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Understanding Business Management Software

Understanding Business Management Software


Business Management Software is designed to provide accurate, real-time insight and information into the daily running of your business, all while helping you reduce administration and operational costs. The technical term for this software is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). It’s used when referring to solutions that enable you to manage all business operations effectively and easily from a central system. This means you’ll save time and money. It also ensures all data is correct and up-to-date since everything is connected to the same data.

Understanding Business Management Software


How Enterprise Resource Planning worksERP is a systematic approach to managing not just your company’s finances, but your entire enterprise. It includes closely-integrated modules to address functional areas besides finance. These include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (Logistics), Business Intelligence (BI) and Materials Resource Management (MRM). MRM modules incorporate capabilities such as Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory, Point-of-Sale (POS), Fixed Asset Management, and Project Management. By integrating these modules, your management, staff, suppliers and even customers can gain new insights and create new processes that weren’t previously possible.

Understanding Business Management Software


The benefits of Business Management SoftwareERP technology can increase your organisation’s efficiency, improve operational excellence and ultimately boost profits. It will allow you to remove manual processes, use analytics to better run your business, lift the barriers to growth, enable your staff to provide outstanding customer service and a whole lot more.

Having seen thousands of ERP implementations across many different industries and company types, we know how to implement ERP for the greatest benefit to your organisation.

Understanding Business Management Software


Duplicating work is expensive and harmful to data integrity

Does your sales team use the same system to track orders that the warehouse uses to manage stock? Is this the same system that your accounting team uses? Is it the same system which integrates into your eCommerce website?

When staff have to use multiple and separate systems, you run the risk of duplicating work. This is one of the biggest causes of wasted time and resources.

If you find yourself or your staff duplicating data over several different systems, then you will greatly benefit from ERP. An ERP system can provide your entire team with access to the same, real-time data, thereby eliminating duplication and re-entry errors.

Struggling to retrieve data?

With an ERP system, you can control when and how often information is updated. You can also extract real-time data so you can run accurate reports. If you want to start making informed business decisions with confidence, the answer is an ERP system.

The automation of manual business processes

In business, time equates to money. Loss of time means loss of revenue. So, if reconciling your financial records takes forever, you will definitely benefit from an ERP system. It can be customised to meet your individual business needs and streamline day-to-day tasks. All while boosting productivity and dramatically reducing your operational expenses.

Over stocked? Under stocked?

If your purchasing team doesn’t know how much stock you really need, increased product demand can easily cause stock outs. If a customer calls up enquiring about product availability or a delivery date and you’re unable to provide a correct answer, you may end up losing that customer forever. An ERP system can help you avoid these problems. It brings all of your stock data together, so your staff can access the same real-time information. This means sales and customer service staff can accurately answer customer questions and warehouse staff can accurately monitor stock levels.

Understanding Business Management Software


Preparing for Business Management Software

Think long term

An ERP implementation is not an IT project or a finance project. It’s a business project driven by business benefits. When you invest in an ERP you’re investing in a company asset. Therefore, you need to look at the long-term returns on your investment.

Know your business inside out

A new ERP system is a catalyst for change. To ensure the changes are ones that will improve your business, you need to create the right environment. To do this, take an honest look at how your business is performing. Ask yourself these questions:

Are profits stagnating or declining? Are competitors getting ahead – or worse – taking business from you? Do your staff feel motivated? How old are your business systems? Do you keep using them because they’re familiar and comfortable? Are they working for you, or holding you back?

There is no point implementing a new system to do exactly what your old system did. If you thoroughly know your business and you know why you’re making changes, then those changes can be implemented in the new system.

Understanding Business Management Software


Get everyone on board

To create a positive climate for change, you need the support of everyone in your organisation.

Members of your staff will likely have an opinion on how your business works and how it can be done better. So when implementing your new ERP system it’s a good idea to get their input. If the project is inclusive and your staff’s views are valued, it’ll help create a positive environment for change. Your staff will have a sense of ownership and empowerment because they were involved in the whole process. This will help you end up with a system that everyone is happy with.

Experienced vendor partners

It’s important to involve a vendor partner early in the process when evaluating an ERP system. A vendor partner can provide customised solutions for your business. Partners use their industry expertise to turn the system into a vertical application. In other words, they can provide a solution that is tailored to meet the needs of a specific industry. They’re aware of the common challenges that businesses face within their industry and can use this industry insight to deliver software solutions that address those problems.

An ERP partner will construct the system, install it and ensure it runs smoothly - but they also do a whole lot more. They already know the ERP system back-to-front and inside out. By also getting to know your business, they’ll be able to help you get the most out of your ERP’s features in order to achieve your desired business outcomes.

We’re here to helpIt’s a digital world. Any business looking for longevity or growth must be ready to embrace the advantages of digital capability. The right software can automate manual tasks which too often lead to wasted time, frequent double-ups and too many errors. An integrated, robust ERP system can perform repetitive tasks, accurately track financials and generally make your business more efficient.

To find out how an ERP system can successfully improve your business, contact us for a chat on 1300 555 110 (AU), 0800 69 62 39 (NZ), or biggerbusiness@myob.com

MYOB NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced mechanically, electronically, or by any other means including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. MYOB NZ Ltd. L2 5 Sir William Pickering Drive, Christchurch. GES1226098-1018

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