it is common to have hundreds of doctors for every part of the body. One doctor treats your eyes, a second one treats your legs, and a third one treats your liver and other internal organs. But, they have actually forgotten that you are one whole unified system.

You need to remember this! You are going to be working with the whole body and you are going to be fixing the whole body, not just one part.

Some people may think, “I’m healthy, I just have to wear glasses.” But, it is impossible to be healthy and to have to wear corrective glasses. If your eyes don’t see well, then there is a problem somewhere in your body. It may be in your liver or in the nerves of your spine, but it is impossible to be healthy and not see well.

The Truth About Eyesight: The paradox of glasses | By Evgania Mehler

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It might be possible; but only, if you can prove that your eyes are separated from your whole bodily system.

Can you prove that?

Most illnesses begin with a negative mind

Did you know that more than 90% of our physical ailments are psychosomatic?

It means that 90%+ of all the sicknesses are created between the ears, at the location of the brain.

“It’s been proven again and again. Hypochondriacs, people who are convinced that they are sick even though nothing is wrong with them, experience the exact symptoms of the actual illness. It is also possible to make yourself ill through constant worry and fear, because mind constantly strives to turn into reality the things we think about most.”

Napoleon Hill

This fact is actually very good news. It means that you only have to change your patterns of thinking and your focus.

But unless you change your behaviour and beliefs, you are not going to change any of your problems. You can try all the treatments in the world, but the root of almost every problem is in your head.

If you strongly believe that you can’t be healed, it will be very difficult for any doctor to help you. But why, in the first place, would you hold on to the belief that can’t help you to change?

Chapter 1: I Want To Be Free

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Let me show you why and to give you a few examples.

The first limiting belief is; “My doctor told me that the problems with my eyes are very serious and I just have to deal with it and wear glasses for the rest of my life.”

Luckily the doctors are not God, so don’t let them decide for you what is possible and what is not.

Second, some people believe that they inherited their diseases.

He or she might say, “Okay, I wear glasses because my father wears glasses”. But, maybe the problem is that your father doesn’t want to see something in his life. Maybe he doesn’t want to agree with something, and his point of view, his lifestyle, forces him to wear glasses because he believes so strongly in his own personal values.

So, you just subconsciously inherit his thoughts, his points of view, and his values. You have glasses, not because it is genetic, but because of your beliefs, your values and your mindset. You inherited the point of view and all of the physical problems that go with it from your parents.

Realize that - it’s time to take action in order to change yourself!

It will take you some time to fully change your mind set. Start by doing just a little bit and do just a bit at a time.

Always remember, that just by smiling you can already help yourself!

So what are you waiting for? Do it right now, be like a child, be free, enjoy life and have some fun!

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I am going to explain to you how to make the change in a simple and most efficient way.

Change your focus

Do you realize that people spend most of their time dealing with their problems? They talk about them. They spend money on them. They go to different doctors. They buy drugs. They speak with other people about all their physical problems and diseases. They focus only on those problems. They even join groups and clubs related to their problems.

The illnesses then, make them feel important and they stay with those people and those habits that focus so effectively on those diseases they have.

By changing your focus you actually can get rid of your glasses. It has nothing to do with positive thinking.

First you must know your enemy. Your problems are your enemy, identify them and you can conquer them.

Here is an example: if you are in the forest and you say, “There are no mosquitoes here, nope no mosquitoes at all, not a single mosquito here,” the mosquitoes are going to stay right where they are. They are going to eat you, no matter how much you pretend they don’t exist.

In the same manner, you must recognize your problems. And then, you must take action in order to get rid of them. Simply pretending that they are not there will not help you achieve any real change.

We need to know where we are now, where we want to be and how to focus on the success.

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How can you change your focus? You change your focus by changing your state of mind. This is very important for gaining good results.

Great! That sounds easy! But how do we change our state of mind?

Let me ask you a question: What is easier? Changing your emotions, your physiology, or your thoughts?

If you said that it is easy to change emotions, let me give you a little example.


Imagine you have a problem with your stomach. You go to the doctor and the doctor tells you, that he performed a test and he is very sorry, but you have cancer.

You come home, you can’t believe it. You are totally confused and your head is spinning. Thoughts are crossing your mind, “I have cancer. I can’t believe it. I am going to die. It is unbelievable. I don’t want to die. I have to live. But I am going to die.”

With this pattern of thought, you go home and your emotions are a combination of bad feelings like fear, panic, and sorrow. Imagine then that an hour later, the doctor’s secretary calls and says, “Oh, Mr. Smith, we are so very sorry. Please forgive us, but we made a mistake. You don’t have cancer.”

So how do you feel now? Your emotions are all over the place. You are happy. Your emotions are riding high and you are just happy to be alive.

Here’s another example.

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You wake up in the morning and you feel pretty good. You woke up happy and smiling thinking about the great day ahead. You decide not to take your car to work, so you take a bus and somebody in the bus steps on your foot scuffing your brand new designer shoes and that really pisses you off.

Now you are angry. What happened to all your good emotions from the morning? They have disappeared. You try to bring them back, to feel how it felt to have the whole beautiful day ahead of you, but you can’t.

As you can see, our emotions are controlling us; we are not in charge of our emotional states. We feel good and bad, happy and sad in varying degrees during the day, almost without any control. It seems that only our circumstances can give us a reason to be happy or sad. And we can’t influence our emotions so easily.

In order to change your emotional state you need to have a strategy. You have to know what lifts your mood from bad to good.

Let’s continue and see if we are in control of our thoughts.


Here is another little example. Try to control your thoughts. Don’t think about a yellow elephant. Don’t think about a yellow elephant. Don’t think about a yellow elephant. Don’t think about a yellow elephant, a yellow elephant, a yellow elephant and a yellow elephant. Is the yellow elephant exactly what you are thinking about? Of course it is!

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If you don’t want to think about something, you are probably going to think about it constantly. If you don’t want to focus on your problem, you’ll focus exactly on your problem and on nothing else.

Controlling your thoughts isn’t easy. It’s almost impossible! They are running through your brain at the speed of light and you can’t just say ‘STOP!’ and control them. Or can you?

It might be that one of you chose the physical body as the easiest to control.


I could ask you to lift your right hand and then to put it back down. If you have a right hand you can easily obey that request. You see, if I tell you to move one of your limbs, fingers or toes, or even eyes, nose, and ears, it is usually pretty easy for you to do. If I tell you to smile, that is easy for you to do also. Maybe you don’t want to smile, but taking the action is easy.

Since this is the one thing we can control, let’s do that!

Take a breath deep down into your stomach.

Breathe out and stretch your back. Stay in this state for a while, and bring back that ear to ear smile. Just continue doing this for a few minutes. Keep smiling as if you don’t have a care in the world. Smile! Breathe in and breathe out.

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Stretch your back.

Lift your upper chest a bit and keep smiling from ear to ear. Don’t feel foolish or silly, it’s good for you, it’s simple, and you are in total control!

Lift your upper chest a bit and smile from ear to ear while you breathe through your stomach while keeping your back straight.

Voila! Now you see that it is easy to change your physiology. After you have completed this exercise, focus on your emotions. What are the thoughts in your head? Have they changed? Are you more positively focused?! By changing your physiology, you change your emotional state and you change your thoughts.

John Grinder, the co-founder of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, takes this concept even one logical level higher. In his chain of excellence described in his book “Whispering in the Wind” the chain starts off with the breath. The respiration influences the physiology, the physiology influences the emotional states, and the emotional state determines the performance- in our case, the thoughts.

When you are experiencing a problem or having difficulty with a situation, stop for a second. Breathe and smile. Once you take a second to breathe and then to smile, you have changed your focus. All of a sudden the problem is not so big and you are better prepared to deal with it. All of a sudden you can think of it only as a challenge and not really a big problem at all.

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Becoming Healthy

I want you to imagine, along with me for a moment, a normal every day type of person, imagine that it’s a man who is not feeling very well. He has a pain in his stomach and he goes to the doctor for some advice. He asks the doctor to please help him, because he wants to feel better.

The doctor gives him medication. The patient then takes the medicine and for a while he feels better. He believes this is an honest and trustworthy doctor who gave him medicine that will help him. His mood automatically starts getting better because he can once again do the things he wants to do. He can work; he can run, swim and dance. He can do anything! He is straightening his back again and feels 100%. He is smiling and happy again. He is in a really good mood.

Of course after a while, the problem returns and the patient must return to the doctor. The doctor tells him, “Since this medication worked so well for you the first time, I will give it to you again.” The patient takes the medicine, but this time it doesn’t work. Maybe this is because he has taken it too many times.

When he returns to his doctor the next time he hears new advice, “We need to perform surgery.” Surgery!!! After surgery the patient feels better for a while. However, he again must return to the doctor because his condition has become a chronic disease. The doctor can’t do anything about it. There is no next level of treatment.

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The patient stays in a passive state and can’t do a thing. He now has accepted the conditions of his chronic disease prison. From that moment onward, this person is always passive and waiting for someone or something outside of himself to help him. He never, is going to make a change on his own. He’ll never take his life into his own hands and he’ll always be dependent on another something: a person, a doctor, medications, he’ll rely on anything except himself.

This is the everyday average person and how they relate. For many years they went to doctors who gave him medications to treat the stomach problem, but now it has hurt his liver because of those very same medications.

Then, he’ll have to treat his liver, his spleen, and all of the other organs that have been impacted by all of those drugs. That impact will continue day after day, to the point that he is just old and sick and his body is worn out from years of abuse. Except that he may only be 31 years old!

Here is an action-based diagram so that you can better understand this process.

Result ---- believe in doctor or drug ---- better mood ---- straight back ---- smile

This is usually the way “normal” people deal with illnesses. I want to show you a different approach. It is the way you’re learning throughout our journey, the way of people who are succeeding in life, who take responsibility and decide for themselves that they can make their own life better.

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The way of a winner-- your way!

We go the other way around, from the end to the beginning.

First, you create a smile and straighten your back. Then your body knows that you are fine and you feel happy about your life. (Remember Physiology! You are sending a signal to the brain that you are fine!) You don’t even have to do anything other than this; your body will take care of the rest. Just smile and stretch your back and your own mood is guaranteed to improve.

Next you create a belief, in the power of yourself and your mind, that you can change your life. Afterwards, you do the exercises and then you will get your result.

This is the new diagram of action that we are going to use, so you can clearly visualize it:

Smile ---- straight back --- better mood ---- believe in yourself ---- Result

This is the way of a person who always wins, no matter what.

You will perform all the exercises in a state of happiness, strength, and belief in yourself. Always remember, it is not the doctor, nor the medicine, but your belief in yourself. You have the power to change your life, and it is all within yourself!

Now, smile. By smiling, you can change your emotional state and you will become stronger. You stretch your back, relaxing your tight muscles and your mood improves. You don’t even have to do anything other than this; your body will do the rest. Just smile and stretch your back and you are already making amazing progress.

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Summary for the chapter 1

• We are three; you, me and the glasses. Let’s work together so the glasses will go away.

• Smiling heals, it is a scientific fact.• Sometimes a prison is a comfortable place to be in.

Let’s break out of it.• Heal your eyes, heal your whole body.• Most illness begins with a negative mind.• Change your focus via motions and get results.

Smile ---- straight back --- better mood ---- believe in yourself ---- Result

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Chapter 2: Time To Love, Not To Hate

“A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.”- Patricia Neal

Emotions: How They Affect Your Life

Let me ask you a stupid question.

Do you always experience creative and positive emotions at all times?

The answer is probably no, or you are lying. Usually, you are not in a very good mood.


Probably because it is normal to walk around with a grimace of irritation, anger or indifference, especially when the body is not very healthy and it is directly affecting your emotional state.

You cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mind, and it is extremely difficult to maintain a positive mental attitude when your body is unwell.

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I want to show you a connection between emotions you experience on a daily basis and the suffering organs.

But before I tell you how it works, let me quote a common expression of my teacher.

He used to say: “You can meet thousands of people wearing glasses and all of them have a thousand different reasons for not seeing well and all of them suffer from bad character. They have the character of a loser. Only a loser blames everybody around and do not take the responsibility for their own conditions. Only losers don’t take care of the ecology of their emotions”

There is a connection between the emotional state and the physical body.

A person who often experiences anger has problems with his or her liver. A sad person usually has problems with his lungs. There is a direct connection between emotions and organs.

People who can’t digest new ideas have problems with their stomach. People who don’t want to listen to others have problems with hearing. And if you don’t want to see what is happening around, you will have problems with your eyes.

In Eastern medicine and philosophy it is said that the seat of your soul is in the liver.

In the Western world, we know the expression “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” You can see the soul of the person through his eyes.

The interesting thing is that the liver and eyes are connected.

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If you have problems with your liver and you experience anger very often, you more than likely have problems with your eyes. Now you know why. There is a connection between your anger, your liver and your vision.

The liver has an immediate connection to your gall bladder, a storage/ distribution system for bile that helps to break down fats in the digestive process. Did you know that angry people are the most frequent people to get gall bladder problems? In fact, there is a story about a young doctor, at age 25, who had to have his gall bladder removed. They found 5 stones, 2 big ones, and 3 small ones. When he talked about his anger in counselling he mentioned that he was totally galled by his ex-wife and his ex-mother in law (the two big stones), and by his anger at losing his 3 children (the 3 little stones). Another amazing body process demonstrating what’s really bothering us.

Decisions and responsibilities

Imagine that you wake up in the morning and you are feeling angry, just because your liver is not right. But today is an important day, you have to make a very important decision, not tomorrow, not next week, but today.

Imagine for a second what kind of decision you’re going to make.

I bet you, it’s not going to be the best choice you’ve ever made.

You are simply not aware that it is your organs that are causing these emotions, and thus driving you to make the wrong choices on a daily basis.

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Let’s have a look once again.

Problems with health emotions choices habits character destiny.

So, if you, for example, have problems with your colon, your character naturally responds to it and directly “messes up” your destiny.

Healing Yourself

Do you want to shape your own destiny?

If you do, let’s learn a very simple yet powerful exercise.

Action step

Write down five character traits you don’t like in yourself and then write the character next to it that is it’s opposite.

For example:Impatient - Patient

Complaining – Satisfaction

Sadness – Cheerfulness

Indifference – Curiosity

And etc.

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But, please write down your emotions, be an outstanding student, go to your Play-Book and do the home-work NOW. I like to call it: “home-play”.

Every day when you start to experience one of those bad emotions you wrote above; STOP, BREATHE and just realize that it is what you are feeling. First accept yourself and allow yourself to experience these emotions. Don’t blame yourself just be and then take a deep breath and SMILE!

And then, start training yourself to experience the opposite emotion from the one you have been experiencing. For example: if you are about to complain, stop for a second and say something nice about your life. Find something that you can be grateful for and acknowledge it.

To always be prepared, write down your negative emotions and put them next to their positive counterpart. Then recall a memory of a moment when you experienced the positive emotion and fully be in that memory. Now write down a sentence to describe that memory. Do this for every emotion and put all the sentences onto a 6x9 memory card you can put in your pocket. This card will act as your reminder whenever you experience a negative emotion, so you can get yourself out of it instantly by associating with the positive memory.

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That very moment you will change your focus. By changing your focus you will change your current state and maybe in that moment the decision you are about to take will change your whole life.

“Our strength grows out of our weakness” said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Great achievement is born of a struggle.

It’s simple. If the conditions of our organs are directly connected to and influence our emotions and character, it means that the opposite is also true. We can change our health conditions by changing our emotions.

If you experience anger all the time, your liver is suffering. Therefore, when you experience anger, you need to STOP and BREATHE. Then, start to appreciate this moment and your life. By doing so you are healing your liver. In this moment you understand that everything is happening for a reason and it serves you, even though you don’t understand how it serves you right now. Remember; the understanding that everything serves you, will always help you to appreciate every single moment of your life.

Let me show you a beautiful example of how a little change today will drastically improve your life over time.

Imagine a graph with a 10° angle. You can see that the change in the beginning is very small, but over time it grows into a massive difference.

As an example, I would like to tell you a story of mine. About 2 years ago I decided to travel to Australia. I spoke hardly any English at that time.

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A few weeks after I arrived in Sydney I got stuck without a place to stay. A friend of mine gave me the number of his friend in Sydney, so I could ask for advice or help. This man offered me a room in his house so I could plan my trip.

The flatmate of this man and I fell in love and today we are husband and wife. With my husband I had to learn English in order to comunicate. Because of my English skills I’m now able to write this book, “The Truth about Eyesight ...” and the “Unleash Your Vision” course, so that you can have the benefit of my knowlegde and the opportunity to heal your eyes. Imagine, had I never traveled...


And now take a breath and smile.

Create a beautiful smile and breathe.

Breathe in and breathe out. Maybe your mind is confused now, but that’s okay. It’s the way you learn. First your mind is confused and then you process all of the information and you understand. At the end of the day it is not your understanding that will heal you, but the actions that you are taking. So let’s “act” right now.


And now allow yourself to relax.

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Stretch your back.

Breathe in and out.

Imagine with every breath you breathe in cool, nice air into your body, refreshing every organ. When you breathe out, you are breathing warm air. You are exhaling all of the things you don’t need any more, your tiredness and your worries.

Breathe in love and appreciation. Use this breath of cool clean air to send love to every organ in your body and then breathe out. Breathe out everything you don’t need any longer. Let the warm air push everything out of your body that it no longer needs.

Breathe in and out allowing your body to relax.

Bring energy to your body, send a bit of love, a bit of happiness, a bit of appreciation to every organ, to every part in your body. Just take your time to be yourself.

Now slightly shake your body. Thank yourself for the beautiful work you just did. This little exercise will bring a huge difference to your health conditions.

Body mind connection

Now, I want to show you the differences that are happening in your body while you are talking nicely to your organs as opposed to when you behave like a bitch (even though you think you are a man). Just kidding!

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Look at one of your fingers and tell it, “You are my little finger. I love you so much. I appreciate that you work for me and you are part of me. I love you. I send you warmth from my heart.”

Look at it and see what is happening with this finger. Maybe something is changing. Maybe this finger is becoming a bit ticklish, a bit warmer or bigger. Something is changing in this finger. You can feel it; maybe, just a little slight change, but you feel it; you know the change.

Tell your finger, “Thank you.”

Shake your body again and look at your finger once more.

Talk to the finger in this way: “Hey you, I hate you. You are a little, small finger. I hate you; you do nothing for me. Why are you here? I hate you, hate you, hate you!”

What is happening with your finger now? It becomes smaller, cooler and poorer. It doesn’t feel so great anymore, it might even be painful.

Now shake your body again and say, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It was a joke, I love you. I love you from the deepest part of my heart. I send you many, many, many, kisses. I love you, love you, love you! Please forgive me.”

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First, you were talking with love to the finger and it reacted, and then you were talking with hate. Did it feel different? Yes, it did feel different. It was different because when you spoke with love, you felt warmth and happiness in this finger. When you spoke with hate, this finger was cold and may have been painful.

Imagine every morning you wake up and you are in pain, and you start your day in this way,

“Oh, my God, I hate it. I hate this body. I hate it. It is painful. I can’t move. I hate it.”

What kind of signals are you sending to your body? Imagine for a second what kind of reaction you cause in your body by constantly having such an attitude when your finger changes already after a few moments.

Why is it when someone else is ill, especially if it is your children or someone you love, you are running around this person and giving them everything they want? You speak very nicely and sweetly to them. But, to your own self, and to your own body, you never speak like this. You hate it and treat it with drugs, and the drugs just numb the pain.

But pain is a signal for you to take action and care about the organ that is suffering. Pain is good, it is your friend telling you that you have to change something and that the way you are going about it is not right.

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Imagine that your organ is like a baby that is screaming because it is hungry. You don’t like the sound of the crying and instead of giving it food, you cover the child with a pillow, so you don’t hear the crying anymore. If you did this over and over again the baby would eventually die of hunger. When you feel pain or discomfort in your body it’s a signal to nourish your crying organ. But instead of nourishing it you give it a drug. If you do it often enough eventually that organ will die.

The connection is obvious.

When you wake up in the morning and see yourself in the mirror. You look at yourself and you say something like, “I don’t like my skin, I just hate it. I hate the oiliness of my skin and I hate these wrinkles.” And, then you add that you also hate your hair and your eyes and actually you don’t really like anything about yourself!

What do you think your body is going to feel like if you hate yourself?

On the other hand, what do you think your body is going to feel like if you say to yourself: “Oh, I have such beautiful skin, it is shiny and soft and I have a beautiful smile, beautiful eyes, and beautiful hair”?

Guess what, you will change. Because everything that is happening inside of your mind is becoming real and affecting your life for good, your bad attitude is ending.

If your mind can make you sick – and it can - remember that is also can make you well.

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For those of you who don’t always understand these concepts using words, I will give another type of example.

Imagine you are in your home and you walk into the kitchen. It’s a very hot summer day and you open your fridge and see only one lemon! You are very thirsty so you take the lemon out, put it on the counter and cut off a big piece. You then lift this piece of lemon to your mouth and start chewing. The cold sour juice is running around and filling up your mouth. You continue to chew the lemon. It is cool and nice and sour. You chew it completely and swallow it. You take another bite of lemon, chew it completely and swallow.

Now open your eyes and recognize what you are experiencing through the senses you have in your mouth. Can you taste the lemon, or is there a lot of saliva in your mouth?

Did you actually have a lemon? No, of course you didn’t have a real lemon. But your body reacted to this descriptive image. Your body started to create juices in your stomach to digest the lemon that doesn’t exist; the lemon was only in your imagination.

You see, your mind doesn’t know the difference between something that exists and something that doesn’t exist. By imagining, you can create a positive or negative environment in your body.

Just remember what it’s like to think about the lemon!

Stay positive! Breathe and Smile!

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Becoming Real

Everything that is real today was first created in the mind as a thought, as a feeling or an image. So if you imagine your eyes healthy and functioning well today, tomorrow it will become reality.


Right now, take your glasses off and close your eyes for a second.

Smile, straighten your back and take a breath.

Breathe in and out; imagine cool air is coming in and warm air goes out.

Now focus your attention on your eyes. Breathe the nice cool air in, and warm air out, breathe through your eyes.

Tell them, “My dear eyes, I love you so much and I appreciate all of the work that you do for me. Please forgive me. I haven’t taken enough care of you. I know you are my friends and I am yours. From today onward I will take care of you.”

Listen carefully and you definitely could hear them answer you. Just pay attention and listen.

Perhaps something changes in them. Maybe it is just a nice, warm feeling. Maybe they thank you back!

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Create a wave of happiness that rushes over your body and allow yourself to feel joy and cheerfulness in every little cell. You created this magic and whether you believe it or not, you just made amazing progress with your eyes.

Smile, breathe in and breathe out.

Open your eyes. Look around.

How do you feel now? And without glasses has your vision changed? Are your eyes more relaxed?

Just remember that if you want to change, talk with love and appreciation to your body.

Be open to giving love first of all to yourself. Your body will answer you with love and will help you to change your life to be in a better place.

Summary for the chapter 2

• Every emotion you release becomes a permanent part of your character.

• Decisions and responsibilities improve your character and improve your destiny.

• A small change today turns into a huge one tomorrow.

• Body mind connection, what a great thing...• Love, love, love...

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Chapter 3: Know Yourself Know Your Enemies

“Man was born to succeed, not fail”-Henry David Thoreau

Are you still smiling? Are you celebrating life? Are you grateful for this moment, this morning, afternoon or evening? If not, please smile, straighten your back,

and be grateful for yourself, your life and for your creator. Be grateful for everything that is happening in your life. When you appreciate and utilize the possessions you already have, you condition your mind to receive the great power that is available to you, the power you carry within.

You can be proud of yourself, because you have taken the time to make an investment in your health and your well-being. Very few people do this for themselves, but you did!

Let me ask you another question:

Do you now know what to do in order to be healthy? I think everyone knows that in order to be healthy you need to exercise your body, eat healthy food, stop bad habits and etc. So if you know what to do, then why are you not healthy yet?

You are not healthy because you don’t have any reasons to be healthy. At least you haven’t realized what your reasons are yet.

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It is a law of living; that we humans need to know why we do things and why we must make ourselves happy or fulfilled.

For example:

These are my main reasons for writing this book; “Doing this inspires me and gives me inner strength and power. I feel alive while I am writing this book. It makes me smile and laugh, it makes me learn more about human physiology and psychology. It inspires me to take action and stay healthy.

Writing this book gives me space to fulfil my purpose in life, which is to pass on my knowledge, to generate healthy and strong people, and to show others a way to achieve happiness and freedom.”

You must find your own reasons to be healthy again. If you have no major purpose, you are drifting toward certain failure. Choose your purpose in life and attack it with all the power you have. It will encourage you the most. I am going to show you a few examples in order to make your life easier. But first you must describe your current state.

Reasons to Be Healthy

Go to the Play-Book. Take three to five minutes, no more than that, and write out three things.

1. First describe your current state. Write about how you are feeling today. Describe your situation now. For example:

Chapter 3: Know Yourself Know Your Enemies

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• Your glasses have strength of minus five dioptre and astigmatism. So you write down: “my eyesight is -5 dioptre plus astigmatism.”

• If you have back pain? Write down: “I have pain in lower back.”

• If you know that you have problems with your liver? Write what kind of liver problems you are having.

Describe your current situation. If you know where you are now and where you want to be, you’ll find a way of accomplishing it. If you don’t know where you are now, and you don’t know where you want to go, you will not be able to find the way.

You must understand your current situation. Compare it to using a map. When you are travelling with a map, you must know where two specific points are, the one where you left from and the one you want to get to. If you drive from LA to New York, it doesn’t help you much when you only know where New York is, but you have no idea from where you have come from. It will be very hard to find your way to New York.

2. Then, describe the results you want to achieve. How do you want to feel?

Remember, if you are not prepared for a free life you will be not able to leave the prison of your glasses.

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• “To have 20/20 eyesight.”

• “To have a clean, healthy and strong liver.”

• “To have a straight, flexible and strong back.”

And then write why you want everything you wrote above.

Be very specific and know your reasons.

3. Answer these questions:

• “Why do I need to be healthy?”

• “How it will make me feel to see 100% without glasses?”

• “What for do I need a strong and flexible back?”

• “Why do I need a pain free liver?”

• “Why and how do these goals help me to enjoy life?”

Why Do I Need To Be Healthy?

Let’s find some outcomes and reasons for you to be healthy. For example:

• “I want to have 20/20 eyesight, because I like to play tennis and it is very uncomfortable to play with glasses. I want to play tennis without any optical aids and enjoy it to the fullest.”

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• “I am more attractive without glasses and it gives me a sense of certainty. I feel more secure so it is easier to share my love with other people”

• “I want to lift my kids and feel comfortable with my back, so I have more pleasure and more joy to care for and play with them.”

• “When I have a clean, strong liver, I can enjoy life more. I can go out with my friends and still feel great. I can play the sports I like and have more energy, joy and fulfilment out of my life”

Write down your reasons and then write down your positive outcomes. Remember, the reasons come first and the results come second.

After you have finished writing all of this down, congratulate yourself for taking action. It is very important and a very great accomplishment on your journey!

It took you only three to five minutes, but you have given yourself so many reasons to change your lifestyle, to change yourself, to change your pattern of thinking, and to improve your health. By accomplishing this, it will give you motivation and persistence.

Write it out once more, tidy, and in an easy to read form. Now stick it on the wall in your shower or in the bathroom next to your mirror, so that you read it every morning when you get ready for the day.

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Three Enemies That Hold Us Back

What are you going to choose?Death or life?

Laziness or life?Offense or life?

Ambition or life?Your current point of view or life?

In order to answer these questions you need to know your enemies. The enemies that are holding you back.

Doubt: The first enemy is doubt.

“I would like to believe, but I doubt that the system in this book can help me. I have had my glasses for 20 years. I have huge problems with my eyes, stomach and back. I just don’t believe that by smiling, stretching my back, changing my attitude and doing these few exercises I will fix myself.”

Maybe you aren’t quite that bad and you think something like,

“I hope it will help me, I hope it will be good enough, I am not sure but I have hope.”

The problem with both those ways of thinking is exactly the same. These are called doubts. You are not sure and you have an opinion that can cost your progress.

Instead of hoping, you must become certain. Stand up for a moment and think about something you want to have happen in your life. Now, just hope for it to happen. Really hope that it will come true and notice all the emotions that are connected to hoping for it.

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Now think about the exact same thing, but be absolutely certain that it will happen. Be really, really sure about this thing becoming reality. See yourself having it already in your life. Notice how you feel now.

So, what exactly was the difference? For 95% of all people the picture you saw when you were certain was brighter, bigger, closer to you, you were standing more centred and there was no doubt left at all. There was no other possibility than that this thing will happen. Therefore you must become absolutely certain that your eyes will heal.

How can you become certain that you will achieve successful results?

First, don’t think about it too much. Just do it. Smile, straighten your back, and breathe. Do the exercises. Do everything you can do. Don’t think about it. Just do it. By doing it all, you will become certain; you will create a belief within yourself that you can achieve everything that you desire. Be persistence. If you simply keep taking action, you’ll get results, and results can be very motivating.

Imagine you have a little scratch on your skin and it is bleeding. You are sure that your body is going to heal it in a few days. This system works in exactly the same way. Know that your body is going to take care of itself. It just needs a little bit of help from you. Help it by doing the exercises and smiling!

You can create this belief by doing, not by thinking. This new belief will lead you to your new results.

I believe that you’ve chosen life and chosen to stop doubting.

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Laziness: The three most costly words in the English language are “I haven’t time”. It is the next enemy that holds us back. Laziness means that you always find excuses for not doing things, “I don’t have enough time to be healthy.”

Do you have enough time to be sick? Do you have enough time to take breaks from your work so that you can visit the doctor? Do you have enough time to go out and get examined for new eyeglasses? Do you have enough time to complain? Do you have enough money to spend on another new pair of glasses or contact lenses?

You have enough time to watch TV. So why don’t you have enough time for a few exercises a day? According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) and their research done in September/ October 2007, consumers aged 15 years and older spend an average of 16.4 hours per week watching TV. That comes to an average of 2 hours and 20 minutes per day.

Your daily television programs take three to four times as long as the exercises in this book. You can spend two and a half hours in front of a television every evening, or you can take 40 to 50 minutes for yourself and shift your life incredibly.

There is an interesting research study about people who succeed in life and people who have experienced failure. The people who have experienced failure always found excuses not to do things. People who have success in life always found reasons to do things.

Find enough reasons in your life to be strong and healthy, and you will find the power and time for yourself. Just keep on smiling! A smile is a little thing that may produce big results.

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Negative Thinking:

The third enemy is negative thinking. “I’m not good enough.” Sometimes you feel bad about yourself and you think, “I don’t have enough discipline. I’m not a disciplined person. My neighbour is a disciplined person. He runs every morning, does his exercises, and I’m not like him at all! I probably will not succeed because I’m just not good enough.” Here is an interesting quote by Napoleon Hill, “Human faults are like garden weeds. They grow without cultivation and soon take over the place if they aren’t thinning out.”

The best way to thin out the “weeds”, or negative thinking, is to identify those traits with which you are dissatisfied and replace them with their positive counterparts.

Decide to believe that you are outstanding and good enough to succeed, when you make the choice to succeed, then you will start to see changes. You are going to get your desired results even faster than you think just by deciding that you are good enough. It’s your life and your destiny is to be healthy, happy, and fulfilled.

Invest your time and you will succeed!

Find enough reasons to be healthy. Your problems always feel very comfortable in your body. If you are on the side of your sickness; the sickness is always going to win and you will stay in your illness prison. If you are on the side of your teacher and believe in yourself, you are going to be healthy.

Now, smile, straighten your back and take a deep breath.Tell yourself right now, “I can achieve anything I want to because I deserve it. I was born to be healthy and joyful. I am full of energy and life. Amen.”

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Summary for the chapter 3

• You must know what you want

• You must know why you want it

• A positive mind finds a way it can be done. A negative one looks for all the ways it can’t be done…Know your enemies so you can always avoid them.

• Do your exercises first, and AFTER that watch TV!

• Smiling makes you look better, makes you feel better and costs nothing

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Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me, I Can’t Stop Loving You

In the last chapter we talked about reasons why you want to improve your life. These reasons are the ones that will help you to stay motivated. They will help you along the way to

enjoy life and get desired results.

You answered for yourself why you want to be healthy and happy.

You now have enough reasons, but here is another challenge.

Sometimes people want to enjoy life, to be happy and healthy, to wake up in the morning with a smile and to look forward to living each day. Even the people who honestly want to live happily can’t because something always holds them back. These people have a soul that is constantly in pain.

Painful Soul

What do I mean by having a painful soul?

Imagine that you wake up in the morning ready to live a new, beautiful and fulfilled day. You could do that, but something from your past is always holding you back. You can’t allow yourself to be joyful, smiling and easy going.

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It means that you are holding on to unforgiving situations and a sense of guilt.

These experiences from your past won’t let you grow because your soul is always in pain; it is crying. Maybe you don’t realize it on a daily basis, because you are too busy with your life. But your problem is there. The coping mechanism of your conscious mind lets you forget or hide your problems inside. Your brain does this so the pain doesn’t hurt so much and you can go on with your everyday life. The problem is that if you want to have a life full of magic, gratitude, love and energy, this conscious or subconscious pain isn’t going to let you. It is holding you back.

If you go back and take a look at your life, you can find this “tumor” that sits in your soul. You can look at it and you think you can’t do anything about it. Like a tumor, it doesn’t belong to you, but it takes all your energy, and will always hold you back.

You relive this experience again and again, even though it may have happened many, many years ago. Maybe it was a romantic relationship that ended badly, or maybe some of your friends or business partners betrayed you. Maybe your parents hurt you physically or emotionally or both! The closer people are to us, the more deeply they can hurt us. It is also possible that you did something in the past and you still can’t forgive yourself.

Before this experience happened to you, your heart was open. You were like a child that was curious and full of life’s interests. After it happened, you closed your heart and decided that “This will not happen to me again. I don’t want to experience this pain anymore.”

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Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me, I Can’t Stop Loving You

You may have thought it consciously, or your brain may have decided for you to hide the pain deep inside your mind and your body.

The problem is, the pain is still there and it is the reason for many, many of your physical problems and illnesses. 99% of the causes for cancer are unforgiving situations.

When you shut down so that you will not experience pain, you also close your heart to any other emotion, and you find you can’t experience joy, fulfillment and happiness to the fullest because your heart is closed.

Somewhere inside, you know that you can’t live like this anymore. You can’t be alive, and be emotionally dead at the same time. If you don’t feel anything for a long period of time, your soul will die.

Human beings can’t live without a spiritual soul. We are all spiritual souls living in human bodies. We can’t survive without feeling. We can’t survive without feeding our hearts. We all need to be fed with new experiences and emotions.

If you think your heart is too sentimental and continue trying to protect it from strong emotions, you are making a mistake; it will always keep experiencing old pain. Your heart is smarter and more intuitive than you think. When your heart is open, you can find a better way for yourself. You can find a better life for yourself. You can make better choices and decisions for yourself.

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Cleanse Your Soul

It is very important for you to forgive. Forgiveness is like a cleanser, the heart needs to be cleansed. Know that this pain is a lesson, because if this lesson had not happened to you, you would not be where you are now.

Everything that happened to you, both good and bad in your life, happened for a reason.

If you can’t forgive, the experiences of the past will always return. You’ll subconsciously attract the same situation into your life again and again, so that you are forced to deal with the issue and to make yourself learn the lesson that you need to learn. The same experience, the same situation, the same type of person, will be brought back into your life again and again.

Maybe you attract the same kind of people into your personal relationships. This happens, so that you can learn the correct way to deal with the situation. But, once you deal with the problem correctly, you won’t need to go through the lesson again. You can finally move forward with your life and attract somebody who really loves and appreciates you because you now know how to love yourself.

When you learn to love yourself, people around you will feel it and will love you too. You can’t ask for love without loving yourself and you can’t love somebody else without the ability to love yourself.

Forgiveness is a very important step towards healing. It is cleansing you from the heaviness that weighs on your soul and your heart. If you learn to forgive, you will know how to enjoy life to the fullest.

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Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me, I Can’t Stop Loving You

Story of Forgiveness

This is a beautiful story about one of my teachers, the power of forgiveness and changes in life.

When Olga was a little girl, she loved her father very much. Her father was like an idol to her. He was very fit and she wanted to be strong as well. Olga wanted to impress him, and when she was nine, she decided to take up martial arts.

Three years later, when she was 12, an accident happened. She fell and broke her back in a multiple places. She couldn’t walk anymore and she could not even sit. Olga lay in bed for a year. Her parents were frantic to find a doctor or someone who could help their little girl. After one whole year, they no longer had hope of her recovery. Her father decided to leave the family because it was too difficult to see his family suffering. He wanted to continue with his life and not feel the suffering any more so he decided that his only choice was to leave the family.

The girl understood that he left the family because of her injury, so she decided, “No matter what, I will walk, no matter what.”

She started to figure out what her body could still do. After a few months, she could sit in the wheel chair! But still she couldn’t walk.

After a few months, her eyesight started to decrease. Somewhere, she heard about this same system that I studied and about the institute in Moscow. She went there in her wheel chair and our teacher told her, “If you will walk in one year, will you become my student?”

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“Yes, I will.” Olga said, and she started to practice.

After one year and nine month, she could walk! After all this time, all of the problems with her back and her eyesight were fine. And after a few more years, she became a teacher of this method as well, and started to teach by herself.

During these years, however, she somehow hit a block in her development. She couldn’t go further because something was holding her back. She came to our teacher and asked, “What do you think I should do?”

Our teacher told her, “Find your father and forgive him.”

She couldn’t believe it, but she decided that this was the time to forgive her father. And she did it, she found him.

When he opened the door he couldn’t believe that his daughter was standing in front of him. They cried for hours, down on their knees in front of each other and crying like little kids. He asked her for forgiveness and she asked him to forgive her.

Olga let forgiveness heal her life, her mind, her body and her spirit. She became one of the best teachers in the world and now has a family and a little son.

Forgive Now

This story teaches us that forgiveness has an amazing power in your life. I invite you to follow me right now, and you will discover something very special. Just follow me.

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Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me, I Can’t Stop Loving You

Please read to the end of the chapter and then perform the meditation by yourself. This meditation is one of the most important parts of this course, so don’t cheat yourself. Don’t take a short cut just because you want to avoid pain. Short cuts don’t lead anywhere in life. And don’t postpone it! ‘The road of Someday leads to a town called Nowhere’.

Close your eyes and take a breath. Breathe in and breathe out.

Imagine you are in a cinema watching a movie about your life. You are sitting alone. It is dark and you look at the screen, and the screen starts to show you pictures from your life, picture by picture.

All of a sudden, you see one picture of an experience that hurt you more than any other in your life. You look at this picture, stand up and step into the screen.

Suddenly you are back in that very situation. You see the person who hurt you so much. You walk up to that person and you look into his or her eyes. Maybe this person has something that they want to tell you.

Listen to this person, and then tell him or her, “You hurt me very much, but it happened in my past and you belong to my past. I am going to let you go on your way in your own life and I will go on my way in mine. I forgive you. I forgive you.”

Do it. Even though it is very hard, do it. Forgive this person.

Tell them, “I forgive you. Thank for teaching me this lesson. Go on your way, and I will go on mine. You belong to my past and I leave you there, in the past. I continue on with my life. I leave this pain behind me. I leave it in the past.”

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Do it right now, this is the time. Look in his or her eyes. And maybe their eyes are full of tears and they forgive you as well. Maybe they are grateful for your visit.

Say again, “Thank you”, and “I forgive you.”

Stop for a minute to fully experience your emotions and your physical body right now. It might be that something has changed in your body. It might be your breathing has become easier and you are feeling better. Continue to forgive.

Check within your inner thoughts and feelings, if there are more people coming to ask for your forgiveness, do it again and again until you feel free. Say to each person standing in front of you: “I forgive you, go on your way and I will go on mine. I forgive you and I let you go.”

See and feel that every time you forgive, your heart feels more and more free.

At some point it may be that you begin to imagine the people from your life that you would like to ask to forgive you. Do it, don’t stop yourself, now is exactly the right time to do so.

Look in this person’s eyes and ask them to forgive you for what you did in the past.

It’s ok to have been wrong, we all make mistakes, but now it’s time to let it go.

Forgive yourself for all the dreams that didn’t come true. Forgive yourself for all the love you didn’t share, and for all the painful words you said to your beloved. Forgive yourself and let it go. It is time to leave the past in the past. Thank yourself for those lessons; they have given you enough power to forgive and to share your love.

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Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me, I Can’t Stop Loving You

See and feel how much easier it is now to breathe, how your heart feels quiet and peaceful.

Enjoy this state, and now step out of the movie screen and go back to your seat.

How do you feel now? Maybe something became clear; something is a little bit easier.

Look at the screen. It is dark now, but all of a sudden the lights in the cinema turn on and you can see the exit. Go out of the cinema and look around. You feel as if you can see this world for the first time. Everything has become clearer and your body became lighter. Everything becomes a bit more colorful and more beautiful.

You look at the blue sky with the white clouds and you enjoy the fresh air that is caressing your face and your hair. You walk around and you fully enjoy this moment.

Imagine you come to a house and this is the house of your childhood. You go into the house and you see a lot of familiar rooms, furniture and toys. All of a sudden you hear a little child crying and you go towards the sound. In one of the corners of your room you find the little child that is sitting and crying all alone.

You go to this boy or girl and you start to dry their tears. You look in his eyes and you realize that it is you. You when you were a small child. You look at yourself and you also start crying.

Now the child is drying your tears and telling you, “Did you come for me? Will you stay with me forever?”

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You say, “Yes, yes, I will stay with you forever. I love you so much.”

You hug him tightly, and take him closer to your heart. You see now he is smiling, and you are smiling with him. The two of you go out of the house and you walk together down the road of life towards the future. You look around and everything appears so new. Everything is so beautiful.

You talk with the small child and you tell him your stories and he asks you questions. You ask him for forgiveness, and he forgives you. You are so happy and so joyful. You take him in your arms and hold him even closer to you and then you take him into your heart and he becomes a part of your heart again. He is a part of your heart that has been missing for a very long time.

You look around with the eyes of a small child. You know that now, from today forward, you will take care of yourself, of the small child that lives within you still.

You look all around yourself again. You walk forward and see flowers and trees and the beautiful sky. You walk on the road of your life, breathing the fresh air. You feel incredibly good.

All of a sudden, you see a lot of people. They are running to you with beautiful flowers. You see all of your friends and your family and they are running to you. They hug you and give you those beautiful flowers. They smile and congratulate you on coming into yourself, on finding yourself, on forgiving yourself for the past.

You are so happy and so joyful.

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Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me, I Can’t Stop Loving You

A big, bright ray of sunlight streams down from the sky and touches your forehead. You and all of these people are in the light; hugging each other, laughing and smiling.

Be grateful for yourself, and for the beautiful job you have done.

Now you know that you have enough power to always forgive yourself and everyone else in your life. Thank yourself again and again and again.

Smile.Straighten your back. Know from now on that you have started a new life, a beautiful new life as a strong, happy, and healthy person.

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Chapter 5: The Food For Your Soul

“The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.” -Dr Deepak Chopra

“Watch your eating habits and prevent a doctor’s bill.”-Napoleon Hill

Are you still smiling?

If you are not, please do it right now. Straighten your back, take a deep breath, and smile from ear to ear. You can be proud of yourself for all the hard work you have already done. Now it’s time to talk about a very important physical aspect of your live.

Do you know that at the end of the day you are what you eat? Right now we’re going to talk about food.

Before we talk about that though, please let me tell you a little more about my own story.

Since I was a little kid I liked to eat healthy foods, or, at least I thought I did. I always ate everything that my father told me was good for me. At the same time I could eat half a pound of chocolate all at once or eat meat, potatoes, fruits, coffee and cake in one meal!

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The problem was that my family was never educated properly about eating healthy foods, even though we did have a lot of salads and vegetables in our diet. You can eat perfectly delicious and healthy food but, if you know nothing about the digestive system and in which order to eat your foods, you might lack energy, be out of balance, experience stress, fatigue, depression and disease.

Your organs are impacted by the food you eat. You also have constant problems with your vision. You must think twice before you consider abusing your liver by drinking too much alcohol, coffee or sugary sodas because very often the health of your liver is responsible for the quality of your vision.

When I took responsibility and started to take care of my own body and health, I became even more interested in food. I studied food as medicine and discovered, as one example, that sugar is a drug and it can negatively impact your liver and many other organs.

I’m still me, and I still like sweets. But, after discovering this scary fact about the impact of sugar, I have almost completely removed sugar from my diet. Since then, my eyesight has become much clearer and sharper. I still eat some sweets now and then, but not like I used to. Another thing that I discovered, is that eating more alkaline food (high-water content food) and doing a detox once every six months, gives me a lot of energy every day,

In this chapter, I’m going to talk more in depth about food: what to eat, how to eat and when to eat it.

Do you agree that you are what you eat and that you feel accordingly because of what you put in your body?

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Alkaline vs. Acidic

Food can be poison to your body, and it can be medicine. You can exercise every day, be physically fit but not healthy.

You know if you are healthy or not just by the level of energy you have.

As we grow up, we tend to get our information about foods we eat, from various sources, but we are still not nearly educated enough. So let’s have a chat about finding a healthy balance in your diet.

It is vitally important for you to balance between your food intake between acid and alkaline foods. A healthy balanced diet should be 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. A simple formula 80/20.

What is acidifying and what is alkalizing? And, why we should eat more of alkalizing foods?

Your body’s health depends of the health of your cells. When the body is too acidic, blood cells get poisoned. When that occurs, those cells stick together and the blood can’t transport the needed oxygen to your organs efficiently any longer. When this continues, the lifespan of your blood cells shortens due to increasing acidity. Then, when the cells die they pollute and clog up the bloodstream even more.

In a normal environment, consumed sugars reach the cells of your body through your blood stream providing energy.

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In an acidic blood environment Candida (a yeast-like, parasitic, imperfect fungi), grows freely and readily. It devours the sugars that are entering the blood stream, causing you to lose energy. This blood environment makes your body crave more and more sugary foods, resulting in a downwards spiral.

The blood must have a ph level of 7.36, which is slightly alkaline, for the human body to survive. It can only handle minute changes in either direction. The body also has to make sure that the acidity doesn’t impact any of the other organs, because they can be harmed by acidity, too.

To counteract acidity that is too high, and the resulting blood pollution, the body then tries to neutralize its blood by transporting the acidity into the fatty tissues. In the fatty tissues, acidity can’t do any harm. The body however cannot eliminate the acidic fat quickly; because, when it gets released it can poison the bloodstream very quickly.

If the blood is too acidic, the acidity can eat holes into the outside walls of the arteries. Thus, the body protects it’s arteries with an agent called cholesterol. The cholesterol in the arteries makes sure that the walls stay intact, because we could die if there were any holes in any arterial wall.

The more acid there is in the body, the more fat the body needs to store to neutralize the acid. As a result, the body retains more fat. If the acidic body needs more fat to neutralize the acid, it will leech calcium resources from the bones and teeth to offset the excess acidity. The body draws upon its calcium and magnesium resources when the fatty tissue is too acidic, because these two minerals are also alkalizing and neutralizing acid.

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The problem with highly acidic fatty tissue is that the body can only eliminate it once it has alkalized enough to rebalance its released acidity when you metabolize it. The reason why many people can’t lose weight, regardless of which diet they try, is that their bodies are so polluted that they can’t handle the amount of acidity stored in their fatty tissue. Therefore, the body retains the fat. If the body eliminated all of this stored fat at one time, it would damage the vital organs and the body would die.

In this case, the majority of exercise won’t be helpful at all, because most exercise increases acidity due to their anaerobic nature. One important thing is that you make sure that your pulse stays within the correct range of cardio-vascular exercise for your size and weight; otherwise your body creates more acid during your work-out. That’s another reason why detoxification is so vital for your body.

You can figure out your aerobic training rate also according to your age. Subtract your age from 180 to determine your training rate. For example you are 47. 180 minus 47 is 133. This is your optimum aerobic heart rate.

Even though your blood can’t handle vast changes in acidity or alkalinity, it’s virtually impossible to reach a level of excess blood alkalinity. Negative emotions like anger, fear, frustration and stress also raise acidity levels in our body.

Having said that, you still require acids in order to digest your food. Therefore to maintain the balance in your diet you should be at 80% alkaline and 20% acidic, alkalizing the body, but giving it enough acidity to stay in balance. Got it?

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Alkaline is something that helps your body get rid it’s of excess acid. For the body to be in balance we must eat four times more alkaline food than we do acidic foods. Our body needs maintain that 7.36 pH balance.

Foods that help us in maintain body alkalinity

Green vegetables are alkalizing and the best for your body. Include as many as possible in your diet. Start drinking greens using a vegetable or wheatgrass powder mixed with water, or fresh wheatgrass juice. Drink one or two glasses of the wheatgrass powder mixture a half an hour before you eat. By doing so, you also stop overeating because your tummy is filled quite a bit with liquid, leaving no room for more food.

When you know which foods are acidifying and alkalizing your body, it will help you to control the balance of the whole body system. To get you started, here is a small shopping list that offers your food choices and gives you an easy starting point with variety.

Green Vegetables

Broccoli, bok choy, celery, spinach, cucumber, parsley, herbs, leeks, zucchini, avocado, dark lettuce, spring onions, limes, all kind of sprouts, and sea weed. All of these vegetables will help you to alkaline your body.

Any kind of vegetables are good for you

Carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, red new potatoes, squash, eggplant, pumpkin, tomato, lemons, capsicum or sweet pepper, beetroot, daikon, ginger, garlic, and onions are all very good for you.

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Grains and legumes like brown rice, millet, adzuki beans are slightly acidifying. Your plate should only contain 20% grains and 80% alkalizing foods that are high in natural water content. Buckwheat is the only grain that is slightly alkalizing.

Nuts, Seeds and Good Fats

One of society’s greatest misconceptions is that fat is bad. Some fats are essential for the human body, but we must eat the right kinds. Good fats are necessary for many vital functions of the human cells, tissues, and all of the organs, including the brain and the eyes.

Fatty acids of the right kind those needed to transport cholesterol throughout the body and lower the blood pressure. These fatty acids also protect our DNA from damage. Good fats also protect the body from degenerative diseases and cancer. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to go on a low fat diet. Just remember that since fat can be both good and bad, it’s important to eat only the good fats.

The body needs Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids for proper cell functions. They are required to lose excessive body fat, as they enable your body cells to release your excess fat when your body goes into starvation mode. It enabled them to release the fat and eliminates it.

One other reason why we need fats is our diet is that the body can only take in and absorb vitamins when fats are present. Vitamins require lipids (fats) in order to be absorbed.

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Healthy fats: Omega fatty acids are cold-pressed in oils and are a healthy fat; good quality olive oil, flax seed, sesame oil, and avocado

These fatty acids should never be cooked or heated. When they are heated they lose all of their healing qualities and become toxic to the body as the fat molecules break down.

For fry cooking - coconut oil is the best choice. It is the only fat that doesn’t alter its molecular structure when heated.

Nuts! When you eat raw nuts like; almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts etc and raw seeds like; sesame, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and etc, you also take in healthy fats. Roasted nuts and seeds on the other hand are toxic because their molecular makeup has changed from the heat.

Seeds and nuts are very condensed and concentrated foods which are difficult for the body to digest. Please eat small amounts, about a hand full at a time.

Tahini is a good fat which is very suitable as the basis for salad dressings. Since animal fats in dairy products are bad fats, it is wise to chose Tahini for creamy dressings rather than cream, milk or yoghurt.


Once you’re in balance, you can have seasonal fruits, but not too much. You can have two pieces of fruit a day. Tropical fruits contain lots of sugar, so don’t over eat them just because they taste delicious!

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Lemons and limes are acidic, but they have an alkalizing effect on the body. You can squeeze a bit of lemon into your water in order to have alkaline water.

It is good to have hot water in the morning before you eat any food. It will help the body to get rid of the poison the body accumulated over night. If you have breakfast without drinking beforehand, you put those toxins right back into your body.

How do you feel? Are you saturated with information yet? That’s ok. Simply start to include these rules one after another and “see” the results.

You have now learned something very important for yourself! This information can change your life, isn’t that a good reason to take a deep breath and to smile?! Do it right now and enjoy everything you are learning.

Raw food

I have found that for my own body, the best food is – raw food. It is not good for everyone to start eating raw foods all at once without preparing your digestive system. Not everyone is able to easily and fully digest raw food at the beginning. For me it became the best possible form of nutrition and I’m more than happy to share with you what I’ve learned.

Why raw? First of all raw foods are living foods. These include fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, roots, and seeds, which are not to be heated above 120°F.

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What happens when you heat food too much? When you cook food all the good, nourishing enzymes die. That means the majority of that foods essential nutrients are dead when you’ve eaten them, so your body needs more energy to digest the food.

Rather than cooking grains and seeds, you can sprout them, so they can be eaten without cooking. Raw seeds, nuts, and grains are alive. They can easily be sprouted after a few days of leaving them in water. Raw seeds and grains start growing; however roasted seeds and nuts will never grow again. That shows you the difference in life-force they contain.

The advantage of sprouted grains over cooked grains is that the life-force which makes them grow very fast, gets absorbed by the body when you eat them raw.

Uncooked food doesn’t just give you life force, power, and vitality; it also tastes good! It has the ultimate pure flavor, thousands of textures, and amazing effects on the body, mind, soul and environment!

Did I do a good job at promoting raw food? Just kidding!

The good news is that you don’t have to eat only salads. You can also make soups from freshly juiced vegetables and breads from sprouted and dehydrated grains.

If you are interested in learning more about eating raw food, I recommend the book “RAW the UNcook book” written by Juliano with Erika Lenkert. Just look for it on the Internet.

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How We Separate Our Foods

Combine your food in a way that will help your body to use it to its best advantage. Sometimes people think they are eating all alkalizing foods (but unknowingly combine them incorrectly) and are surprised that they don’t feel good afterwards.

First of all; separate drinking from eating. Drink before or after you eat, but not during the meal. Water flushes the nutrients through your digestive systems without giving the body time to absorb them. You don’t feel satisfied and then you are more likely to overeat.

Drink two glasses of water 30 minutes before each meal. Wait 10 to 30 minutes after eating before you drink anything again. Separate carbohydrates from proteins. Tofu, meat, and fish are proteins. Don’t combine them with rice, beans, grains, potatoes or spaghetti that are carbohydrates. Eat meat and fish with vegetables and salads. The same goes for grains and legumes, rice, adzuki beans, lentils, or hummus. Eat them with vegetables. You can always combine vegetables with anything you want.

Don’t combine fats and proteins. Fats inhibit the digestion of protein. If you must have a fat with a protein, eat a mixed vegetable salad first. It will offset the inhibiting effect on your digestion.

You can eat nuts with vegetables or by themselves.

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Eat fruits on an empty stomach, by themselves, 30 minutes before any other foods because fruits are digested much faster. When eaten in combination they start to ferment in the stomach, acidifying the system. Sugary fruits, such as banana, dates, mango, pineapple, dried fruits and other tropical fruits should be eaten after other fruits. Melons should be eaten alone.

The last but maybe the most important thing you need to know is about sugar cravings. When people change their diet, many start craving sugar. It’s normal because from the very first day of our lives, when we get milk from our mother, which is sweet. Today when we have something sweet, we feel nourished and secure because of the connection to our mother.

Our body needs sweets, but we always must choose between the good and bad kinds, just like with fats. Bad sugars can poison our body, and good sugars can add life.

The BAD poisonous sugar is refined white sugar. It’s in chocolate, cakes, soft drinks, etc. All refined sugars are harmful to the body. A problem with any refined food is that they are processed in a way that it removes most or all of the nutrients; that makes that our bodies are never satisfied and always craving. These are called “empty carbohydrates”.

For example: if you eat a banana, you are full and most of the time you don’t want a second one. When we eat refined sweets, such as a chocolate bar, we want a second one right away!

What are good sweets? All sweet vegetables, like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, sweet carrots and etc. You can also have some fruit if you really want something sweet. When you cook pumpkin with beans and vegetables, it is warming and sweet.

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Remember, you are what you eat. You are what you feel. It’s a very similar concept. You nourish your body with the right food and your body answers you. It gives you power, it gives you energy, and you are happy and healthy enough to share your happiness with others.

What is Poisonous to Your Body?

The more sugar you eat, the more acid is produced in your body. Unused carbohydrates also turn into sugar, which in turn becomes acid. If you eat too much rice, potatoes, or spaghetti and you don’t exercise at all, those carbohydrates will turn into sugar and then create more acid that gets stored in your fat.

Fruit juice contains a lot of sugar, which means that it is also creating a lot of acid in our body.

Caffeine is a chemical poison and highly addictive. Many people drink a lot of coffee, without knowing how unhealthy it actually is. Even though you can find articles in newspapers and respectable magazines that say coffee is good for your heart and good for your mood, it is not. The interesting part about this kind of research is who financed the research project, not what their findings were. Stop drinking coffee and start drinking more herbal tea and water.

Sugar is an addictive drug that creates a highly acidic environment that causes different diseases like diabetes, obesity, stomach and heart troubles, tooth and gum decay, varicose veins and indirectly, even mental disturbances.

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You are probably familiar with the negative effects of Nicotine, but I would like to remind you about it once more. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs and is comparable to heroin on the addiction power it holds over the human body. It is very easy to start smoking and very hard to quit. Putting nicotine into your body will increase the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, stroke and hypertension considerably.

Smoking also prevents you from seeing well, because of all that smoke that is surrounding you. Joking again! (Maybe…)

Alcohol permanently damages your brain. It kills off thousands of brain cells. In reality a six-pack of beer costs you about 1/3rd of a million brain cells. Hard liquor does more brain damage.

Some people think that glasses make them look smarter, and while they drink beer which assassinates their last brain cell. Alcohol is a product of distillation which is essentially decayed. It only sucks away the body’s energy resources in order to digest it. It certainly does not add any life to the body, it only detracts it. There has never been any research showing negative effects to the body because of not drinking alcohol. Meat and dairy products are extremely acidic for the human body. Always remember to eat 20% meat and 80% green vegetables. Just check on your plate that when you eat meat there is four times as many vegetables and salad as there is meat.

Fish is actually healthy because it provides Omega 3 fatty oils and proteins. Eat deep sea fish; it’s the best choice for you. The deep sea fish lives in much cleaner water than fresh water fish. Rivers and lakes are closer to humans and therefore more polluted, and the fish that lives in those polluted waters is affected.

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Farmed fresh water fish should also be treated with caution. Because farmed fish get fed many additives (antibiotics and steroids usually), just like farmed animals, to speed up their growth process in order to increase profits for the rancher.

Seafood other than fresh deep sea fish is not healthy. Seafood lives on the bottom of the sea. All poisonous, heavy metals that enter the ocean sink to the bottom and so does all the pollution. Seafood that lives on the bottom is living in a very toxic environment. This makes them very acidifying for the body.

Remember to eat 80% alkaline and 20% acidic.

Try it out for yourself and you are going to be more energetic, healthier and stronger. Just try it for the next 10 days and see how you feel. You can always go back to your old way of eating. But it’s certainly worth a try when you’re offered something that might make you feel better!

The energy that flows through your body will bring nutrients to your organs and directly impact the quality of your vision. It also impacts your liver and your overall health, making you stronger.

If you always put poison into your body, the organs slowly stop functioning. If something doesn’t function well, the liver automatically kicks in to help clean up the situation. If your kidneys don’t work, your liver jumps in to help your body and takes over the kidney’s role of responsibly. If your spleen doesn’t function well, your liver does the spleen’s job. Your healthy liver means -- you stay alive!

When the liver takes on too many roles or jobs, and you still toxify your body with stress and foods which are essentially poison to your body on a daily basis, your eyesight will be negatively affected and your vision gets worse and worse.

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It is vitally important to remember to clean your body. Give your body more nutrition and alkaline food. It is vital for you in life.

The power of detoxification - DETOX

In my experience it is highly important for my personal health and my eyesight to detox for 5-7 consecutive days, about twice a year.

When I say detox, I do not mean fasting. During a detox you eat extremely healthy nutrients, so that it can let go and eliminate all the toxic and poisonous waste that it has stored in its cells.

The first rule of detoxing is to STOP poisoning your body. If you like to eat cakes, meat, and drink coffee, simply stop doing it for the next 5-7 days. Even if you don’t eat ice cream, drink carbonated and sweetened sodas, etc, it’s still very good to cleanse at least twice a year. The body always gets bombarded with poisons. Even through the soaps we use. Laundry detergents, dry cleaning chemical, and even the air we breathe, all are toxic. And what about the water from the tap?

Poison and toxicity doesn’t always mean food. It also includes tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, poisonous chemicals like pesticides, deodorants with aluminum, non-organic cosmetics, radiation treatments, growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids, preservatives, garden sprays and millions of other products we use every day.

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Because the body releases so many toxins during a cleanse, it is of utmost importance to undertake colon hydrotherapy during the process. The colon is the waste storage system of the body and if it is full of toxic waste material that the body has no place to dump. The toxins the body sheds from the cells is either evacuated or it returns into the blood stream. If the colon is full, the toxins go right back into your bloodstream.

If the colon is overloaded, the body also can’t absorb all the nutrients of the food it consumes. Actually, the body secretes chemicals to break down its toxic material; but, simultaneously, it also destroys any nutrients that the body would normally absorb.

Once you cleanse your colon, your body has available space to eliminate its dump of toxic and dead body cells, so it can aim towards optimal functionality. Simultaneously, your body can intake of nutrients you give it. Therefore, it is highly important that you do colon hydrotherapy in the early part of your detox, ensuring that you jump start your cleansing process. You can find colonic centers in every major city.

Another important thing is drinking a lot of purified water. Super-hydrate! Drink 4-6 liters of water daily during the detox. The water will help your body to flush out the toxins and provide your cells with clean, fresh purified water which they need to revitalize.

It should become a habit of yours to drink more water in general. Water helps to flush the acid out of your system. Drink more water during the whole day, at least half your body weight in ounces every day.

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For example if you weigh 200 lbs, you must drink at least 100 ounces of water each day. This means pure flat-water. No soft-drinks, no tea, no juice, just pure water.

If your drinks contain any element of food, even fruit particles in juice, your body will not recognize it as water and will send the liquid into your digestive system. This liquid will not restore and preserve your water reserve. On the contrary, it will deplete it even more and use it to get rid of and flush out the sugars.

Remember how important it is to drink half an hour before the meal and 10 to 30 minutes after. Avoid drinking during your meals! Drinking during meals means that the water will flush out all the nutrients of the food you just ate into the small intestine. The nutrients will not be absorbed and will not get digested properly. Not drinking during meals makes you breathe better, so that the increased oxygen intake helps your digesting.

If you do cleansing for 5-7 days, do only gentle exercises like walking or the exercises from this book.

Enjoy your cleansing and see how great you feel!

I’m sure you will enjoy the new vitality and energy you’ll discover in your body. I’m also sure that now you have more than enough reasons to smile.

Take a breath, straighten your back and be proud of yourself. You have the power to change! You deserve to be happy, healthy… and clean. Always remember to smile and to have fun.

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Mineral and Vitamin Supplementation

One more point I want to cover is the importance of vitamin and mineral supplements. The problem with our food and food production today is that there are no longer enough minerals in the soil anymore for our vegetables and fruits to develop the proper amount of minerals and vitamins that our bodies need to get out of our food.

Organic food is better than non-organic food, but it is still much depleted compared to what our bodies should be taking in.

The journal of the American Medical Association stated in June 2002 that, ”recent evidence has shown that suboptimal levels of vitamins, even well above those causing deficiency symptoms, are associated with increased risk of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis.” The journal further notes that, ”a large portion of the general population has a less than optimal intake of vitamins… it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.”(Journal of the American Medical Association Recent Articles, June 2002)

If less than optimal levels of vitamin intake is linked to chronic diseases like those, they surely affect the sight of a person long before these chronic conditions occur. Degenerative diseases appear after organs suffer damage and deficiencies for an extended period of time. Your eyes are organs, and they get affected very early on in the process.

A solution to this problem is taking good quality vitamins and mineral supplements every day. You have to make certain that you take high quality supplements that actually will be absorbed by the body and get into the cells. Supplements sold in supermarkets are usually poorer quality and only result in expensive urine. For more information on supplements, please go to www.Unleash-Your-Vision.com/resources.

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Chapter 6: Gymnastics

Exercising Your Joints

Could you run a hundred kilometers at one time? Could you run that far right now, today, without collapsing at the end of the marathon? Probably not.

But if you would exercise and run a little more each day, more than you did the day before, after a while you would easily be able to run a hundred kilometers.

The same process happens the other way around as well. If you don’t exercise regularly, your body becomes weaker and weaker. All the problems you have with your spine today came from not taking care of it and not exercising yourself properly.

The good news is that the spine can be restored, even when you are ninety years old. You can become flexible and fit again. You can even grow a few centimeters if you will do the whole body gymnastics on a regular basis. The reason for this “magic” is very simple; your cartilage and discs are able to restore themselves and as a result, your spine lengthens a bit.

As you already know, everything in the body is connected. When we do the whole body gymnastics for the joints, the spine becomes more flexible, the joints become more mobile, the circulatory system becomes healthier and it allows your liver to become cleaner and function better so that entire body is able to restore your vision.

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Remember, you focus only 10% on the exercises and 90% on your state of mind. The same exercises can help you improve, or they could not result in any improvement at all and your health could stay exactly the same. Your progress depends on your state of mind!

Change Your State

As humans, we are not always joyful and happy. Sometimes you might not be in the mood to do any exercises. In that case, take a few minutes to prepare yourself before you start. Remember that as you train each part of your body and soul, it becomes stronger.

If you started doing your exercises when you were irritated and angry, those character traits are what you are focus on and they are the ones getting stronger.

Realize, first of all, what you are feeling and then think about the opposite emotions or character trade (remember we did the same in chapter 2). You wrote a list of the emotions you wanted to develop.

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Action step

So pick one you particularly like, or take the opposite emotions of what you are experiencing right now, take a deep breath, straighten your back and stretch your smile from ear to ear. Stay in this position for a few minutes and see how you feel afterwards.

When you have a big smile with your teeth brightly shining for five minutes, your state of mind will change. It could be that in the beginning you might find this difficult, but after 30 seconds of smiling you’ll realize that you can actually start training yourself to feel the desired character trait. So, while you are doing the whole body gymnastics, imagine that you are experiencing all the positive emotions right away.

Train yourself to feel that way and those feelings will become stronger. Remember that you are the owner of your life.

And now it is time to exercise.

Please, stretch your back and show your teeth by smiling from ear to ear.

We’ll repeat every exercise 6 times, and then we’ll repeat them the other way round.

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Gymnastics Acupuncture Points

We start with acupuncture points on the head. These points are powerful. By massaging them, we open up and circulate the energy in the body. First, massage clockwise and then anti-clockwise.

Rub your hands to warm them up.

The first point is the center of the forehead, the location of the third eye. Massage with the tips of your middle and ring fingers slowly, gently, smiling for the count of 6 and repeat anti-clockwise.

For the next point press the sensitive bone on either side of your nostrils. This will clear your sinuses and release tension. Massage to the count of 6 and repeat anti-clockwise.

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The third point is in the center of the chin. Massage and feel the energy build. Count 6 times and repeat anti-clockwise.

Move to your temples. Massage and soften away the tension and repeat anti-clockwise.

Then, take your fingers next to your eardrums. Open your mouth, and feel for the soft indent. Close your mouth. Massage for a count of 6. This strengthens your hearing and motivates you. Please, repeat anti-clockwise.

Now, find two soft points at the base of your skull. We hold a lot of tension here. Breathe softly and evenly. We also massage here to the count of 6 times in each direction.

The next point is the center and base of the scull. Massage for a count for 6 and repeat anti-clockwise.

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Very good! Excellent!

Notice any change in your feelings. Has your breath settled and has tension dropped from your face?

Remember to smile!


The next step is massaging the ears. By massaging them we indirectly massage the whole body.

Warm your hands by rubbing them vigorously. Now take your thumbs behind your ears, and with a firm grip, pull upwards to look like an elf. Repeat this 6 times.

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Now pull downwards to have the droopy ears of the Buddha.

Thirdly, pull outwards and notice that you look like Prince Charles.

Now, twist your ears forward and backward 6 times each side.

And now create a vacuum inside the ears, and then release. Repeat 6 times.

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After waking up the energy in the body, we now focus on the joints.

First, we work with hands and arms.

So, bring your smile back and straighten your arms out in front, like a zombie, expand and contract your hands, spreading and then making fists.

We do the same with each finger, one after another from the index towards the little.

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Do it 6 times, and 6 times from the little finger towards the index.

Afterwards you use the thumb to flick each finger.

Now we work with your wrists. Stretch the top of them by moving your fingers towards your elbows. Pulse for a count of 6.

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In the counter position stretch the bottom of your wrists by pressing them against an imaginary wall.

Then stretch the sides of the wrists; move your fingers towards each other.

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Pulse for 6 and repeat it in the opposite direction. Keep your elbows straight.

Make fists and rotate them with care, feel the movement smoothing the joints, like oiling them. Repeat 6 times clockwise and another 6 times anti-clockwise.


Now raise your upper arms to be parallel with the floor, relax your shoulders and rotate your forearms simultaneously in opposite directions for the count of 6, and then repeat the other way.

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Now, rotate your forearms one after the other, and repeat to the opposite direction.

Then rotate them, going in the same direction for 6 and then anti-clockwise.

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Rotate your whole arm, using your shoulder joint. Enjoy the swing and speed up. Imagine your body is a fairground.

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With your arms by your sides, turn your wrists, that is, open your shoulders, and then move your wrists the other way to open your upper back.

Now turn your shoulders forward 6 times and then backwards 6 times.

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Shrug your shoulders to touch your ears, and then drop them to enjoy the release.


Ok, we finished working with the arms; now let’s focus on the legs. Straighten your back and smile even wider!

Please hold on to a chair for balance.

Lift your right leg and point your toes and gently pulse for 6. Very good!

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Now straight your leg and flex your foot, try to touch your knee with your toes. Very good!


Next, stretch the sides of your right foot, first moving inside, pulse for 6, then outside.

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Stay in the same position and rotate your foot as you draw a circle just above the floor. Count 6 times…you are doing fantastic, and repeat anti-clockwise.

Let’s repeat from the start with your left foot.


Bend your right leg to a right angle so your thigh is parallel to the ground, and rotate the knee joint in a large, circular motion. Imagine you are oiling the smooth knee joint with this movement. Count 6 times and repeat anti-clockwise.

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Repeat with your left leg. Bring awareness to your knee with a smile.

Now rub hands to warm them up, and place them over your knees.

Straighten your back and look into the distance.

Now draw circles with the knees in opposite directions, firstly inside for 6, then outside for 6.

This releases stagnation from the hips.

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Bring your legs together, place hands on your knees and rotate them 6 times clockwise then anti-clockwise.

Please remember to breath!

Look straight and keep smiling. Slightly press your knees.

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Stand up. Hold on to a chair for balance.

Bend your right leg to a right angle, so your thigh is parallel to the ground, keeping your pelvis straight. Open your right hip by taking the knee out to the side. Repeat this 6 times.

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From the open position, rotate your hip as you draw a circle with your knee, for the count of 6, forward and then backwards.

Now, please, repeat it with your left leg. Keep your back straight.

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Raise your thigh again, from this position, swing the leg to the side and to the front. Repeat and enjoy this swinging action 6 times. Do it with your left leg and… Remember to smile.

Now, it’s time to walk like a penguin to loosen the hip joints.

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Stand with feet close together; lift each leg without bending your knees. Notice the action of your hips.

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Now do this straight leg walking on your heels, then on your toes,

next on the outsides of the feet, then the insides, each of them 6 times.

Now pigeon-toed for 6 times, and lastly, heels touch, toes outward like Charlie Chaplin.

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Bring feet together and, keep walking like a penguin, quickening the pace to a run, keep your knees straight.

Imagine running and diving into the Ocean.

Firstly, swim forward stroke, and then backstroke.

Enjoy the release of the tension from your shoulders.

Go out of the water, take a deep breath, and exhale the tiredness away. Inhale and exhale a few times, enjoy this feeling of satisfaction and relaxation.


Now we work with the spine. Remember to smile.

Stand upright, with your feet together, keeping your shoulders soft. Draw your chin down towards your navel, lengthening the back of the neck and pulse for the count of 6.

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Take the chin up towards the sky opening your throat.

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With soft shoulders, take your right ear down to touch your shoulder. Slow pulse for 6, and repeat to the other side.

Next, tilt your head to the side keeping your nose in exactly the same place, then do to the other side.

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Lift your head upwards and tilt your head to the side, gently pulse for 6 and then to the other side. Imagine your nose is held in one spot.

Now take your chin down, and tilt your head to one side… and to the other side. Imagine your nose is held in one spot.

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Imagine a book balanced on your head, turn to look over your shoulder without throwing the book on the floor. Lead with your eyes and follow them with your head. Pulse for 6 and now turn your head to look over your second shoulder. Keep smiling.

Place one hand on top of the other behind your neck. Rotate, using the support to massage into the base of the skull. And to the other way round, also 6 times.

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Upper Back

After loosening the neck, we now work with the upper back.

With hands together, press your palms down to the floor. Open your upper back by drawing your chin and shoulders towards your heart.

Now, press your palms down behind your back. Lift your heart, brighten your smile and draw your shoulder blades together.

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Like a pair of scales, the right shoulder drops as the left rises. Allow your neck to tilt with this movement. Do 6 slow pulses on either side.


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First “Twist” Exercise

Now we come to the first twist exercise. Make sure you don’t twist too far, work within your limits. You’ll improve over time.

Stand with your legs shoulders width apart and pigeon-toed.

Place your fingers on your shoulders. Use your eyes to lead your head to the right, then allow your shoulders to twist, keeping your chest facing forward. Reach your limit, take a breath and exhale as you twist a little further, pulse for 6. Then repeat it to the other side.

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Middle Back

Next, we focus on the middle back.

Stand with your legs shoulder width apart, bend your knees; bring your arms up to hug an imaginary beach ball that presses your stomach and chest towards your spine. Count for 6.

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Reverse this closing movement by opening your arms and lifting your heart to receive the world.

Take your right hand behind your neck, and point your right elbow up to the ceiling, lengthening the side of your body. Pulse for 6 and repeat on left side.

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Stand with your feet together. Place both fists on to your kidneys, and squeeze your elbows together. Pulse for 6.

If you’ve had ruptured discs, please don’t do the next exercise.

Standing straight, feet together, imagine the weight of the world on your shoulders, compresses your spine and you become shorter.

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Now everybody can do the following exercises. Imagine being lifted by balloons attached to your shoulders and the crown of your head, making you taller.

Now stand with your knees slightly bend, rolling forward surge your spine imaging your back to be a wave.

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Repeat 6 times and reverse the same exercise rolling backwards.

“Twist” for the Middle Back

Now we reached the twist for the middle back. Please, remember to stay within your limits.

Stand with legs shoulder width apart, pigeon-toed. Place your fingers on your shoulders.

Use your eyes to lead your head to the right, then allow your shoulders and chest to twist, keeping your pelvis facing forward. Reach your limit, take a breath and exhale as you twist a little further. Then to the other side.

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Lower Back

The next set of exercises focuses on your lower back.

Stand with your legs shoulders width apart, knees bend. Imagine you have a tail. Tilt your pelvis forward and up bringing your tail in between your legs. Pulse for 6.

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Now the pelvis tilts back, stretch out your bum.

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Hold this position as you wag your tail, gently swaying your hips from side to side.

You can’t do this exercise without smiling.

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Now repeat the first movement by pulsing the tail between your legs.

Stand up right, bend your upper body forward, lift your tailbone and move your hips from side to side wagging your tail.

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Again, release your back by tilting your pelvis forward, tucking your tail between your legs.

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From neutral, lean slightly back, tilt your pelvis back, swaying your hips from side to side.

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And again, release your back by tilting your pelvis forward.

Return to the neutral position, tilt pelvis back and forward and then side to side, allow these directions to become a circular motion. Move your pelvis clockwise, and then anti-clockwise.

Enjoy this movement.

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Now stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Place right hand on the right hip, left hand behind your neck, shift weight to your right side and lean even more to the right. Pulse for 6.

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And repeat on other side.

Stand with your feet together. Bring the smile back to your face.

And raise your hand straight out from the side. With your head forward, your eyes stretch to follow your fingers as long as the fingers are visible.

At this point lift your hand even higher, extending your spine looking straight ahead.

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Float your straight arm down, follow with your stretched eyes and your head facing forward.

Repeat on the other side, Excellent!

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“Twists” for the Whole Back

Stand with your legs shoulder width apart, pigeon-toed. Place your fingers on your shoulders.

Use your eyes, to lead your head to the right then allow your shoulders, chest and pelvis to twist.

Reach your limit, taking a breath and exhale as you twist a little further. Pulse here for 6 and then repeat to the other direction.

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We have a few more twists to go.

Face forward and lean forward. Tuck your chin in. Keep your back straight as you twist to look up to your right elbow. Here you pulse for 6 and then twist to the other side.

This time, face forward, lean backward and twist to see your heels.

Then twist to the other direction.

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Stand upright from this position. Bend from your waist to the right side. Use your eyes to look over your lower shoulder, leading your neck and upper body to twist.

Reach your limit and gently pause for 6 times.

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Now return to your side stretch, lead with your eyes up and over your upper shoulder, leading your neck and upper body to twist.

Reach your limit and gently pulse for 6, and then return to the side stretch before you come up right.

Repeat the twist to the left side.

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Shake yourself out! This will help your body to get rid of all the feelings of being tired and also stressful emotions.

Shake your body, shake your legs and arms, jump around, and celebrate the progress!

Smile from ear to ear and pound your chest with your fists like a gorilla!

Yell loud and long, just like Tarzan in the jungle!

To finish, let’s take 3 deep breaths. Breathe in, raise your arms, and breathe out letting your arms drop. Breathe in, and out, breathe in and out.


You just finished one of the most important exercises that you will learn. You just made another step toward your success.

Enjoy the process of celebration. Be grateful that you have taken the time and made a step toward a more refreshed and fulfilled life.

Please practice the gymnastics 5 days in a row and then allow your body to rest for 2 days.

Remember to smile because smiling can change the habits of being upset, ill, and feeling constantly in pain. Smiling can shift thoughts; it can change our emotions from heavy dark and dreary, to light.

Are you happy with your first round of exercises? Keep this elated state of mind throughout the whole day!

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Chapter 7: Eye-Lympix

“Man consists of two parts, his mind and his body; only the body has more fun.” Woody Allen

Finally, we’ve reached the exercises for the eyes!

Please be aware, repetition is the mother of all skills.

The first thing I’ll remind you is that your state of mind is the most important component.

Only 10% of your success comes from practicing and doing gymnastics and eye exercises, but 90% of your success comes from your state of mind.

Do you remember how to maintain the right state of mind?

If not, start reading the book again from the very beginning.

Another reminder for you, smiling and keeping proper posture will create the right state of mind. You don’t have to worry about anything, just stretch your smile from ear to ear, straighten your back and take a deep breath. Stay in this posture for the next five minutes and you will reach the desired mood and the state of mind of a healthy person!

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After about five minutes you will have the same state of mind as a three year old! This is the best state to be in while you exercise because the amount of enthusiasm and happiness is two thousand one hundred million times greater than when you are in a normal state.

Do you get the point?

Become a little kid again, one who can’t wait for the new miracle to happen.

Please remember why you are doing the eye exercise program. Know your purpose and your outcomes.

Why do you want to see without glasses? Why do you want to be healthier, stronger and more energetic?

Eye exercises will take around 20 to 25 minutes a day. Altogether, the daily practicing will take you no more than 40 to 45 minutes a day once you are familiar with the exercises.

Just think about that, 45 minutes a day will save you the money you spend on glasses, will save you the time you spend on visiting different doctors, and it will save your health.

Just to make you aware, when you went to the optometrist for the first time, he or she told you that you needed glasses and without using glasses your eyesight will continue to get worse. This is the biggest lie you could ever imagine.

The reason for the lie is obvious. From the moment you walk into the optometrist’s office and say, “I have a problem,” you become a customer.

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You become a customer who will always return, because your glasses will make your eyes weaker and weaker. Remember this one important thing:

Stop being a customer. Become the owner of your own life. Remember why you are doing these exercises. To have 100% vision is not the goal, it is a step towards your dreams. If you maintain the right state of mind and know why you desire proper vision, your eyesight will improve dramatically whether you believe in this process or not.

The best thing for you to know is that when you work with your vision and it improves, all your bodily systems will benefit from it, because while you are smiling, the hormone of happiness (endorphins) reaches not just your eyes, but every other organ in your body.

This is your formula for success.

Smile Straight back Better mood Believe in yourself Result


Be aware that doing the gymnastics is as important as doing the Eye-Lympix! By only doing the Eye-Lymix you will fail and your eyes will not improve!

Now for the Eye-Lympix.

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In this lesson, you are about to learn specific eye exercises, a sort of gymnastics for the eyes. These exercises build up the strength and flexibility of the muscles around the eyes, improve the vision and make it clearer and sharper. The exercises are straightforward and easy to do. In order to insure proper blood flow to your eyes, you must keep your back and the neck straight.

Remember that proper posture, a gentle smile and a positive attitude are essential for the success of the exercises.

Please remove your glasses; because every eye exercise we do without any optical aids.

Every movement we’ll repeat 6 times.

1. Move your eyes left as if you want to look at your left ear and right as if you want to look at your right ear. The movement is at a medium, slow pace, the eyes smoothly moving from left to right.

2. Move your eyes up as if you want to look at the ceiling, and down as if you want to look at the floor. In the same fashion, repeat 6 times. Relax your face and enjoy the exercise. By smiling, you help your eye muscles to relax.

3. Then look to the left, focus here for a moment and bring the eyes back to the centre. Then look right, focus here for a moment and then look straight into the distance. While looking straight into the distance release your eyes from all tension. Blink with your eyes in order to relax. Never rub or touch them with your hands.

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4. Then trace an imaginary butterfly shape with your eyes. First look to the upper right corner of the wing, then the lower right corner, then diagonally to the upper left corner, and finally to the lower left corner. Keep tracing the butterfly with your eyes. Repeat this exercise 6 times and then repeat the other way round.

5. Next, trace a big 8 in front of your eyes; draw the 8 one way, and then the other way round.

6. Afterwards follow an imaginary lazy 8, or an infinity symbol.

7. Next imagine a big clock in front of your eyes, and move them from the number 12 to number 1, then to number 2, then to 3, and so on, just like the hands on a clock. Once you completed the circle, do the exercise the other way round, moving from the number 12 back to 11, to 10, to 9, and so on. Remember to smile and to keep your back straight.

8a.In the next exercise, place both index fingers on the tip of the nose and focus on them. Then look into the distance without any specific focus. At the same time move your hands to the sides and twinkle with your fingers, so that you can see the fingers in the peripheral vision while looking straight ahead into the distance.

8b.Then, place the fingers on the midpoint of the nose. And focus on them, then move hands to the sides and twinkle with your fingers, your eyes look straight ahead into the distance but still see the movement of your fingers.

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8c.Next, place fingers right between your eyebrows and focus on the fingers, like you did before and repeat the exercise. Now go back halfway down the nose and finally focus on the tip of the nose. Look straight ahead into the distance but still see the movement of your fingers.


After these exercises, do the relaxation for the muscles around the eyes. It’s called palming. Our eyes relax best when they are closed and looking into total darkness.

Rub your hands vigorously to warm them up and then cup them over your closed eyes. Make sure that your eyes are completely covered and no light gets under your palms. But, please, make sure you don’t press your eyeballs with your palms.

After 2 minutes, place your hands on your knees and keep your eyes closed. The more time you take to relax, the better. You can take 5 or even 10 minutes for the full relaxation.

Vision Correction

We’ll now continue with the Vision Correction.

With the eye exercises you strengthened your muscles around the eyes, and now with the vision correction exercises you’ll easier see your progress.

So let’s get into it.

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I’ll explain how you are going to correct your vision and how to work with your eye chart that is you can find at the end of the play-book.

Vision correction is one of the most powerful exercises in your eye exercise session.

With your glasses off, you are now going to find your “work line”- the starting point for measuring your progress.

The Preparation Phase

1. If you are shortsighted, in other words if you can’t see into the distance, stretch your arm and hold your chart in front of your eyes as far away as you can.

2. If you are farsighted, if you can’t see close up, hold the chart about 20 cm (or 8 inches) in front of your eyes.

3. If you are both shortsighted and farsighted, find out which distance you prefer and stick to it. Don’t change your distance.

4. In case one of your eyes is shortsighted and the

other is farsighted, choose the distance for each eye, depending on its problem. Then work with one of your eyes, and cover the second with a piece of cloth. Then swap and work with the second eye.

5. If you have glaucoma, cataract, an atrophied vision nerve or the retina’s dystrophy, please choose your work line as written above. You will have to take more time to relax and your progress might take a bit more time, but it is OK. It is normal, just keep practicing.

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Straighten your back and put a big smile on your face, so that your teeth shine through. Hold the chart in front of your eyes, depending on your distance. Now look at all the lines on the chart.

Scan down the lines with your eyes, without trying to identify the symbols, until you find your “edge line.” The “edge line” is the border between what you can see clearly and the line that becomes unclear. This “edge line” is your “work line” until you improve. After you improve, go one line down. Don’t hurry up with changing your “work line,” first make sure you can see it clear.

When you clearly see every line on the chart, put it on the wall and go a few steps back, so now you can improve your vision even more.

After finding your “work line,” I explain to you how to do the vision correction.

The Performance

Put yourself in to a state of being excided and sure about yourself, your power to change and your faith in success.

Only when you are in this state of mind, put the chart in the distance depending on your sight and look at your “work line.”

Let your eyes gently slide back and forth over the symbols for a count of 30. Don’t try to read, just let your eyes run back and forth, back and forth over the line. When symbols jump into focus, even for a second, celebrate it by throwing your fist in the air.

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Appreciate every result, no matter how small. It’s another step towards your success.

Now, lower your chart, and turn your whole body by 90 degrees, so you change the direction of the light falling on the chart.

Maintain the elated state of mind; straighten your back, smile and create waves of joy and cheer throughout your body, and now raise the chart.

Slide your eyes back and forth, back and forth over your line. Don’t strain your eyes to see more clearly; just continue to slide back and forth, back and forth, notice any change in your vision. When something becomes a bit clearer, when you see any slight improvement, raise your arm high to celebrate it. Be joyful and grateful about any little change.

Lower the chart and turn another 90 degrees. Maintain a proper posture and the smile.

In this state of mind, raise the chart in front of your eyes and slide over your line. Great job!

Keep your neck straight. Continue to smile and to move your eyes gently, smoothly, and with love. Notice any change in your vision. When the picture becomes a bit clearer, even just for a second, be proud of yourself and confidently raise your arm, you deserved this celebration.

Remember to smile; it helps your eyes to improve.

After completing the session of three rounds for 30 sec each at three different angles, have the relaxation exercise-palming, as we had after the eye exercises.

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Just to remind you. During the palming sit down, with your spine and neck straightened and your eyes closed.

We’ll do another 2 sessions with a rest after each session. Make sure that you stay in a positive state of mind during every round of 30 seconds. Celebrate every little change you notice, by smiling and throwing your fist in the air, no matter how small you think the change is.

Be patient with your progress but rest assured, big changes will appear faster than you think.

When you celebrate, you can make a sound like, “Woohoo! Yeah, I’m a winner!”

Be aware that when your eyes are improving you must adjust the strength of your glasses.

Change the strength of your glasses by 0.5 dioptre every 4 to 6 days when practicing daily. If you have either cataracts or glaucoma, expect changes to happen every 7 to 10 days.

If you don’t change your strength, your eyes will always adapt back to their old conditions and undo any progress made.

Stamp Exercise

You can do this exercise sitting or standing. The exercise takes 10 minutes and can be split into 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon, but please do it before sunset. You will need the daylight for the exercise.

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Take a little stamp 3 x 4 centimeters, or 2 x 3 inches, preferably with green in the picture. Stick the stamp just below eye level on a window that overlooks trees or buildings. The distance between the stamp and your eyes must be 20 to 25 centimeters or 8 inches.

Like with every exercise, before you start put a big smile on your face. Show your teeth, straighten your back, and be grateful for your eyes. When you show your teeth while you are smiling, you have no fears, no doubts. You just create an excellent mood and energy in your body.

If you are shortsighted, choose the closest object that is not in focus in front of your window. If you are farsighted, choose the furthest object away from you. Look 3 to 5 seconds on the stamp, and then 3 to 5 seconds on the object. Don’t focus on either one; just rest your eyes on both. When the focus increases on either one, celebrate your success by throwing your fist in the air and screaming like you would scream when you celebrate, like a winner, “Wahoo! Yeah, yeah!”

The most important thing is to have fun while you are doing this. You can put on some music you like. Do this exercise for 10 minutes, and when your eyes are tired - blink. Don’t touch or rub them. Just blink, breathe, and smile. Enjoy the progress and change the object you are looking at after it becomes clear. Make sure you always do palming after the exercises.

If you are shortsighted, find a new object further away. If you are far-sighted, choose an object closer to you. Don’t change the position of the stamp.

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Do you know how to look at the Sun; it’s not a joke but a very important exercise!

For a very long time, people in the East could heal every eye disease with the help of the Sun. The most important thing is to know how to do it correctly.

It is good for you to look at the Sun but only early in the morning during the Sunrise and during the Sunset. Warning: You can only look directly at the Sun when half of it is above the horizon.

This is very important; if the Sun is already or still full on the horizon, it is dangerous to look at it with both eyes open. The most dangerous time to look at the Sun is noon. The worst thing to do is to look at the Sun without blinking and looking at a single spot during the daytime. Birds, for example, always have 20/20 vision because they watch the Sunrise every morning and don’t look at the Sun at all during the day.


The following exercises with the eyes can be done either before 10am or after 4pm.

1. Take your glasses off and stand in the shade so that one half of your face is in the Sun and the other half is covered with shade. Stand with your feet shoulders width apart and with both your eyes closed. Breathe softly and evenly.

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Start moving your torso from side to side so your face is moving from the Sun to the shade. When you move your head to the right, mentally say: “the Sun is coming”, when you move to the left, say to yourself: “the Sun is going away.”

It is important that you don’t follow the Sun with your eyes. It’s very dangerous to look directly at the Sun even with closed eyes.

Start doing the exercise for one minute and then extend your practice time to five minutes. Each time you finish the exercise do palming for twice as long as you practice the Sun exercise. If you do the exercise for one minute, do palming for two minutes and etc. The more you can relax your eyes the better.

2. Now move out of the shade and stand in the Sun. Do the same movements left and right with your body. Lift your head and close your eyes, so that the Sun can “massage” your closed eyes. Don’t turn too fast; maintain your relaxed state of mind. Mentally repeat the same words: “The sun is coming” and “the Sun is going away”, so you don’t stay with your eyes always in the same spot. Remember; relax twice as long after you finished the exercise.

3. Remember to do the exercise only before 10am or after 4pm. Stand in the Sun, feet shoulders width apart. Cover one of your eyes with your palm and keep your eyes open. Move the torso from side to side, as we did before and very quickly blink with your eyes. Then cover the other eye with your palm and repeat the exercise. Then close your both eyes, move from side to side and quickly blink your eyes.

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After this exercise, do the palming at least twice as long as you do the exercise.

Please remember that if you put too much strain on your eyes, it has the opposite effect and your eyesight can become even worse. So please, make sure you are aware how your eyes feel and keep them relaxed by blinking and doing the palming as often as possible.

Please read this chapter again before you do the exercises.

Do the gymnastics and all of the eye exercises five days a week for the next six weeks.

If you feel that you need to do more exercises after this first series, take a break for two weeks and then repeat another cycle of six weeks. In the next chapter, you will get a plan so that you can schedule your exercises. And most important thing to remember is to smile!

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Chapter 8: How To Make A Plan That Works

So you have decided to quit needing and wearing glasses? Why? Some people think that they look better with glasses than without. They think that if you have glasses you look so much smarter and more intelligent. Imagine, once you get rid of them everyone will see who you really are.

Maybe you think it might be better to hide that!

A few times in my life I have met seminar participants who really wanted to get rid of their glasses but they also had the false belief that glasses made them look incredibly sexy or intelligent or smart. Stupidity is an amazing phenomenon. When something becomes popular everyone feels like being a part of it.

Can you imagine a wheelchair from Gucci or Armani or crutches from Nike or Adidas?

So why would you buy fashionable glasses? They’re exactly the same as crutches for the eyes.

When my husband was a little boy he had to wear glasses. Luckily his mother bought him the ugliest pair of glasses on the planet. It was the only reason he didn’t wear them and his vision actually improved all by itself.

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Have you ever wondered what people without glasses feel like when they see people who wear glasses? They feel sorry for them, because a person with glasses is a person with a problem. It is a disability.

Do you still think that the “crutches” for your eyes make you look better?

I imagine the answer is no. I didn’t hear you, did you say no?

If you have decided to get rid of the “wheel- chair” for your eyes, let’s make a plan that will help you to do it in the most efficient way.

People very often make plans and write goals, but they don’t say how they are going to achieve them. Why?

One of the most important reasons why people don’t achieve their goals is because they don’t really know why they want to succeed.

Luckily you already wrote down your reasons and now you can simply create a plan that works. If you don’t have any reasons written, go to the chapter three, read it again and do the home-play, please!

It is important to have real reasons to be healthy; otherwise you will always lack the motivation and passion to achieve your goals.

To help you, I created a plan what works. You can change it according to your own needs. Upgrade it and make it work even better for you. This plan and your future is in your hands.

Chapter 8: How To Make A Plan That Works

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The steps that will help you to achieve your desires

1. The first question you ask yourself is: “What is the result I clearly want to achieve?” Answer the question as if you have already achieved the

result you want.

For example:“At the end of this program I made major progress with my health and now have 20/20 eyesight. I can see clearly without any optical aids.”

Once you know what you want, set a date when you want to achieve it. When you schedule the time it will be completed you commit yourself to actively seek the result you desire.

For example: My eyesight is 20/20 by 15th of November 2008.

2. Now ask yourself why you want to have perfect eyesight. Find your real reasons. Remember, the reasons come first, the answers and the results will follow.

For example: “To enjoy playing my favorite sport without glasses. To have more energy and fun. To save my money and health by not having eye surgery.”

Add more of your reasons to the list!

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3. Now write any idea that comes to your mind. Write down everything you already learned from this book and everything you know about being healthy. Write down all of the things you can do in order to achieve this result. Just write everything you have in your mind. For example:

1. To do Eye-Lympix.2. To do the whole body gymnastics.3. Change my diet.4. Find a support.5. Set higher standards for myself.6. Get a new prescription for weaker glasses/find

old and weaker glasses. (If you are going to buy a pair, get the cheapest and ugliest ones you can find)

7. Keep my back straight and keep smiling during the day.

8. Be grateful for the future results.9. Find good music that will inspire me to

perform the exercises. 10. Share with my closest friend my commitment

to achieve these results. (It will help me to perform better)

Please add more if you have anything to add. Now look at all these ideas you have written and create three to five things that are an absolute must in order for you to achieve the results you desire.

Chapter 8: How To Make A Plan That Works

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For example:

I must

1. Determine my current physical condition. That means going to the optometrist and checking my eyes.

2. Create an exercise plan.3. Create a healthier dietary lifestyle.4. Create a nourishing environment in order to

focus on progress and success.

Now answer for yourself how the things on your “must” list will help you to achieve your outcome and schedule the completion date for each of the “must” items.

Determine my current physical condition.

Take your first must item and schedule it. Give it a completion date.

The first “must” is to determine my current physical condition. By 12th of September 2008.

Ask yourself: “why do I need to know my current physical condition?”

The answer is:

“I want to know how good or bad my eyes are right now so I can measure my progress and change. It will create more motivation that will drive me in order to achieve my goal.”

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Next, write what action you are going to take in order to accomplish your first must.

For example:

1. Go to the optometrist and check my eyes. 2. Get a new pair of glasses with a weaker

prescription/find old weaker ones

Create an exercise plan.

Schedule your second must item.

Create an exercise plan to improve my eyesight. By 15th of September 2008.

Ask yourself: “why do I need an exercise plan?”

The answer is:

“It is time for me to change. It gives me a clearer picture of how much time I am going to spend every day in order to succeed.”

Write the actions you are going to take in order to accomplish this must.

For example:

1. Schedule time for exercises five times a week. 2. Schedule a day to start the process. 3. Create an alternative plan for working out on

weekends, in case I miss a daily session.

Chapter 8: How To Make A Plan That Works

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4. Find motivating music and reschedule one hour of TV time for exercising every day.

Create a healthier dietary lifestyle.

Schedule your third must item.

Create a healthier dietary lifestyle by 21st of September 2008.

Ask yourself: “why do I need a healthier dietary lifestyle?”

The answer is:

“To nourish my body, to get better and faster results for my eyes and for my whole body.” Write the action plan for your healthier dietary lifestyle, everything you are going to do.

1. Educate myself about with healthier living principles.

2. Create a menu for one month. 3. Share menus with my family and test a menu

for enjoyment.

Create a nourishing environment in order to focus on progress and success.

Schedule your fourth must item.

Create a nourishing environment, focusing on the progress and success from today onward.

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Why do I need it?

To have faster and better results, to create new habits for being healthy and strong, and to meet new people who enjoy their lives.

What actions must I take in order to create this nourishing environment for my soul and body?

1. Avoid bad news on the TV and in the newspapers.

2. Avoid complaining and other people who complain.

3. Watch more funny movies and laugh more often.

4. Read more personal development books.5. Learn more from people who succeed in life.

Now you know the results you want to achieve and your deadlines for achieving them.

You also know why you want to achieve each one.

Take a piece of paper and write every reason, every single point that could help you. This work, will take no more than ten minutes, but it will put all your thoughts and desires in order.

Once you have written everything, you will be prepared mentally for this journey. You will know exactly how long it is going to take you, and how many minutes you are going to exercise every day. But, the most important thing is that you are going to know why you are using the techniques of Unleashing Your Vision.

Chapter 8: How To Make A Plan That Works

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This is your project for the next 30 days. You will work five days a week and then you can rest for two days. You can take your two days of rest during the week or on the weekend. It is up to you! But do it with regularity. If you take Tuesday and Wednesday off, do it every week so you create a routine.

After completing the 30 day program, see if you need to exercise more.

At this point you can take a break for two weeks, and then repeat the exercises for another 30 days.

During the break you can do the exercises if you want to, but it is not required.

Now, straighten your back and repeat:

“I am strong, joyful and I know what I want in my life!”

Enjoy every moment and keep smiling!

Chapter 9: Summary

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Chapter 9: Summary

My Dear Reader,

Now you have all of the knowledge and you can finally start practicing these exercises until you have completely restored your eyesight. Please remember to do every exercise with the same sense of excitement you’d have as if you had already achieved the desired results. You must feel the excitement of your own future success.

Remember when you were a little kid and you couldn’t sleep the night before Christmas, or the night before your birthday? You would count the hours before it arrived. You imagined every little detail and nuance. Your whole soul was full of anticipation of something bright and joyful. You lived this moment again and again in your mind.

And every year, when it was over, you remembered the best moments and they warmed your heart from the inside.

Do you remember this feeling?

Create that same happiness in your soul whenever you want to.It is dangerous to do the exercises without a wish for or sense of happiness. Do not do it just to say that you did.

If you are only seeking to say that you finished the program, you will never get the result you desire. You can even harm yourself because all of our thoughts have the power to become real.

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You will receive only what you’ve been shown.

Imagine that it is very early morning! The peace and joyfulness are sparkling from inside you because it is a new day that brings you new opportunities to do something good for yourself and others.

At first, you will have to pretend that you are fully happy and healthy person. You must make it a habit of being healthy and full of life. Every day it will become easier and easier for you to feel that way.

Remember that what you focus your strength and positive thoughts on will become stronger!

Every morning before you have a breakfast, drink a glass of warm water. Not hot but warm, without anything added, no honey or lemon. When you are drinking, imagine that the water flushes away everything in your body that you don’t need any more. Imagine that this water makes every cell of your body clean, fresh and elastic.

Shower twice a day in order to wash off all of the toxics that come out of the pores of your skin. Wash them completely off so that your body doesn’t reabsorb them back through the skin.

1. Gymnastics. If you want to do the gymnastics in the morning; have a little snack before so that you are not hungry during the exercises. (I would recommend drinking a glass of greens or a banana shake with protein powder.)

Chapter 9: Summary

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But please don’t overeat before you start exercising, this will only slow you and your progress down.

In the beginning, before you are familiar with the gymnastics, it will take about 40 minutes. But once you are familiar with and know the exercises well it will take you around 20 minutes. The most important thing is to stay in the right state of mind. Remember to smile and to keep your back straight. If you do the exercises mechanically, without any positive and creative emotions, you will go nowhere.

If you feel pain or uncomfortable feelings in your spine, after exercising, know that it is a good sign. Be gentle with your body, while you do the exercises, but be sure it is all right to experience slight pain. In this case, the pain tells you, that something is moving in your spine, and the healing process has been started. Be grateful for your body and for yourself and continue to smile.

2. Do the exercise with the stamp twice a day for 5 minutes each time (10 minutes all together). Remember to do palming after you finish the exercise.

3. Do the Eye-Lympix before you work with the eye chart. This exercise will take no longer than 10 minutes. It is a very healthy practice to do the exercise a few times a day. So if you want to, you can do it more than once a day.

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4. Do Palming as often as possible. It is essential to do the palming after each eye exercise you do. The more you relax your eyes, the better they will restore themselves. Remember to wash your hands before you do the palming. This part is very serious and it is not a joke.

5. Do the Vision Correction at least once a day. If you wish, you can do it twice, once in the morning and again in the evening.

6. Breathe through your eyes as we did in Chapter 2 (Becoming Real).

Do it as often as you would like, it is very good for the improvement of your eyes. You can do it on your way to work or while you are waiting for the bus or for your next appointment. Use all of the minutes in your day as efficiently as you can.

Don’t wait for the perfect time or circumstance. They just never come. Take the time to exercise, make the time, you can do it!

7. Do the Sun-Bathing every morning for 10 minutes. Remember to do it only before 10 am or after 4 pm.

You can split the exercises up and practice them throughout the whole day, or do them all at one time. It doesn’t matter.

Chapter 9: Summary

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8. The last but definitely not the least is the forgiveness exercises. Do these a few times until you can feel peace in your heart. You will know that you have forgiven by the feeling calm and relaxation you have while thinking about those situations that made you feel bad.

It can take some time for you to feel forgiveness. That is OK.

It took me more than 5 years to forgive my mom that she passed away! Now I can easily deal with my life without thinking that it is not fair to be alone when I need her the most. I finally can talk about her dying without pain and sarcasm. In the beginning I thought I had forgiven but after a while I realized that I needed more time. So, please, take your time and truly forgive.

Don’t do the forgiveness exercise before you go to sleep, do it at least a few hours earlier.

You can deal with one person or one situation at a time and also remember to forgive yourself again and again until your heart and soul is free from all your pain. Your whole bodily system will benefit from this exercise.

Let me please, give you one last little piece of advice. You will realize that at the moment you decided to do some of the exercises, something will have happened around you and everybody else will need your attention. These are games of laziness and procrastination that you create for yourself. You are trying to stay safe in your prison. Remember that you can easily win these games by being flexible with your plan. You can do the exercises at any given time during the day, not just at the time you’ve scheduled. Be flexible, it will make your life much easier.

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For example, you can always breathe through your eyes while waiting for your bus; you can do the work with the stamp at work, not just at home. You can always smile and have a straightened back. Every time you take a shower; imagine that you wash away things you don’t need any more.

Do you get the point? No wasted time!

Remember that you are able to see clearly without any “crutches” on your eyes.

Just keep discovering new things, be interested in yourself and in the world that surrounds you.

Just Unleash Your Vision!

With My Love and Respect,

Yours truly, Evgania Mehler

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