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Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Candidate Name: Thomas McEnaney Candidate Number: 4096 Center: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 14: UK Media Publishing


This is the first change I made from my original first draft to my final front cover. As you can see the left hand side of the page has been transformed to more text from the interview as well as the date of the issue being moved in front of layers so that readers can see it clearly.

The second change I made was to have the image in the middle of the page instead of the conventional half page as I wanted to share much more of the interview and this was the only way I could do that. I also added a watermark to my work with the eye of the artist being the text.

Final Front cover

Main ImageAs well as the masthead the main image is just as powerful as it stand out the most on the front cover. By using the most recognised celebrity/musician as the main image means that it gives the readers and new readers the star appeal to purchase the magazine in my magazine I have used `The Killers’ for this star appeal

MastheadThe bright colours and large text size makes the masthead very noticeable and recognisable which helps the magazines brand name stand out. This is often what attracts the reader to a magazine or not so it was crucial that I made sure that my masthead was fit for the genre of my magazine.

DateThe date is a very important for a magazine and is always essential due to keeping readers on track of which monthly issue the magazine is.

Headline This is the seconds largest piece of text on the front cover behind the masthead this is because they want it to be noticeable and stand out to the potential reader looking for a magazine and the monthly subscribers. It is also a similar colour to the masthead to use the house style throughout the magazine

Cover LinesThese are articles and interviews that persuade the reader to purchase the magazine more. These cover lines promote an exclusive to their magazine with George Ezra


Following on another change I made to my magazine double page spread was the use of a drop capital. Before I had just made the letter a larger font number instead of creating a text box and matching the font style to the headline.

Furthermore I had to change the pull quote in my double page spread because the sentence was not exactly the same in the interview and had to change this because it could mislead readers so I changed it to the exact quote.


Here are the final changes I made between my first drafts and final completed front cover and DPS for my magazine Shutters being released in May

Final Double Page Spread

Drop CapitalThey are used to grab the readers attention because they can add visual attraction to the page and make a difference between the other pages in the magazine Pull QuotePull quotes are used to attract the reader with an interesting quote or statement the interviewee could have said. They are also used to break up long blocks of text to maintain the readers attention.

Synergy with social mediaI have used synergy with my social media channels because it allows the reader to follow the magazine on social media so they can keep up to date every day as well as purchasing the magazine once a month.

Date an Issue no.This is important because it keeps readers up to date with the month and issue they are reading and what other issues are available

Main imageThis image is showing that the Killers are looking from where they have been and where they are now after winning an award moments before interviewing them for the DPS interview. The reason the image is in the middle of the page is because he takes centre stage when performing

Headline Text ColourThe text colour that I have chosen is red because this matches the house style of my front cover and clearly establishes what is the question and what the answer is

This is a very simple headline just stating who the interview is with and has enough star appeal to make the reader follow the whole interview.

Font style Ideas

This is the masthead font style I have chosen because I believe that it is similar to my magazine of inspirations font and Steve Neale repeat 1980 has proven that this is a popular style of font.

I did select this font as a potential font style however I think that it is too much like the Kerrang style of music and heavier rock music than my rock/indie music magazine

This is similar to the Lemon Milk font however I did not chose this one as my final font because I see it as being too young to appeal to my target audience age group.

Post-Production Skills

To create my final and draft magazine pages I used Photoshop CS5.1 below are the tools available on Photoshop and how I sued them to create the magazine pages.

Ruler ToolThe ruler tool is used to help myself precisely work out

the distance between the images and text as well as following layout of the magazine with the size of images and text

Pen ToolI used the pen tool to draw a path around my main

image so that I could fit the text around it easily with path drawn the text would not overlap the image.

Post-Production Skills

Quick Selection Tool This tool was used to quickly select the shape of an image

removing any of the background that was not needed for my magazine. From the selection then manipulated the image by refining the edge of the image so that the hair on my model was very clear and did not look photo shopped

Move Tool This tool let me move either a section or a whole layer of my

magazine by clicking and holding down the left button and then dragging it with the mouse

Gradient Tool This tool allowed me to create a blend of two colour on my front

cover. I used the linear gradient tool to create a dark black colour at the bottom of my page to a bright white at the top of the page

Post-Production Skills

Eye Dropper ToolThe Eyedropper tool is used to sample a colour from

an image to use this colour further. I used this on my front cover from the red colour on my masthead to use for the main headline so that it followed the house style I planned to use in Unit 30.

Ellipse Tool The ellipse tool enabled me to create any shapes for

my front cover and double page spread. On my front cover I used the ellipse tool to create the puff promotion circle to make it stand out.

Post-Production Skills

Text ToolThe text tool enabled me to insert all of the

text including headlines and masthead as well as the interview for my double page spread which was inserted after I used the pen tool to set out the markers for where the text will go.

Post-Production Skills

Eraser Tool I used the eraser tool on my front cover and

double page spread to remove any unwanted background colour from the images. However the problem with using the eraser tool is that it can remove surrounding pixels from the image removing some of the sharpness from the image.

Safe Working Practices

Quick Selection Tool The advantage of using the quick selection

tool is that it is very accurate and easy to use as it can predict the areas that need to be selected and removing any background that is not needed. Furthermore I was able to preview the quick selection before I used it so that if it wasn’t what I wanted I could change it.

Safe Working Practices

Ruler ToolThe safe working practice with using the

ruler tool on Photoshop is because it allowed myself to assess whether everything was level and in place and if it wasn’t I was able to easily change it by following the ruler markers set to make sure that it is level and in the correct position.

Safe Working Practices

Pen Tool I used the pen tool for my double page spread

to wrap text around the main image of the page. The benefit of wrapping text around the image is that it looks professional and none of the text overlaps the image it is all an equal distance away from the image.

Safe Working Practices

Eye Dropper Tool The safe working practice with the eye

dropper tool is that when I want to use one colour for two or more different objects I can select the eye dropper tool click on the colour that I want and then can further select the object with the new colour with it matching exactly the same.

Safe Working Practices (Swatch Colour)

Maintaining House Style To keep to the house style that I have set (Red, Black and

White) and maintain consistent colours on Photoshop there is an eye dropper tool in which enables me to find an use the same colour for a number of different shapes or text. To keep same consistent house style there is a colour swatch save button which enables me to click on it and use exactly same colour for my masthead background and Main headline text colour. The benefit of using the swatch tool helped me speed up the process of creating the pages and helped me give the pages a professional and consistent colour throughout my magazine.

Safe Working Practices

Text ToolAfter downloading the Masthead Font style I

wanted to use for my masthead I was able to then use the text tool to create it and include it onto my front cover. (I downloaded the Lemon Milk font from dafonts.com)

Safe Working Practices

Eraser ToolThe eraser tool on my front cover and double

page spread to remove any unwanted background colour from the images. However the problem with using the eraser tool is that it can remove surrounding pixels from the image removing some of the sharpness from the image.


I made sure that I followed the house style I was hoping to follow in Unit 30 by using tools such as eye dropper.

The original house style colours I was going to use were also the same as my magazine of inspiration NME `Repeated- Steve Neale 1980 as it looks professional and will compete with the market leaders.

As mentioned previously I has to use the eye dropper tool which allowed me to use exactly the same colour from another shape or text I had used on something else.

Witness Statement-Unit 14


After completing my final front cover and DPS I can now use Photoshop confidently with shortcuts that I have demonstrated.

As you can see from my first draft of both front cover and DPS my skills have improved as I have watermarked an image to the background of my DPS as well as using the pen tool precisely for my interview to smoothly wrap around artist.

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